Classes | Public Member Functions | Public Attributes
_FEDM_ISC_READER_INFO Struct Reference

Structure for collecting all reader information. More...

#include <FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h>

List of all members.


 Structure collecting information about connected Peripheral Devices (e.g. People-Counter) More...

Public Member Functions

unsigned int GetDeviceID ()
 Return of Device-ID (decimal)
unsigned int GetNoOfCfgPages ()
 Return the number of Reader's configuration pages.
unsigned int GetReaderType ()
unsigned int GetRfcRxBufferSize ()
 Returns size of RF-Controller receive buffer.
unsigned int GetRfcTxBufferSize ()
 Returns size of RF-Controller transmit buffer.
void Init ()

Public Attributes

union {
   unsigned char   ucReaderClass
 [0x66] and Mode=0x00: Reader Class (Bit 7 = 1)
   unsigned char   ucReaderType
 [0x66] and Mode=0x00: Reader Type (Bit 7 = 0)
union {
   struct {
      unsigned char   ucFpgaDevVer
 [0x66] and Mode=0x03: developer version number of FPGA/RF-Decoder
      unsigned char   ucFpgaHwType
 [0x66] and Mode=0x03: flag field with hardware options of FPGA/RF-Decoder
      unsigned char   ucFpgaSwVer [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x03: major and minor version number of FPGA/RF-Decoder
   struct {
      unsigned char   ucDecoderType [5]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x03: decoder information
      unsigned char   ucSelfTest
 [0x66] and Mode=0x03: selt test result
union {
   struct {
      union {
         struct {
            unsigned char   ucCprFctList
 [0x66] and Mode=0x04: flag field with function list
            unsigned char   ucFwIdentifierA [9]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x04: firmware identifier
         struct {
            unsigned char   ucCprFctList0
 [0x66] and Mode=0x04: flag field with function list
            unsigned char   ucCprFctList1
 [0x66] and Mode=0x04: flag field with function list
            unsigned char   ucCprFctList2
 [0x66] and Mode=0x04: flag field with function list
            unsigned char   ucCprRfu0
 [0x66] and Mode=0x04: reserved
            unsigned char   ucCprRfu1
 [0x66] and Mode=0x04: reserved
            unsigned char   ucCprRfu2
 [0x66] and Mode=0x04: reserved
            unsigned char   ucCprRfu3
 [0x66] and Mode=0x04: reserved
            unsigned char   ucCprRfu4
 [0x66] and Mode=0x04: reserved
            unsigned char   ucFwIdentifierC [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x04: firmware identifier
      unsigned char   ucCprFctTemplate
 [0x66] and Mode=0x04: template
   struct {
      unsigned char   ucFwIdentifierB [10]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x04: firmware identifier
      unsigned char   ucReserved1
 [0x66] and Mode=0x04: reserved byte
union {
   struct {
      unsigned char   ucWlanVer [14]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x09: version info
   struct {
aPeripheralDevice [3]
bool bIsInfoRead
 indicates, if structure contains valid data
bool bIsMode0x00Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x00 is read
bool bIsMode0x01Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x01 is read
bool bIsMode0x02Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x02 is read
bool bIsMode0x03Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x03 is read
bool bIsMode0x04Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x04 is read
bool bIsMode0x05Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x05 is read
bool bIsMode0x06Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x06 is read
bool bIsMode0x07Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x07 is read
bool bIsMode0x08Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x08 is read
bool bIsMode0x09Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x09 is read
bool bIsMode0x10Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x10 is read
bool bIsMode0x11Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x11 is read
bool bIsMode0x12Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x12 is read
bool bIsMode0x40Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x40 is read
bool bIsMode0x41Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x41 is read
bool bIsMode0x50Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x50 is read
bool bIsMode0x51Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x51 is read
bool bIsMode0x52Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x52 is read
bool bIsMode0x53Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x53 is read
bool bIsMode0x54Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x54 is read
bool bIsMode0x55Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x55 is read
bool bIsMode0x56Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x56 is read
bool bIsMode0x57Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x57 is read
bool bIsMode0x60Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x60 is read
bool bIsMode0x61Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x61 is read
bool bIsMode0x80Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x80 is read
bool bIsRfcFrequency
 indicates, if RFC Frequency is read
unsigned char ucAccDevVer
 [0x66] and Mode=0x01: developer version number of ACC
unsigned char ucAccEmbAppDevVer
 [0x66] and Mode=0x01: developer version number of 2nd embedded application inside ACC
unsigned char ucAccEmbAppSwVer [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x01: major and minor version number of 2nd embedded application inside ACC
unsigned char ucAccHwType
 [0x66] and Mode=0x01: flag field with hardware options of ACC
unsigned char ucAccSwVer [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x01: major and minor version number of ACC
unsigned char ucBatteryStatus
 [0x66] and Mode=0x10: battery status in percentage (only MLC.COM)
unsigned char ucBootSwVer [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x05: major and minor version number of Bootloader
unsigned char ucCfgReadPermissions [16]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x40 or 0x41: flag field with readable CFG pages
unsigned char ucCfgWritePermissions [16]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x40 or 0x41: flag field with writeable CFG pages
unsigned char ucCprioHwVer
 [0x66] and Mode=0x07: hardware revison number of CPRIO
unsigned char ucCprioNoOfInputs
 [0x66] and Mode=0x07: number of inputs of CPRIO
unsigned char ucCprioNoOfOutputs
 [0x66] and Mode=0x07: number of outputs of CPRIO
unsigned char ucCprioNoOfRelays
 [0x66] and Mode=0x07: number of relays of CPRIO
unsigned char ucCprioNoOfSignalers
 [0x66] and Mode=0x07: number of signalers of CPRIO
unsigned char ucCprioSwVer [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x07: major and minor version number of CPRIO
unsigned char ucKeybHwVer [4]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x06: hardware version of Keyboard
unsigned char ucKeybStatus [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x06: 2 byte with status flags of Keyboard
unsigned char ucKeybSwVer [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x06: major and minor version number of Keyboard
unsigned char ucLanFlags
 [0x66] and Mode=0x50: flags
unsigned char ucLanGatewayV4 [4]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x53: Gateway Address V4
unsigned char ucLanGatewayV6 [16]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x53: Gateway Address V6
unsigned char ucLanIpV4 [4]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x51: IP Address V4
unsigned char ucLanIpV6 [16]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x51: IP Address V6
unsigned char ucLanLinkInfo
 [0x66] and Mode=0x50: additional link information
unsigned char ucLanMac [6]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x50: media access control
unsigned char ucLanNetmaskV4 [4]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x52: netmask V4
unsigned char ucLanNetmaskV6 [16]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x52: netmask V6
unsigned char ucNoOfCfgPages [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x40 or 0x41: number of configuration pages
unsigned char ucNoOfInputs
 [0x66] and Mode=0x60: number of inputs
unsigned char ucNoOfOutputs
 [0x66] and Mode=0x60: number of outputs
unsigned char ucNoOfPeripheralDevices
 [0x66] and Mode=0x61: number of detected devices
unsigned char ucNoOfRelays
 [0x66] and Mode=0x60: number of relays
unsigned char ucNoOfSlots
 [0x66] and Mode=0x11: number of installed SAM slots
unsigned char ucReaderClassGen
 [0x66] and Mode=0x00: generation of Reader Class
unsigned char ucReaderTypeOfClass
 [0x66] and Mode=0x00: Reader Type of Class, which is defined in ucReaderClass
unsigned char ucReserved2
 [0x66] and Mode=0x10: reserved byte
unsigned char ucReserved3
unsigned char ucRfcAHw [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x10: for internal use
unsigned char ucRfcCpuFlashSize [4]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x12: size in KB of flash
unsigned char ucRfcCpuManufacturer
 [0x66] and Mode=0x12: manufacturer id
unsigned char ucRfcCpuRevision
 [0x66] and Mode=0x12: cpu revision code
unsigned char ucRfcCpuType [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x12: cpu type id
unsigned char ucRfcDevID [4]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x80: Device-IF (serial number)
unsigned char ucRfcDevVer
 [0x66] and Mode=0x00: developer version number of RFC
unsigned char ucRfcDHw [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x10: for internal use
unsigned char ucRfcFrequency
 [0x66] and Mode=0x10: frequency information (HF, UHF, .., EU, FCC)
unsigned char ucRfcHwInfo [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x10: flag field with hardware info
unsigned char ucRfcHwType
 [0x66] and Mode=0x00: flag field with hardware options of RFC
unsigned char ucRfcInfo
 [0x66] and Mode=0x10: RFC info
unsigned char ucRfcLicenseCustom [4]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x80: licensed customer version
unsigned char ucRfcLicenseFct [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x80: licensed functions
unsigned char ucRfcLicenseFw [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x80: licensed firmware version
unsigned char ucRfcLicenseTrType [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x80: licensed transponder driver
unsigned char ucRfcLicenseUhfFct [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x80: licensed uhf functions (for dual frequency reader)
unsigned char ucRfcLicenseUhfTrType [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x80: licensed uhf transponder driver (for dual frequency reader)
unsigned char ucRfcPortTypes
 [0x66] and Mode=0x10: flag field with supported port types
unsigned char ucRfcRxBufferSize [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x00: size of Reader's receive buffer
unsigned char ucRfcSupportedTagDriver [14]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x08: with firmware supported tag drivers
unsigned char ucRfcSwVer [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x00: major and minor version number of RFC
unsigned char ucRfcTrType [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x00: flag field with supported Transponder types
unsigned char ucRfcTxBufferSize [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x00: size of Reader's transmit buffer
unsigned char ucRfcUhfTrType [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x00: additional flag field with supported UHF Transponder types
unsigned char ucSlotInfo [4]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x11: slot info for each SAM
unsigned char ucUsbDevVer
 [0x66] and Mode=0x02: developer version number of USB controller
unsigned char ucUsbHwType
 [0x66] and Mode=0x02: flag field with hardware options of USB controller
unsigned char ucUsbSwVer [2]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x02: major and minor version number of USB controller
unsigned char ucWlanFlags
 [0x66] and Mode=0x54: flags
unsigned char ucWlanGatewayV4 [4]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x57: Gateway Address V4
unsigned char ucWlanGatewayV6 [16]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x57: Gateway Address V6
unsigned char ucWlanIpV4 [4]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x55: IP Address V4
unsigned char ucWlanIpV6 [16]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x55: IP Address V6
unsigned char ucWlanMac [6]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x54: media access control
unsigned char ucWlanNetmaskV4 [4]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x56: netmask V4
unsigned char ucWlanNetmaskV6 [16]
 [0x66] and Mode=0x56: netmask V6

Detailed Description

Structure for collecting all reader information.

Definition at line 58 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

Member Function Documentation

unsigned int _FEDM_ISC_READER_INFO::GetDeviceID ( ) [inline]

Return of Device-ID (decimal)

Definition at line 364 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

unsigned int _FEDM_ISC_READER_INFO::GetNoOfCfgPages ( ) [inline]

Return the number of Reader's configuration pages.

Definition at line 376 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

unsigned int _FEDM_ISC_READER_INFO::GetReaderType ( ) [inline]

Request of Reader Type Number All Reader Type Numbers are listed in OBID::FEDM::Core::Const::ReaderType::i_scan

Definition at line 325 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

unsigned int _FEDM_ISC_READER_INFO::GetRfcRxBufferSize ( ) [inline]

Returns size of RF-Controller receive buffer.

Definition at line 346 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

unsigned int _FEDM_ISC_READER_INFO::GetRfcTxBufferSize ( ) [inline]

Returns size of RF-Controller transmit buffer.

Definition at line 355 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

void _FEDM_ISC_READER_INFO::Init ( ) [inline]


Definition at line 317 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

Member Data Documentation

union { ... }
union { ... }
union { ... }
union { ... }

indicates, if structure contains valid data

Definition at line 287 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x00 is read

Definition at line 288 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x01 is read

Definition at line 289 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x02 is read

Definition at line 290 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x03 is read

Definition at line 291 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x04 is read

Definition at line 292 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x05 is read

Definition at line 293 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x06 is read

Definition at line 294 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x07 is read

Definition at line 295 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x08 is read

Definition at line 296 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x09 is read

Definition at line 297 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x10 is read

Definition at line 298 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x11 is read

Definition at line 299 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x12 is read

Definition at line 300 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x40 is read

Definition at line 301 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x41 is read

Definition at line 302 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x50 is read

Definition at line 303 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x51 is read

Definition at line 304 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x52 is read

Definition at line 305 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x53 is read

Definition at line 306 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x54 is read

Definition at line 307 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x55 is read

Definition at line 308 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x56 is read

Definition at line 309 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x57 is read

Definition at line 310 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x60 is read

Definition at line 311 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x61 is read

Definition at line 312 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x80 is read

Definition at line 313 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

indicates, if RFC Frequency is read

Definition at line 314 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x01: developer version number of ACC

Definition at line 84 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x01: developer version number of 2nd embedded application inside ACC

Definition at line 87 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x01: major and minor version number of 2nd embedded application inside ACC

Definition at line 86 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x01: flag field with hardware options of ACC

Definition at line 85 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x01: major and minor version number of ACC

Definition at line 83 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x10: battery status in percentage (only MLC.COM)

Definition at line 198 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x05: major and minor version number of Bootloader

Definition at line 153 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x40 or 0x41: flag field with readable CFG pages

Definition at line 215 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x40 or 0x41: flag field with writeable CFG pages

Definition at line 216 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x04: flag field with function list

Definition at line 124 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x04: flag field with function list

Definition at line 130 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x04: flag field with function list

Definition at line 131 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x04: flag field with function list

Definition at line 132 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x04: template

Definition at line 119 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x07: hardware revison number of CPRIO

Definition at line 164 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x07: number of inputs of CPRIO

Definition at line 165 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x07: number of outputs of CPRIO

Definition at line 166 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x07: number of relays of CPRIO

Definition at line 167 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x07: number of signalers of CPRIO

Definition at line 168 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x07: major and minor version number of CPRIO

Definition at line 163 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x04: reserved

Definition at line 133 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x04: reserved

Definition at line 134 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x04: reserved

Definition at line 135 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x04: reserved

Definition at line 136 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x04: reserved

Definition at line 137 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x03: decoder information

Definition at line 108 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x03: developer version number of FPGA/RF-Decoder

Definition at line 102 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x03: flag field with hardware options of FPGA/RF-Decoder

Definition at line 103 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x03: major and minor version number of FPGA/RF-Decoder

Definition at line 101 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x04: firmware identifier

Definition at line 125 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x04: firmware identifier

Definition at line 146 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x04: firmware identifier

Definition at line 138 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x06: hardware version of Keyboard

Definition at line 159 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x06: 2 byte with status flags of Keyboard

Definition at line 157 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x06: major and minor version number of Keyboard

Definition at line 158 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x50: flags

Definition at line 220 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x53: Gateway Address V4

Definition at line 236 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x53: Gateway Address V6

Definition at line 237 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x51: IP Address V4

Definition at line 226 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x51: IP Address V6

Definition at line 227 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x50: additional link information

Definition at line 222 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x50: media access control

Definition at line 221 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x52: netmask V4

Definition at line 231 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x52: netmask V6

Definition at line 232 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x40 or 0x41: number of configuration pages

Definition at line 214 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x60: number of inputs

Definition at line 261 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x60: number of outputs

Definition at line 262 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x61: number of detected devices

Definition at line 267 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x60: number of relays

Definition at line 263 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x11: number of installed SAM slots

Definition at line 202 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x00: Reader Class (Bit 7 = 1)

Definition at line 70 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x00: generation of Reader Class

Definition at line 77 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x00: Reader Type (Bit 7 = 0)

Definition at line 69 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x00: Reader Type of Class, which is defined in ucReaderClass

Definition at line 78 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x04: reserved byte

Definition at line 145 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x10: reserved byte

Definition at line 196 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.


Definition at line 79 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x10: for internal use

Definition at line 193 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x12: size in KB of flash

Definition at line 210 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x12: manufacturer id

Definition at line 207 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x12: cpu revision code

Definition at line 209 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x12: cpu type id

Definition at line 208 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x80: Device-IF (serial number)

Definition at line 279 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x00: developer version number of RFC

Definition at line 64 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x10: for internal use

Definition at line 192 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x10: frequency information (HF, UHF, .., EU, FCC)

Definition at line 194 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x10: flag field with hardware info

Definition at line 191 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x00: flag field with hardware options of RFC

Definition at line 65 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x10: RFC info

Definition at line 197 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x80: licensed customer version

Definition at line 280 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x80: licensed functions

Definition at line 283 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x80: licensed firmware version

Definition at line 281 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x80: licensed transponder driver

Definition at line 282 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x80: licensed uhf functions (for dual frequency reader)

Definition at line 285 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x80: licensed uhf transponder driver (for dual frequency reader)

Definition at line 284 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x10: flag field with supported port types

Definition at line 195 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x00: size of Reader's receive buffer

Definition at line 74 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x08: with firmware supported tag drivers

Definition at line 172 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x00: major and minor version number of RFC

Definition at line 63 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x00: flag field with supported Transponder types

Definition at line 73 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x00: size of Reader's transmit buffer

Definition at line 75 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x00: additional flag field with supported UHF Transponder types

Definition at line 76 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x03: selt test result

Definition at line 109 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x11: slot info for each SAM

Definition at line 203 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x02: developer version number of USB controller

Definition at line 92 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x02: flag field with hardware options of USB controller

Definition at line 93 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x02: major and minor version number of USB controller

Definition at line 91 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x54: flags

Definition at line 241 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x57: Gateway Address V4

Definition at line 256 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x57: Gateway Address V6

Definition at line 257 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x55: IP Address V4

Definition at line 246 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x55: IP Address V6

Definition at line 247 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x54: media access control

Definition at line 242 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x56: netmask V4

Definition at line 251 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x56: netmask V6

Definition at line 252 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

[0x66] and Mode=0x09: version info

Definition at line 180 of file FEDM_ISCReaderInfo.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Raul Perula-Martinez
autogenerated on Thu Apr 2 2015 03:06:15