Public Member Functions | Static Private Member Functions
aruco::Dictionary Class Reference

#include <highlyreliablemarkers.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

unsigned int distance (MarkerCode m, unsigned int &minMarker, unsigned int &minRot)
unsigned int distance (MarkerCode m)
bool fromFile (std::string filename)
unsigned int minimunDistance ()
bool toFile (std::string filename)

Static Private Member Functions

template<class T >
static std::string toStr (T num)

Detailed Description

This class represent a marker dictionary as a vector of MarkerCodes

Definition at line 163 of file highlyreliablemarkers.h.

Member Function Documentation

unsigned int aruco::Dictionary::distance ( MarkerCode  m,
unsigned int &  minMarker,
unsigned int &  minRot 

Return the distance of a marker to the dictionary, D(m,D) (Equation 7) Assign to minMarker the marker index in the dictionary with minimun distance to m Assign to minRot the rotation of minimun hamming distance. The rotation refers to the marker passed as parameter, m

Definition at line 220 of file highlyreliablemarkers.cpp.

unsigned int aruco::Dictionary::distance ( MarkerCode  m) [inline]

Return the distance of a marker to the dictionary, D(m,D) (Equation 7) Same method as distance(MarkerCode m, uint &minMarker, uint &minRot), except this doesnt return minMarker and minRot values.

Definition at line 187 of file highlyreliablemarkers.h.

bool aruco::Dictionary::fromFile ( std::string  filename)

Read dictionary from a .yml opencv file

Definition at line 182 of file highlyreliablemarkers.cpp.

Calculate the minimun distance between the markers in the dictionary (Equation 9)

Definition at line 237 of file highlyreliablemarkers.cpp.

bool aruco::Dictionary::toFile ( std::string  filename)

Write dictionary to a .yml opencv file

Definition at line 204 of file highlyreliablemarkers.cpp.

template<class T >
static std::string aruco::Dictionary::toStr ( T  num) [inline, static, private]

Definition at line 200 of file highlyreliablemarkers.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Hamdi Sahloul , Rafael Muñoz Salinas , Bence Magyar
autogenerated on Fri Feb 12 2016 00:38:40