File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
depth_segmentation.cpp [code]Depth (expressed as sensor_msgs/Image) based segmentation node
disparity_segmentation.cpp [code]Disparity based segmentation node
histogram.cpp [code]
histogram.h [code]
histogram_segmentation.cpp [code]Histogram based segmentation node. \ Using histogram backprojection, normalization, thresholding and dilate operator. \ Erode operator can be added by uncommenting lines \ in histogram_segmentation.cpp and the corresponding cfg file
histogram_segmentation_unit_test.cpp [code]
image_processing.cpp [code]
image_processing.h [code]
template_segmentation.cpp [code]Template matchined based segmentation node

Author(s): Bence Magyar
autogenerated on Fri Aug 28 2015 11:57:00