Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* $NoKeywords: $ */
00002 /*
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved.
00005 // OpenNURBS, Rhinoceros, and Rhino3D are registered trademarks of Robert
00006 // McNeel & Associates.
00007 //
00011 //                              
00012 // For complete openNURBS copyright information see <>.
00013 //
00015 */
00018 //
00019 //   Definition of NURBS surface
00020 //
00026 #include <pcl/pcl_exports.h>
00028 class ON_CLASS ON_TensorProduct
00029 {
00030   // Pure virtual tensor passed to ON_NurbsSurface::TensorProduct()
00031 public:
00032   ON_TensorProduct();
00034   virtual
00035   ~ON_TensorProduct();
00037   // Evaluate() must define a function T:R^dimA X R^dimB -> R^Dimension()
00038   // such that
00039   //
00040   //          T(a*A0 + (1-a)*A1, B) = a*T(A0,B) + (1-a)*T(A1,B) and
00041   //          T(A, b*B0 + (1-b)*B1) = b*T(A,B0) + (1-b)*T(A,B1).
00042   virtual
00043   int DimensionA() const = 0; // dimension of A space
00045   virtual
00046   int DimensionB() const = 0; // dimension of B space
00048   virtual
00049   int DimensionC() const = 0; // dimension of range space
00051   virtual
00052   bool Evaluate( double,        // a
00053                  const double*, // A
00054                  double,        // b
00055                  const double*, // B
00056                  double*        // C
00057                 ) = 0;
00059 };
00061 class ON_Brep;
00062 class ON_NurbsSurface;
00064 class PCL_EXPORTS ON_CLASS ON_NurbsSurface : public ON_Surface
00065 {
00066   ON_OBJECT_DECLARE(ON_NurbsSurface);
00068 public:
00069   /*
00070   Description:
00071     Use ON_NurbsSurface::New(...) instead of new ON_NurbsSurface(...)
00072   Returns:
00073     Pointer to an ON_NurbsSurface.  Destroy by calling delete.
00074   Remarks:
00075     See static ON_Brep* ON_Brep::New() for details.
00076   */
00077   static ON_NurbsSurface* New();
00078   static ON_NurbsSurface* New(
00079           const ON_NurbsSurface& nurbs_surface
00080           );
00081   static ON_NurbsSurface* New(
00082             const ON_BezierSurface& bezier_surface 
00083             );
00084   static ON_NurbsSurface* New(
00085           int dimension,
00086           ON_BOOL32 bIsRational,
00087           int order0,
00088           int order1,
00089           int cv_count0,
00090           int cv_count1
00091           );
00093   ON_NurbsSurface();
00094   ON_NurbsSurface(const ON_NurbsSurface& nurbs_surface);
00095   ON_NurbsSurface(const ON_BezierSurface& bezier_surface);
00096   ON_NurbsSurface(
00097           int dimension,     // dimension (>= 1)
00098           ON_BOOL32 bIsRational, // true to make a rational NURBS
00099           int order0,       // order0 (>= 2)
00100           int order1,       // order1 (>= 2)
00101           int cv_count0,    // cv count0 (>= order0)
00102           int cv_count1     // cv count1 (>= order1)
00103           );
00105   // virtual ON_Object::SizeOf override
00106   unsigned int SizeOf() const;
00108   // virtual ON_Object::DataCRC override
00109   ON__UINT32 DataCRC(ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const;
00111   /*
00112   Description:
00113     See if this and other are same NURBS geometry.
00114   Parameters:
00115     other - [in] other NURBS surface
00116     bIgnoreParameterization - [in] if true, parameterization
00117              and orientaion are ignored.
00118     tolerance - [in] tolerance to use when comparing
00119                      control points.
00120   Returns:
00121     true if curves are tne same.
00122   */
00123   bool IsDuplicate( 
00124           const ON_NurbsSurface& other, 
00125           bool bIgnoreParameterization,
00126           double tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE 
00127           ) const;
00129   void Initialize(void);  // zeros all fields
00131   ON_BOOL32 Create( 
00132           int dim,  // dimension (>= 1)
00133           ON_BOOL32 is_rat, // true to make a rational NURBS
00134           int order0,  // order0 (>= 2)
00135           int order1,  // order1 (>= 2)
00136           int cv_count0,  // cv count0 (>= order0)
00137           int cv_count1  // cv count1 (>= order1)
00138           );
00140   /*
00141   Description:
00142     Create a ruled surface from two curves.
00143   Parameters:
00144     curveA - [in] (must have same NURBS form knots as curveB)
00145     curveB - [in] (must have same NURBS form knots as curveA)
00146     curveA_domain - [in] if not NULL, then this is a subdomain
00147        of curveA to use for the ruled surface.
00148     curveB_domain - [in] if not NULL, then this is a subdomain
00149        of curveA to use for the ruled surface.
00150   Returns:
00151     @untitled table
00152     0      failure
00153     1      success - parameterization is exact
00154     2      success - parameterization is not exact
00155   Remarks:
00156     The ruling parameter is the second surface parameter and
00157     it is in the interval [0,1].
00158     The true ruled surface has parameterization 
00159     srf(s,t) = (1.0-t)*curveA(s) + t*curveB(s).
00160     The returned NURBS surface has parameterization
00161     srf(s,t) = (1.0-t)*nurbs_curveA(s) + t*nurbs_curveB(s),
00162     where nurbs_curveX is the NURBS form of curveX.  If the
00163     parameterization of nurbs_curveX does not match the 
00164     parameterization of curveX, then 2 is returned.
00165   */
00166   virtual
00167   int CreateRuledSurface(
00168          const ON_Curve& curveA,
00169          const ON_Curve& curveB,
00170          const ON_Interval* curveA_domain = NULL,
00171          const ON_Interval* curveB_domain = NULL
00172          );
00174   /*
00175   Description:
00176     Create a cone surface from a curve to a point.
00177   Parameters:
00178     apex_point - [in]
00179     curve - [in]
00180     curve_domain - [in] if not NULL, then this is a subdomain
00181        of curve to use for the ruled surface.
00182   Returns:
00183     @untitled table
00184     0      failure
00185     1      success - parameterization is exact
00186     2      success - parameterization is not exact
00187   Remarks:
00188     The ruling parameter is the second surface parameter and
00189     it is in the interval [0,1].
00190     The true cone surface has parameterization 
00191     srf(s,t) = (1.0-t)*curve(s) + t*apex_point.
00192     The returned NURBS surface has parameterization
00193     srf(s,t) = (1.0-t)*nurbs_curve(s) + t*apex_point,
00194     where nurbs_curve is the NURBS form of curve.  If the
00195     parameterization of nurbs_curve does not match the 
00196     parameterization of curve, then 2 is returned.
00197   */
00198   int CreateConeSurface(
00199          ON_3dPoint apex_point,
00200          const ON_Curve& curve,
00201          const ON_Interval* curve_domain = NULL
00202          );
00204   /*
00205   Description:
00206     Collapse the side of a NURBS surface to a single point.
00207   Parameters:
00208     side - [in] 0 = south west, 
00209                 1 = south east, 
00210                 2 = north east,
00211                 3 = north west
00212     point - [in] point to collapse to.  If point is ON_unset_point,
00213                 the the current location of the start of the side
00214                 is used.
00215   Returns:
00216     True if successful.
00217   Remarks:
00218     If the surface is rational, the weights of the side control
00219     points must be set before calling CollapseSide.
00220   */
00221   bool CollapseSide(
00222     int side,
00223     ON_3dPoint point = ON_unset_point
00224     );
00226   void Destroy();
00228   virtual ~ON_NurbsSurface();
00230   void EmergencyDestroy(); // call if memory used by this class becomes invalid
00232   ON_NurbsSurface& operator=(const ON_NurbsSurface&);
00234   /*
00235   Description:
00236     Set NURBS surface equal to bezier surface with domain [0,1]x[0,1].
00237   Parameters:
00238     bezier_surface - [in]
00239   */
00240         ON_NurbsSurface& operator=(
00241     const ON_BezierSurface& bezier_surface
00242     );
00245   // ON_Object overrides
00247   /*
00248   Description:
00249     Tests an object to see if its data members are correctly
00250     initialized.
00251   Parameters:
00252     text_log - [in] if the object is not valid and text_log
00253         is not NULL, then a brief englis description of the
00254         reason the object is not valid is appened to the log.
00255         The information appended to text_log is suitable for 
00256         low-level debugging purposes by programmers and is 
00257         not intended to be useful as a high level user 
00258         interface tool.
00259   Returns:
00260     @untitled table
00261     true     object is valid
00262     false    object is invalid, uninitialized, etc.
00263   Remarks:
00264     Overrides virtual ON_Object::IsValid
00265   */
00266   ON_BOOL32 IsValid( ON_TextLog* text_log = NULL ) const;
00268   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const; // for debugging
00270   ON_BOOL32 Write(
00271          ON_BinaryArchive&  // open binary file
00272        ) const;
00274   ON_BOOL32 Read(
00275          ON_BinaryArchive&  // open binary file
00276        );
00279   // ON_Geometry overrides
00281   int Dimension() const;
00283   ON_BOOL32 GetBBox( // returns true if successful
00284          double*,    // minimum
00285          double*,    // maximum
00286          ON_BOOL32 = false  // true means grow box
00287          ) const;
00289   ON_BOOL32 Transform( 
00290          const ON_Xform&
00291          );
00293   // virtual ON_Geometry::IsDeformable() override
00294   bool IsDeformable() const;
00296   // virtual ON_Geometry::MakeDeformable() override
00297   bool MakeDeformable();
00299   ON_BOOL32 SwapCoordinates(
00300         int, int        // indices of coords to swap
00301         );
00304   // ON_Surface overrides
00306   ON_BOOL32 SetDomain( 
00307     int dir, // 0 sets first parameter's domain, 1 gets second parameter's domain
00308     double t0, 
00309     double t1
00310     );
00312   ON_Interval Domain(
00313     int // 0 gets first parameter's domain, 1 gets second parameter's domain
00314     ) const;
00317   /*
00318   Description:
00319     Get an estimate of the size of the rectangle that would
00320     be created if the 3d surface where flattened into a rectangle.
00321   Parameters:
00322     width - [out]  (corresponds to the first surface parameter)
00323     height - [out] (corresponds to the first surface parameter)
00324   Remarks:
00325     overrides virtual ON_Surface::GetSurfaceSize
00326   Returns:
00327     true if successful.
00328   */
00329   ON_BOOL32 GetSurfaceSize( 
00330       double* width, 
00331       double* height 
00332       ) const;
00334   int SpanCount(
00335     int // 0 gets first parameter's domain, 1 gets second parameter's domain
00336     ) const; // number of smooth spans in curve
00338   ON_BOOL32 GetSpanVector( // span "knots" 
00339     int, // 0 gets first parameter's domain, 1 gets second parameter's domain
00340     double* // array of length SpanCount() + 1 
00341     ) const; // 
00343   int Degree( // returns maximum algebraic degree of any span 
00344                   // ( or a good estimate if curve spans are not algebraic )
00345     int // 0 gets first parameter's domain, 1 gets second parameter's domain
00346     ) const; 
00348   ON_BOOL32 GetParameterTolerance( // returns tminus < tplus: parameters tminus <= s <= tplus
00349          int,     // 0 gets first parameter, 1 gets second parameter
00350          double,  // t = parameter in domain
00351          double*, // tminus
00352          double*  // tplus
00353          ) const;
00355   /*
00356   Description:
00357     Test a surface to see if it is planar.
00358   Parameters:
00359     plane - [out] if not NULL and true is returned,
00360                   the plane parameters are filled in.
00361     tolerance - [in] tolerance to use when checking
00362   Returns:
00363     true if there is a plane such that the maximum distance from
00364     the surface to the plane is <= tolerance.
00365   Remarks:
00366     Overrides virtual ON_Surface::IsPlanar.
00367   */
00368   ON_BOOL32 IsPlanar(
00369         ON_Plane* plane = NULL,
00370         double tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE
00371         ) const;
00373   ON_BOOL32 IsClosed(   // true if NURBS surface is closed (either surface has
00374         int // dir // clamped end knots and euclidean location of start
00375         ) const;   // CV = euclidean location of end CV, or surface is
00376                    // periodic.)
00378   ON_BOOL32 IsPeriodic( // true if NURBS surface is periodic (degree > 1,
00379         int // dir // periodic knot vector, last degree many CVs 
00380         ) const;   // are duplicates of first degree many CVs.)
00382   ON_BOOL32 IsSingular( // true if surface side is collapsed to a point
00383         int        // side of parameter space to test
00384                    // 0 = south, 1 = east, 2 = north, 3 = west
00385         ) const;
00387   /*
00388   Description:
00389     Search for a derivatitive, tangent, or curvature 
00390     discontinuity.
00391   Parameters:
00392     dir - [in] If 0, then "u" parameter is checked.  If 1, then
00393                the "v" parameter is checked.
00394     c - [in] type of continity to test for.
00395     t0 - [in] Search begins at t0. If there is a discontinuity
00396               at t0, it will be ignored.  This makes it 
00397               possible to repeatedly call GetNextDiscontinuity
00398               and step through the discontinuities.
00399     t1 - [in] (t0 != t1)  If there is a discontinuity at t1 is 
00400               will be ingored unless c is a locus discontinuity
00401               type and t1 is at the start or end of the curve.
00402     t - [out] if a discontinuity is found, then *t reports the
00403           parameter at the discontinuity.
00404     hint - [in/out] if GetNextDiscontinuity will be called 
00405        repeatedly, passing a "hint" with initial value *hint=0
00406        will increase the speed of the search.       
00407     dtype - [out] if not NULL, *dtype reports the kind of 
00408         discontinuity found at *t.  A value of 1 means the first 
00409         derivative or unit tangent was discontinuous.  A value 
00410         of 2 means the second derivative or curvature was 
00411         discontinuous.  A value of 0 means teh curve is not
00412         closed, a locus discontinuity test was applied, and
00413         t1 is at the start of end of the curve.
00414     cos_angle_tolerance - [in] default = cos(1 degree) Used only
00415         when c is ON::G1_continuous or ON::G2_continuous.  If the
00416         cosine of the angle between two tangent vectors is 
00417         <= cos_angle_tolerance, then a G1 discontinuity is reported.
00418     curvature_tolerance - [in] (default = ON_SQRT_EPSILON) Used 
00419         only when c is ON::G2_continuous.  If K0 and K1 are 
00420         curvatures evaluated from above and below and 
00421         |K0 - K1| > curvature_tolerance, then a curvature 
00422         discontinuity is reported.
00423   Returns:
00424     Parametric continuity tests c = (C0_continuous, ..., G2_continuous):
00426       true if a parametric discontinuity was found strictly 
00427       between t0 and t1. Note well that all curves are 
00428       parametrically continuous at the ends of their domains.
00430     Locus continuity tests c = (C0_locus_continuous, ...,G2_locus_continuous):
00432       true if a locus discontinuity was found strictly between
00433       t0 and t1 or at t1 is the at the end of a curve.
00434       Note well that all open curves (IsClosed()=false) are locus
00435       discontinuous at the ends of their domains.  All closed 
00436       curves (IsClosed()=true) are at least C0_locus_continuous at 
00437       the ends of their domains.
00438   */
00439   bool GetNextDiscontinuity( 
00440                   int dir,
00441                   ON::continuity c,
00442                   double t0,
00443                   double t1,
00444                   double* t,
00445                   int* hint=NULL,
00446                   int* dtype=NULL,
00447                   double cos_angle_tolerance=ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_COSINE,
00448                   double curvature_tolerance=ON_SQRT_EPSILON
00449                   ) const;
00451   /*
00452   Description:
00453     Test continuity at a surface parameter value.
00454   Parameters:
00455     c - [in] continuity to test for
00456     s - [in] surface parameter to test
00457     t - [in] surface parameter to test
00458     hint - [in] evaluation hint
00459     point_tolerance - [in] if the distance between two points is
00460         greater than point_tolerance, then the surface is not C0.
00461     d1_tolerance - [in] if the difference between two first derivatives is
00462         greater than d1_tolerance, then the surface is not C1.
00463     d2_tolerance - [in] if the difference between two second derivatives is
00464         greater than d2_tolerance, then the surface is not C2.
00465     cos_angle_tolerance - [in] default = cos(1 degree) Used only when
00466         c is ON::G1_continuous or ON::G2_continuous.  If the cosine
00467         of the angle between two normal vectors 
00468         is <= cos_angle_tolerance, then a G1 discontinuity is reported.
00469     curvature_tolerance - [in] (default = ON_SQRT_EPSILON) Used only when
00470         c is ON::G2_continuous.  If K0 and K1 are curvatures evaluated
00471         from above and below and |K0 - K1| > curvature_tolerance,
00472         then a curvature discontinuity is reported.
00473   Returns:
00474     true if the surface has at least the c type continuity at the parameter t.
00475   Remarks:
00476     Overrides virtual ON_Surface::IsContinuous
00477   */
00478   bool IsContinuous(
00479     ON::continuity c,
00480     double s, 
00481     double t, 
00482     int* hint = NULL,
00483     double point_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
00484     double d1_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
00485     double d2_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
00486     double cos_angle_tolerance=ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_COSINE,
00487     double curvature_tolerance=ON_SQRT_EPSILON
00488     ) const;
00490   ON_BOOL32 Reverse(  // reverse parameterizatrion, Domain changes from [a,b] to [-b,-a]
00491     int // dir  0 = "s", 1 = "t"
00492     );
00494   ON_BOOL32 Transpose(); // transpose surface parameterization (swap "s" and "t")
00496   ON_BOOL32 Evaluate( // returns false if unable to evaluate
00497          double, double, // evaluation parameter
00498          int,            // number of derivatives (>=0)
00499          int,            // array stride (>=Dimension())
00500          double*,        // array of length stride*(ndir+1)*(ndir+2)/2
00501          int = 0,        // optional - determines which quadrant to evaluate from
00502                          //         0 = default
00503                          //         1 from NE quadrant
00504                          //         2 from NW quadrant
00505                          //         3 from SW quadrant
00506                          //         4 from SE quadrant
00507          int* = 0        // optional - evaluation hint (int[2]) used to speed
00508                          //            repeated evaluations
00509          ) const;
00511   /*
00512   Description:
00513     Get isoparametric curve.
00514     Overrides virtual ON_Surface::IsoCurve.
00515   Parameters:
00516     dir - [in] 0 first parameter varies and second parameter is constant
00517                  e.g., point on IsoCurve(0,c) at t is srf(t,c)
00518                1 first parameter is constant and second parameter varies
00519                  e.g., point on IsoCurve(1,c) at t is srf(c,t)
00521     c - [in] value of constant parameter 
00522   Returns:
00523     Isoparametric curve.
00524   */
00525   ON_Curve* IsoCurve(
00526          int dir,
00527          double c
00528          ) const;
00530   /*
00531   Description:
00532     Removes the portions of the surface outside of the specified interval.
00533     Overrides virtual ON_Surface::Trim.
00535   Parameters:
00536     dir - [in] 0  The domain specifies an sub-interval of Domain(0)
00537                   (the first surface parameter).
00538                1  The domain specifies an sub-interval of Domain(1)
00539                   (the second surface parameter).
00540     domain - [in] interval of the surface to keep. If dir is 0, then
00541         the portions of the surface with parameters (s,t) satisfying
00542         s < Domain(0).Min() or s > Domain(0).Max() are trimmed away.
00543         If dir is 1, then the portions of the surface with parameters
00544         (s,t) satisfying t < Domain(1).Min() or t > Domain(1).Max() 
00545         are trimmed away.
00546   */
00547   ON_BOOL32 Trim(
00548          int dir,
00549          const ON_Interval& domain
00550          );
00552   /*
00553    Description:
00554      Where possible, analytically extends surface to include domain.
00555    Parameters:
00556      dir - [in] 0  new Domain(0) will include domain.
00557                    (the first surface parameter).
00558                 1  new Domain(1) will include domain.
00559                    (the second surface parameter).
00560      domain - [in] if domain is not included in surface domain, 
00561      surface will be extended so that its domain includes domain.  
00562      Will not work if surface is closed in direction dir. 
00563      Original surface is identical to the restriction of the
00564      resulting surface to the original surface domain, 
00565    Returns:
00566      true if successful.
00567      */
00568   bool Extend(
00569     int dir,
00570     const ON_Interval& domain
00571     );
00574   /*
00575   Description:
00576     Splits (divides) the surface into two parts at the 
00577     specified parameter.
00578     Overrides virtual ON_Surface::Split.
00580   Parameters:
00581     dir - [in] 0  The surface is split vertically.  The "west" side
00582                   is returned in "west_or_south_side" and the "east"
00583                   side is returned in "east_or_north_side".
00584                1  The surface is split horizontally.  The "south" side
00585                   is returned in "west_or_south_side" and the "north"
00586                   side is returned in "east_or_north_side".
00587     c - [in] value of constant parameter in interval returned
00588                by Domain(dir)
00589     west_or_south_side - [out] west/south portion of surface returned here
00590     east_or_north_side - [out] east/north portion of surface returned here
00592   Example:
00594           ON_NurbsSurface srf = ...;
00595           int dir = 1;
00596           ON_NurbsSurface* south_side = 0;
00597           ON_NurbsSurface* north_side = 0;
00598           srf.Split( dir, srf.Domain(dir).Mid() south_side, north_side );
00600   */
00601   ON_BOOL32 Split(
00602          int dir,
00603          double c,
00604          ON_Surface*& west_or_south_side,
00605          ON_Surface*& east_or_north_side
00606          ) const;
00608   /*
00609   Description:
00610     Offset surface.
00611   Parameters:
00612     offset_distance - [in] offset distance
00613     tolerance - [in] Some surfaces do not have an exact offset that
00614       can be represented using the same class of surface definition.
00615       In that case, the tolerance specifies the desired accuracy.
00616     max_deviation - [out] If this parameter is not NULL, the maximum
00617       deviation from the returned offset to the true offset is returned
00618       here.  This deviation is zero except for cases where an exact
00619       offset cannot be computed using the same class of surface definition.
00620   Returns:
00621     Offset surface.
00622   */
00623   ON_Surface* Offset(
00624         double offset_distance, 
00625         double tolerance, 
00626         double* max_deviation = NULL
00627         ) const;
00629   int GetNurbForm( // returns 0: unable to create NURBS representation
00630                    //            with desired accuracy.
00631                    //         1: success - returned NURBS parameterization
00632                    //            matches the surface's to wthe desired accuracy
00633                    //         2: success - returned NURBS point locus matches
00634                    //            the surfaces's to the desired accuracy but, on
00635                    //            the interior of the surface's domain, the 
00636                    //            surface's parameterization and the NURBS
00637                    //            parameterization may not match to the 
00638                    //            desired accuracy.
00639         ON_NurbsSurface&,
00640         double = 0.0 // tolerance
00641         ) const;
00644   // Interface
00646   /*
00647   Description:
00648     Get the maximum length of a nurb surface's control polygon
00649     rows and/or columns
00650   Parameters:
00651     dir - [in] 0 to get "u" direction length, 1 to get "v" 
00652                direction length
00653     length - [out] maximum length of a polygon "row" in the 
00654                    specified direction
00655   Returns:
00656     true if successful.
00657   */
00658   double ControlPolygonLength( int dir ) const;
00661   bool IsRational(  // true if NURBS surface is rational
00662         void
00663         ) const;
00665   int CVSize(       // number of doubles per control vertex 
00666         void        // = IsRational() ? Dim()+1 : Dim()
00667         ) const;
00669   int Order(        // order = degree + 1
00670         int         // dir 0 = "s", 1 = "t"
00671         ) const;
00673   int CVCount(      // number of control vertices
00674         int         // dir 0 = "s", 1 = "t"
00675         ) const;
00677   int CVCount(      // total number of control vertices
00678         void
00679         ) const;
00681   int KnotCount(    // total number of knots in knot vector
00682         int dir         // dir 0 = "s", 1 = "t"
00683         ) const;
00685   /*
00686   Description:
00687     Expert user function to get a pointer to control vertex
00688     memory.  If you are not an expert user, please use
00689     ON_NurbsSurface::GetCV( ON_3dPoint& ) or 
00690     ON_NurbsSurface::GetCV( ON_4dPoint& ).
00691   Parameters:
00692     i - [in] (0 <= i < m_cv_count[0])
00693     j - [in] (0 <= j < m_cv_count[1])
00694   Returns:
00695     Pointer to control vertex.
00696   Remarks:
00697     If the NURBS surface is rational, the format of the 
00698     returned array is a homogeneos rational point with
00699     length m_dim+1.  If the NURBS surface is not rational, 
00700     the format of the returned array is a nonrational 
00701     euclidean point with length m_dim.
00702   See Also
00703     ON_NurbsSurface::CVStyle
00704     ON_NurbsSurface::GetCV
00705     ON_NurbsSurface::Weight
00706   */
00707   double* CV(
00708         int i,
00709         int j
00710         ) const;
00712   /*
00713   Description:
00714     Returns the style of control vertices in the m_cv array.
00715   Returns:
00716     @untitled table
00717     ON::not_rational                m_is_rat is false
00718     ON::homogeneous_rational        m_is_rat is true
00719   */
00720   ON::point_style CVStyle() const;
00722   double Weight(        // get value of control vertex weight
00723         int i, int j   // CV index ( 0 <= i <= CVCount(0), 0 <= j <= CVCount(1)
00724         ) const;
00726   ON_BOOL32 SetWeight(      // get value of control vertex weight
00727         int i, int j,   // CV index ( 0 <= i <= CVCount(0), 0 <= j <= CVCount(1)
00728         double weight
00729         );
00731   ON_BOOL32 SetCV(              // set a single control vertex
00732         int i, int j,   // CV index ( 0 <= i <= CVCount(0), 0 <= j <= CVCount(1)
00733         ON::point_style, // style of input point
00734         const double* cv    // value of control vertex
00735         );
00737   ON_BOOL32 SetCV(               // set a single control vertex
00738         int i, int j,   // CV index ( 0 <= i <= CVCount(0), 0 <= j <= CVCount(1)
00739         const ON_3dPoint& cv// value of control vertex
00740                            // If NURBS is rational, weight
00741                            // will be set to 1.
00742         );
00744   ON_BOOL32 SetCV(              // set a single control vertex
00745         int i, int j,   // CV index ( 0 <= i <= CVCount(0), 0 <= j <= CVCount(1)
00746         const ON_4dPoint& cv// value of control vertex
00747         );
00749   ON_BOOL32 SetCVRow(          // Sets CV( *, row_index ) 
00750        int row_index,               // row_index >= 0 and < m_cv_count[1]
00751        const ON_3dPoint& cv // value of control vertex
00752                           // If NURBS is rational, weight
00753                           // will be set to 1.
00754        );
00756   ON_BOOL32 SetCVRow(          // Sets CV( *, row_index ) 
00757        int row_index,               // row_index >= 0 and < m_cv_count[1]
00758        int v_stride,               // v stride
00759        const double* v     // v[] = values (same dim and is_rat as surface)
00760        );
00762   ON_BOOL32 SetCVColumn(       // Sets CV( col_index, * ) 
00763        int col_index,               // col_index >= 0 and < m_cv_count[0]
00764        const ON_3dPoint& cv // value of control vertex
00765                           // If NURBS is rational, weight
00766                           // will be set to 1.
00767        );
00769   ON_BOOL32 SetCVColumn(       // Sets CV( col_index, * ) 
00770        int col_index,               // col_index >= 0 and < m_cv_count[0]
00771        int v_stride,               // v stride
00772        const double* v     // v[] = values (same dim and is_rat as surface)
00773        );
00775   ON_BOOL32 GetCV(              // get a single control vertex
00776         int i, int j,   // CV index ( 0 <= i <= CVCount(0), 0 <= j <= CVCount(1)
00777         ON::point_style, // style to use for output point
00778         double* cv          // array of length >= CVSize()
00779         ) const;
00781   ON_BOOL32 GetCV(              // get a single control vertex
00782         int i, int j,   // CV index ( 0 <= i <= CVCount(0), 0 <= j <= CVCount(1)
00783         ON_3dPoint& cv     // gets euclidean cv when NURBS is rational
00784         ) const;
00786   ON_BOOL32 GetCV(              // get a single control vertex
00787         int i, int j,   // CV index ( 0 <= i <= CVCount(0), 0 <= j <= CVCount(1)
00788         ON_4dPoint& cv     // gets homogeneous cv
00789         ) const;
00791   int SetKnot(
00792         int dir,    // dir 0 = "s", 1 = "t"
00793         int knot_index,            // knot index ( 0 to KnotCount - 1 )
00794         double knot_value         // value for knot
00795         );
00797   double Knot(
00798         int dir,    // dir 0 = "s", 1 = "t"
00799         int knot_index  // knot index ( >= 0 and < Order + CV_count - 2 )
00800         ) const;
00802   int KnotMultiplicity(
00803         int dir,    // dir 0 = "s", 1 = "t"
00804         int knot_index            // knot index ( >= 0 and < Order + CV_count - 2 )
00805         ) const;
00807   const double* Knot(   // knot[] array
00808         int dir    // dir 0 = "s", 1 = "t"
00809         ) const;
00811   // Description:
00812   //   Make knot vector a clamped uniform knot vector
00813   //   based on the current values of m_order and m_cv_count.
00814   //   Does not change values of control vertices.
00815   // Parameters:
00816   //   dir - [in] 0 = u knots, 1 = v knots
00817   //   delta - [in] (>0.0) knot spacing.
00818   // Returns:
00819   //   true if successful.
00820   // Remarks:
00821   //   Allocates m_knot[] if it is not big enough.
00822   // See Also:
00823   //   ON_MakeClampedUniformKnotVector
00824   bool MakeClampedUniformKnotVector( 
00825     int dir,
00826     double delta = 1.0 
00827     );
00829   // Description:
00830   //   Make knot vector a periodic uniform knot vector
00831   //   based on the current values of m_order and m_cv_count.
00832   //   Does not change values of control vertices.
00833   // Parameters:
00834   //   dir - [in] 0 = u knots, 1 = v knots
00835   //   delta - [in] (>0.0) knot spacing.
00836   // Returns:
00837   //   true if successful.
00838   // Remarks:
00839   //   Allocates m_knot[] if it is not big enough.
00840   // See Also:
00841   //   ON_MakePeriodicUniformKnotVector
00842   bool MakePeriodicUniformKnotVector( 
00843     int dir,
00844     double delta = 1.0 
00845     );
00848   bool IsClamped( // determine if knot vector is clamped
00849         int dir,    // dir 0 = "s", 1 = "t"
00850         int end = 2 // end to check: 0 = start, 1 = end, 2 = start and end
00851         ) const;
00853   double SuperfluousKnot(
00854            int dir,    // dir 0 = "s", 1 = "t"
00855            int end  // 0 = start, 1 = end
00856            ) const;
00858   double GrevilleAbcissa(
00859            int dir,  // dir
00860            int cv_index  // index (0 <= index < CVCount(dir)
00861            ) const;
00863   bool GetGrevilleAbcissae( // see ON_GetGrevilleAbcissa() for details
00864            int dir,      // dir
00865            double* g   // g[cv count]
00866            ) const;
00868   bool SetClampedGrevilleKnotVector(
00869            int dir,          // dir
00870            int g_stride,          // g_stride
00871            const double* g // g[], CVCount(dir) many Greville abcissa
00872            );
00874   bool SetPeriodicGrevilleKnotVector(
00875            int dir,          // dir
00876            int g_stride,          // g_stride
00877            const double* g // g[], Greville abcissa
00878            );
00880   bool ZeroCVs(); // zeros all CVs (any weights set to 1);
00882   bool ClampEnd(
00883             int dir,         // dir 0 = "s", 1 = "t"
00884             int end // 0 = clamp start, 1 = clamp end, 2 = clamp start and end
00885             );
00887   bool InsertKnot(
00888            int dir,         // dir 0 = "s", 1 = "t"
00889            double knot_value, // value of knot
00890            int knot_multiplicity=1   // multiplicity of knot ( >= 1 and <= degree )
00891            );
00893   bool MakeRational();
00895   bool MakeNonRational();
00897   bool IncreaseDegree(
00898            int dir,  // dir 0 = "s", 1 = "t"
00899            int desired_degree  //  desired_degree
00900            );
00902   bool ChangeDimension(
00903            int desired_dimension  //  desired_dimension
00904            );
00906   /*
00907   Description:
00908     If the surface is closed in direction dir, then modify it so that
00909     the seam is at parameter t in the dir direction.
00910   Parameters:
00911                 dir - [in] must be 0 or 1
00912     t -         [in] dir parameter of seam, must have Domain(dir).Includes(t).
00913                The resulting surface domain in the dir direction will start at t.
00914   Returns:
00915     true if successful.
00916   */
00917   ON_BOOL32 ChangeSurfaceSeam( 
00918                                                 int dir,
00919             double t 
00920             );
00923   // Creates a tensor product nurbs surface with srf(s,t) = T(A(s),B(t));
00924   ON_BOOL32 TensorProduct(
00925         const ON_NurbsCurve&, // A
00926         const ON_NurbsCurve&, // B
00927         ON_TensorProduct&     // T
00928         );
00931   // Tools for managing CV and knot memory
00932   ON_BOOL32 ReserveKnotCapacity( // returns false if allocation fails
00933                     // does not change m_order or m_cv_count
00934     int dir, // dir 0 = "s", 1 = "t"
00935     int knot_array_capacity // minimum capacity of m_knot[] array
00936     );
00937   ON_BOOL32 ReserveCVCapacity(  // returns false if allocation fails
00938                     // does not change m_order or m_cv_count
00939     int cv_array_capacity // minimum capacity of m_cv[] array
00940     );
00942   /*
00943   Description:
00944     Convert a NURBS surface bispan into a bezier surface.
00945   Parameters:
00946     span_index0 - [in] Specifies the "u" span and must satisfy
00947          0 <= span_index0 <= m_cv_count[0]-m_order[0]
00948          m_knot[0][span_index0+m_order[0]-2] < m_knot[0][span_index0+m_order[0]-1]
00949     span_index1 - [in] Specifies the "v" span and must satisfy
00950          0 <= span_index1 <= m_cv_count[1]-m_order[1]
00951          m_knot[1][span_index1+m_order[1]-2] < m_knot[1][span_index1+m_order[1]-1]
00952     bezier_surface - [out] bezier surface returned here
00953   Returns:
00954     true if successful
00955     false if input is not valid
00956   */
00957   ON_BOOL32 ConvertSpanToBezier(
00958       int span_index0,
00959       int span_index1, 
00960       ON_BezierSurface& bezier_surface
00961       ) const;
00964   // Implementation
00965 public:
00966   // NOTE: These members are left "public" so that expert users may efficiently
00967   //       create NURBS curves using the default constructor and borrow the
00968   //       knot and CV arrays from their native NURBS representation.
00969   //       No technical support will be provided for users who access these
00970   //       members directly.  If you can't get your stuff to work, then use
00971   //       the constructor with the arguments and the SetKnot() and SetCV()
00972   //       functions to fill in the arrays.
00974   int     m_dim;            // (>=1)
00976   int     m_is_rat;         // 1 for rational B-splines. (Control vertices
00977                             // use homogeneous form.)
00978                             // 0 for non-rational B-splines. (Control
00979                             // verticies do not have a weight coordinate.)
00981   int     m_order[2];       // order = degree+1 (>=2)
00983   int     m_cv_count[2];    // number of control vertices ( >= order )
00985   // knot vector memory
00987   int     m_knot_capacity[2]; // If m_knot_capacity > 0, then m_knot[]
00988                               // is an array of at least m_knot_capacity
00989                               // doubles whose memory is managed by the
00990                               // ON_NurbsSurface class using rhmalloc(),
00991                               // onrealloc(), and rhfree().
00992                               // If m_knot_capacity is 0 and m_knot is
00993                               // not NULL, then  m_knot[] is assumed to
00994                               // be big enough for any requested operation
00995                               // and m_knot[] is not deleted by the
00996                               // destructor.
00998   double* m_knot[2];        // Knot vector. ( The knot vector has length
00999                             // m_order+m_cv_count-2. )
01001   // control vertex net memory
01003   int     m_cv_stride[2];   // The pointer to start of "CV[i]" is
01004                             //   m_cv + i*m_cv_stride.
01006   int     m_cv_capacity;    // If m_cv_capacity > 0, then m_cv[] is an array
01007                             // of at least m_cv_capacity doubles whose
01008                             // memory is managed by the ON_NurbsSurface
01009                             // class using rhmalloc(), onrealloc(), and rhfree().
01010                             // If m_cv_capacity is 0 and m_cv is not
01011                             // NULL, then m_cv[] is assumed to be big enough
01012                             // for any requested operation and m_cv[] is not
01013                             // deleted by the destructor.
01015   double* m_cv;             // Control points.
01016                             // If m_is_rat is false, then control point is
01017                             //
01018                             //          ( CV(i)[0], ..., CV(i)[m_dim-1] ).
01019                             //
01020                             // If m_is_rat is true, then the control point
01021                             // is stored in HOMOGENEOUS form and is
01022                             //
01023                             //         [ CV(i)[0], ..., CV(i)[m_dim] ].
01024                             // 
01025 };
01028 class PCL_EXPORTS ON_CLASS ON_NurbsCage : public ON_Geometry
01029 {
01030   ON_OBJECT_DECLARE(ON_NurbsCage);
01032 public:
01033   ON_NurbsCage();
01035   ON_NurbsCage(
01036     int dim,
01037     bool is_rat,
01038     int order0,
01039     int order1,
01040     int order2,
01041     int cv_count0,
01042     int cv_count1,
01043     int cv_count2
01044     );
01046   ON_NurbsCage( 
01047     const ON_BoundingBox& bbox,
01048     int order0,
01049     int order1,
01050     int order2,
01051     int cv_count0,
01052     int cv_count1,
01053     int cv_count2
01054     );
01056   ON_NurbsCage( 
01057     const ON_3dPoint* box_corners, // array of 8 3d points
01058     int order0,
01059     int order1,
01060     int order2,
01061     int cv_count0,
01062     int cv_count1,
01063     int cv_count2
01064     );
01066   ON_NurbsCage( const ON_BezierCage& src );
01068   ~ON_NurbsCage();
01070   ON_NurbsCage(const ON_NurbsCage& src);
01072   ON_NurbsCage& operator=(const ON_NurbsCage& src);
01074   ON_NurbsCage& operator=(const ON_BezierCage& src);
01077   /*
01078   Description:
01079     Overrides the pure virtual ON_Object::IsValid function.
01080   Parameters:
01081     text_log - [in] If not null and the object is invalid,
01082                     a brief description of the problem
01083                     suitable for debugging C++ code
01084                     is printed in this log.
01085   Returns:
01086     True if the orders are at least two, dimension is positive,
01087     knot vectors are valid, and the other fields are valid
01088     for the specified orders and dimension.
01089   */
01090   ON_BOOL32 IsValid( 
01091           ON_TextLog* text_log = NULL 
01092           ) const;
01094   /*
01095   Description:
01096     Overrides the pure virtual ON_Object::Dump function.
01097   Parameters:
01098     text_log - [in] A listing of the values of the members.
01099   */
01100   void Dump( ON_TextLog& text_log) const;
01102   /*
01103   Description:
01104     Overrides the pure virtual ON_Object::SizeOf function.
01105   Returns:
01106     An estimate of the amount of memory used by the class 
01107     and its members.
01108   */
01109   unsigned int SizeOf() const;
01111   // virtual ON_Object::DataCRC override
01112   ON__UINT32 DataCRC(ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const;
01114   /*
01115   Description:
01116     Overrides the pure virtual ON_Object::Read function.
01117     Reads the definition of this class from an
01118     archive previously saved by ON_BezierVolue::Write.
01119   Parameters:
01120     archive - [in] target archive
01121   Returns:
01122     True if successful.
01123   */
01124   ON_BOOL32 Read(
01125     ON_BinaryArchive& archive
01126     );
01128   /*
01129   Description:
01130     Overrides the pure virtual ON_Object::Write function.
01131     Saves the definition of this class in serial binary
01132     form that can be read by ON_BezierVolue::Read.
01133   Parameters:
01134     archive - [in] target archive
01135   Returns:
01136     True if successful.
01137   */
01138   ON_BOOL32 Write(
01139     ON_BinaryArchive& archive
01140     ) const;
01142   /*
01143   Description:
01144     Overrides the pure virtual ON_Object::ObjectType function.
01145     Saves the definition of this class in serial binary
01146     form that can be read by ON_BezierVolue::Read.
01147   Parameters:
01148     archive - [in] target archive
01149   Returns:
01150     True if successful.
01151   */
01152   ON::object_type ObjectType() const;
01154   /*
01155   Description:
01156     Overrides the pure virtual ON_Object::DestroyRuntimeCache function.
01157     Saves the definition of this class in serial binary
01158     form that can be read by ON_BezierVolue::Read.
01159   Parameters:
01160     bDelete - [in] if true, the cache is deleted.  If false, the
01161        pointers to the cache are set to zero; this is done when
01162        the cache memory was allocated from a pool that has
01163        been destroyed and an attempt to free the memory would
01164        result in a crash.
01165   Returns:
01166     True if successful.
01167   */
01168   void DestroyRuntimeCache( 
01169     bool bDelete = true 
01170     );
01173   /*
01174   Description:
01175     Overrides virtual ON_Geometry::Dimension function.
01176     Gets a tight bounding box with respect to the coordinate
01177     system specified by the frame parameter.
01178   Parameters:
01179     bbox - [in/out]
01180     bGrowBox - [in] If true, the input bbox is grown to include
01181         this object's bounding box.
01182     frame - [in] if not null, this specifies the coordinate system
01183                 frame.
01184   Returns:
01185     True if successful.
01186   */
01187   int Dimension() const;
01189   /*
01190   Description:
01191     Overrides virtual ON_Geometry::GetBBox function.
01192     Gets the world axis aligned bounding box that contains
01193     the NURBS volume's control points.  The NURBS volume
01194     maps the unit cube into this box.
01195   Parameters:
01196     boxmin - [in] array of Dimension() doubles
01197     boxmax - [in] array of Dimension() doubles
01198     bGrowBox =  [in] if true and the input is a valid box
01199                           then the input box is grown to
01200                           include this object's bounding box.
01201   Returns:
01202     true if successful.
01203   */
01204   ON_BOOL32 GetBBox(
01205          double* boxmin,
01206          double* boxmax,
01207          int bGrowBox = false 
01208          ) const;
01210   /*
01211         Description:
01212     Get tight bounding box.
01213         Parameters:
01214                 tight_bbox - [in/out] tight bounding box
01215                 bGrowBox -[in]  (default=false)                 
01216       If true and the input tight_bbox is valid, then returned
01217       tight_bbox is the union of the input tight_bbox and the 
01218       surface's tight bounding box.
01219                 xform -[in] (default=NULL)
01220       If not NULL, the tight bounding box of the transformed
01221       surface is calculated.  The surface is not modified.
01222         Returns:
01223     True if a valid tight_bbox is returned.
01224   */
01225         bool GetTightBoundingBox( 
01226                         ON_BoundingBox& tight_bbox, 
01227       int bGrowBox = false,
01228                         const ON_Xform* xform = 0
01229       ) const;
01231   /*
01232   Description:
01233     Overrides virtual ON_Geometry::Transform function.
01234     Transforms NURBS volume.
01235   Parameters:
01236     xform - [in]
01237   Returns:
01238     true if successful.
01239   */
01240   ON_BOOL32 Transform( 
01241          const ON_Xform& xform
01242          );
01244   /*
01245   Description:
01246     Overrides virtual ON_Geometry::IsDeformable function.
01247   Returns:
01248     True because a NURBS volume can be accuratly modified 
01249     with "squishy" transformations like projections, 
01250     shears, an non-uniform scaling.
01251   */
01252   bool IsDeformable() const;
01254   /*
01255   Description:
01256     Overrides virtual ON_Geometry::MakeDeformable function.
01257   Returns:
01258     True because NURBS volumes are deformable.
01259   */
01260   bool MakeDeformable();
01262   /*
01263   Returns:
01264     True if the cage is a parallelogram within the tolerance.
01265     This means the cage can be used as a starting point
01266     for cage deformations.
01267   */
01268   bool IsParallelogram(double tolerance) const;
01270   bool Create(
01271     int dim,
01272     bool is_rat,
01273     int order0,
01274     int order1,
01275     int order2,
01276     int cv_count0,
01277     int cv_count1,
01278     int cv_count2
01279     );
01281   /*
01282   Description:
01283     Create a Nurbs volume with corners defined by a bounding box.
01284   Parameters:
01285     box_corners - [in] 8 points that define corners of the volume
01287             7______________6
01288             |\             |\
01289             | \            | \
01290             |  \ _____________\
01291             |   4          |   5
01292             |   |          |   |
01293             |   |          |   |
01294             3---|----------2   |
01295             \   |          \   |
01296              \  |z          \  |
01297             y \ |            \ |
01298                \0_____________\1
01299                        x
01301   */
01302   bool Create(
01303     const ON_BoundingBox& bbox,
01304     int order0,
01305     int order1,
01306     int order2,
01307     int cv_count0,
01308     int cv_count1,
01309     int cv_count2
01310     );
01312   /*
01313   Description:
01314     Create a nurbs volume from a 3d box
01315   Parameters:
01316     box_corners - [in] 8 points that define corners of the volume
01318             7______________6
01319             |\             |\
01320             | \            | \
01321             |  \ _____________\
01322             |   4          |   5
01323             |   |          |   |
01324             |   |          |   |
01325             3---|----------2   |
01326             \   |          \   |
01327              \  |t          \  |
01328             s \ |            \ |
01329                \0_____________\1
01330                        r
01332   */
01333   bool Create(
01334     const ON_3dPoint* box_corners,
01335     int order0,
01336     int order1,
01337     int order2,
01338     int cv_count0,
01339     int cv_count1,
01340     int cv_count2
01341     );
01343   void Destroy();
01345   void EmergencyDestroy(); // call if memory used by ON_NurbsCage becomes invalid
01347   ON_Interval Domain(
01348     int // dir 0 = "r", 1 = "s", 2 = "t"
01349     ) const;
01351   bool Reverse( 
01352     int dir // dir 0 = "r", 1 = "s", 2 = "t"
01353     );
01355   bool Transpose(
01356     int dir0,
01357     int dir1
01358     );
01360   bool ClampEnd(
01361             int dir,         // dir 0 = "r", 1 = "s", 2 = "t"
01362             int end // 0 = clamp start, 1 = clamp end, 2 = clamp start and end
01363             );
01365   bool InsertKnot(
01366            int dir,         // dir 0 = "r", 1 = "s", 2 = "t"
01367            double knot_value, // value of knot
01368            int knot_multiplicity=1   // multiplicity of knot ( >= 1 and <= degree )
01369            );
01371   ON_BOOL32 IncreaseDegree(
01372            int dir,  // dir 0 = "r", 1 = "s", 2 = "t"
01373            int desired_degree  //  desired_degree
01374            );
01376   ON_BOOL32 ChangeDimension(
01377            int desired_dimension  //  desired_dimension
01378            );
01380   /*
01381   Description:
01382     Evaluate the NURBS cage
01383   Parameters:
01384     r - [in]
01385     s - [in]
01386     t - [in] (r,s,t) = evaluation parameters
01387     der_count - [in]  (>= 0)
01388     v_stride - [in] (>= m_dim)
01389     v - [out] An array of length v_stride*(der_count+1)(der_count+2)*(der_count+3)/6.
01390               The evaluation results are stored in this array.
01392                 P = v[0],...,v[m_dim-1]
01393                 Dr = v[v_stride],...
01394                 Ds = v[2*v_stride],...
01395                 Dt = v[3*v_stride],...
01397               In general, Dr^i Ds^j Dt^k is returned in v[n],...,v[n+m_dim-1], where
01399                d = (i+j+k)
01400                n = v_stride*( d*(d+1)*(d+2)/6 + (j+k)*(j+k+1)/2 + k) 
01402     side - [in] specifies the span to use for the evaluation
01403                 when r, s, or t is at a knot value.
01404             0 = default
01405             1 = from upper NE quadrant
01406             2 = from upper NW quadrant
01407             3 = from upper SW quadrant
01408             4 = from upper SE quadrant
01409             5 = from lower NE quadrant
01410             6 = from lower NW quadrant
01411             7 = from lower SW quadrant
01412             8 = from lower SE quadrant  
01413     hint - [in/out] If a bunch of evaluations will be performed that
01414                     tend to occur in the same region, then
01415                     hint[3] can be used to speed the search for
01416                     the evaluation span.  The input value is
01417                     used as a search hint and the output value
01418                     records the span used for that evaluation.
01419   Example:
01421           int der_count = 2;
01422           int v_stride = dim;
01423           double v[v_stride*(der_count+1)*(der_count+2)*(der_count+3)/6];
01424           int side = 0;
01425           int hint[3]; hint[0] = 0; hint[1] = 0; hint[2] = 0;
01426           bool rc = cage.Evaluate(r,s,t,der_count,v_stride,v,side,hint);
01428           ON_3dPoint P = v;
01430           // first order partial derivatives
01431           ON_3dVector Dr = v + v_stride;
01432           ON_3dVector Ds = v + 2*v_stride;
01433           ON_3dVector Dt = v + 3*v_stride;
01435           // second order partial derivatives
01436           ON_3dVector Drr = v + 4*v_stride;
01437           ON_3dVector Drs = v + 5*v_stride;
01438           ON_3dVector Drt = v + 6*v_stride;
01439           ON_3dVector Dss = v + 7*v_stride;
01440           ON_3dVector Dst = v + 8*v_stride;
01441           ON_3dVector Dtt = v + 8*v_stride;
01443   Returns:
01444     True if successful
01445   See Also:
01446     ON_NurbsCage::PointAt
01447   */
01448   bool Evaluate( 
01449          double r, 
01450          double s, 
01451          double t,
01452          int der_count,
01453          int v_stride,
01454          double* v,
01455          int side=0,
01456          int* hint=0
01457          ) const;
01459   /*
01460   Description:
01461     Evaluates bezer volume map.
01462   Parameters:
01463     rst - [in]
01464   Returns:
01465     Value of the nurbs volume map at (r,s,t).
01466   */
01467   ON_3dPoint PointAt(
01468          double r, 
01469          double s, 
01470          double t
01471          ) const;
01473   ON_NurbsSurface* IsoSurface(
01474          int dir,
01475          double c,
01476          ON_NurbsSurface* srf = 0
01477          ) const;
01479   bool Trim(
01480          int dir,
01481          const ON_Interval& domain
01482          );
01484   bool Extend(
01485     int dir,
01486     const ON_Interval& domain
01487     );
01489   /*
01490   Description:
01491     Evaluates bezer volume map.
01492   Parameters:
01493     rst - [in]
01494   Returns:
01495     Value of the nurbs volume map at (rst.x,rst.y,rst.z).
01496   */
01497   ON_3dPoint PointAt(
01498          ON_3dPoint rst
01499          ) const;
01501   bool IsRational() const;
01503   int CVSize() const;
01505   int Order(
01506         int dir     // dir 0 = "r", 1 = "s", 2 = "t"
01507         ) const;
01509   int CVCount(      // number of control vertices
01510         int         // dir 0 = "r", 1 = "s", 2 = "t"
01511         ) const;
01513   int CVCount(      // total number of control vertices
01514         void
01515         ) const;
01517   int KnotCount(    // total number of knots in knot vector
01518         int dir     // dir 0 = "r", 1 = "s", 2 = "t"
01519         ) const;
01521   int Degree(
01522         int dir
01523         ) const;
01526   int SpanCount(
01527     int dir         // dir 0 = "r", 1 = "s", 2 = "t"
01528     ) const;
01530   bool GetSpanVector(
01531     int dir,        // dir 0 = "r", 1 = "s", 2 = "t"
01532     double* span_vector
01533     ) const;
01535   /*
01536   Description:
01537     Expert user function to get a pointer to control vertex
01538     memory.  If you are not an expert user, please use
01539     ON_NurbsCage::GetCV( ON_3dPoint& ) or 
01540     ON_NurbsCage::GetCV( ON_4dPoint& ).
01541   Parameters:
01542     cv_index0 - [in] (0 <= cv_index0 < m_order[0])
01543     cv_index1 - [in] (0 <= cv_index1 < m_order[1])
01544   Returns:
01545     Pointer to control vertex.
01546   Remarks:
01547     If the Nurbs surface is rational, the format of the 
01548     returned array is a homogeneos rational point with
01549     length m_dim+1.  If the Nurbs surface is not rational, 
01550     the format of the returned array is a nonrational 
01551     euclidean point with length m_dim.
01552   See Also
01553     ON_NurbsCage::CVStyle
01554     ON_NurbsCage::GetCV
01555     ON_NurbsCage::Weight
01556   */
01557   double* CV(
01558         int i,
01559         int j,
01560         int k
01561         ) const;
01563   /*
01564   Description:
01565     Returns the style of control vertices in the m_cv array.
01566   Returns:
01567     @untitled table
01568     ON::not_rational                m_is_rat is false
01569     ON::homogeneous_rational        m_is_rat is true
01570   */
01571   ON::point_style CVStyle() const;
01573   double Weight(        // get value of control vertex weight
01574         int i,
01575         int j,
01576         int k
01577         ) const;
01579   bool SetWeight(      // get value of control vertex weight
01580         int i,
01581         int j,
01582         int k,
01583         double w
01584         );
01586   bool SetCV(              // set a single control vertex
01587         int i,
01588         int j,
01589         int k,
01590         ON::point_style, // style of input point
01591         const double*     // value of control vertex
01592         );
01594   // set a single control vertex
01595   // If NURBS is rational, weight
01596   // will be set to 1.
01597   bool SetCV(
01598         int i,
01599         int j,
01600         int k,
01601         const ON_3dPoint& point
01602         );
01604   // set a single control vertex
01605   // value of control vertex
01606   // If NURBS is not rational, euclidean
01607   // location of homogeneous point will
01608   // be used.
01609   bool SetCV(
01610         int i,
01611         int j,
01612         int k,
01613         const ON_4dPoint& hpoint
01614         );
01616   bool GetCV(              // get a single control vertex
01617         int i,
01618         int j,
01619         int k,
01620         ON::point_style, // style to use for output point
01621         double*           // array of length >= CVSize()
01622         ) const;
01624   bool GetCV(              // get a single control vertex
01625         int i,
01626         int j,
01627         int k,
01628         ON_3dPoint&      // gets euclidean cv when NURBS is rational
01629         ) const;
01631   bool GetCV(              // get a single control vertex
01632         int i,
01633         int j,
01634         int k,
01635         ON_4dPoint&      // gets homogeneous cv
01636         ) const;
01638   /*
01639   Parameters:
01640     dir - [in] 0 = "r", 1 = "s", 2 = "t"
01641     knot_index - [in] 0 <= knot_index < KnotCount(dir)
01642     knot_value - [in]
01643   Returns:
01644     True if dir and knot_index parameters were valid and knot value
01645     was set.
01646   */
01647   bool SetKnot(
01648         int dir,
01649         int knot_index,
01650         double knot_value
01651         );
01653   /*
01654   Parameters:
01655     dir - [in] 0 = "r", 1 = "s", 2 = "t"
01656     knot_index - [in] 0 <= knot_index < KnotCount(dir)
01657   Returns:
01658     Value of knot or ON_UNSET_VALUE if input parameters are not valid.
01659   */
01660   double Knot(
01661         int dir,
01662         int knot_index
01663         ) const;
01665   bool ZeroCVs(); // zeros control vertices and, if rational, sets weights to 1
01667   bool MakeRational();
01669   bool MakeNonRational();
01671   bool IsClosed(   // true if NURBS cage is closed (either cage has
01672         int // dir // clamped end knots and euclidean location of start
01673         ) const;   // CV = euclidean location of end CV, or cage is
01674                    // periodic.)
01676   bool IsPeriodic( // true if NURBS cage is periodic (degree > 1,
01677         int // dir // periodic knot vector, last degree many CVs 
01678         ) const;   // are duplicates of first degree many CVs.)
01680   bool IsSingular( // true if cage side is collapsed to a point
01681         int        // side of parameter space to test
01682                    // 0 = south, 1 = east, 2 = north, 3 = west
01683         ) const;
01685   double GrevilleAbcissa(
01686           int dir,    // dir
01687           int gindex  // index (0 <= index < CVCount(dir)
01688           ) const;
01691   // Tools for managing CV and knot memory
01693   /*
01694   Description:
01695     cv_capacity - [in] number of doubles to reserve
01696   */
01697   bool ReserveCVCapacity(
01698     int cv_capacity
01699     );
01701   bool ReserveKnotCapacity(
01702     int dir,
01703     int cv_capacity
01704     );
01707   // Implementation
01708 public:
01709   // NOTE: These members are left "public" so that expert users may efficiently
01710   //       create nurbs curves using the default constructor and borrow the
01711   //       knot and CV arrays from their native NURBS representation.
01712   //       No technical support will be provided for users who access these
01713   //       members directly.  If you can't get your stuff to work, then use
01714   //       the constructor with the arguments and the SetKnot() and SetCV()
01715   //       functions to fill in the arrays.
01718   int     m_dim;
01719   bool    m_is_rat;
01720   int     m_order[3];
01721   int     m_cv_count[3];
01722   int     m_knot_capacity[3];
01723   double* m_knot[3];
01724   int     m_cv_stride[3];
01725   int     m_cv_capacity;
01726   double* m_cv;
01727 };
01729 ON_DECL
01730 bool ON_GetCageXform( 
01731           const ON_NurbsCage& cage, 
01732           ON_Xform& cage_xform 
01733           );
01736 class PCL_EXPORTS ON_CLASS ON_MorphControl : public ON_Geometry
01737 {
01738   ON_OBJECT_DECLARE(ON_MorphControl);
01740 public:
01741   ON_MorphControl();
01742   ~ON_MorphControl();
01743   // C++ default copy construction and operator= work fine.
01746   void Destroy();
01750   //
01751   // ON_Object virtual functions
01752   //
01754   void MemoryRelocate();
01756   ON_BOOL32 IsValid( ON_TextLog* text_log = NULL ) const;
01758   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const;
01760   unsigned int SizeOf() const;
01762   ON_BOOL32 Write(
01763     ON_BinaryArchive& archive
01764     ) const;
01766   ON_BOOL32 Read(
01767     ON_BinaryArchive& archive
01768     );
01770   ON::object_type ObjectType() const;
01772   void DestroyRuntimeCache( bool bDelete = true );
01775   //
01776   // ON_Geometry virtual functions
01777   //
01779   int Dimension() const;
01781   ON_BOOL32 GetBBox(
01782          double* boxmin,
01783          double* boxmax,
01784          int bGrowBox = false
01785          ) const;
01787         bool GetTightBoundingBox( 
01788                         ON_BoundingBox& tight_bbox, 
01789       int bGrowBox = false,
01790                         const ON_Xform* xform = 0
01791       ) const;
01793   void ClearBoundingBox();
01795   ON_BOOL32 Transform( 
01796          const ON_Xform& xform
01797          );
01799   ON_BOOL32 HasBrepForm() const;
01801   ON_Brep* BrepForm( ON_Brep* brep = NULL ) const;
01804   /*
01805   Returns:
01806     True if the target NURBS object is rational
01807   */
01808   bool IsRational() const;
01810   /*
01811   Description:
01812     Makes the target NURBS object rational.
01813   */
01814   bool MakeRational();
01816   /*
01817   Description:
01818     Makes the target NURBS object non-rational.
01819   */
01820   bool MakeNonRational();
01822   /*
01823   Returns:
01824     Number of control points in the target NURBS object.
01825   */
01826   int CVCount() const;
01828   int CVCount(int dir) const;
01829   int Order(int dir) const;
01830   const double* Knot(int dir) const;
01831   ON_3dex MaxCVIndex() const;
01832   const double* CV(ON_3dex) const;
01833   double Weight(ON_3dex) const;
01836   //
01837   // Localizers
01838   //
01840   /*
01841   Description:
01842     Adds localizer with support near the controling NURBS object.
01843   Parameters:
01844     support_distance - [in] >= 0
01845       If the distance a point to the controls NURBS 
01846       curve/surface/cage is less than or equal to support_distance,
01847       then MorphPoint() deformation has 100% effect.
01849     falloff_distance - [in] > 0
01850       If the distance a point to the controls NURBS 
01851       curve/surface/cage is more than support_distance+falloff_distance,
01852       then MorphPoint() deformation does not move the point.
01853       As the distance varies from support_distance to 
01854       support_distance+falloff_distance the deformation attenuates
01855       from 100% to 0%.
01856   */
01857   bool AddControlLocalizer(
01858     double support_distance, 
01859     double falloff_distance
01860     );
01862   bool AddSphereLocalizer(
01863     ON_3dPoint center,
01864     double support_distance, 
01865     double falloff_distance
01866     );
01868   bool AddCylinderLocalizer(
01869     ON_Line axis,
01870     double support_distance, 
01871     double falloff_distance
01872     );
01874   bool AddBoxLocalizer(
01875     ON_BoundingBox bbox,
01876     double support_distance, 
01877     double falloff_distance
01878     );
01880   bool AddPlaneLocalizer(
01881     const ON_Plane& plane,
01882     double support_distance, 
01883     double falloff_distance
01884     );
01886   bool AddConvexPolygonLocalizer(
01887     const ON_SimpleArray<ON_Plane>& planes,
01888     double support_distance, 
01889     double falloff_distance
01890     );
01893   //
01894   //
01896   // Get a cage_morph that can be passed to Morph functions
01897   bool GetCageMorph( class ON_CageMorph& cage_morph ) const;
01899   bool IsIdentity( const ON_BoundingBox& bbox ) const;
01901   int m_varient; // 1= curve, 2 = surface, 3 = cage
01903   // The value of m_varient determines which nurbs object
01904   // controls the cage
01905   ON_NurbsCurve   m_nurbs_curve0;
01906   ON_NurbsCurve   m_nurbs_curve;
01907   ON_Interval     m_nurbs_curve_domain;
01909   ON_NurbsSurface m_nurbs_surface0;
01910   ON_NurbsSurface m_nurbs_surface;
01911   ON_Interval     m_nurbs_surface_domain[2];
01913   ON_Xform        m_nurbs_cage0;
01914   ON_NurbsCage    m_nurbs_cage;
01916   // Rhino captive object ids
01917   ON_UuidList m_captive_id;
01919   // Use ON_GetCageXform to set m_cage_xform.
01921   // Used to localize the deformation
01922   ON_ClassArray<ON_Localizer> m_localizers;
01924   // ON_SpaceMorphOptions
01925   double m_sporh_tolerance;
01926   bool   m_sporh_bQuickPreview;
01927   bool   m_sporh_bPreserveStructure;
01928 };
01931 class PCL_EXPORTS ON_CLASS ON_CageMorph : public ON_SpaceMorph
01932 {
01933 public:
01934   ON_CageMorph();
01935   ~ON_CageMorph();
01937   bool IsIdentity( const ON_BoundingBox& bbox ) const;
01939   const ON_MorphControl* m_control;
01940 };
01943 // Description:
01944 //   Get an ON_NurbsSurface definition of a quadrilateral.
01945 // Parameters:
01946 //   P - [in]
01947 //   Q - [in]
01948 //   R - [in]
01949 //   S - [in] corners in counter clockwise layer
01950 //   nurbs_surface - [in] if this pointer is not NULL,
01951 //       then this ON_NurbsSurface is used to return
01952 //       the quadrilateral.
01953 // Returns:
01954 //   An ON_NurbsSurface representation of the quadrilateral.
01955 ON_DECL
01956 ON_NurbsSurface* ON_NurbsSurfaceQuadrilateral( 
01957              const ON_3dPoint& P, 
01958              const ON_3dPoint& Q, 
01959              const ON_3dPoint& R, 
01960              const ON_3dPoint& S,
01961              ON_NurbsSurface* nurbs_surface = NULL
01962              );
01964 #if defined(ON_DLL_TEMPLATE)
01965 // This stuff is here because of a limitation in the way Microsoft
01966 // handles templates and DLLs.  See Microsoft's knowledge base 
01967 // article ID Q168958 for details.
01968 #pragma warning( push )
01969 #pragma warning( disable : 4231 )
01970 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_ClassArray<ON_NurbsCurve>;
01971 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_ObjectArray<ON_NurbsCurve>;
01972 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_SimpleArray<ON_NurbsCurve*>;
01973 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_ClassArray<ON_NurbsSurface>;
01974 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_ObjectArray<ON_NurbsSurface>;
01975 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_SimpleArray<ON_NurbsSurface*>;
01976 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_ClassArray<ON_NurbsCage>;
01977 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_ObjectArray<ON_NurbsCage>;
01978 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_SimpleArray<ON_NurbsCage*>;
01979 #pragma warning( pop )
01980 #endif
01982 #endif

Author(s): Open Perception
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:27:02