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isam::Optimizer Class Reference

#include <Optimizer.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void augment_sparse_linear_system (SparseSystem &W, const Properties &prop)
void batch_optimize (const Properties &prop, int *num_iterations)
 Optimizer (OptimizationInterface &fs)
void relinearize (const Properties &prop)
void update_estimate (const Properties &prop)
 ~Optimizer ()

Private Member Functions

Eigen::VectorXd compute_dog_leg (double alpha, const Eigen::VectorXd &h_sd, const Eigen::VectorXd &h_gn, double delta, double &gain_ratio_denominator)
Eigen::VectorXd compute_gauss_newton_step (const SparseSystem &jacobian, SparseSystem *R=NULL, double lambda=0.)
void gauss_newton (const Properties &prop, int *num_iterations=NULL)
void levenberg_marquardt (const Properties &prop, int *num_iterations=NULL)
void permute_vector (const Eigen::VectorXd &v, Eigen::VectorXd &p, const int *permutation)
void powells_dog_leg (int *num_iterations=NULL, double delta0=1.0, int max_iterations=0, double epsilon1=1e-4, double epsilon2=1e-4, double epsilon3=1e-4)
bool powells_dog_leg_update (double epsilon1, double epsilon3, SparseSystem &jacobian, Eigen::VectorXd &f_x, Eigen::VectorXd &gradient)
void update_trust_radius (double rho, double hdl_norm)

Private Attributes

double current_SSE_at_linpoint
double Delta
Eigen::VectorXd gradient
Eigen::VectorXd last_accepted_hdl

Detailed Description

Definition at line 41 of file Optimizer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Definition at line 154 of file Optimizer.h.

Definition at line 218 of file Optimizer.h.

Member Function Documentation

Used to augment the sparse linear system by adding new measurements. Only useful in incremental mode.

Definition at line 192 of file Optimizer.cpp.

void isam::Optimizer::batch_optimize ( const Properties prop,
int *  num_iterations 

Perform batch optimization using the method set in prop

Definition at line 535 of file Optimizer.cpp.

VectorXd isam::Optimizer::compute_dog_leg ( double  alpha,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  h_sd,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  h_gn,
double  delta,
double &  gain_ratio_denominator 
) [private]

Computes and returns the dog-leg step given the parameter alpha, the trust region radius delta, and the steepest-descent and Gauss-Newton steps. Also computes and returns the value of the denominator that will be used to compute the gain ratio.

Definition at line 65 of file Optimizer.cpp.

VectorXd isam::Optimizer::compute_gauss_newton_step ( const SparseSystem jacobian,
SparseSystem R = NULL,
double  lambda = 0. 
) [private]

Helper method for computing the Gauss-Newton step h_{gn} in Gauss-Newton, Levenberg-Marquardt, and Powell's dog-leg algorithms in batch mode. Specifically, this function can compute the Gauss-Newton step h_gn as part of the factorization of the relinearized SparseSystem computed at each iteration of batch processing algorithm.

jacobianThe SparseSystem representing the linearization

Definition at line 49 of file Optimizer.cpp.

void isam::Optimizer::gauss_newton ( const Properties prop,
int *  num_iterations = NULL 
) [private]

Definition at line 283 of file Optimizer.cpp.

void isam::Optimizer::levenberg_marquardt ( const Properties prop,
int *  num_iterations = NULL 
) [private]

Perform Levenberg-Marquardt

propProperties including stopping criteria max_iterations and epsilon, and lm_... parameters
num_iterationsUpon return, contains number of iterations performed.

Definition at line 368 of file Optimizer.cpp.

void isam::Optimizer::permute_vector ( const Eigen::VectorXd &  v,
Eigen::VectorXd &  p,
const int *  permutation 
) [private]

Given an input vector v and an array of ints representing a permutation, applies the permutation to the elements of v and returns the permuted vector

vInput vector.
permutationAn array of ints representing the permutation to be applied to the elements of v.
The returned permuted vector p satisfies p(permutation[i]) = v(i) i.e., p is formed by mapping the ith element of v to the permutation[i]-th element of p.

Definition at line 42 of file Optimizer.cpp.

void isam::Optimizer::powells_dog_leg ( int *  num_iterations = NULL,
double  delta0 = 1.0,
int  max_iterations = 0,
double  epsilon1 = 1e-4,
double  epsilon2 = 1e-4,
double  epsilon3 = 1e-4 
) [private]

Powell's dog leg algorithm, a trust region method that combines Gauss-Newton and steepest descent, similar to Levenberg-Marquardt, but requiring less iterations (matrix factorizations). See Manolis05iccv for a comparison to LM. Implemented according to Madsen, Nielson, Tingleff, "Methods for Non-Linear Least Squares Problems", lecture notes, Denmark, 2004 (

num_iterationsContains number of iterations on return if not NULL.
delta0Initial trust region.
max_iterationsMaximum number of iterations (0 means unlimited).

Definition at line 466 of file Optimizer.cpp.

bool isam::Optimizer::powells_dog_leg_update ( double  epsilon1,
double  epsilon3,
SparseSystem jacobian,
Eigen::VectorXd &  f_x,
Eigen::VectorXd &  gradient 
) [private]

Definition at line 183 of file Optimizer.cpp.

void isam::Optimizer::relinearize ( const Properties prop)

Computes the Jacobian J(x_est) of the residual error function about the current estimate x_est, computes the thin QR factorization of J(x_est), and then stores (R,d) as a SparseSystem, where

Q^t f(x_est) = | d | | e |

and || e ||^2 is the squared residual error.

NOTA BENE: (Deeply) Internally, this algorithm uses the SuiteSparse library to perform the matrix decomposition shown above. The SuiteSparse library utilizes variable reordering in order to reduce fill-in and boost efficiency. Consequently, the ordering (i.e., naming) of variables in the SparseSystem computed by this function differs from the ordering (naming) of the variables in the Graph object contained in the Slam class.

The mappings between the two orderings can be obtained using OrderedSparseMatrix::a_to_r() and OrderedSparseMatrix::r_to_a(). These functions return const int*'s that point to internal arrays encoding the permutation between the naming of variables passed in to the factorization routine, and the naming of variables in the factored matrices returned by the relinearization.

More precisely, if

const int* order = function_system._R.a_to_r();

then the variable x_i from the Graph object stored the Slam class is mapped to the variable x_{order[i]} in the SparseSystem obtained after linearization.

The call

const int* inverse_order = function_system._R.r_to_a();

retrieves the inverse permutation.

Definition at line 110 of file Optimizer.cpp.

Updates the current estimated solution

Definition at line 225 of file Optimizer.cpp.

void isam::Optimizer::update_trust_radius ( double  rho,
double  hdl_norm 
) [private]

Definition at line 101 of file Optimizer.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

This data member is used to compute the thin QR decomposition of the linear system during the relinearization steps.

Definition at line 55 of file Optimizer.h.

This keeps a running count of the sum of squared errors at the linearization point; only used with Powell's Dog-Leg in incremental mode.

Definition at line 77 of file Optimizer.h.

double isam::Optimizer::Delta [private]

Current radius of trust region; only used with Powell's Dog-Leg.

Definition at line 65 of file Optimizer.h.

Provides an interface for manipulating the linearized system in the Slam class.

Definition at line 49 of file Optimizer.h.

Eigen::VectorXd isam::Optimizer::gradient [private]

Cached gradient vector; only used with increment Powell's Dog-Leg.

Definition at line 60 of file Optimizer.h.

Eigen::VectorXd isam::Optimizer::last_accepted_hdl [private]

Used to restore the previous estimate for cases in which the proposed step is rejected; only used with Powell's Dog-Leg in incremental mode.

Definition at line 71 of file Optimizer.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Ji Zhang
autogenerated on Mon Mar 2 2015 18:55:25