Package rocon_test :: Module loggers
[frames] | no frames]

Source Code for Module rocon_test.loggers

 1  #!/usr/bin/env python 
 2  # 
 3  # License: BSD 
 4  # 
 5  # 
 7  ############################################################################## 
 8  # Imports 
 9  ############################################################################## 
11  from __future__ import print_function 
13  import os 
14  import sys 
15  import roslaunch.core 
16  import logging 
17  import socket 
18  import rosgraph 
19  import rospkg 
20  import rosunit 
21  from rostest.rostestutil import rostest_name_from_path 
24  ############################################################################## 
25  # Methods 
26  ############################################################################## 
29 -def configure_logging(package, filename):
30 ''' 31 Configures the logger and generates an underscored pkg_dir relative name 32 (e.g. launch/pirate_chatter.multilaunch -> launch_pirate_chatter 33 ''' 34 roslaunch.core.add_printlog_handler(logging.getLogger('rocon_test').info) 35 roslaunch.core.add_printerrlog_handler(logging.getLogger('rocon_test').error) 36 r = rospkg.RosPack() 37 pkg_dir = r.get_path(package) 38 results_log_name = rostest_name_from_path(pkg_dir, filename) 39 log_basename = 'rocon_test-%s-%s.log' % (socket.gethostname(), os.getpid()) 40 unused_log_name = rosgraph.roslogging.configure_logging('rocon_test', filename=log_basename) 41 results_file = rosunit.xml_results_file(package, results_log_name, is_rostest=True) 42 return results_log_name, results_file
43 44
45 -def printlog(msg, *args):
46 if args: 47 msg = msg % args 48 logging.getLogger('rocon_test').info(msg) 49 print("[ROCON_TEST] " + msg)
50 51
52 -def printlogerr(msg, *args):
53 if args: 54 msg = msg % args 55 logging.getLogger('rocon_test').error(msg) 56 print >> sys.stderr, "[ROCON_TEST] " + msg
57 58 ############################################################################## 59 # Test 60 ############################################################################## 61 62 if __name__ == '__main__': 63 printlog(" Where is it dude?") 64