Public Member Functions |
| CameraPoseCalibrationNode () |
Protected Member Functions |
bool | calibrate (sensor_msgs::Image const &sensor_msgs_image, sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 const &sensor_msgs_cloud, std::string const &tag_frame, std::string const &target_frame, double const &point_cloud_scale_x, double const &point_cloud_scale_y, camera_pose_calibration::PatternParameters const &pattern, geometry_msgs::Transform &transform) |
| Calibrates and publishes the tf and debug information.
visualization_msgs::Marker | createCalibrationPlaneMarker (pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::ConstPtr points, uint8_t pattern_width, uint8_t pattern_height) |
| Create a marker for the detected calibration plane.
bool | onCalibrateCall (camera_pose_calibration::CalibrateCall::Request &req, camera_pose_calibration::CalibrateCall::Response &res) |
| Calibrates the camera given all the information in the request.
bool | onCalibrateFile (camera_pose_calibration::CalibrateFile::Request &req, camera_pose_calibration::CalibrateFile::Response &res) |
| Calibrates the camera given the image and point cloud by a ROS topic, and all other information in the request.
bool | onCalibrateTopic (camera_pose_calibration::CalibrateTopic::Request &req, camera_pose_calibration::CalibrateTopic::Response &res) |
| Calibrates the camera given the image and point cloud by a ROS topic, and all other information in the request.
void | onTfTimeout (ros::TimerEvent const &) |
| Called when the calibrated TF transforms should be republished.
void | parseInput () |
| Parses ROS parameters and calls the calibration service.
Protected Attributes |
ros::ServiceServer | calibrate_server_call |
| Service server for calibration with all data in the service call.
ros::ServiceServer | calibrate_server_file |
| Service server for calibration with image and cloud from file.
ros::ServiceServer | calibrate_server_topic |
| Service server for calibration with image and cloud from topics.
bool | calibrated |
| Determines if we have calibrated (and thus should publish the transform).
ros::Publisher | calibration_plane_marker_publisher |
| Publishes a marker for showing the plane of the calibration points.
tf::StampedTransform | calibration_transform |
| The found calibration transformation.
ros::Publisher | cloud_publisher |
| Publishes the original pointcloud.
image_transport::Publisher | detected_pattern_publisher |
| Image transport publisher for publishing the detected pattern.
image_transport::ImageTransport | image_transport |
| Image transport object used for publishing images.
ros::NodeHandle | node_handle |
| Node handle.
ros::Publisher | projected_source_cloud_publisher |
| Publishes the detected pattern but projected on a fitted plane.
double | publish_rate |
| Rate with which to publish transforms.
bool | publish_transform |
| Determines whether to publish the transform over tf.
ros::Publisher | source_cloud_publisher |
| Publishes the detected pattern from the source cloud.
ros::Publisher | target_cloud_publisher |
| Publishes the expected (generated) pattern.
ros::Timer | tf_timer |
| Timer to periodically republish TF transforms.
tf::TransformBroadcaster | transform_broadcaster |
| Publishes tf transforms.
tf::TransformListener | transform_listener |
| Listens to transforms from tf to transform calibration from the correct target to the camera.
ros::Publisher | transformed_target_cloud_publisher |
| Publishes the expected pattern transformed using the found calibration transform.
Definition at line 35 of file node.hpp.