Package rocon_gateway :: Module samples
[frames] | no frames]

Module samples

source code

wait_for_gateway(ns='/gateway', timeout=rospy.Duration[5000000000])
Slowly loop (and block) until the gateway is connected to a hub.
source code
wait_for_remote_gateway(remote_gateway_name, ns='/gateway', timeout=rospy.Duration[5000000000])
Slowly loop (and block) until remote the gateway is visible on our hub.
source code
find_first_remote_gateway(ns='/gateway', timeout=rospy.Duration[15000000000])
Parses the remote gateway list to find a gateway to use for testing.
source code
create_tutorial_dictionaries(use_regex_patterns=False) source code
advertise_all(cancel=False, ns='/gateway')
Sends a rule for advertising everything except the default blacklist.
source code
advertise_tutorials(cancel=False, regex_patterns=False, ns='/gateway') source code
pull_all(remote_gateway_name=None, cancel=False, ns='/gateway')
Sends a rule for pulling everything from the specified remote gateway.
source code
pull_tutorials(remote_gateway_name=None, cancel=False, regex_patterns=False, ns='/gateway') source code
flip_all(remote_gateway_name=None, cancel=False, ns='/gateway')
Sends a rule for flipping everything to the specified remote gateway.
source code
flip_tutorials(remote_gateway_name=None, cancel=False, regex_patterns=False, ns='/gateway') source code
connect_hub_by_service(ns='/gateway', raise_exception=True) source code
  __package__ = 'rocon_gateway'
Function Details

find_first_remote_gateway(ns='/gateway', timeout=rospy.Duration[15000000000])

source code 

Parses the remote gateway list to find a gateway to use for testing.

It's a dumb hack to make testing quite convenient.

@return gateway string name @rtype string