Go to the documentation of this file.00001
00002 import json
00003 import rospy
00004 from firos.srv import FIROS_Info, FIROS_InfoResponse
00007 def get_robot_info(req):
00008 ret = FIROS_InfoResponse()
00009 robot = {
00010 req.instance_name: {
00011 "topics": [
00012 {
00013 "name": "cmd_vel_mux/input/teleop",
00014 "msg": "geometry_msgs/Twist",
00015 "type": "publisher"
00016 },
00017 {
00018 "name": "invented_topic_not_allowed",
00019 "msg": "std_msgs/String",
00020 "type": "publisher"
00021 },
00022 {
00023 "name": "move_base/goal",
00024 "msg": "move_base_msgs/MoveBaseActionGoal",
00025 "type": "publisher"
00026 },
00027 {
00028 "name": "move_base/result",
00029 "msg": "move_base_msgs/MoveBaseActionResult",
00030 "type": "subscriber"
00031 }
00032 ]
00033 }
00034 }
00035 ret.json_format = json.dumps(robot)
00036 return ret
00039 if __name__ == "__main__":
00040 ROS_NODE = 'rcm_emulator'
00041 ROS_SERVICE = 'firos_info'
00042 print 'Node ' + ROS_NODE + ' up with service ' + ROS_SERVICE
00043 rospy.init_node(ROS_NODE)
00044 rospy.Service(ROS_SERVICE, FIROS_Info, get_robot_info)
00045 rospy.spin()