Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* $NoKeywords: $ */
00002 /*
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved.
00005 // OpenNURBS, Rhinoceros, and Rhino3D are registered trademarks of Robert
00006 // McNeel & Associates.
00007 //
00011 //                              
00012 // For complete openNURBS copyright information see <>.
00013 //
00015 */
00018 //
00019 //   defines ON_Xform (4 x 4 transformation matrix)
00020 //
00023 #if !defined(ON_XFORM_INC_)
00024 #define ON_XFORM_INC_
00026 class ON_Matrix;
00028 class ON_CLASS ON_Xform
00029 {
00030 public:
00031   double m_xform[4][4]; // [i][j] = row i, column j.  I.e., 
00032                         //
00033                         //           [0][0] [0][1] [0][2] [0][3]
00034                         //           [1][0] [1][1] [1][2] [1][3]
00035                         //           [2][0] [2][1] [2][2] [2][3]
00036                         //           [3][0] [3][1] [3][2] [3][3]
00038   // use implicit destructor, copy constructor
00039   ON_Xform();                     // zero matrix
00041   ON_Xform( int );                // diagonal matrix (d,d,d,1)
00042   ON_Xform( double );             // diagonal matrix (d,d,d,1)
00044 #if defined(ON_COMPILER_MSC)
00045   // Microsoft's compiler won't pass double m[4][4] as a const double[4][4] arg.
00046   // Gnu's compiler handles this.
00047   ON_Xform( double[4][4] );       // from standard double m[4][4]
00048   ON_Xform( float[4][4] );        // from standard float m[4][4]
00049 #endif
00051   ON_Xform( const double[4][4] ); // from standard double m[4][4]
00052   ON_Xform( const float[4][4] );  // from standard float m[4][4]
00054   ON_Xform( const double* );      // from array of 16 doubles (row0,row1,row2,row3)
00055   ON_Xform( const float* );       // from array of 16 floats (row0,row1,row2,row3)
00057   ON_Xform( const ON_Matrix& ); // from upper left 4x4 of an
00058                                     // arbitrary matrix.  Any missing
00059                                     // rows/columns are set to identity. 
00060         ON_Xform(const ON_3dPoint& P,   // as a frame. 
00061                                                 const ON_3dVector& X,   
00062                                                 const ON_3dVector& Y,   
00063                                                 const ON_3dVector& Z); 
00065   // use implicit operator=(const ON_3dVector&), operator==
00067   double* operator[](int);
00068   const double* operator[](int) const;
00070   // xform = scalar results in a diagonal 3x3 with bottom row = 0,0,0,1
00071   ON_Xform& operator=( int );
00072   ON_Xform& operator=( float );
00073   ON_Xform& operator=( double );
00074   ON_Xform& operator=( const ON_Matrix& ); // from upper left 4x4 of an
00075                                                // arbitrary matrix.  Any missing
00076                                                // rows/columns are set to identity.
00078   // All non-commutative operations have "this" as left hand side and
00079   // argument as right hand side.
00080   ON_2dPoint operator*( const ON_2dPoint& ) const;
00081   ON_3dPoint operator*( const ON_3dPoint& ) const;
00082   ON_4dPoint operator*( const ON_4dPoint& ) const;
00084   ON_2dVector operator*( const ON_2dVector& ) const;
00085   ON_3dVector operator*( const ON_3dVector& ) const;
00087   ON_Xform operator*( const ON_Xform& /*rhs*/ ) const;
00088   ON_Xform operator+( const ON_Xform& ) const;
00089   ON_Xform operator-( const ON_Xform& /*rhs*/ ) const;
00091   /*
00092   Description:
00093     Test the entries of the transformation matrix
00094     to see if they are valid number.
00095   Returns:
00096     True if ON_IsValid() is true for every number
00097     in the transformation matrix.
00098   */
00099   bool IsValid() const;
00101   /*
00102   Returns:
00103     true if matrix is the identity transformation
00105           1 0 0 0
00106           0 1 0 0
00107           0 0 1 0
00108           0 0 0 1
00109   Remarks:
00110     An element of the matrix is "zero" if fabs(x) <= zero_tolerance.
00111     An element of the matrix is "one" if fabs(1.0-x) <= zero_tolerance.
00112     If the matrix contains a nan, false is returned.
00113   */
00114   bool IsIdentity( double zero_tolerance = 0.0) const;
00116   /*
00117   Returns:
00118     true if the matrix is valid and is not the identity transformation
00119   Remarks:
00120     An element of the matrix is "zero" if fabs(x) <= zero_tolerance.
00121     An element of the matrix is "one" if fabs(1.0-x) <= zero_tolerance.
00122     If the matrix contains a nan, false is returned.
00123   */
00124   bool IsNotIdentity( double zero_tolerance = 0.0) const;
00126   /*
00127   Returns:
00128     true if matrix is a pure translation
00130           1 0 0 dx
00131           0 1 0 dy
00132           0 0 1 dz
00133           0 0 0 1
00134   Remarks:
00135     The test for zero is fabs(x) <= zero_tolerance.
00136     The test for one is fabs(x-1) <= zero_tolerance.
00137   */
00138   bool IsTranslation( double zero_tolerance = 0.0) const;
00140   /*
00141   Returns:
00142     true if matrix is the zero transformation
00144           0 0 0 0
00145           0 0 0 0
00146           0 0 0 0
00147           0 0 0 *
00148   */
00149   bool IsZero() const;
00151   /*
00152   Description:
00153     A similarity transformation can be broken into a sequence
00154     of dialations, translations, rotations, and reflections.
00155   Returns:
00156     +1: This transformation is an orientation preserving similarity.
00157     -1: This transformation is an orientation reversing similarity.
00158      0: This transformation is not a similarity.
00159   */
00160   int IsSimilarity() const;
00163   int Compare( const ON_Xform& other ) const;
00166   // matrix operations
00167   void Transpose(); // transposes 4x4 matrix
00169   int 
00170   Rank( // returns 0 to 4
00171     double* = NULL // If not NULL, returns minimum pivot
00172   ) const;
00174   double
00175   Determinant( // returns determinant of 4x4 matrix
00176     double* = NULL // If not NULL, returns minimum pivot
00177   ) const;
00179   bool
00180   Invert( // If matrix is non-singular, returns true,
00181           // otherwise returns false and sets matrix to 
00182           // pseudo inverse.
00183     double* = NULL // If not NULL, returns minimum pivot
00184   );
00186   ON_Xform
00187   Inverse(  // If matrix is non-singular, returns inverse,
00188             // otherwise returns pseudo inverse.
00189     double* = NULL // If not NULL, returns minimum pivot
00190   ) const;
00192   /*
00193   Description:
00194     When transforming 3d point and surface or mesh normals
00195     two different transforms must be used.
00196     If P_xform transforms the point, then the inverse
00197     transpose of P_xform must be used to tranform normal
00198     vectors.
00199   Parameters:
00200     N_xform - [out]
00201   Returns:
00202     The determinant of the transformation.
00203     If non-zero, "this" is invertable and N_xform can be calculated.
00204     False if "this" is not invertable, in which case
00205     the returned N_xform = this with the right hand column
00206     and bottom row zeroed out.
00207   */
00208   double GetSurfaceNormalXform( ON_Xform& N_xform ) const;
00210   /*
00211   Description:
00212     If a texture mapping is applied to an object, the object
00213     is subsequently transformed by T, and the texture mapping
00214     needs to be recalculated, then two transforms are required
00215     to recalcalculate the texture mapping.
00216   Parameters:
00217     P_xform - [out] 
00218       Transform to apply to points before applying the
00219       texture mapping transformation.
00220     N_xform - [out] 
00221       Transform to apply to surface normals before applying
00222       the texture mapping transformation.
00223   Returns:
00224     The determinant of the "this" transformation.
00225     If non-zero, "this" is invertable and P_xform and N_xform
00226     were calculated.
00227     False if "this" is not invertable, in which case
00228     the returned P_xform and N_xform are the identity.
00229   */
00230   double GetMappingXforms( ON_Xform& P_xform, ON_Xform& N_xform ) const;
00232   // Description:
00233   //   Computes matrix * transpose([x,y,z,w]).
00234   //
00235   // Parameters:
00236   //   x - [in]
00237   //   y - [in]
00238   //   z - [in]
00239   //   z - [in]
00240   //   ans - [out] = matrix * transpose([x,y,z,w])
00241   void ActOnLeft(
00242          double, // x
00243          double, // y
00244          double, // z
00245          double, // w
00246          double[4] // ans
00247          ) const;
00249   // Description:
00250   //   Computes [x,y,z,w] * matrix.
00251   //
00252   // Parameters:
00253   //   x - [in]
00254   //   y - [in]
00255   //   z - [in]
00256   //   z - [in]
00257   //   ans - [out] = [x,y,z,w] * matrix
00258   void ActOnRight(
00259          double, // x
00260          double, // y
00261          double, // z
00262          double, // w
00263          double[4] // ans
00264          ) const;
00267   // standard transformations
00269   // All zeros including the bottom row.
00270   void Zero();
00272   // diagonal is (1,1,1,1)
00273   void Identity();
00275   // diagonal 3x3 with bottom row = 0,0,0,1
00276   void Diagonal(double); 
00278   /*
00279   Description:
00280     Create non-uniform scale transformation with the origin as
00281     a fixed point.
00282   Parameters:
00283     fixed_point - [in]
00284     x_scale_factor - [in]
00285     y_scale_factor - [in]
00286     z_scale_factor - [in]
00287   Remarks:
00288     The diagonal is (x_scale_factor, y_scale_factor, z_scale_factor, 1)
00289   */
00290   void Scale( 
00291     double x_scale_factor,
00292     double y_scale_factor,
00293     double z_scale_factor
00294     );
00296   /*
00297   Description:
00298     Create non-uniform scale transformation with the origin as
00299     a fixed point.
00300   Parameters:
00301     fixed_point - [in]
00302     scale_vector - [in]
00303   Remarks:
00304     The diagonal is (scale_vector.x, scale_vector.y, scale_vector.z, 1)
00305   */
00306   void Scale( 
00307     const ON_3dVector& scale_vector
00308     );
00310   /*
00311   Description:
00312     Create uniform scale transformation with a specified
00313     fixed point.
00314   Parameters:
00315     fixed_point - [in]
00316     scale_factor - [in]
00317   */
00318   void Scale
00319     (
00320     ON_3dPoint fixed_point,
00321     double scale_factor
00322     );
00324   /*
00325   Description:
00326     Create non-uniform scale transformation with a specified
00327     fixed point.
00328   Parameters:
00329     plane - [in] plane.origin is the fixed point
00330     x_scale_factor - [in] plane.xaxis scale factor
00331     y_scale_factor - [in] plane.yaxis scale factor
00332     z_scale_factor - [in] plane.zaxis scale factor
00333   */
00334   void Scale
00335     (
00336     const ON_Plane& plane,
00337     double x_scale_factor,
00338     double y_scale_factor,
00339     double z_scale_factor
00340     );
00342   /*
00343   Description:
00344     Create shear transformation.
00345   Parameters:
00346     plane - [in] plane.origin is the fixed point
00347     x1 - [in] plane.xaxis scale factor
00348     y1 - [in] plane.yaxis scale factor
00349     z1 - [in] plane.zaxis scale factor
00350   */
00351   void Shear
00352     (
00353     const ON_Plane& plane,
00354     const ON_3dVector& x1,
00355     const ON_3dVector& y1,
00356     const ON_3dVector& z1
00357     );
00359   // Right column is (d.x, d.y,d.z, 1).
00360   void Translation( 
00361     const ON_3dVector& // d
00362     );
00364   // Right column is (dx, dy, dz, 1).
00365   void Translation( 
00366     double, // dx
00367     double, // dy
00368     double  // dz
00369     );
00371   // Description:
00372   //   Get transformation that projects to a plane
00373   // Parameters:
00374   //   plane - [in] plane to project to
00375   // Remarks:
00376   //   This transformaton maps a 3d point P to the
00377   //   point plane.ClosestPointTo(Q).
00378   void PlanarProjection(
00379     const ON_Plane& plane
00380     );
00382   // Description: 
00383   //   The Rotation() function is overloaded and provides several
00384   //   ways to compute a rotation transformation.  A positive
00385   //   rotation angle indicates a counter-clockwise (right hand rule)
00386   //   rotation about the axis of rotation.
00387   //
00388   // Parameters:
00389   //   sin_angle - sin(rotation angle)
00390   //   cos_angle - cos(rotation angle)
00391   //   rotation_axis - 3d unit axis of rotation
00392   //   rotation_center - 3d center of rotation
00393   //
00394   // Remarks: 
00395   //   In the overloads that take frames, the frames should 
00396   //   be right hand orthonormal frames 
00397   //   (unit vectors with Z = X x Y).  
00398   //   The resulting rotation fixes
00399   //   the origin (0,0,0), maps initial X to 
00400   //   final X, initial Y to final Y, and initial Z to final Z.
00401   //  
00402   //   In the overload that takes frames with center points, 
00403   //   if the initial and final center are equal, then that 
00404   //   center point is the fixed point of the rotation.  If 
00405   //   the initial and final point differ, then the resulting
00406   //   transform is the composition of a rotation fixing P0
00407   //   and translation from P0 to P1.  The resulting 
00408   //   transformation maps P0 to P1, P0+X0 to P1+X1, ...
00409   //
00410   //   The rotation transformations that map frames to frames
00411   //   are not the same as the change of basis transformations
00412   //   for those frames.  See ON_Xform::ChangeBasis().
00413   //   
00414   void Rotation(
00415     double sin_angle,
00416     double cos_angle,
00417     ON_3dVector rotation_axis,
00418     ON_3dPoint rotation_center
00419     );
00421   // Parameters:
00422   //   angle - rotation angle in radians
00423   //   rotation_axis - 3d unit axis of rotation
00424   //   rotation_center - 3d center of rotation
00425   void Rotation(
00426     double angle_radians,
00427     ON_3dVector rotation_axis,
00428     ON_3dPoint rotation_center
00429     );
00431   /*
00432   Description:
00433     Calculate the minimal transformation that rotates
00434     start_dir to end_dir while fixing rotation_center.    
00435   */
00436   void Rotation(
00437     ON_3dVector start_dir,
00438     ON_3dVector end_dir,
00439     ON_3dPoint rotation_center
00440     );
00442   // Parameters:
00443   //   X0 - initial frame X
00444   //   Y0 - initial frame Y
00445   //   Z0 - initial frame Z
00446   //   X1 - final frame X
00447   //   Y1 - final frame Y
00448   //   Z1 - final frame Z
00449   //
00450   void Rotation( 
00451     const ON_3dVector& X0,
00452     const ON_3dVector& Y0,
00453     const ON_3dVector& Z0,
00454     const ON_3dVector& X1,
00455     const ON_3dVector& Y1,
00456     const ON_3dVector& Z1
00457     );
00459   // Parameters:
00460   //   P0 - initial frame center
00461   //   X0 - initial frame X
00462   //   Y0 - initial frame Y
00463   //   Z0 - initial frame Z
00464   //   P1 - initial frame center
00465   //   X1 - final frame X
00466   //   Y1 - final frame Y
00467   //   Z1 - final frame Z
00468   void Rotation( 
00469     const ON_3dPoint& P0,
00470     const ON_3dVector& X0,
00471     const ON_3dVector& Y0,
00472     const ON_3dVector& Z0,
00473     const ON_3dPoint& P1,
00474     const ON_3dVector& X1,
00475     const ON_3dVector& Y1,
00476     const ON_3dVector& Z1
00477     );
00479   /*
00480   Description:
00481     Create rotation transformation that maps plane0 to plane1.
00482   Parameters:
00483     plane0 - [in]
00484     plane1 - [in]
00485   */
00486   void Rotation( 
00487     const ON_Plane& plane0,
00488     const ON_Plane& plane1
00489     );
00491   /*
00492   Description:
00493     Create mirror transformation matrix.
00494   Parameters:
00495     point_on_mirror_plane - [in] point on mirror plane
00496     normal_to_mirror_plane - [in] normal to mirror plane
00497   Remarks:
00498     The mirror transform maps a point Q to
00499     Q - (2*(Q-P)oN)*N, where
00500     P = point_on_mirror_plane and N = normal_to_mirror_plane.
00501   */
00502   void Mirror(
00503     ON_3dPoint point_on_mirror_plane,
00504     ON_3dVector normal_to_mirror_plane
00505     );
00507   // Description: The ChangeBasis() function is overloaded 
00508   //   and provides several
00509   //   ways to compute a change of basis transformation.
00510   //
00511   // Parameters:
00512   //   plane0 - inital plane
00513   //   plane1 - final plane
00514   //
00515   // Returns:
00516   //   @untitled table
00517   //   true    success
00518   //   false   vectors for initial frame are not a basis
00519   //
00520   // Remarks: 
00521   //   If you have points defined with respect to planes, the
00522   //   version of ChangeBasis() that takes two planes computes
00523   //   the transformation to change coordinates from one plane to 
00524   //   another.  The predefined world plane ON_world_plane can
00525   //   be used as an argument.
00526   //
00527   //   If P = plane0.Evaluate( a0,b0,c0 ) and 
00528   //
00529   //   (a1,b1,c1) = ChangeBasis(plane0,plane1)*ON_3dPoint(a0,b0,c0),
00530   //
00531   //   then P = plane1.Evaluate( a1, b1, c1 )
00532   //          
00533   //   The version of ChangeBasis() that takes six vectors
00534   //   maps (a0,b0,c0) to (a1,b1,c1) where
00535   //   a0*X0 + b0*Y0 + c0*Z0 = a1*X1 + b1*Y1 + c1*Z1
00536   //
00537   //   The version of ChangeBasis() that takes six vectors
00538   //   with center points
00539   //   maps (a0,b0,c0) to (a1,b1,c1) where
00540   //   P0 + a0*X0 + b0*Y0 + c0*Z0 = P1 + a1*X1 + b1*Y1 + c1*Z1
00541   //
00542   //   The change of basis transformation is not the same as
00543   //   the rotation transformation that rotates one orthonormal
00544   //   frame to another.  See ON_Xform::Rotation().
00545   bool ChangeBasis( 
00546     const ON_Plane& plane0,
00547     const ON_Plane& plane1
00548     );
00550   // Description:
00551   //   Get a change of basis transformation.
00552   // Parameters:
00553   //   X0 - initial basis X (X0,Y0,Z0 can be any 3d basis)
00554   //   Y0 - initial basis Y
00555   //   Z0 - initial basis Z
00556   //   X1 - final basis X (X1,Y1,Z1 can be any 3d basis)
00557   //   Y1 - final basis Y
00558   //   Z1 - final basis Z
00559   // Remarks:
00560   //   Change of basis transformations and rotation transformations
00561   //   are often confused.  This is a change of basis transformation.
00562   //   If Q = a0*X0 + b0*Y0 + c0*Z0 = a1*X1 + b1*Y1 + c1*Z1
00563   //   then this transform will map the point (a0,b0,c0) to (a1,b1,c1)
00564   bool ChangeBasis( 
00565     const ON_3dVector& X0,
00566     const ON_3dVector& Y0,
00567     const ON_3dVector& Z0,
00568     const ON_3dVector& X1,
00569     const ON_3dVector& Y1,
00570     const ON_3dVector& Z1
00571     );
00573   // Parameters:
00574   //   P0 - initial center
00575   //   X0 - initial basis X (X0,Y0,Z0 can be any 3d basis)
00576   //   Y0 - initial basis Y
00577   //   Z0 - initial basis Z
00578   //   P1 - final center
00579   //   X1 - final basis X (X1,Y1,Z1 can be any 3d basis)
00580   //   Y1 - final basis Y
00581   //   Z1 - final basis Z
00582   // Remarks:
00583   //   Change of basis transformations and rotation transformations
00584   //   are often confused.  This is a change of basis transformation.
00585   //   If Q = P0 + a0*X0 + b0*Y0 + c0*Z0 = P1 + a1*X1 + b1*Y1 + c1*Z1
00586   //   then this transform will map the point (a0,b0,c0) to (a1,b1,c1)
00587   bool ChangeBasis( 
00588     const ON_3dPoint& P0,
00589     const ON_3dVector& X0,
00590     const ON_3dVector& Y0,
00591     const ON_3dVector& Z0,
00592     const ON_3dPoint& P1,
00593     const ON_3dVector& X1,
00594     const ON_3dVector& Y1,
00595     const ON_3dVector& Z1
00596     );
00598   // standard viewing transformations
00599   void WorldToCamera( 
00600          const ON_3dPoint&,  // CameraLocation
00601          const ON_3dVector&, // unit CameraX vector (right)
00602          const ON_3dVector&, // unit CameraY vector (up)
00603          const ON_3dVector&  // unit CameraZ vector (from screen to camera)
00604          );
00605   void CameraToWorld( 
00606          const ON_3dPoint&,  // CameraLocation
00607          const ON_3dVector&, // unit CameraX vector (right)
00608          const ON_3dVector&, // unit CameraY vector (up)
00609          const ON_3dVector&  // unit CameraZ vector (from screen to camera)
00610          );
00611   bool CameraToClip( // maps viewport frustum to -1 <= x,y,z <= 1 box
00612       ON_BOOL32, // true for perspective, false for orthographic
00613       double, double, // left != right (usually left < right )
00614       double, double, // bottom != top (usually bottom < top )
00615       double, double  // near != far (usually 0 < near < far )
00616       );
00618   // maps -1 <= x,y,z <= 1 box to viewport frustum
00619   bool ClipToCamera( 
00620       int, // true for perspective, false for orthographic
00621       double, double, // left != right (usually left < right )
00622       double, double, // bottom != top (usually bottom < top )
00623       double, double  // near != far an bot are non-zero (usually 0 < near < far )
00624       );
00626   // Computes transform that maps the clipping box 
00627   //
00628   //           -1<x<1,-1<y<1,-1<z<1 
00629   //
00630   // to the screen box
00631   //
00632   //          (left,right) X (bottom,top) X (near,far)
00633   bool ClipToScreen(                           
00634       double, // left
00635       double, // right
00636       double, // bottom
00637       double, // top
00638       double, // near_z
00639       double  // far_z
00640       );
00642   // Computes transform that maps the screen box
00643   //
00644   //          (left,right) X (bottom,top) X (near,far)
00645   //  
00646   // to the clipping box 
00647   //
00648   //           -1<x<1,-1<y<1,-1<z<1 
00649   bool ScreenToClip(
00650       double, // left
00651       double, // right
00652       double, // bottom
00653       double, // top
00654       double, // near_z
00655       double  // far_z
00656       );
00658   // Description: Computes homogeneous point clipping flags and
00659   //   returns an int with bits set to indicate if the point
00660   //   is outside of the clipping box.
00661   //
00662   // Parameters:
00663   //   point - [in] 4d homogeneous clipping coordinate point
00664   //
00665   // Returns:  
00666   //  @table  
00667   //   bit      point location
00668   //   1        x/w < -1
00669   //   2        x/w > +1
00670   //   4        y/w < -1
00671   //   8        y/w > +1
00672   //   16       z/w < -1
00673   //   32       z/w > +1
00674   //
00675   int ClipFlag4d(
00676     const double* // point
00677     ) const;
00679   // Parameters:
00680   //   count - [in] number of 4d points
00681   //   stride - [in] (>=4)
00682   //   points - [in] 4d clipping coordinate points 
00683   //            (array of stride*count doubles)
00684   //   bTestZ - [in] (default=true) if false, do not test "z" coordinate
00685   //
00686   int ClipFlag4d(
00687     int, // count
00688     int, // stride
00689     const double*, // points
00690     ON_BOOL32 = true // bTeztZ
00691     ) const;
00693   // Description: 
00694   //   Computes 3d point clipping flags and
00695   //   returns an int with bits set to indicate if the point
00696   //   is outside of the clipping box.
00697   //
00698   // Parameters:
00699   //   point - [in] 3d clipping coordinate point
00700   //
00701   // Returns:  
00702   //  @table  
00703   //   bit      point location
00704   //   1        x < -1
00705   //   2        x > +1
00706   //   4        y < -1
00707   //   8        y > +1
00708   //   16       z < -1
00709   //   32       z > +1
00710   int ClipFlag3d(
00711     const double* // point
00712     ) const;
00714   // Parameters:
00715   //   count - [in] number of 3d points
00716   //   stride - [in] (>=3)
00717   //   points - [in] 3d clipping coordinate points (array of stride*count doubles)
00718   //   bTestZ - [in] (default=true) if false, do not test "z" coordinate
00719   //
00720   int ClipFlag3d(
00721     int, // count
00722     int, // stride 
00723     const double*, // points
00724     ON_BOOL32 = true // bTestZ
00725     ) const;
00727   // Description: Computes 3d clipping flags for a 3d bounding
00728   //   box and returns an int with bits set to indicate if
00729   //   the bounding box is outside of the clipping box.
00730   //
00731   // Parameters:
00732   //   boxmin - [in] 3d boxmin corner
00733   //   boxmax - [in] 3d boxmax corner
00734   //
00735   // Returns:  
00736   //  @table  
00737   //   bit      box location
00738   //   1        boxmax x < -1
00739   //   2        boxmin x > +1
00740   //   4        boxmax y < -1
00741   //   8        boxmin y > +1
00742   //   16       boxmax z < -1
00743   //   32       boxmin z > +1
00744   int ClipFlag3dBox(
00745     const double*, // boxmin
00746     const double*  // boxmax
00747     ) const;
00750   /*
00751   Description:
00752     Calculates the transformation that linearly maps
00753     old_interval to new_interval.
00754   Parameters:
00755     dir - [in] 0 = x, 1 = y, 2= z;
00756     old_interval - [in]
00757     new_interval - [in]
00758   */
00759   bool IntervalChange(
00760     int dir,
00761     ON_Interval old_interval,
00762     ON_Interval new_interval
00763     );
00764 };
00766 class ON_CLASS ON_ClippingRegion
00767 {
00768 public:
00769   ON_ClippingRegion();
00771   // The transformation m_xform transforms the view frustum,
00772   // in object coordinates to the (-1,+1)^3 clipping 
00773   // coordinate box.
00774   ON_Xform m_xform;
00776   /*
00777   Parameters:
00778     clip_plane_tolerance - [in]  
00779       3d world coordinates tolerance to use when testing 
00780       objects to see if the planes in m_clip_plane[] hide
00781       the objects.      
00782   Remarks:
00783     The constructor sets this value to zero.  Rhino uses
00784     values around 1e-5.
00785   */
00786   void SetClipPlaneTolerance( double clip_plane_tolerance );
00788   /*
00789   Returns:
00790     3d world coordinates tolerance to use when testing 
00791     objects to see if the planes in m_clip_plane[] hide
00792     the objects.      
00793   Remarks:
00794     The constructor sets this value to zero.  Rhino uses
00795     values around 1e-5.
00796   */
00797   double ClipPlaneTolerance() const;
00799   enum
00800   {
00801     max_clip_plane_count = 16, // must be <= 25
00802     frustum_bitmask      = 0x0000003F,
00803     near_plane_bitmask   = 0x00000020,
00804     far_plane_bitmask    = 0x00000010,
00805     clip_plane_bitmask   = 0x7FFFFFC0,
00806     negw_bitmask         = 0x80000000
00807   };
00809   // Up to 25 additional clipping planes in object coordinates.
00810   // The convex region that is the intersection of the positive 
00811   // side of these planes is the active region.
00812   int m_clip_plane_count; // (0 <= m_clip_plane_count <= max_clip_plane_count)
00814 private:
00815   // The "float" should be a double, but that can't happen
00816   // until V6 because it will brake the SDK.  Use the
00817   // SetClipPlaneTolerance() and ClipPlaneTolerance() 
00818   // functions to set and get this value.
00819   float m_clip_plane_tolerance;
00821 public:
00822   ON_PlaneEquation m_clip_plane[max_clip_plane_count];
00824   /*
00825   Description:
00826     The "view frustum" is the frustum the m_xform transformation
00827     maps to clipping coordinate box (-1,+1)^3.  These functions
00828     determine if some portion of the convex hull of the test points
00829     is inside the view frustum.
00830   Parameters:
00831     P - [in] point
00832     box - [in] bounding box
00833     count - [in] number of points
00834     p - [in] array of points
00835     bEnableClippingPlanes - [in]
00836       If true, then the additional clipping planes are tested.
00837       If false, then the additional clipping planes are ignored.
00838   Returns:
00839     0 = No part of the of the convex hull of the tested points
00840         is in the view frustum.
00841     1 = A portion of the convex hull of the otested points may
00842         be in the view frustum.
00843     2 = The entire convex hull of the tested points is in the
00844         view frustum.
00845   */
00846   int InViewFrustum( 
00847     ON_3dPoint P
00848     ) const;
00849   int InViewFrustum( 
00850     const ON_BoundingBox& bbox
00851     ) const;
00852   int InViewFrustum( 
00853     int count, 
00854     const ON_3fPoint* p
00855     ) const;
00856   int InViewFrustum( 
00857     int count, 
00858     const ON_3dPoint* p
00859     ) const;
00860   int InViewFrustum( 
00861     int count, 
00862     const ON_4dPoint* p
00863     ) const;
00865   /*
00866   Description:
00867     The "clip plane region" is the convex hull of the planes in
00868     the m_clip_plane[] array.  These functions determine if
00869     some portion of the convex hull of the test points is inside
00870     the clip plane region.
00871   Parameters:
00872     P - [in] point
00873     box - [in] bounding box
00874     count - [in] number of points
00875     p - [in] array of points
00876     bEnableClippingPlanes - [in]
00877       If true, then the additional clipping planes are tested.
00878       If false, then the additional clipping planes are ignored.
00879   Returns:
00880     0 = No part of the of the convex hull of the tested points
00881         is in the clip plane region.
00882     1 = A portion of the convex hull of the tested points may
00883         be in the clip plane region.
00884     2 = The entire convex hull of the tested points is in the
00885         clip plane region.
00886   */
00887   int InClipPlaneRegion( 
00888     ON_3dPoint P
00889     ) const;
00890   int InClipPlaneRegion( 
00891     const ON_BoundingBox& bbox
00892     ) const;
00893   int InClipPlaneRegion( 
00894     int count, 
00895     const ON_3fPoint* p
00896     ) const;
00897   int InClipPlaneRegion( 
00898     int count, 
00899     const ON_3dPoint* p
00900     ) const;
00901   int InClipPlaneRegion( 
00902     int count, 
00903     const ON_4dPoint* p
00904     ) const;
00907   /*
00908   Description:
00909     The "visible area" is the intersection of the view frustum,
00910     defined by m_xform, and the clipping region, defined by the
00911     m_clip_plane[] array.  These functions determing if some
00912     portion of the convex hull of the test points is visible.
00913   Parameters:
00914     P - [in] point
00915     box - [in] bounding box
00916     count - [in] number of points
00917     p - [in] array of points
00918   Returns:
00919     0 = no part of the object is in the region.
00920     1 = a portion of the object is in the region
00921     2 = entire object is in clipping region
00922   */
00923   int IsVisible( 
00924     ON_3dPoint P
00925     ) const;
00926   int IsVisible( 
00927     const ON_BoundingBox& bbox
00928     ) const;
00929   int IsVisible( 
00930     int count, 
00931     const ON_3fPoint* p
00932     ) const;
00933   int IsVisible( 
00934     int count, 
00935     const ON_3dPoint* p
00936     ) const;
00937   int IsVisible( 
00938     int count, 
00939     const ON_4dPoint* p
00940     ) const;
00942   /*
00943   Description:
00944     Transform a list of 4d homogenous points while testing
00945     for visibility.
00946   Parameters:
00947     count - [in] number of points
00948     p - [in/out] array of points to test and transform
00949           If 0 is returned, some of the points may not
00950           be transformed.  In all other cases, the output
00951           points are transformed by m_xform.
00952     pflags - [out]
00953           0 when the point is in the visible region.  
00954           Otherwise the bits are set to indicate which planes clip the
00955           intput point.
00956           0x01 left of the view frusturm
00957           0x02 right of the view frustum
00958           0x04 below the view frustum
00959           0x08 above the view frustum
00960           0x10 behind the view frustum (too far)
00961           0x20 in front of the view frustum (too near)
00963           0x10 below m_clip_plane[0]
00964           0x20 below m_clip_plane[1]
00965           ...
00966           0x40000000 below m_clip_plane[24]
00968           0x80000000 transformation created a non-positive weight
00969   Returns:
00970     0 = convex hull of the points is not in the region.
00971         The m_cull_bits field reports which plane or planes
00972         culled the point set.
00973     1 = a portion of the convex hull is in the region.
00974         The m_cull_bits field reports which plane or planes
00975         culled the point set.
00976     2 = all points are in the region.
00977         The m_cull_bits field will be zero.
00978   */
00979   int TransformPoints( int count, ON_4dPoint* p ) const;
00980   int TransformPoints( int count, ON_4dPoint* p, unsigned int* pflags ) const;
00983   /*
00984   Description:
00985     Transform a pont and return the clipping information.
00986   Parameters:
00987     P - [in] point ot transform
00988     Q - [out] transformed point
00989   Returns:
00990     0 when the point is in the visible region.  
00991     Otherwise the bits are set to indicate which planes clip the
00992     intput point.
00993     0x01 left of the view frusturm
00994     0x02 right of the view frustum
00995     0x04 below the view frustum
00996     0x08 above the view frustum
00997     0x10 behind the view frustum (too far)
00998     0x20 in front of the view frustum (too near)
01000     0x10 below m_clip_plane[0]
01001     0x20 below m_clip_plane[1]
01002     ...
01003     0x40000000 below m_clip_plane[24]
01005     0x80000000 transformation created a non-positive weight
01006   */
01007   unsigned int TransformPoint(
01008                      const ON_4dPoint& P, 
01009                      ON_4dPoint& Q
01010                      ) const;
01011   unsigned int TransformPoint(
01012                      const ON_3dPoint& P, 
01013                      ON_3dPoint& Q
01014                      ) const;
01015   unsigned int TransformPoint(
01016                      const ON_3fPoint& P, 
01017                      ON_3dPoint& Q
01018                      ) const;
01020   /*
01021   Description:
01022     Calculate the interval for the segment of a line that
01023     is in the clip plane region.
01024   Parameters:
01025     P0 - [in] start point
01026     P1 - [in] end point
01027     t0 - [out] start parameter
01028     t1 - [out] end parameter
01029   Returns:
01030     True if some portion of the line is visible and
01031     0.0 <= *t0 <= *t1 <= 1.0.
01032   */
01033   bool GetLineClipPlaneParamters( 
01034          ON_4dPoint P0, 
01035          ON_4dPoint P1, 
01036          double* t0, 
01037          double* t1 
01038          ) const;
01040 };
01043 class ON_CLASS ON_Localizer
01044 {
01045 public:
01046   ON_Localizer();
01047   ~ON_Localizer();
01049   ON_Localizer(const ON_Localizer&);
01050   ON_Localizer& operator=(const ON_Localizer&);
01052   void Destroy();
01053   bool Read(ON_BinaryArchive&);
01054   bool Write(ON_BinaryArchive&) const;
01056   /*
01057   Descrption:
01058     Creates a cylindrical localizer.
01059     If d = distance from the point to the line, 
01060     then the localizer has the following behavior:
01062     point distance                localizer value
01063     d <= r0 < r1 or d >= r0 > r1      0
01064     d >= r1 > r0 or d <= r1 < r0      1
01066     For values of d between r0 and r1, the localizer
01067     smoothly transitions between 0 to 1.
01069   Parameters:
01070     P - [in] cylinder axis point
01071     D - [in] cylinder axis direction
01072     r0 - [in]
01073     r1 - [in]
01074       r0 and r1 are radii that control where the localizer is nonzero.  
01075       Both r0 and r1 must be postive and the cannot be equal.  
01076       If 0 < r0 < r1, then the localizer is zero for points 
01077       inside the cylinder of radius r0 and one for points outside
01078       the cylinder of radius r1.
01079       If 0 < r1 < r0, then the localizer is one for points 
01080       inside the cylinder of radius r1 and zero for points outside
01081       the cylinder of radius r0.      
01083   Returns:
01084     True if the input is value and the localizer is initialized.
01085   */
01086   bool CreateCylinderLocalizer( ON_3dPoint P, ON_3dVector D, double r0, double r1 );
01088   /*
01089   Descrption:
01090     Creates a planar localizer.
01091     If d = signed distance from the point to the plane,
01092     then the localizer has the following behavior:
01094     point distance                localizer value
01095     d <= h0 < h1 or d >= h0 > h1      0
01096     d >= h1 > h0 or d <= h1 < h0      1
01098     For values of d between h0 and h1, the localizer
01099     smoothly transitions between 0 to 1.
01101   Parameters:
01102     P - [in] point on plane
01103     N - [in] normal to plane
01104     h0 - [in]
01105     h1 - [in]
01106       h0 and h1 are signed distances that control where the 
01107       localizer is nonzero.
01109   Returns:
01110     True if the input is value and the localizer is initialized.
01111   */
01112   bool CreatePlaneLocalizer( ON_3dPoint P, ON_3dVector N, double h0, double h1 );
01114   /*
01115   Descrption:
01116     Creates a spherical localizer.
01117     If d = distance from the point to the center of the sphere, 
01118     then the localizer has the following behavior:
01120     point distance                localizer value
01121     d <= r0 < r1 or d >= r0 > r1      0
01122     d >= r1 > r0 or d <= r1 < r0      1
01124     For values of d between r0 and r1, the localizer
01125     smoothly transitions between 0 to 1.
01127   Parameters:
01128     P - [in] center of sphere
01129     r0 - [in]
01130     r1 - [in]
01131       r0 and r1 are radii that control where the localizer is nonzero.  
01132       Both r0 and r1 must be postive and the cannot be equal.  
01133       If 0 < r0 < r1, then the localizer is zero for points 
01134       inside the cylinder of radius r0 and one for points outside
01135       the cylinder of radius r1.
01136       If 0 < r1 < r0, then the localizer is one for points 
01137       inside the cylinder of radius r1 and zero for points outside
01138       the cylinder of radius r0.      
01140   Returns:
01141     True if the input is value and the localizer is initialized.
01142   */
01143   bool CreateSphereLocalizer( ON_3dPoint P, double r0, double r1 );
01145   /*
01146   Description:
01147     Evaluators.
01148   Parameters:
01149     P - [in]
01150       Evaluation point
01151     distance - [in]
01152       Evaluation distance
01153   Returns:
01154     Value of the localizer.
01155   */
01156   double Value(ON_3dPoint P) const;
01157   double Value(double distance) const;
01159   /*
01160   Parameters:
01161     bbox - [in]
01162   Returns:
01163     True if localizer is identically zero inside bbox.
01164   */
01165   bool IsZero( const ON_BoundingBox& bbox ) const;
01167   enum TYPE
01168   {
01169     no_type       = 0,
01170     sphere_type   = 1,
01171     plane_type    = 2,
01172     cylinder_type = 3,
01173     curve_type    = 4,
01174     surface_type  = 5,
01175     distance_type = 6,
01176     force_32bit_localizer_type = 0xFFFFFFFF
01177   };
01179   TYPE m_type;
01181   ON_Interval      m_d;
01182   ON_3dPoint       m_P;
01183   ON_3dVector      m_V;
01184   class ON_NurbsCurve*   m_nurbs_curve;
01185   class ON_NurbsSurface* m_nurbs_surface;
01186 };
01189 class ON_CLASS ON_SpaceMorph
01190 {
01191 public:
01192   ON_SpaceMorph();
01193   virtual ~ON_SpaceMorph();
01195   /*
01196   Description:
01197     Provides a quick way to determine if a morph function
01198     is the identity (doesn't move the points) on a region
01199     of space.
01200   Parameters:
01201     bbox - [in] region of space to test.
01202   Returns:
01203     The default always returns false.  If you override
01204     this function, then return true when every point
01205     in the bounding box is fixed by the morph.  
01206   */
01207   virtual
01208   bool IsIdentity( const ON_BoundingBox& bbox ) const;
01210   /*
01211   Description:
01212     Returns the desired accuracy of the morph.
01213     This value is primarily used for deforming
01214     surfaces and breps.
01215   Returns:
01216     3d fitting tolerance.
01217   Remarks:
01218     The default is 0.0 and any value <= 0.0 is 
01219     ignored by morphing functions.
01220     The value returned by Tolerance() does not
01221     affect the way meshes and points are morphed.
01222   */
01223   double Tolerance() const;
01225   /*
01226   Description:
01227     Set the 3d fitting tolerance used when morphing
01228     surfaces and breps.
01229   Parameters:
01230     tolerance - [in] values < 0.0 are treated as 0.0.                     
01231   */
01232   void SetTolerance(
01233           double tolerance
01234           );
01236   /*
01237   Returns:
01238     True if the morph should be done as quickly as
01239     possible because the result is being used for
01240     some type of dynamic preview.  If QuickPreview
01241     is true, the tolerance may be ignored.
01242   Remarks:
01243     The value returned by QuickPreview() does not
01244     affect the way meshes and points are morphed.
01245     The default is false.
01246   */
01247   bool QuickPreview() const;
01249   /*
01250   Description:
01251     Set the quick preview value.
01252   Parameters:
01253     bQuickPreview - [in]
01254   */
01255   void SetQuickPreview( 
01256           bool bQuickPreview 
01257           );
01259   /*
01260   Returns:
01261     True if the morph should be done in a way that
01262     preserves the structure of the geometry.  
01263     In particular, for NURBS objects, true
01264     means that only the control points are moved.
01265   Remarks:
01266     The value returned by PreserveStructure() does not
01267     affect the way meshes and points are morphed.
01268     The default is false.
01269   */
01270   bool PreserveStructure() const;
01272   /*
01273   Description:
01274     Set the preserve structure value.
01275   Parameters:
01276     bPreserveStructure - [in]
01277   */
01278   void SetPreserveStructure( 
01279           bool bPreserveStructure
01280           );
01282 private:
01283   double m_tolerance;
01284   bool m_bQuickPreview;
01285   bool m_bPreserveStructure;
01286 };
01288 #if defined(ON_DLL_TEMPLATE)
01290 // This stuff is here because of a limitation in the way Microsoft
01291 // handles templates and DLLs.  See Microsoft's knowledge base 
01292 // article ID Q168958 for details.
01293 #pragma warning( push )
01294 #pragma warning( disable : 4231 )
01295 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_SimpleArray<ON_Xform>;
01296 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_ClassArray<ON_Localizer>;
01297 #pragma warning( pop )
01298 #endif
01300 #endif

Author(s): Open Perception
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:27:03