Package redis :: Module client :: Class Redis
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Class Redis

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 object --+    
StrictRedis --+
Known Subclasses:

Provides backwards compatibility with older versions of redis-py that changed arguments to some commands to be more Pythonic, sane, or by accident.

Instance Methods
pipeline(self, transaction=True, shard_hint=None)
Return a new pipeline object that can queue multiple commands for later execution.
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setex(self, name, value, time)
Set the value of key ``name`` to ``value`` that expires in ``time`` seconds.
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lrem(self, name, value, num=0)
Remove the first ``num`` occurrences of elements equal to ``value`` from the list stored at ``name``.
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zadd(self, name, *args, **kwargs)
NOTE: The order of arguments differs from that of the official ZADD command.
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__contains__(self, name)
Returns a boolean indicating whether key ``name`` exists (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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__delitem__(self, *names)
Delete one or more keys specified by ``names`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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__getitem__(self, name)
Return the value at key ``name``, raises a KeyError if the key doesn't exist. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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__init__(self, host='localhost', port=6379, db=0, password=None, socket_timeout=None, connection_pool=None, charset='utf-8', errors='strict', decode_responses=False, unix_socket_path=None)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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__setitem__(self, name, value)
Set the value at key ``name`` to ``value`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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append(self, key, value)
Appends the string ``value`` to the value at ``key``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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Tell the Redis server to rewrite the AOF file from data in memory. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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Tell the Redis server to save its data to disk. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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bitcount(self, key, start=None, end=None)
Returns the count of set bits in the value of ``key``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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bitop(self, operation, dest, *keys)
Perform a bitwise operation using ``operation`` between ``keys`` and store the result in ``dest``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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blpop(self, keys, timeout=0)
LPOP a value off of the first non-empty list named in the ``keys`` list. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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brpop(self, keys, timeout=0)
RPOP a value off of the first non-empty list named in the ``keys`` list. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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brpoplpush(self, src, dst, timeout=0)
Pop a value off the tail of ``src``, push it on the head of ``dst`` and then return it. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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config_get(self, pattern='*')
Return a dictionary of configuration based on the ``pattern`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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config_set(self, name, value)
Set config item ``name`` with ``value`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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Returns the number of keys in the current database (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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debug_object(self, key)
Returns version specific metainformation about a give key (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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decr(self, name, amount=1)
Decrements the value of ``key`` by ``amount``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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delete(self, *names)
Delete one or more keys specified by ``names`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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echo(self, value)
Echo the string back from the server (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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eval(self, script, numkeys, *keys_and_args)
Execute the LUA ``script``, specifying the ``numkeys`` the script will touch and the key names and argument values in ``keys_and_args``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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evalsha(self, sha, numkeys, *keys_and_args)
Use the ``sha`` to execute a LUA script already registered via EVAL or SCRIPT LOAD. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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execute_command(self, *args, **options)
Execute a command and return a parsed response (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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exists(self, name)
Returns a boolean indicating whether key ``name`` exists (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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expire(self, name, time)
Set an expire flag on key ``name`` for ``time`` seconds. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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expireat(self, name, when)
Set an expire flag on key ``name``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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Delete all keys in all databases on the current host (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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Delete all keys in the current database (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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get(self, name)
Return the value at key ``name``, or None if the key doesn't exist (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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getbit(self, name, offset)
Returns a boolean indicating the value of ``offset`` in ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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getrange(self, key, start, end)
Returns the substring of the string value stored at ``key``, determined by the offsets ``start`` and ``end`` (both are inclusive) (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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getset(self, name, value)
Set the value at key ``name`` to ``value`` if key doesn't exist Return the value at key ``name`` atomically (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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hdel(self, name, *keys)
Delete ``keys`` from hash ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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hexists(self, name, key)
Returns a boolean indicating if ``key`` exists within hash ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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hget(self, name, key)
Return the value of ``key`` within the hash ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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hgetall(self, name)
Return a Python dict of the hash's name/value pairs (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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hincrby(self, name, key, amount=1)
Increment the value of ``key`` in hash ``name`` by ``amount`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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hkeys(self, name)
Return the list of keys within hash ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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hlen(self, name)
Return the number of elements in hash ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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hmget(self, name, keys, *args)
Returns a list of values ordered identically to ``keys`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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hmset(self, name, mapping)
Sets each key in the ``mapping`` dict to its corresponding value in the hash ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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hset(self, name, key, value)
Set ``key`` to ``value`` within hash ``name`` Returns 1 if HSET created a new field, otherwise 0 (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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hsetnx(self, name, key, value)
Set ``key`` to ``value`` within hash ``name`` if ``key`` does not exist. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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hvals(self, name)
Return the list of values within hash ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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incr(self, name, amount=1)
Increments the value of ``key`` by ``amount``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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Returns a dictionary containing information about the Redis server (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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keys(self, pattern='*')
Returns a list of keys matching ``pattern`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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Return a Python datetime object representing the last time the Redis database was saved to disk (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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lindex(self, name, index)
Return the item from list ``name`` at position ``index`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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linsert(self, name, where, refvalue, value)
Insert ``value`` in list ``name`` either immediately before or after [``where``] ``refvalue`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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llen(self, name)
Return the length of the list ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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lock(self, name, timeout=None, sleep=0.1)
Return a new Lock object using key ``name`` that mimics the behavior of threading.Lock. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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lpop(self, name)
Remove and return the first item of the list ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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lpush(self, name, *values)
Push ``values`` onto the head of the list ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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lpushx(self, name, value)
Push ``value`` onto the head of the list ``name`` if ``name`` exists (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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lrange(self, name, start, end)
Return a slice of the list ``name`` between position ``start`` and ``end`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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lset(self, name, index, value)
Set ``position`` of list ``name`` to ``value`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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ltrim(self, name, start, end)
Trim the list ``name``, removing all values not within the slice between ``start`` and ``end`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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mget(self, keys, *args)
Returns a list of values ordered identically to ``keys`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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move(self, name, db)
Moves the key ``name`` to a different Redis database ``db`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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mset(self, mapping)
Sets each key in the ``mapping`` dict to its corresponding value (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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msetnx(self, mapping)
Sets each key in the ``mapping`` dict to its corresponding value if none of the keys are already set (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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object(self, infotype, key)
Return the encoding, idletime, or refcount about the key (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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parse_response(self, connection, command_name, **options)
Parses a response from the Redis server (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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persist(self, name)
Removes an expiration on ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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Ping the Redis server (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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publish(self, channel, message)
Publish ``message`` on ``channel``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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pubsub(self, shard_hint=None)
Return a Publish/Subscribe object. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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Returns the name of a random key (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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register_script(self, script)
Register a LUA ``script`` specifying the ``keys`` it will touch. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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rename(self, src, dst)
Rename key ``src`` to ``dst`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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renamenx(self, src, dst)
Rename key ``src`` to ``dst`` if ``dst`` doesn't already exist (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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rpop(self, name)
Remove and return the last item of the list ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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rpoplpush(self, src, dst)
RPOP a value off of the ``src`` list and atomically LPUSH it on to the ``dst`` list. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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rpush(self, name, *values)
Push ``values`` onto the tail of the list ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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rpushx(self, name, value)
Push ``value`` onto the tail of the list ``name`` if ``name`` exists (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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sadd(self, name, *values)
Add ``value(s)`` to set ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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Tell the Redis server to save its data to disk, blocking until the save is complete (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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scard(self, name)
Return the number of elements in set ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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script_exists(self, *args)
Check if a script exists in the script cache by specifying the SHAs of each script as ``args``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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Flush all scripts from the script cache (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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Kill the currently executing LUA script (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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script_load(self, script)
Load a LUA ``script`` into the script cache. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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sdiff(self, keys, *args)
Return the difference of sets specified by ``keys`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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sdiffstore(self, dest, keys, *args)
Store the difference of sets specified by ``keys`` into a new set named ``dest``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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set(self, name, value)
Set the value at key ``name`` to ``value`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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set_response_callback(self, command, callback)
Set a custom Response Callback (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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setbit(self, name, offset, value)
Flag the ``offset`` in ``name`` as ``value``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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setnx(self, name, value)
Set the value of key ``name`` to ``value`` if key doesn't exist (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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setrange(self, name, offset, value)
Overwrite bytes in the value of ``name`` starting at ``offset`` with ``value``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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Shutdown the server (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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sinter(self, keys, *args)
Return the intersection of sets specified by ``keys`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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sinterstore(self, dest, keys, *args)
Store the intersection of sets specified by ``keys`` into a new set named ``dest``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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sismember(self, name, value)
Return a boolean indicating if ``value`` is a member of set ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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slaveof(self, host=None, port=None)
Set the server to be a replicated slave of the instance identified by the ``host`` and ``port``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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smembers(self, name)
Return all members of the set ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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smove(self, src, dst, value)
Move ``value`` from set ``src`` to set ``dst`` atomically (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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sort(self, name, start=None, num=None, by=None, get=None, desc=False, alpha=False, store=None)
Sort and return the list, set or sorted set at ``name``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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spop(self, name)
Remove and return a random member of set ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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srandmember(self, name)
Return a random member of set ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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srem(self, name, *values)
Remove ``values`` from set ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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strlen(self, name)
Return the number of bytes stored in the value of ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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substr(self, name, start, end=-1)
Return a substring of the string at key ``name``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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sunion(self, keys, *args)
Return the union of sets specifiued by ``keys`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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sunionstore(self, dest, keys, *args)
Store the union of sets specified by ``keys`` into a new set named ``dest``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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Returns the server time as a 2-item tuple of ints: (seconds since epoch, microseconds into this second). (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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transaction(self, func, *watches, **kwargs)
Convenience method for executing the callable `func` as a transaction while watching all keys specified in `watches`. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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ttl(self, name)
Returns the number of seconds until the key ``name`` will expire (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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type(self, name)
Returns the type of key ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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Unwatches the value at key ``name``, or None of the key doesn't exist (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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watch(self, *names)
Watches the values at keys ``names``, or None if the key doesn't exist (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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zcard(self, name)
Return the number of elements in the sorted set ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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zcount(self, name, min, max) (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis) source code
zincrby(self, name, value, amount=1)
Increment the score of ``value`` in sorted set ``name`` by ``amount`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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zinterstore(self, dest, keys, aggregate=None)
Intersect multiple sorted sets specified by ``keys`` into a new sorted set, ``dest``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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zrange(self, name, start, end, desc=False, withscores=False, score_cast_func=<type 'float'>)
Return a range of values from sorted set ``name`` between ``start`` and ``end`` sorted in ascending order. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
source code
zrangebyscore(self, name, min, max, start=None, num=None, withscores=False, score_cast_func=<type 'float'>)
Return a range of values from the sorted set ``name`` with scores between ``min`` and ``max``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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zrank(self, name, value)
Returns a 0-based value indicating the rank of ``value`` in sorted set ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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zrem(self, name, *values)
Remove member ``values`` from sorted set ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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zremrangebyrank(self, name, min, max)
Remove all elements in the sorted set ``name`` with ranks between ``min`` and ``max``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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zremrangebyscore(self, name, min, max)
Remove all elements in the sorted set ``name`` with scores between ``min`` and ``max``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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zrevrange(self, name, start, num, withscores=False, score_cast_func=<type 'float'>)
Return a range of values from sorted set ``name`` between ``start`` and ``num`` sorted in descending order. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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zrevrangebyscore(self, name, max, min, start=None, num=None, withscores=False, score_cast_func=<type 'float'>)
Return a range of values from the sorted set ``name`` with scores between ``min`` and ``max`` in descending order. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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zrevrank(self, name, value)
Returns a 0-based value indicating the descending rank of ``value`` in sorted set ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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zscore(self, name, value)
Return the score of element ``value`` in sorted set ``name`` (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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zunionstore(self, dest, keys, aggregate=None)
Union multiple sorted sets specified by ``keys`` into a new sorted set, ``dest``. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods
from_url(cls, url, db=None, **kwargs)
Return a Redis client object configured from the given URL. (Inherited from redis.client.StrictRedis)
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Class Variables
  RESPONSE_CALLBACKS = {'AUTH': <type 'bool'>, 'BGREWRITEAOF': <...

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

pipeline(self, transaction=True, shard_hint=None)

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Return a new pipeline object that can queue multiple commands for later execution. ``transaction`` indicates whether all commands should be executed atomically. Apart from making a group of operations atomic, pipelines are useful for reducing the back-and-forth overhead between the client and server.

Overrides: StrictRedis.pipeline

setex(self, name, value, time)

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Set the value of key ``name`` to ``value`` that expires in ``time`` seconds. ``time`` can be represented by an integer or a Python timedelta object.

Overrides: StrictRedis.setex

lrem(self, name, value, num=0)

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Remove the first ``num`` occurrences of elements equal to ``value``
from the list stored at ``name``.

The ``num`` argument influences the operation in the following ways:
    num > 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from head to tail.
    num < 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from tail to head.
    num = 0: Remove all elements equal to value.

Overrides: StrictRedis.lrem

zadd(self, name, *args, **kwargs)

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NOTE: The order of arguments differs from that of the official ZADD command. For backwards compatability, this method accepts arguments in the form of name1, score1, name2, score2, while the official Redis documents expects score1, name1, score2, name2.

If you're looking to use the standard syntax, consider using the StrictRedis class. See the API Reference section of the docs for more information.

Set any number of element-name, score pairs to the key ``name``. Pairs can be specified in two ways:

As *args, in the form of: name1, score1, name2, score2, ... or as **kwargs, in the form of: name1=score1, name2=score2, ...

The following example would add four values to the 'my-key' key: redis.zadd('my-key', 'name1', 1.1, 'name2', 2.2, name3=3.3, name4=4.4)

Overrides: StrictRedis.zadd

Class Variable Details


dict_merge(StrictRedis.RESPONSE_CALLBACKS, {'TTL': lambda r: r !=-1 an\
d r or None,})