DetectionCV Member List
This is the complete list of members for DetectionCV, including all inherited members.
binaryfit_C1(IplImage *Img, IplImage *H_phi, int nrow, int ncol)DetectionCV [private]
binaryfit_C2(IplImage *Img, IplImage *H_phi, int nrow, int ncol)DetectionCV [private]
camera_sub_DetectionCV [private]
CV_Detect(IplImage *UNImg, CvPoint &Plane)DetectionCV [private]
Delta(IplImage *phi, double epsilon, IplImage *Delta_h)DetectionCV [private]
DetectionCV(ros::NodeHandle &nh_)DetectionCV
EVOL_CV(IplImage *I, IplImage *phi, double nu, double lambda_1, double lambda_2, double timestep, double epsilon, int numIter)DetectionCV [private]
Heaviside(IplImage *phi, double epsilon, IplImage *H)DetectionCV [private]
image_object_pub_DetectionCV [private]
ImageConvert(IplImage *srcImg, int nrow, int ncol)DetectionCV [private]
ImageProcess_1(IplImage *phi, int nrow, int ncol)DetectionCV [private]
it_DetectionCV [private]
NeumannBoundCond(IplImage *phi)DetectionCV [private]
objectDetectionCV [private]
object_detection(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &msg)DetectionCV [private]
object_pridict_sub_DetectionCV [private]
p_initial_rDetectionCV [protected]
p_initial_xDetectionCV [protected]
p_initial_yDetectionCV [protected]
PlanePoint(IplImage *ProcessImg_1, IplImage *SImg, int nrow, int ncol, CvPoint &PlanePoint)DetectionCV [private]
sdf2circle(IplImage *Phi_0, int nrow, int ncol, int Next_X, int Next_Y, int r, CvSize ImgSize)DetectionCV [private]
ShowIndex(int row, int col, IplImage *srcImg)DetectionCV [private]
Sum(IplImage *srcImg, int nrow, int ncol)DetectionCV [private]

Author(s): Dengqing Tang
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 21:36:21