Package redis :: Module connection :: Class UnixDomainSocketConnection
[frames] | no frames]

Class UnixDomainSocketConnection

source code

object --+    
Connection --+

Instance Methods
__init__(self, path='', db=0, password=None, socket_timeout=None, encoding='utf-8', encoding_errors='strict', decode_responses=False, parser_class=<class 'redis.connection.PythonParser'>)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
source code
__del__(self) (Inherited from redis.connection.Connection) source code
Connects to the Redis server if not already connected (Inherited from redis.connection.Connection)
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Disconnects from the Redis server (Inherited from redis.connection.Connection)
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encode(self, value)
Return a bytestring representation of the value (Inherited from redis.connection.Connection)
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Initialize the connection, authenticate and select a database (Inherited from redis.connection.Connection)
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pack_command(self, *args)
Pack a series of arguments into a value Redis command (Inherited from redis.connection.Connection)
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Read the response from a previously sent command (Inherited from redis.connection.Connection)
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send_command(self, *args)
Pack and send a command to the Redis server (Inherited from redis.connection.Connection)
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send_packed_command(self, command)
Send an already packed command to the Redis server (Inherited from redis.connection.Connection)
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, path='', db=0, password=None, socket_timeout=None, encoding='utf-8', encoding_errors='strict', decode_responses=False, parser_class=<class 'redis.connection.PythonParser'>)

source code 

x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)