Todo List
Member BlobDetector::detect (const cv::Mat &image, std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &keypoints, const cv::Mat &mask=cv::Mat())
The mask option is currently not implemented.
Class costmap_converter::CostmapToPolygonsDBSConcaveHull
change the class hierarchy to a clearer and more generic one
Member costmap_converter::CostmapToPolygonsDBSMCCH::convexHull (std::vector< KeyPoint > &cluster, geometry_msgs::Polygon &polygon)
Evaluate and figure out whether convexHull() or convexHull2() is better suited (performance, quality, ...)
Member costmap_converter::CostmapToPolygonsDBSMCCH::convexHull2 (std::vector< KeyPoint > &cluster, geometry_msgs::Polygon &polygon)
Evaluate and figure out whether convexHull() or convexHull2() is better suited (performance, quality, ...)

Author(s): Christoph Rösmann , Franz Albers , Otniel Rinaldo
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 20:53:15