Package rocon_test :: Module runner
[frames] | no frames]

Module runner

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Provides configuration details for a rocon test launch configuration associated with a single master.
get_results() source code
set_text_mode(val) source code
set_pause_mode(val) source code
get_rocon_test_parents() source code
Function that becomes TestCase.setUp()
source code
Function that becomes TestCase.tearDown()
source code
fail_duplicate_runner(test_name) source code
fail_runner(test_name, message) source code
rocon_test_runner(test, test_launch_configuration, test_pkg)
Test function generator that takes in a roslaunch Test object and returns a class instance method that runs the test.
source code
create_unit_rocon_test(rocon_launcher, launchers)
Constructs the python unit test class.
source code
  __package__ = 'rocon_test'
Function Details


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Function that becomes TestCase.setUp()

For each launcher representing a launch on a single master in the rocon launcher, this makes sure there is an entity that is to be the 'parent' who will later be responsible for shutting everything down.

This could be prone to problems if someone puts multiple launchers in rocon launcher with the same master port (untested).

rocon_test_runner(test, test_launch_configuration, test_pkg)

source code 

Test function generator that takes in a roslaunch Test object and returns a class instance method that runs the test. TestCase setUp() is responsible for ensuring that the rest of the roslaunch state is correct and tearDown() is responsible for tearing everything down cleanly.

  • test (roslaunch.Test) - ros test to run
Returns: fn
function object to run testObj

create_unit_rocon_test(rocon_launcher, launchers)

source code 

Constructs the python unit test class.

  • rocon_launcher - absolute path to the rocon test launcher
  • launchers - list of individual launcher configurations (name, path, port etc) in rocon_launcher