Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00003 import rospy
00004 import tf
00005 from crazyflie_driver.msg import Position
00006 from std_msgs.msg import Empty
00007 from crazyflie_driver.srv import UpdateParams
00009 if __name__ == '__main__':
00010     rospy.init_node('position', anonymous=True)
00011     worldFrame = rospy.get_param("~worldFrame", "/world")
00013     rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10 hz
00014     name = "cmd_position"
00016     msg = Position()
00017     msg.header.seq = 0
00018     msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
00019     msg.header.frame_id = worldFrame
00020     msg.x = 0.0
00021     msg.y = 0.0
00022     msg.z = 0.0
00023     msg.yaw = 0.0
00025     pub = rospy.Publisher(name, Position, queue_size=1)
00027     stop_pub = rospy.Publisher("cmd_stop", Empty, queue_size=1)
00028     stop_msg = Empty()
00030     rospy.wait_for_service('update_params')
00031     rospy.loginfo("found update_params service")
00032     update_params = rospy.ServiceProxy('update_params', UpdateParams)
00034     rospy.set_param("kalman/resetEstimation", 1)
00035     update_params(["kalman/resetEstimation"])
00036     rospy.sleep(0.1)
00037     rospy.set_param("kalman/resetEstimation", 0)
00038     update_params(["kalman/resetEstimation"])
00039     rospy.sleep(0.5)
00041     # take off
00042     while not rospy.is_shutdown():
00043         for y in range(10):
00044             msg.x = 0.0
00045             msg.y = 0.0
00046             msg.yaw = 0.0
00047             msg.z = y / 25.0
00048             now = rospy.get_time()
00049             msg.header.seq += 1
00050             msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
00051             rospy.loginfo("sending...")
00052             rospy.loginfo(msg.x)
00053             rospy.loginfo(msg.y)
00054             rospy.loginfo(msg.z)
00055             rospy.loginfo(msg.yaw)
00056             # rospy.loginfo(now)
00057             pub.publish(msg)
00058             rate.sleep()
00059         for y in range(20):
00060             msg.x = 0.0
00061             msg.y = 0.0
00062             msg.yaw = 0.0
00063             msg.z = 0.4
00064             msg.header.seq += 1
00065             msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
00066             rospy.loginfo("sending...")
00067             rospy.loginfo(msg.x)
00068             rospy.loginfo(msg.y)
00069             rospy.loginfo(msg.z)
00070             rospy.loginfo(msg.yaw)
00071             # rospy.loginfo(now)
00072             pub.publish(msg)
00073             rate.sleep()
00074         break
00076     # go to x: 0.2 y: 0.2
00077     start = rospy.get_time()
00078     while not rospy.is_shutdown():
00079         msg.x = 0.2
00080         msg.y = 0.2
00081         msg.yaw = 0.0
00082         msg.z = 0.4
00083         now = rospy.get_time()
00084         if (now - start > 3.0):
00085             break
00086         msg.header.seq += 1
00087         msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
00088         rospy.loginfo("sending...")
00089         rospy.loginfo(msg.x)
00090         rospy.loginfo(msg.y)
00091         rospy.loginfo(msg.z)
00092         rospy.loginfo(msg.yaw)
00093         pub.publish(msg)
00094         rate.sleep()
00096     # land, spend 1 secs
00097     start = rospy.get_time()
00098     while not rospy.is_shutdown():
00099         msg.x = 0.0
00100         msg.y = 0.0
00101         msg.z = 0.0
00102         msg.yaw = 0.0
00103         now = rospy.get_time()
00104         if (now - start > 1.0):
00105             break
00106         msg.header.seq += 1
00107         msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
00108         rospy.loginfo("sending...")
00109         rospy.loginfo(msg.x)
00110         rospy.loginfo(msg.y)
00111         rospy.loginfo(msg.z)
00112         rospy.loginfo(msg.yaw)
00113         pub.publish(msg)
00114         rate.sleep()
00116     stop_pub.publish(stop_msg)

Author(s): Wolfgang Hoenig
autogenerated on Wed Jun 12 2019 19:20:46