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Definitions.h File Reference

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#define CanLayer_DllExport   extern "C"
#define Configuration_DllExport   extern "C"
#define CurrentMode_DllExport   extern "C"
#define ErrorHandling_DllExport   extern "C"
#define HelpFunctions_DllExport   extern "C"
#define HomingMode_DllExport   extern "C"
#define Initialisation_DllExport   extern "C"
#define InputsOutputs_DllExport   extern "C"
#define InterpolatedPositionMode_DllExport   extern "C"
#define MasterEncoderMode_DllExport   extern "C"
#define MotionInfo_DllExport   extern "C"
#define PositionMode_DllExport   extern "C"
#define ProfilePositionMode_DllExport   extern "C"
#define ProfileVelocityMode_DllExport   extern "C"
#define StateMachine_DllExport   extern "C"
#define Status_DllExport   extern "C"
#define StepDirectionMode_DllExport   extern "C"
#define VelocityMode_DllExport   extern "C"


int CreateCommunication ()
int DeleteCommunication ()
CurrentMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivateAnalogCurrentSetpoint (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short AnalogInputNumber, float Scaling, short Offset, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
PositionMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivateAnalogPositionSetpoint (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short AnalogInputNumber, float Scaling, long Offset, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
VelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivateAnalogVelocitySetpoint (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short AnalogInputNumber, float Scaling, long Offset, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
CurrentMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivateCurrentMode (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
HomingMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivateHomingMode (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
VCS_ActivateInterpolatedPositionMode (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
MasterEncoderMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivateMasterEncoderMode (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_ActivatePositionCompare (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short DigitalOutputNumber, int Polarity, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_ActivatePositionMarker (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short DigitalInputNumber, int Polarity, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
PositionMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivatePositionMode (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
ProfilePositionMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivateProfilePositionMode (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
ProfileVelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivateProfileVelocityMode (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
StepDirectionMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivateStepDirectionMode (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
VelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivateVelocityMode (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
VCS_AddPvtValueToIpmBuffer (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, long Position, long Velocity, unsigned char Time, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_AnalogInputConfiguration (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short AnalogInputNb, unsigned short Configuration, int ExecutionMask, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_ClearFault (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
VCS_ClearIpmBuffer (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Initialisation_DllExport int VCS_CloseAllDevices (unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Initialisation_DllExport int VCS_CloseDevice (void *KeyHandle, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
CurrentMode_DllExport int VCS_DeactivateAnalogCurrentSetpoint (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short AnalogInputNumber, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
PositionMode_DllExport int VCS_DeactivateAnalogPositionSetpoint (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short AnalogInputNumber, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
VelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_DeactivateAnalogVelocitySetpoint (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short AnalogInputNumber, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_DeactivatePositionCompare (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short DigitalOutputNumber, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_DeactivatePositionMarker (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short DigitalInputNumber, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
HomingMode_DllExport int VCS_DefinePosition (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, int HomePosition, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_DigitalInputConfiguration (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short DigitalInputNb, unsigned short Configuration, int Mask, int Polarity, int ExecutionMask, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_DigitalOutputConfiguration (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short DigitalOutputNb, unsigned short Configuration, int State, int Mask, int Polarity, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
CurrentMode_DllExport int VCS_DisableAnalogCurrentSetpoint (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
PositionMode_DllExport int VCS_DisableAnalogPositionSetpoint (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
VelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_DisableAnalogVelocitySetpoint (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_DisablePositionCompare (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
ProfilePositionMode_DllExport int VCS_DisablePositionWindow (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
ProfileVelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_DisableVelocityWindow (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
CurrentMode_DllExport int VCS_EnableAnalogCurrentSetpoint (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
PositionMode_DllExport int VCS_EnableAnalogPositionSetpoint (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
VelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_EnableAnalogVelocitySetpoint (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_EnablePositionCompare (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
ProfilePositionMode_DllExport int VCS_EnablePositionWindow (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int PositionWindow, unsigned short PositionWindowTime, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
ProfileVelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_EnableVelocityWindow (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int VelocityWindow, unsigned short VelocityWindowTime, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
HomingMode_DllExport int VCS_FindHome (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, signed char HomingMethod, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_GetAllDigitalInputs (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short *pInputs, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_GetAllDigitalOutputs (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short *pOutputs, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_GetAnalogInput (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short InputNumber, unsigned short *pAnalogValue, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetBaudrateSelection (char *DeviceName, char *ProtocolStackName, char *InterfaceName, char *PortName, int StartOfSelection, unsigned int *pBaudrateSel, int *pEndOfSelection, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
MotionInfo_DllExport int VCS_GetCurrentIs (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, short *pCurrentIs, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
MotionInfo_DllExport int VCS_GetCurrentIsAveraged (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, short *pCurrentIsAveraged, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
CurrentMode_DllExport int VCS_GetCurrentMust (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, short *pCurrentMust, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetCurrentRegulatorGain (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short *pP, unsigned short *pI, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetDcMotorParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short *pNominalCurrent, unsigned short *pMaxOutputCurrent, unsigned short *pThermalTimeConstant, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
ErrorHandling_DllExport int VCS_GetDeviceErrorCode (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned char DeviceErrorNumber, unsigned int *pDeviceErrorCode, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetDeviceName (void *KeyHandle, char *pDeviceName, unsigned short MaxStrSize, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetDeviceNameSelection (int StartOfSelection, char *pDeviceNameSel, unsigned short MaxStrSize, int *pEndOfSelection, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_GetDisableState (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, int *pIsDisabled, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetDriverInfo (char *p_pszLibraryName, unsigned short p_usMaxLibraryNameStrSize, char *p_pszLibraryVersion, unsigned short p_usMaxLibraryVersionStrSize, unsigned int *p_pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetEcMotorParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short *pNominalCurrent, unsigned short *pMaxOutputCurrent, unsigned short *pThermalTimeConstant, unsigned char *pNbOfPolePairs, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_GetEnableState (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, int *pIsEnabled, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetErrorInfo (unsigned int ErrorCodeValue, char *pErrorInfo, unsigned short MaxStrSize)
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_GetFaultState (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, int *pIsInFault, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
VCS_GetFreeIpmBufferSize (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pBufferSize, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetHallSensorParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, int *pInvertedPolarity, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
HomingMode_DllExport int VCS_GetHomingParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pHomingAcceleration, unsigned int *pSpeedSwitch, unsigned int *pSpeedIndex, int *pHomeOffset, unsigned short *pCurrentTreshold, int *pHomePosition, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
HomingMode_DllExport int VCS_GetHomingState (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, int *pHomingAttained, int *pHomingError, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetIncEncoderParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pEncoderResolution, int *pInvertedPolarity, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetInterfaceName (void *KeyHandle, char *pInterfaceName, unsigned short MaxStrSize, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetInterfaceNameSelection (char *DeviceName, char *ProtocolStackName, int StartOfSelection, char *pInterfaceNameSel, unsigned short MaxStrSize, int *pEndOfSelection, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
VCS_GetIpmBufferParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short *pUnderflowWarningLimit, unsigned short *pOverflowWarningLimit, unsigned int *pMaxBufferSize, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
VCS_GetIpmStatus (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, int *pTrajectoryRunning, int *pIsUnderflowWarning, int *pIsOverflowWarning, int *pIsVelocityWarning, int *pIsAccelerationWarning, int *pIsUnderflowError, int *pIsOverflowError, int *pIsVelocityError, int *pIsAccelerationError, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetKeyHandle (char *DeviceName, char *ProtocolStackName, char *InterfaceName, char *PortName, void **pKeyHandle, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
MasterEncoderMode_DllExport int VCS_GetMasterEncoderParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short *pScalingNumerator, unsigned short *pScalingDenominator, unsigned char *pPolarity, unsigned int *pMaxVelocity, unsigned int *pMaxAcceleration, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetMaxAcceleration (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pMaxAcceleration, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetMaxFollowingError (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pMaxFollowingError, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetMaxProfileVelocity (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pMaxProfileVelocity, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetMotorType (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short *pMotorType, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
MotionInfo_DllExport int VCS_GetMovementState (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, int *pTargetReached, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
ErrorHandling_DllExport int VCS_GetNbOfDeviceError (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned char *pNbDeviceError, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetObject (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short ObjectIndex, unsigned char ObjectSubIndex, void *pData, unsigned int NbOfBytesToRead, unsigned int *pNbOfBytesRead, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Status_DllExport int VCS_GetOperationMode (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, char *pOperationMode, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetPortName (void *KeyHandle, char *pPortName, unsigned short MaxStrSize, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetPortNameSelection (char *DeviceName, char *ProtocolStackName, char *InterfaceName, int StartOfSelection, char *pPortSel, unsigned short MaxStrSize, int *pEndOfSelection, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_GetPositionCompareParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned char *pOperationalMode, unsigned char *pIntervalMode, unsigned char *pDirectionDependency, unsigned short *pIntervalWidth, unsigned short *pIntervalRepetitions, unsigned short *pPulseWidth, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
MotionInfo_DllExport int VCS_GetPositionIs (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, int *pPositionIs, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_GetPositionMarkerParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned char *pPositionMarkerEdgeType, unsigned char *pPositionMarkerMode, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
PositionMode_DllExport int VCS_GetPositionMust (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, long *pPositionMust, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
ProfilePositionMode_DllExport int VCS_GetPositionProfile (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pProfileVelocity, unsigned int *pProfileAcceleration, unsigned int *pProfileDeceleration, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetPositionRegulatorFeedForward (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short *pVelocityFeedForward, unsigned short *pAccelerationFeedForward, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetPositionRegulatorGain (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short *pP, unsigned short *pI, unsigned short *pD, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetProtocolStackName (void *KeyHandle, char *pProtocolStackName, unsigned short MaxStrSize, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetProtocolStackNameSelection (char *DeviceName, int StartOfSelection, char *pProtocolStackNameSel, unsigned short MaxStrSize, int *pEndOfSelection, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Initialisation_DllExport int VCS_GetProtocolStackSettings (void *KeyHandle, unsigned int *pBaudrate, unsigned int *pTimeout, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_GetQuickStopState (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, int *pIsQuickStopped, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetSensorType (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short *pSensorType, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetSsiAbsEncoderParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short *pDataRate, unsigned short *pNbOfMultiTurnDataBits, unsigned short *pNbOfSingleTurnDataBits, int *pInvertedPolarity, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_GetState (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short *pState, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
StepDirectionMode_DllExport int VCS_GetStepDirectionParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short *pScalingNumerator, unsigned short *pScalingDenominator, unsigned char *pPolarity, unsigned int *pMaxVelocity, unsigned int *pMaxAcceleration, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
ProfilePositionMode_DllExport int VCS_GetTargetPosition (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, long *pTargetPosition, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
ProfileVelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_GetTargetVelocity (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, long *pTargetVelocity, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
MotionInfo_DllExport int VCS_GetVelocityIs (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, int *pVelocityIs, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
MotionInfo_DllExport int VCS_GetVelocityIsAveraged (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, int *pVelocityIsAveraged, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
VelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_GetVelocityMust (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, long *pVelocityMust, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
ProfileVelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_GetVelocityProfile (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pProfileAcceleration, unsigned int *pProfileDeceleration, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetVelocityRegulatorFeedForward (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short *pVelocityFeedForward, unsigned short *pAccelerationFeedForward, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetVelocityRegulatorGain (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short *pP, unsigned short *pI, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetVelocityUnits (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned char *pVelDimension, char *pVelNotation, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetVersion (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short *pHardwareVersion, unsigned short *pSoftwareVersion, unsigned short *pApplicationNumber, unsigned short *pApplicationVersion, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
ProfilePositionMode_DllExport int VCS_HaltPositionMovement (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
ProfileVelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_HaltVelocityMovement (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
ProfilePositionMode_DllExport int VCS_MoveToPosition (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, long TargetPosition, int Absolute, int Immediately, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
ProfileVelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_MoveWithVelocity (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, long TargetVelocity, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Initialisation_DllExport void * VCS_OpenDevice (char *DeviceName, char *ProtocolStackName, char *InterfaceName, char *PortName, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
CanLayer_DllExport int VCS_ReadCANFrame (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short CobID, unsigned short Length, void *pData, unsigned int Timeout, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_ReadPositionMarkerCapturedPosition (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short CounterIndex, long *pCapturedPosition, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_ReadPositionMarkerCounter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short *pCount, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
CanLayer_DllExport int VCS_RequestCANFrame (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short CobID, unsigned short Length, void *pData, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_ResetDevice (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_ResetPositionMarkerCounter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_Restore (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
CanLayer_DllExport int VCS_SendCANFrame (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short CobID, unsigned short Length, void *pData, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
CanLayer_DllExport int VCS_SendNMTService (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short CommandSpecifier, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_SetAllDigitalOutputs (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short Outputs, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_SetAnalogOutput (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short OutputNumber, unsigned short AnalogValue, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
CurrentMode_DllExport int VCS_SetCurrentMust (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, short CurrentMust, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetCurrentRegulatorGain (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short P, unsigned short I, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetDcMotorParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short NominalCurrent, unsigned short MaxOutputCurrent, unsigned short ThermalTimeConstant, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_SetDisableState (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetEcMotorParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short NominalCurrent, unsigned short MaxOutputCurrent, unsigned short ThermalTimeConstant, unsigned char NbOfPolePairs, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_SetEnableState (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetHallSensorParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, int InvertedPolarity, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
HomingMode_DllExport int VCS_SetHomingParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int HomingAcceleration, unsigned int SpeedSwitch, unsigned int SpeedIndex, int HomeOffset, unsigned short CurrentTreshold, int HomePosition, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetIncEncoderParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int EncoderResolution, int InvertedPolarity, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
VCS_SetIpmBufferParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short UnderflowWarningLimit, unsigned short OverflowWarningLimit, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
MasterEncoderMode_DllExport int VCS_SetMasterEncoderParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short ScalingNumerator, unsigned short ScalingDenominator, unsigned char Polarity, unsigned int MaxVelocity, unsigned int MaxAcceleration, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetMaxAcceleration (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int MaxAcceleration, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetMaxFollowingError (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int MaxFollowingError, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetMaxProfileVelocity (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int MaxProfileVelocity, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetMotorType (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short MotorType, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetObject (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short ObjectIndex, unsigned char ObjectSubIndex, void *pData, unsigned int NbOfBytesToWrite, unsigned int *pNbOfBytesWritten, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Status_DllExport int VCS_SetOperationMode (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, char OperationMode, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_SetPositionCompareParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned char OperationalMode, unsigned char IntervalMode, unsigned char DirectionDependency, unsigned short IntervalWidth, unsigned short IntervalRepetitions, unsigned short PulseWidth, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_SetPositionCompareReferencePosition (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, long ReferencePosition, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_SetPositionMarkerParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned char PositionMarkerEdgeType, unsigned char PositionMarkerMode, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
PositionMode_DllExport int VCS_SetPositionMust (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, long PositionMust, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
ProfilePositionMode_DllExport int VCS_SetPositionProfile (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int ProfileVelocity, unsigned int ProfileAcceleration, unsigned int ProfileDeceleration, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetPositionRegulatorFeedForward (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short VelocityFeedForward, unsigned short AccelerationFeedForward, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetPositionRegulatorGain (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short P, unsigned short I, unsigned short D, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Initialisation_DllExport int VCS_SetProtocolStackSettings (void *KeyHandle, unsigned int Baudrate, unsigned int Timeout, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_SetQuickStopState (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetSensorType (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short SensorType, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetSsiAbsEncoderParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short DataRate, unsigned short NbOfMultiTurnDataBits, unsigned short NbOfSingleTurnDataBits, int InvertedPolarity, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_SetState (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short State, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
StepDirectionMode_DllExport int VCS_SetStepDirectionParameter (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short ScalingNumerator, unsigned short ScalingDenominator, unsigned char Polarity, unsigned int MaxVelocity, unsigned int MaxAcceleration, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
VelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_SetVelocityMust (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, long VelocityMust, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
ProfileVelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_SetVelocityProfile (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int ProfileAcceleration, unsigned int ProfileDeceleration, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetVelocityRegulatorFeedForward (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short VelocityFeedForward, unsigned short AccelerationFeedForward, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetVelocityRegulatorGain (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned short P, unsigned short I, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetVelocityUnits (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned char VelDimension, signed char VelNotation, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
VCS_StartIpmTrajectory (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
HomingMode_DllExport int VCS_StopHoming (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
VCS_StopIpmTrajectory (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_Store (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
HomingMode_DllExport int VCS_WaitForHomingAttained (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, int Timeout, unsigned int *pErrorCode)
MotionInfo_DllExport int VCS_WaitForTargetReached (void *KeyHandle, unsigned short NodeId, unsigned int Timeout, unsigned int *pErrorCode)


const unsigned short AIC_ANALOG_CURRENT_SETPOINT = 0
const unsigned short AIC_ANALOG_POSITION_SETPOINT = 2
const unsigned short AIC_ANALOG_VELOCITY_SETPOINT = 1
const unsigned short DIC_DRIVE_ENABLE = 4
const unsigned short DIC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_A = 15
const unsigned short DIC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_B = 14
const unsigned short DIC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_C = 13
const unsigned short DIC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_D = 12
const unsigned short DIC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_E = 11
const unsigned short DIC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_F = 10
const unsigned short DIC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_G = 9
const unsigned short DIC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_H = 8
const unsigned short DIC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_I = 7
const unsigned short DIC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_J = 6
const unsigned short DIC_HOME_SWITCH = 2
const unsigned short DIC_NEGATIVE_LIMIT_SWITCH = 0
const unsigned short DIC_POSITION_MARKER = 3
const unsigned short DIC_POSITIVE_LIMIT_SWITCH = 1
const unsigned short DIC_QUICK_STOP = 5
const int DM_CONFIRM_DLG = 2
const int DM_NO_DLG = 3
const int DM_PROGRESS_DLG = 0
const unsigned short DOC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_A = 15
const unsigned short DOC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_B = 14
const unsigned short DOC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_C = 13
const unsigned short DOC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_D = 12
const unsigned short DOC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_E = 11
const unsigned short DOC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_F = 10
const unsigned short DOC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_G = 9
const unsigned short DOC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_H = 8
const unsigned short DOC_POSITION_COMPARE = 1
const unsigned short DOC_READY_FAULT = 0
const unsigned short DR_DIGITAL_INPUT_TRIGGER = 4
const unsigned short DR_ERROR_TRIGGER = 2
const unsigned short DR_MOVEMENT_END_TRIGGER = 8
const unsigned short DR_MOVEMENT_START_TRIGGER = 1
const char HM_ACTUAL_POSITION = 35
const unsigned short MT_DC_MOTOR = 1
const unsigned short MT_EC_BLOCK_COMMUTATED_MOTOR = 11
const unsigned short MT_EC_SINUS_COMMUTATED_MOTOR = 10
const unsigned short NCS_ENTER_PRE_OPERATIONAL = 128
const unsigned short NCS_RESET_COMMUNICATION = 130
const unsigned short NCS_RESET_NODE = 129
const unsigned short NCS_START_REMOTE_NODE = 1
const unsigned short NCS_STOP_REMOTE_NODE = 2
const signed char OMD_CURRENT_MODE = -3
const signed char OMD_HOMING_MODE = 6
const signed char OMD_MASTER_ENCODER_MODE = -5
const signed char OMD_POSITION_MODE = -1
const signed char OMD_PROFILE_POSITION_MODE = 1
const signed char OMD_PROFILE_VELOCITY_MODE = 3
const signed char OMD_STEP_DIRECTION_MODE = -6
const signed char OMD_VELOCITY_MODE = -2
const unsigned char PCD_MOTOR_DIRECTION_BOTH = 2
const unsigned char PCD_MOTOR_DIRECTION_NEGATIVE = 0
const unsigned char PCD_MOTOR_DIRECTION_POSITIVE = 1
const unsigned char PCI_BOTH_DIR_TO_REFPOS = 2
const unsigned char PCI_NEGATIVE_DIR_TO_REFPOS = 0
const unsigned char PCI_POSITIVE_DIR_TO_REFPOS = 1
const unsigned char PCO_POSITION_SEQUENCE_MODE = 1
const unsigned char PCO_SINGLE_POSITION_MODE = 0
const unsigned char PET_BOTH_EDGES = 0
const unsigned char PET_FALLING_EDGE = 2
const unsigned char PET_RISING_EDGE = 1
const unsigned char PM_CONTINUOUS = 0
const unsigned char PM_MULTIPLE = 2
const unsigned char PM_SINGLE = 1
const unsigned short ST_DISABLED = 0
const unsigned short ST_ENABLED = 1
const unsigned short ST_FAULT = 3
const unsigned short ST_HALL_SENSORS = 3
const unsigned short ST_INC_ENCODER_2CHANNEL = 2
const unsigned short ST_INC_ENCODER_3CHANNEL = 1
const unsigned short ST_QUICKSTOP = 2
const unsigned short ST_SSI_ABS_ENCODER_BINARY = 4
const unsigned short ST_SSI_ABS_ENCODER_GREY = 5
const unsigned short ST_UNKNOWN = 0
const unsigned char VD_RPM = 0xA4
const signed char VN_CENTI = -2
const signed char VN_DECI = -1
const signed char VN_MILLI = -3
const signed char VN_STANDARD = 0

Define Documentation

#define CanLayer_DllExport   extern "C"

Definition at line 48 of file Definitions.h.

#define Configuration_DllExport   extern "C"

Definition at line 31 of file Definitions.h.

#define CurrentMode_DllExport   extern "C"

Definition at line 43 of file Definitions.h.

#define ErrorHandling_DllExport   extern "C"

Definition at line 35 of file Definitions.h.

#define HelpFunctions_DllExport   extern "C"

Definition at line 29 of file Definitions.h.

#define HomingMode_DllExport   extern "C"

Definition at line 39 of file Definitions.h.

#define Initialisation_DllExport   extern "C"

Definition at line 28 of file Definitions.h.

#define InputsOutputs_DllExport   extern "C"

Definition at line 46 of file Definitions.h.

#define InterpolatedPositionMode_DllExport   extern "C"

Definition at line 40 of file Definitions.h.

#define MasterEncoderMode_DllExport   extern "C"

Definition at line 44 of file Definitions.h.

#define MotionInfo_DllExport   extern "C"

Definition at line 36 of file Definitions.h.

#define PositionMode_DllExport   extern "C"

Definition at line 41 of file Definitions.h.

#define ProfilePositionMode_DllExport   extern "C"

Definition at line 37 of file Definitions.h.

#define ProfileVelocityMode_DllExport   extern "C"

Definition at line 38 of file Definitions.h.

#define StateMachine_DllExport   extern "C"

Definition at line 34 of file Definitions.h.

#define Status_DllExport   extern "C"

Definition at line 33 of file Definitions.h.

#define StepDirectionMode_DllExport   extern "C"

Definition at line 45 of file Definitions.h.

#define VelocityMode_DllExport   extern "C"

Definition at line 42 of file Definitions.h.

Function Documentation

CurrentMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivateAnalogCurrentSetpoint ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  AnalogInputNumber,
float  Scaling,
short  Offset,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
PositionMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivateAnalogPositionSetpoint ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  AnalogInputNumber,
float  Scaling,
long  Offset,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
VelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivateAnalogVelocitySetpoint ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  AnalogInputNumber,
float  Scaling,
long  Offset,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
CurrentMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivateCurrentMode ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
HomingMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivateHomingMode ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InterpolatedPositionMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivateInterpolatedPositionMode ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
MasterEncoderMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivateMasterEncoderMode ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_ActivatePositionCompare ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  DigitalOutputNumber,
int  Polarity,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_ActivatePositionMarker ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  DigitalInputNumber,
int  Polarity,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
PositionMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivatePositionMode ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
ProfilePositionMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivateProfilePositionMode ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
ProfileVelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivateProfileVelocityMode ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
StepDirectionMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivateStepDirectionMode ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
VelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_ActivateVelocityMode ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InterpolatedPositionMode_DllExport int VCS_AddPvtValueToIpmBuffer ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
long  Position,
long  Velocity,
unsigned char  Time,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_AnalogInputConfiguration ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  AnalogInputNb,
unsigned short  Configuration,
int  ExecutionMask,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_ClearFault ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InterpolatedPositionMode_DllExport int VCS_ClearIpmBuffer ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Initialisation_DllExport int VCS_CloseAllDevices ( unsigned int *  pErrorCode)
Initialisation_DllExport int VCS_CloseDevice ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
CurrentMode_DllExport int VCS_DeactivateAnalogCurrentSetpoint ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  AnalogInputNumber,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
PositionMode_DllExport int VCS_DeactivateAnalogPositionSetpoint ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  AnalogInputNumber,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
VelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_DeactivateAnalogVelocitySetpoint ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  AnalogInputNumber,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_DeactivatePositionCompare ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  DigitalOutputNumber,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_DeactivatePositionMarker ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  DigitalInputNumber,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
HomingMode_DllExport int VCS_DefinePosition ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
int  HomePosition,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_DigitalInputConfiguration ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  DigitalInputNb,
unsigned short  Configuration,
int  Mask,
int  Polarity,
int  ExecutionMask,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_DigitalOutputConfiguration ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  DigitalOutputNb,
unsigned short  Configuration,
int  State,
int  Mask,
int  Polarity,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
CurrentMode_DllExport int VCS_DisableAnalogCurrentSetpoint ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
PositionMode_DllExport int VCS_DisableAnalogPositionSetpoint ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
VelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_DisableAnalogVelocitySetpoint ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_DisablePositionCompare ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
ProfilePositionMode_DllExport int VCS_DisablePositionWindow ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
ProfileVelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_DisableVelocityWindow ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
CurrentMode_DllExport int VCS_EnableAnalogCurrentSetpoint ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
PositionMode_DllExport int VCS_EnableAnalogPositionSetpoint ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
VelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_EnableAnalogVelocitySetpoint ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_EnablePositionCompare ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
ProfilePositionMode_DllExport int VCS_EnablePositionWindow ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int  PositionWindow,
unsigned short  PositionWindowTime,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
ProfileVelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_EnableVelocityWindow ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int  VelocityWindow,
unsigned short  VelocityWindowTime,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
HomingMode_DllExport int VCS_FindHome ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
signed char  HomingMethod,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_GetAllDigitalInputs ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short *  pInputs,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_GetAllDigitalOutputs ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short *  pOutputs,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_GetAnalogInput ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  InputNumber,
unsigned short *  pAnalogValue,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetBaudrateSelection ( char *  DeviceName,
char *  ProtocolStackName,
char *  InterfaceName,
char *  PortName,
int  StartOfSelection,
unsigned int *  pBaudrateSel,
int *  pEndOfSelection,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
MotionInfo_DllExport int VCS_GetCurrentIs ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
short *  pCurrentIs,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
MotionInfo_DllExport int VCS_GetCurrentIsAveraged ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
short *  pCurrentIsAveraged,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
CurrentMode_DllExport int VCS_GetCurrentMust ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
short *  pCurrentMust,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetCurrentRegulatorGain ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short *  pP,
unsigned short *  pI,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetDcMotorParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short *  pNominalCurrent,
unsigned short *  pMaxOutputCurrent,
unsigned short *  pThermalTimeConstant,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
ErrorHandling_DllExport int VCS_GetDeviceErrorCode ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned char  DeviceErrorNumber,
unsigned int *  pDeviceErrorCode,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetDeviceName ( void *  KeyHandle,
char *  pDeviceName,
unsigned short  MaxStrSize,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetDeviceNameSelection ( int  StartOfSelection,
char *  pDeviceNameSel,
unsigned short  MaxStrSize,
int *  pEndOfSelection,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_GetDisableState ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
int *  pIsDisabled,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetDriverInfo ( char *  p_pszLibraryName,
unsigned short  p_usMaxLibraryNameStrSize,
char *  p_pszLibraryVersion,
unsigned short  p_usMaxLibraryVersionStrSize,
unsigned int *  p_pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetEcMotorParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short *  pNominalCurrent,
unsigned short *  pMaxOutputCurrent,
unsigned short *  pThermalTimeConstant,
unsigned char *  pNbOfPolePairs,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_GetEnableState ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
int *  pIsEnabled,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetErrorInfo ( unsigned int  ErrorCodeValue,
char *  pErrorInfo,
unsigned short  MaxStrSize 
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_GetFaultState ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
int *  pIsInFault,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InterpolatedPositionMode_DllExport int VCS_GetFreeIpmBufferSize ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pBufferSize,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetHallSensorParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
int *  pInvertedPolarity,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
HomingMode_DllExport int VCS_GetHomingParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pHomingAcceleration,
unsigned int *  pSpeedSwitch,
unsigned int *  pSpeedIndex,
int *  pHomeOffset,
unsigned short *  pCurrentTreshold,
int *  pHomePosition,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
HomingMode_DllExport int VCS_GetHomingState ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
int *  pHomingAttained,
int *  pHomingError,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetIncEncoderParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pEncoderResolution,
int *  pInvertedPolarity,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetInterfaceName ( void *  KeyHandle,
char *  pInterfaceName,
unsigned short  MaxStrSize,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetInterfaceNameSelection ( char *  DeviceName,
char *  ProtocolStackName,
int  StartOfSelection,
char *  pInterfaceNameSel,
unsigned short  MaxStrSize,
int *  pEndOfSelection,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InterpolatedPositionMode_DllExport int VCS_GetIpmBufferParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short *  pUnderflowWarningLimit,
unsigned short *  pOverflowWarningLimit,
unsigned int *  pMaxBufferSize,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InterpolatedPositionMode_DllExport int VCS_GetIpmStatus ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
int *  pTrajectoryRunning,
int *  pIsUnderflowWarning,
int *  pIsOverflowWarning,
int *  pIsVelocityWarning,
int *  pIsAccelerationWarning,
int *  pIsUnderflowError,
int *  pIsOverflowError,
int *  pIsVelocityError,
int *  pIsAccelerationError,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetKeyHandle ( char *  DeviceName,
char *  ProtocolStackName,
char *  InterfaceName,
char *  PortName,
void **  pKeyHandle,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
MasterEncoderMode_DllExport int VCS_GetMasterEncoderParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short *  pScalingNumerator,
unsigned short *  pScalingDenominator,
unsigned char *  pPolarity,
unsigned int *  pMaxVelocity,
unsigned int *  pMaxAcceleration,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetMaxAcceleration ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pMaxAcceleration,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetMaxFollowingError ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pMaxFollowingError,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetMaxProfileVelocity ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pMaxProfileVelocity,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetMotorType ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short *  pMotorType,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
MotionInfo_DllExport int VCS_GetMovementState ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
int *  pTargetReached,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
ErrorHandling_DllExport int VCS_GetNbOfDeviceError ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned char *  pNbDeviceError,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetObject ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  ObjectIndex,
unsigned char  ObjectSubIndex,
void *  pData,
unsigned int  NbOfBytesToRead,
unsigned int *  pNbOfBytesRead,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Status_DllExport int VCS_GetOperationMode ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
char *  pOperationMode,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetPortName ( void *  KeyHandle,
char *  pPortName,
unsigned short  MaxStrSize,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetPortNameSelection ( char *  DeviceName,
char *  ProtocolStackName,
char *  InterfaceName,
int  StartOfSelection,
char *  pPortSel,
unsigned short  MaxStrSize,
int *  pEndOfSelection,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_GetPositionCompareParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned char *  pOperationalMode,
unsigned char *  pIntervalMode,
unsigned char *  pDirectionDependency,
unsigned short *  pIntervalWidth,
unsigned short *  pIntervalRepetitions,
unsigned short *  pPulseWidth,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
MotionInfo_DllExport int VCS_GetPositionIs ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
int *  pPositionIs,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_GetPositionMarkerParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned char *  pPositionMarkerEdgeType,
unsigned char *  pPositionMarkerMode,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
PositionMode_DllExport int VCS_GetPositionMust ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
long *  pPositionMust,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
ProfilePositionMode_DllExport int VCS_GetPositionProfile ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pProfileVelocity,
unsigned int *  pProfileAcceleration,
unsigned int *  pProfileDeceleration,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetPositionRegulatorFeedForward ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short *  pVelocityFeedForward,
unsigned short *  pAccelerationFeedForward,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetPositionRegulatorGain ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short *  pP,
unsigned short *  pI,
unsigned short *  pD,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetProtocolStackName ( void *  KeyHandle,
char *  pProtocolStackName,
unsigned short  MaxStrSize,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetProtocolStackNameSelection ( char *  DeviceName,
int  StartOfSelection,
char *  pProtocolStackNameSel,
unsigned short  MaxStrSize,
int *  pEndOfSelection,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Initialisation_DllExport int VCS_GetProtocolStackSettings ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned int *  pBaudrate,
unsigned int *  pTimeout,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_GetQuickStopState ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
int *  pIsQuickStopped,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetSensorType ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short *  pSensorType,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetSsiAbsEncoderParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short *  pDataRate,
unsigned short *  pNbOfMultiTurnDataBits,
unsigned short *  pNbOfSingleTurnDataBits,
int *  pInvertedPolarity,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_GetState ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short *  pState,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
StepDirectionMode_DllExport int VCS_GetStepDirectionParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short *  pScalingNumerator,
unsigned short *  pScalingDenominator,
unsigned char *  pPolarity,
unsigned int *  pMaxVelocity,
unsigned int *  pMaxAcceleration,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
ProfilePositionMode_DllExport int VCS_GetTargetPosition ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
long *  pTargetPosition,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
ProfileVelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_GetTargetVelocity ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
long *  pTargetVelocity,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
MotionInfo_DllExport int VCS_GetVelocityIs ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
int *  pVelocityIs,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
MotionInfo_DllExport int VCS_GetVelocityIsAveraged ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
int *  pVelocityIsAveraged,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
VelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_GetVelocityMust ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
long *  pVelocityMust,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
ProfileVelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_GetVelocityProfile ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pProfileAcceleration,
unsigned int *  pProfileDeceleration,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetVelocityRegulatorFeedForward ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short *  pVelocityFeedForward,
unsigned short *  pAccelerationFeedForward,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetVelocityRegulatorGain ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short *  pP,
unsigned short *  pI,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_GetVelocityUnits ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned char *  pVelDimension,
char *  pVelNotation,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
HelpFunctions_DllExport int VCS_GetVersion ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short *  pHardwareVersion,
unsigned short *  pSoftwareVersion,
unsigned short *  pApplicationNumber,
unsigned short *  pApplicationVersion,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
ProfilePositionMode_DllExport int VCS_HaltPositionMovement ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
ProfileVelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_HaltVelocityMovement ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
ProfilePositionMode_DllExport int VCS_MoveToPosition ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
long  TargetPosition,
int  Absolute,
int  Immediately,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
ProfileVelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_MoveWithVelocity ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
long  TargetVelocity,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Initialisation_DllExport void* VCS_OpenDevice ( char *  DeviceName,
char *  ProtocolStackName,
char *  InterfaceName,
char *  PortName,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
CanLayer_DllExport int VCS_ReadCANFrame ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  CobID,
unsigned short  Length,
void *  pData,
unsigned int  Timeout,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_ReadPositionMarkerCapturedPosition ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  CounterIndex,
long *  pCapturedPosition,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_ReadPositionMarkerCounter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short *  pCount,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
CanLayer_DllExport int VCS_RequestCANFrame ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  CobID,
unsigned short  Length,
void *  pData,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_ResetDevice ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_ResetPositionMarkerCounter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_Restore ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
CanLayer_DllExport int VCS_SendCANFrame ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  CobID,
unsigned short  Length,
void *  pData,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
CanLayer_DllExport int VCS_SendNMTService ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  CommandSpecifier,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_SetAllDigitalOutputs ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  Outputs,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_SetAnalogOutput ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  OutputNumber,
unsigned short  AnalogValue,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
CurrentMode_DllExport int VCS_SetCurrentMust ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
short  CurrentMust,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetCurrentRegulatorGain ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  P,
unsigned short  I,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetDcMotorParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  NominalCurrent,
unsigned short  MaxOutputCurrent,
unsigned short  ThermalTimeConstant,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_SetDisableState ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetEcMotorParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  NominalCurrent,
unsigned short  MaxOutputCurrent,
unsigned short  ThermalTimeConstant,
unsigned char  NbOfPolePairs,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_SetEnableState ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetHallSensorParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
int  InvertedPolarity,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
HomingMode_DllExport int VCS_SetHomingParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int  HomingAcceleration,
unsigned int  SpeedSwitch,
unsigned int  SpeedIndex,
int  HomeOffset,
unsigned short  CurrentTreshold,
int  HomePosition,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetIncEncoderParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int  EncoderResolution,
int  InvertedPolarity,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InterpolatedPositionMode_DllExport int VCS_SetIpmBufferParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  UnderflowWarningLimit,
unsigned short  OverflowWarningLimit,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
MasterEncoderMode_DllExport int VCS_SetMasterEncoderParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  ScalingNumerator,
unsigned short  ScalingDenominator,
unsigned char  Polarity,
unsigned int  MaxVelocity,
unsigned int  MaxAcceleration,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetMaxAcceleration ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int  MaxAcceleration,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetMaxFollowingError ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int  MaxFollowingError,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetMaxProfileVelocity ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int  MaxProfileVelocity,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetMotorType ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  MotorType,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetObject ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  ObjectIndex,
unsigned char  ObjectSubIndex,
void *  pData,
unsigned int  NbOfBytesToWrite,
unsigned int *  pNbOfBytesWritten,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Status_DllExport int VCS_SetOperationMode ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
char  OperationMode,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_SetPositionCompareParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned char  OperationalMode,
unsigned char  IntervalMode,
unsigned char  DirectionDependency,
unsigned short  IntervalWidth,
unsigned short  IntervalRepetitions,
unsigned short  PulseWidth,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_SetPositionCompareReferencePosition ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
long  ReferencePosition,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InputsOutputs_DllExport int VCS_SetPositionMarkerParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned char  PositionMarkerEdgeType,
unsigned char  PositionMarkerMode,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
PositionMode_DllExport int VCS_SetPositionMust ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
long  PositionMust,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
ProfilePositionMode_DllExport int VCS_SetPositionProfile ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int  ProfileVelocity,
unsigned int  ProfileAcceleration,
unsigned int  ProfileDeceleration,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetPositionRegulatorFeedForward ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  VelocityFeedForward,
unsigned short  AccelerationFeedForward,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetPositionRegulatorGain ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  P,
unsigned short  I,
unsigned short  D,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Initialisation_DllExport int VCS_SetProtocolStackSettings ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned int  Baudrate,
unsigned int  Timeout,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_SetQuickStopState ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetSensorType ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  SensorType,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetSsiAbsEncoderParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  DataRate,
unsigned short  NbOfMultiTurnDataBits,
unsigned short  NbOfSingleTurnDataBits,
int  InvertedPolarity,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
StateMachine_DllExport int VCS_SetState ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  State,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
StepDirectionMode_DllExport int VCS_SetStepDirectionParameter ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  ScalingNumerator,
unsigned short  ScalingDenominator,
unsigned char  Polarity,
unsigned int  MaxVelocity,
unsigned int  MaxAcceleration,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
VelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_SetVelocityMust ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
long  VelocityMust,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
ProfileVelocityMode_DllExport int VCS_SetVelocityProfile ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int  ProfileAcceleration,
unsigned int  ProfileDeceleration,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetVelocityRegulatorFeedForward ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  VelocityFeedForward,
unsigned short  AccelerationFeedForward,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetVelocityRegulatorGain ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned short  P,
unsigned short  I,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_SetVelocityUnits ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned char  VelDimension,
signed char  VelNotation,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InterpolatedPositionMode_DllExport int VCS_StartIpmTrajectory ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
HomingMode_DllExport int VCS_StopHoming ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
InterpolatedPositionMode_DllExport int VCS_StopIpmTrajectory ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
Configuration_DllExport int VCS_Store ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
HomingMode_DllExport int VCS_WaitForHomingAttained ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
int  Timeout,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 
MotionInfo_DllExport int VCS_WaitForTargetReached ( void *  KeyHandle,
unsigned short  NodeId,
unsigned int  Timeout,
unsigned int *  pErrorCode 

Variable Documentation

const unsigned short AIC_ANALOG_CURRENT_SETPOINT = 0

Definition at line 354 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short AIC_ANALOG_POSITION_SETPOINT = 2

Definition at line 356 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short AIC_ANALOG_VELOCITY_SETPOINT = 1

Definition at line 355 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DIC_DRIVE_ENABLE = 4

Definition at line 328 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DIC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_A = 15

Definition at line 339 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DIC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_B = 14

Definition at line 338 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DIC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_C = 13

Definition at line 337 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DIC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_D = 12

Definition at line 336 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DIC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_E = 11

Definition at line 335 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DIC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_F = 10

Definition at line 334 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DIC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_G = 9

Definition at line 333 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DIC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_H = 8

Definition at line 332 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DIC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_I = 7

Definition at line 331 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DIC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_J = 6

Definition at line 330 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DIC_HOME_SWITCH = 2

Definition at line 326 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DIC_NEGATIVE_LIMIT_SWITCH = 0

Definition at line 324 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DIC_POSITION_MARKER = 3

Definition at line 327 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DIC_POSITIVE_LIMIT_SWITCH = 1

Definition at line 325 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DIC_QUICK_STOP = 5

Definition at line 329 of file Definitions.h.

const int DM_CONFIRM_DLG = 2

Definition at line 305 of file Definitions.h.

const int DM_NO_DLG = 3

Definition at line 306 of file Definitions.h.

Definition at line 304 of file Definitions.h.

const int DM_PROGRESS_DLG = 0

Definition at line 303 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DOC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_A = 15

Definition at line 351 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DOC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_B = 14

Definition at line 350 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DOC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_C = 13

Definition at line 349 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DOC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_D = 12

Definition at line 348 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DOC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_E = 11

Definition at line 347 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DOC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_F = 10

Definition at line 346 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DOC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_G = 9

Definition at line 345 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DOC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_H = 8

Definition at line 344 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DOC_POSITION_COMPARE = 1

Definition at line 343 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DOC_READY_FAULT = 0

Definition at line 342 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DR_DIGITAL_INPUT_TRIGGER = 4

Definition at line 433 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DR_ERROR_TRIGGER = 2

Definition at line 432 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DR_MOVEMENT_END_TRIGGER = 8

Definition at line 434 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short DR_MOVEMENT_START_TRIGGER = 1

Definition at line 431 of file Definitions.h.

const char HM_ACTUAL_POSITION = 35

Definition at line 387 of file Definitions.h.

Definition at line 398 of file Definitions.h.

Definition at line 399 of file Definitions.h.

Definition at line 396 of file Definitions.h.

Definition at line 397 of file Definitions.h.

Definition at line 394 of file Definitions.h.

Definition at line 395 of file Definitions.h.

Definition at line 392 of file Definitions.h.

Definition at line 393 of file Definitions.h.


Definition at line 401 of file Definitions.h.


Definition at line 400 of file Definitions.h.


Definition at line 388 of file Definitions.h.

Definition at line 389 of file Definitions.h.


Definition at line 390 of file Definitions.h.

Definition at line 391 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short MT_DC_MOTOR = 1

Definition at line 310 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short MT_EC_BLOCK_COMMUTATED_MOTOR = 11

Definition at line 312 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short MT_EC_SINUS_COMMUTATED_MOTOR = 10

Definition at line 311 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short NCS_ENTER_PRE_OPERATIONAL = 128

Definition at line 439 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short NCS_RESET_COMMUNICATION = 130

Definition at line 441 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short NCS_RESET_NODE = 129

Definition at line 440 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short NCS_START_REMOTE_NODE = 1

Definition at line 437 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short NCS_STOP_REMOTE_NODE = 2

Definition at line 438 of file Definitions.h.

const signed char OMD_CURRENT_MODE = -3

Definition at line 375 of file Definitions.h.

const signed char OMD_HOMING_MODE = 6

Definition at line 371 of file Definitions.h.


Definition at line 372 of file Definitions.h.

const signed char OMD_MASTER_ENCODER_MODE = -5

Definition at line 376 of file Definitions.h.

const signed char OMD_POSITION_MODE = -1

Definition at line 373 of file Definitions.h.

const signed char OMD_PROFILE_POSITION_MODE = 1

Definition at line 369 of file Definitions.h.

const signed char OMD_PROFILE_VELOCITY_MODE = 3

Definition at line 370 of file Definitions.h.

const signed char OMD_STEP_DIRECTION_MODE = -6

Definition at line 377 of file Definitions.h.

const signed char OMD_VELOCITY_MODE = -2

Definition at line 374 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned char PCD_MOTOR_DIRECTION_BOTH = 2

Definition at line 427 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned char PCD_MOTOR_DIRECTION_NEGATIVE = 0

Definition at line 425 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned char PCD_MOTOR_DIRECTION_POSITIVE = 1

Definition at line 426 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned char PCI_BOTH_DIR_TO_REFPOS = 2

Definition at line 422 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned char PCI_NEGATIVE_DIR_TO_REFPOS = 0

Definition at line 420 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned char PCI_POSITIVE_DIR_TO_REFPOS = 1

Definition at line 421 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned char PCO_POSITION_SEQUENCE_MODE = 1

Definition at line 417 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned char PCO_SINGLE_POSITION_MODE = 0

Definition at line 416 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned char PET_BOTH_EDGES = 0

Definition at line 405 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned char PET_FALLING_EDGE = 2

Definition at line 407 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned char PET_RISING_EDGE = 1

Definition at line 406 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned char PM_CONTINUOUS = 0

Definition at line 410 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned char PM_MULTIPLE = 2

Definition at line 412 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned char PM_SINGLE = 1

Definition at line 411 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short ST_DISABLED = 0

Definition at line 380 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short ST_ENABLED = 1

Definition at line 381 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short ST_FAULT = 3

Definition at line 383 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short ST_HALL_SENSORS = 3

Definition at line 318 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short ST_INC_ENCODER_2CHANNEL = 2

Definition at line 317 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short ST_INC_ENCODER_3CHANNEL = 1

Definition at line 316 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short ST_QUICKSTOP = 2

Definition at line 382 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short ST_SSI_ABS_ENCODER_BINARY = 4

Definition at line 319 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short ST_SSI_ABS_ENCODER_GREY = 5

Definition at line 320 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned short ST_UNKNOWN = 0

Definition at line 315 of file Definitions.h.

const unsigned char VD_RPM = 0xA4

Definition at line 360 of file Definitions.h.

const signed char VN_CENTI = -2

Definition at line 365 of file Definitions.h.

const signed char VN_DECI = -1

Definition at line 364 of file Definitions.h.

const signed char VN_MILLI = -3

Definition at line 366 of file Definitions.h.

const signed char VN_STANDARD = 0

Definition at line 363 of file Definitions.h.

autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 20:43:08