Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /************************************************************************************
00003 PublicHeader:   OVR.h
00004 Filename    :   OVR_Math.h
00005 Content     :   Implementation of 3D primitives such as vectors, matrices.
00006 Created     :   September 4, 2012
00007 Authors     :   Andrew Reisse, Michael Antonov, Steve LaValle, Anna Yershova
00009 Copyright   :   Copyright 2012 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved.
00011 Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Oculus license
00012 agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
00013 otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
00015 *************************************************************************************/
00017 #ifndef OVR_Math_h
00018 #define OVR_Math_h
00020 #include <assert.h>
00021 #include <stdlib.h>
00022 #include <math.h>
00024 #include "OVR_Types.h"
00025 #include "OVR_RefCount.h"
00027 namespace OVR {
00029 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00030 // Constants for 3D world/axis definitions.
00032 // Definitions of axes for coordinate and rotation conversions.
00033 enum Axis
00034 {
00035     Axis_X = 0, Axis_Y = 1, Axis_Z = 2
00036 };
00038 // RotateDirection describes the rotation direction around an axis, interpreted as follows:
00039 //  CW  - Clockwise while looking "down" from positive axis towards the origin.
00040 //  CCW - Counter-clockwise while looking from the positive axis towards the origin,
00041 //        which is in the negative axis direction.
00042 //  CCW is the default for the RHS coordinate system. Oculus standard RHS coordinate
00043 //  system defines Y up, X right, and Z back (pointing out from the screen). In this
00044 //  system Rotate_CCW around Z will specifies counter-clockwise rotation in XY plane.
00045 enum RotateDirection
00046 {
00047     Rotate_CCW = 1,
00048     Rotate_CW  = -1 
00049 };
00051 enum HandedSystem
00052 {
00053     Handed_R = 1, Handed_L = -1
00054 };
00056 // AxisDirection describes which way the axis points. Used by WorldAxes.
00057 enum AxisDirection
00058 {
00059     Axis_Up    =  2,
00060     Axis_Down  = -2,
00061     Axis_Right =  1,
00062     Axis_Left  = -1,
00063     Axis_In    =  3,
00064     Axis_Out   = -3
00065 };
00067 struct WorldAxes
00068 {
00069     AxisDirection XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis;
00071     WorldAxes(AxisDirection x, AxisDirection y, AxisDirection z)
00072         : XAxis(x), YAxis(y), ZAxis(z) 
00073     { OVR_ASSERT(abs(x) != abs(y) && abs(y) != abs(z) && abs(z) != abs(x));}
00074 };
00077 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00078 // ***** Math
00080 // Math class contains constants and functions. This class is a template specialized
00081 // per type, with Math<float> and Math<double> being distinct.
00082 template<class Type>
00083 class Math
00084 {  
00085 };
00087 // Single-precision Math constants class.
00088 template<>
00089 class Math<float>
00090 {
00091 public:
00092     static const float Pi;
00093     static const float TwoPi;
00094     static const float PiOver2;
00095     static const float PiOver4;
00096     static const float E;
00098     static const float MaxValue;          // Largest positive float Value
00099     static const float MinPositiveValue;  // Smallest possible positive value
00101     static const float RadToDegreeFactor;
00102     static const float DegreeToRadFactor;
00104     static const float Tolerance; //  0.00001f;
00105     static const float SingularityRadius; //0.00000000001f for Gimbal lock numerical problems
00106 };
00108 // Double-precision Math constants class.
00109 template<>
00110 class Math<double>
00111 {
00112 public:
00113     static const double Pi;
00114     static const double TwoPi;
00115     static const double PiOver2;
00116     static const double PiOver4;
00117     static const double E;
00119     static const double MaxValue;          // Largest positive double Value
00120     static const double MinPositiveValue;  // Smallest possible positive value
00122     static const double RadToDegreeFactor;
00123     static const double DegreeToRadFactor;
00125     static const double Tolerance; //  0.00001f;
00126     static const double SingularityRadius; //0.00000000001 for Gimbal lock numerical problems
00127 };
00129 typedef Math<float>  Mathf;
00130 typedef Math<double> Mathd;
00132 // Conversion functions between degrees and radians
00133 template<class FT>
00134 FT RadToDegree(FT rads) { return rads * Math<FT>::RadToDegreeFactor; }
00135 template<class FT>
00136 FT DegreeToRad(FT rads) { return rads * Math<FT>::DegreeToRadFactor; }
00138 template<class T>
00139 class Quat;
00141 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00142 // ***** Vector2f - 2D Vector2f
00144 // Vector2f represents a 2-dimensional vector or point in space,
00145 // consisting of coordinates x and y,
00147 template<class T>
00148 class Vector2
00149 {
00150 public:
00151     T x, y;
00153     Vector2() : x(0), y(0) { }
00154     Vector2(T x_, T y_) : x(x_), y(y_) { }
00155     explicit Vector2(T s) : x(s), y(s) { }
00157     bool     operator== (const Vector2& b) const  { return x == b.x && y == b.y; }
00158     bool     operator!= (const Vector2& b) const  { return x != b.x || y != b.y; }
00160     Vector2  operator+  (const Vector2& b) const  { return Vector2(x + b.x, y + b.y); }
00161     Vector2& operator+= (const Vector2& b)        { x += b.x; y += b.y; return *this; }
00162     Vector2  operator-  (const Vector2& b) const  { return Vector2(x - b.x, y - b.y); }
00163     Vector2& operator-= (const Vector2& b)        { x -= b.x; y -= b.y; return *this; }
00164     Vector2  operator- () const                   { return Vector2(-x, -y); }
00166     // Scalar multiplication/division scales vector.
00167     Vector2  operator*  (T s) const               { return Vector2(x*s, y*s); }
00168     Vector2& operator*= (T s)                     { x *= s; y *= s; return *this; }
00170     Vector2  operator/  (T s) const               { T rcp = T(1)/s;
00171                                                     return Vector2(x*rcp, y*rcp); }
00172     Vector2& operator/= (T s)                     { T rcp = T(1)/s;
00173                                                     x *= rcp; y *= rcp;
00174                                                     return *this; }
00176     // Compare two vectors for equality with tolerance. Returns true if vectors match withing tolerance.
00177     bool      Compare(const Vector2&b, T tolerance = Mathf::Tolerance)
00178     {
00179         return (fabs(b.x-x) < tolerance) && (fabs(b.y-y) < tolerance);
00180     }
00182     // Dot product overload.
00183     // Used to calculate angle q between two vectors among other things,
00184     // as (A dot B) = |a||b|cos(q).
00185     T     operator*  (const Vector2& b) const    { return x*b.x + y*b.y; }
00187     // Returns the angle from this vector to b, in radians.
00188     T       Angle(const Vector2& b) const        { return acos((*this * b)/(Length()*b.Length())); }
00190     // Return Length of the vector squared.
00191     T       LengthSq() const                     { return (x * x + y * y); }
00192     // Return vector length.
00193     T       Length() const                       { return sqrt(LengthSq()); }
00195     // Returns distance between two points represented by vectors.
00196     T       Distance(Vector2& b) const           { return (*this - b).Length(); }
00198     // Determine if this a unit vector.
00199     bool    IsNormalized() const                 { return fabs(LengthSq() - T(1)) < Math<T>::Tolerance; }
00200     // Normalize, convention vector length to 1.    
00201     void    Normalize()                          { *this /= Length(); }
00202     // Returns normalized (unit) version of the vector without modifying itself.
00203     Vector2 Normalized() const                   { return *this / Length(); }
00205     // Linearly interpolates from this vector to another.
00206     // Factor should be between 0.0 and 1.0, with 0 giving full value to this.
00207     Vector2 Lerp(const Vector2& b, T f) const    { return *this*(T(1) - f) + b*f; }
00209     // Projects this vector onto the argument; in other words,
00210     // A.Project(B) returns projection of vector A onto B.
00211     Vector2 ProjectTo(const Vector2& b) const    { return b * ((*this * b) / b.LengthSq()); }
00212 };
00215 typedef Vector2<float>  Vector2f;
00216 typedef Vector2<double> Vector2d;
00218 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00219 // ***** Vector3f - 3D Vector3f
00221 // Vector3f represents a 3-dimensional vector or point in space,
00222 // consisting of coordinates x, y and z.
00224 template<class T>
00225 class Vector3
00226 {
00227 public:
00228     T x, y, z;
00230     Vector3() : x(0), y(0), z(0) { }
00231     Vector3(T x_, T y_, T z_ = 0) : x(x_), y(y_), z(z_) { }
00232     explicit Vector3(T s) : x(s), y(s), z(s) { }
00234     bool     operator== (const Vector3& b) const  { return x == b.x && y == b.y && z == b.z; }
00235     bool     operator!= (const Vector3& b) const  { return x != b.x || y != b.y || z != b.z; }
00237     Vector3  operator+  (const Vector3& b) const  { return Vector3(x + b.x, y + b.y, z + b.z); }
00238     Vector3& operator+= (const Vector3& b)        { x += b.x; y += b.y; z += b.z; return *this; }
00239     Vector3  operator-  (const Vector3& b) const  { return Vector3(x - b.x, y - b.y, z - b.z); }
00240     Vector3& operator-= (const Vector3& b)        { x -= b.x; y -= b.y; z -= b.z; return *this; }
00241     Vector3  operator- () const                   { return Vector3(-x, -y, -z); }
00243     // Scalar multiplication/division scales vector.
00244     Vector3  operator*  (T s) const               { return Vector3(x*s, y*s, z*s); }
00245     Vector3& operator*= (T s)                     { x *= s; y *= s; z *= s; return *this; }
00247     Vector3  operator/  (T s) const               { T rcp = T(1)/s;
00248                                                     return Vector3(x*rcp, y*rcp, z*rcp); }
00249     Vector3& operator/= (T s)                     { T rcp = T(1)/s;
00250                                                     x *= rcp; y *= rcp; z *= rcp;
00251                                                     return *this; }
00253     // Compare two vectors for equality with tolerance. Returns true if vectors match withing tolerance.
00254     bool      Compare(const Vector3&b, T tolerance = Mathf::Tolerance)
00255     {
00256         return (fabs(b.x-x) < tolerance) && (fabs(b.y-y) < tolerance) && (fabs(b.z-z) < tolerance);
00257     }
00259     // Dot product overload.
00260     // Used to calculate angle q between two vectors among other things,
00261     // as (A dot B) = |a||b|cos(q).
00262     T     operator*  (const Vector3& b) const    { return x*b.x + y*b.y + z*b.z; }
00264     // Compute cross product, which generates a normal vector.
00265     // Direction vector can be determined by right-hand rule: Pointing index finder in
00266     // direction a and middle finger in direction b, thumb will point in a.Cross(b).
00267     Vector3 Cross(const Vector3& b) const        { return Vector3(y*b.z - z*b.y,
00268                                                                   z*b.x - x*b.z,
00269                                                                   x*b.y - y*b.x); }
00271     // Returns the angle from this vector to b, in radians.
00272     T       Angle(const Vector3& b) const        { return acos((*this * b)/(Length()*b.Length())); }
00274     // Return Length of the vector squared.
00275     T       LengthSq() const                     { return (x * x + y * y + z * z); }
00276     // Return vector length.
00277     T       Length() const                       { return sqrt(LengthSq()); }
00279     // Returns distance between two points represented by vectors.
00280     T       Distance(Vector3& b) const           { return (*this - b).Length(); }
00282     // Determine if this a unit vector.
00283     bool    IsNormalized() const                 { return fabs(LengthSq() - T(1)) < Math<T>::Tolerance; }
00284     // Normalize, convention vector length to 1.    
00285     void    Normalize()                          { *this /= Length(); }
00286     // Returns normalized (unit) version of the vector without modifying itself.
00287     Vector3 Normalized() const                   { return *this / Length(); }
00289     // Linearly interpolates from this vector to another.
00290     // Factor should be between 0.0 and 1.0, with 0 giving full value to this.
00291     Vector3 Lerp(const Vector3& b, T f) const    { return *this*(T(1) - f) + b*f; }
00293     // Projects this vector onto the argument; in other words,
00294     // A.Project(B) returns projection of vector A onto B.
00295     Vector3 ProjectTo(const Vector3& b) const    { return b * ((*this * b) / b.LengthSq()); }
00296 };
00299 typedef Vector3<float>  Vector3f;
00300 typedef Vector3<double> Vector3d;
00303 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00304 // ***** Matrix4f 
00306 // Matrix4f is a 4x4 matrix used for 3d transformations and projections.
00307 // Translation stored in the last column.
00308 // The matrix is stored in row-major order in memory, meaning that values
00309 // of the first row are stored before the next one.
00310 //
00311 // The arrangement of the matrix is chosen to be in Right-Handed 
00312 // coordinate system and counterclockwise rotations when looking down
00313 // the axis
00314 //
00315 // Transformation Order:
00316 //   - Transformations are applied from right to left, so the expression
00317 //     M1 * M2 * M3 * V means that the vector V is transformed by M3 first,
00318 //     followed by M2 and M1. 
00319 //
00320 // Coordinate system: Right Handed
00321 //
00322 // Rotations: Counterclockwise when looking down the axis. All angles are in radians.
00323 //    
00324 //  | sx   01   02   tx |    // First column  (sx, 10, 20): Axis X basis vector.
00325 //  | 10   sy   12   ty |    // Second column (01, sy, 21): Axis Y basis vector.
00326 //  | 20   21   sz   tz |    // Third columnt (02, 12, sz): Axis Z basis vector.
00327 //  | 30   31   32   33 |
00328 //
00329 //  The basis vectors are first three columns.
00331 class Matrix4f
00332 {
00333     static Matrix4f IdentityValue;
00335 public:
00336     float M[4][4];    
00338     enum NoInitType { NoInit };
00340     // Construct with no memory initialization.
00341     Matrix4f(NoInitType) { }
00343     // By default, we construct identity matrix.
00344     Matrix4f()
00345     {
00346         SetIdentity();        
00347     }
00349     Matrix4f(float m11, float m12, float m13, float m14,
00350              float m21, float m22, float m23, float m24,
00351              float m31, float m32, float m33, float m34,
00352              float m41, float m42, float m43, float m44)
00353     {
00354         M[0][0] = m11; M[0][1] = m12; M[0][2] = m13; M[0][3] = m14;
00355         M[1][0] = m21; M[1][1] = m22; M[1][2] = m23; M[1][3] = m24;
00356         M[2][0] = m31; M[2][1] = m32; M[2][2] = m33; M[2][3] = m34;
00357         M[3][0] = m41; M[3][1] = m42; M[3][2] = m43; M[3][3] = m44;
00358     }
00360     Matrix4f(float m11, float m12, float m13,
00361              float m21, float m22, float m23,
00362              float m31, float m32, float m33)
00363     {
00364         M[0][0] = m11; M[0][1] = m12; M[0][2] = m13; M[0][3] = 0;
00365         M[1][0] = m21; M[1][1] = m22; M[1][2] = m23; M[1][3] = 0;
00366         M[2][0] = m31; M[2][1] = m32; M[2][2] = m33; M[2][3] = 0;
00367         M[3][0] = 0;   M[3][1] = 0;   M[3][2] = 0;   M[3][3] = 1;
00368     }
00370     static const Matrix4f& Identity()  { return IdentityValue; }
00372     void SetIdentity()
00373     {
00374         M[0][0] = M[1][1] = M[2][2] = M[3][3] = 1;
00375         M[0][1] = M[1][0] = M[2][3] = M[3][1] = 0;
00376         M[0][2] = M[1][2] = M[2][0] = M[3][2] = 0;
00377         M[0][3] = M[1][3] = M[2][1] = M[3][0] = 0;
00378     }
00380     // Multiplies two matrices into destination with minimum copying.
00381     static Matrix4f& Multiply(Matrix4f* d, const Matrix4f& a, const Matrix4f& b)
00382     {
00383         OVR_ASSERT((d != &a) && (d != &b));
00384         int i = 0;
00385         do {
00386             d->M[i][0] = a.M[i][0] * b.M[0][0] + a.M[i][1] * b.M[1][0] + a.M[i][2] * b.M[2][0] + a.M[i][3] * b.M[3][0];
00387             d->M[i][1] = a.M[i][0] * b.M[0][1] + a.M[i][1] * b.M[1][1] + a.M[i][2] * b.M[2][1] + a.M[i][3] * b.M[3][1];
00388             d->M[i][2] = a.M[i][0] * b.M[0][2] + a.M[i][1] * b.M[1][2] + a.M[i][2] * b.M[2][2] + a.M[i][3] * b.M[3][2];
00389             d->M[i][3] = a.M[i][0] * b.M[0][3] + a.M[i][1] * b.M[1][3] + a.M[i][2] * b.M[2][3] + a.M[i][3] * b.M[3][3];
00390         } while((++i) < 4);
00392         return *d;
00393     }
00395     Matrix4f operator* (const Matrix4f& b) const
00396     {
00397         Matrix4f result(Matrix4f::NoInit);
00398         Multiply(&result, *this, b);
00399         return result;
00400     }
00402     Matrix4f& operator*= (const Matrix4f& b)
00403     {
00404         return Multiply(this, Matrix4f(*this), b);
00405     }
00407     Matrix4f operator* (float s) const
00408     {
00409         return Matrix4f(M[0][0] * s, M[0][1] * s, M[0][2] * s, M[0][3] * s,
00410                         M[1][0] * s, M[1][1] * s, M[1][2] * s, M[1][3] * s,
00411                         M[2][0] * s, M[2][1] * s, M[2][2] * s, M[2][3] * s,
00412                         M[3][0] * s, M[3][1] * s, M[3][2] * s, M[3][3] * s);
00413     }
00415     Matrix4f& operator*= (float s)
00416     {
00417         M[0][0] *= s; M[0][1] *= s; M[0][2] *= s; M[0][3] *= s;
00418         M[1][0] *= s; M[1][1] *= s; M[1][2] *= s; M[1][3] *= s;
00419         M[2][0] *= s; M[2][1] *= s; M[2][2] *= s; M[2][3] *= s;
00420         M[3][0] *= s; M[3][1] *= s; M[3][2] *= s; M[3][3] *= s;
00421         return *this;
00422     }
00424     Vector3f Transform(const Vector3f& v) const
00425     {
00426         return Vector3f(M[0][0] * v.x + M[0][1] * v.y + M[0][2] * v.z + M[0][3],
00427                         M[1][0] * v.x + M[1][1] * v.y + M[1][2] * v.z + M[1][3],
00428                         M[2][0] * v.x + M[2][1] * v.y + M[2][2] * v.z + M[2][3]);
00429     }
00431     Matrix4f Transposed() const
00432     {
00433         return Matrix4f(M[0][0], M[1][0], M[2][0], M[3][0],
00434                         M[0][1], M[1][1], M[2][1], M[3][1],
00435                         M[0][2], M[1][2], M[2][2], M[3][2],
00436                         M[0][3], M[1][3], M[2][3], M[3][3]);
00437     }
00439     void     Transpose()
00440     {
00441         *this = Transposed();
00442     }
00445     float SubDet (const int* rows, const int* cols) const
00446     {
00447         return M[rows[0]][cols[0]] * (M[rows[1]][cols[1]] * M[rows[2]][cols[2]] - M[rows[1]][cols[2]] * M[rows[2]][cols[1]])
00448              - M[rows[0]][cols[1]] * (M[rows[1]][cols[0]] * M[rows[2]][cols[2]] - M[rows[1]][cols[2]] * M[rows[2]][cols[0]])
00449              + M[rows[0]][cols[2]] * (M[rows[1]][cols[0]] * M[rows[2]][cols[1]] - M[rows[1]][cols[1]] * M[rows[2]][cols[0]]);
00450     }
00452     float Cofactor(int I, int J) const
00453     {
00454         const int indices[4][3] = {{1,2,3},{0,2,3},{0,1,3},{0,1,2}};
00455         return ((I+J)&1) ? -SubDet(indices[I],indices[J]) : SubDet(indices[I],indices[J]);
00456     }
00458     float    Determinant() const
00459     {
00460         return M[0][0] * Cofactor(0,0) + M[0][1] * Cofactor(0,1) + M[0][2] * Cofactor(0,2) + M[0][3] * Cofactor(0,3);
00461     }
00463     Matrix4f Adjugated() const
00464     {
00465         return Matrix4f(Cofactor(0,0), Cofactor(1,0), Cofactor(2,0), Cofactor(3,0), 
00466                         Cofactor(0,1), Cofactor(1,1), Cofactor(2,1), Cofactor(3,1), 
00467                         Cofactor(0,2), Cofactor(1,2), Cofactor(2,2), Cofactor(3,2),
00468                         Cofactor(0,3), Cofactor(1,3), Cofactor(2,3), Cofactor(3,3));
00469     }
00471     Matrix4f Inverted() const
00472     {
00473         float det = Determinant();
00474         assert(det != 0);
00475         return Adjugated() * (1.0f/det);
00476     }
00478     void Invert()
00479     {
00480         *this = Inverted();
00481     }
00483     //AnnaSteve:
00484     // a,b,c, are the YawPitchRoll angles to be returned
00485     // rotation a around axis A1
00486     // is followed by rotation b around axis A2
00487     // is followed by rotation c around axis A3
00488     // rotations are CCW or CW (D) in LH or RH coordinate system (S)
00489     template <Axis A1, Axis A2, Axis A3, RotateDirection D, HandedSystem S>
00490     void ToEulerAngles(float *a, float *b, float *c)
00491     {
00492         OVR_COMPILER_ASSERT((A1 != A2) && (A2 != A3) && (A1 != A3));
00494         float psign = -1.0f;
00495         if (((A1 + 1) % 3 == A2) && ((A2 + 1) % 3 == A3)) // Determine whether even permutation
00496         psign = 1.0f;
00498         float pm = psign*M[A1][A3];
00499         if (pm < -1.0f + Math<float>::SingularityRadius)
00500         { // South pole singularity
00501             *a = 0.0f;
00502             *b = -S*D*Math<float>::PiOver2;
00503             *c = S*D*atan2( psign*M[A2][A1], M[A2][A2] );
00504         }
00505         else if (pm > 1.0 - Math<float>::SingularityRadius)
00506         { // North pole singularity
00507             *a = 0.0f;
00508             *b = S*D*Math<float>::PiOver2;
00509             *c = S*D*atan2( psign*M[A2][A1], M[A2][A2] );
00510         }
00511         else
00512         { // Normal case (nonsingular)
00513             *a = S*D*atan2( -psign*M[A2][A3], M[A3][A3] );
00514             *b = S*D*asin(pm);
00515             *c = S*D*atan2( -psign*M[A1][A2], M[A1][A1] );
00516         }
00518         return;
00519     }
00521     //AnnaSteve:
00522     // a,b,c, are the YawPitchRoll angles to be returned
00523     // rotation a around axis A1
00524     // is followed by rotation b around axis A2
00525     // is followed by rotation c around axis A1
00526     // rotations are CCW or CW (D) in LH or RH coordinate system (S)
00527     template <Axis A1, Axis A2, RotateDirection D, HandedSystem S>
00528     void ToEulerAnglesABA(float *a, float *b, float *c)
00529     {        
00530          OVR_COMPILER_ASSERT(A1 != A2);
00532         // Determine the axis that was not supplied
00533         int m = 3 - A1 - A2;
00535         float psign = -1.0f;
00536         if ((A1 + 1) % 3 == A2) // Determine whether even permutation
00537             psign = 1.0f;
00539         float c2 = M[A1][A1];
00540         if (c2 < -1.0 + Math<float>::SingularityRadius)
00541         { // South pole singularity
00542             *a = 0.0f;
00543             *b = S*D*Math<float>::Pi;
00544             *c = S*D*atan2( -psign*M[A2][m],M[A2][A2]);
00545         }
00546         else if (c2 > 1.0 - Math<float>::SingularityRadius)
00547         { // North pole singularity
00548             *a = 0.0f;
00549             *b = 0.0f;
00550             *c = S*D*atan2( -psign*M[A2][m],M[A2][A2]);
00551         }
00552         else
00553         { // Normal case (nonsingular)
00554             *a = S*D*atan2( M[A2][A1],-psign*M[m][A1]);
00555             *b = S*D*acos(c2);
00556             *c = S*D*atan2( M[A1][A2],psign*M[A1][m]);
00557         }
00558         return;
00559     }
00561     // Creates a matrix that converts the vertices from one coordinate system
00562     // to another.
00563     // 
00564     static Matrix4f AxisConversion(const WorldAxes& to, const WorldAxes& from)
00565     {        
00566         // Holds axis values from the 'to' structure
00567         int toArray[3] = { to.XAxis, to.YAxis, to.ZAxis };
00569         // The inverse of the toArray
00570         int inv[4]; 
00571         inv[0] = inv[abs(to.XAxis)] = 0;
00572         inv[abs(to.YAxis)] = 1;
00573         inv[abs(to.ZAxis)] = 2;
00575         Matrix4f m(0,  0,  0, 
00576                    0,  0,  0,
00577                    0,  0,  0);
00579         // Only three values in the matrix need to be changed to 1 or -1.
00580         m.M[inv[abs(from.XAxis)]][0] = float(from.XAxis/toArray[inv[abs(from.XAxis)]]);
00581         m.M[inv[abs(from.YAxis)]][1] = float(from.YAxis/toArray[inv[abs(from.YAxis)]]);
00582         m.M[inv[abs(from.ZAxis)]][2] = float(from.ZAxis/toArray[inv[abs(from.ZAxis)]]);
00583         return m;
00584     } 
00588     static Matrix4f Translation(const Vector3f& v)
00589     {
00590         Matrix4f t;
00591         t.M[0][3] = v.x;
00592         t.M[1][3] = v.y;
00593         t.M[2][3] = v.z;
00594         return t;
00595     }
00597     static Matrix4f Translation(float x, float y, float z = 0.0f)
00598     {
00599         Matrix4f t;
00600         t.M[0][3] = x;
00601         t.M[1][3] = y;
00602         t.M[2][3] = z;
00603         return t;
00604     }
00606     static Matrix4f Scaling(const Vector3f& v)
00607     {
00608         Matrix4f t;
00609         t.M[0][0] = v.x;
00610         t.M[1][1] = v.y;
00611         t.M[2][2] = v.z;
00612         return t;
00613     }
00615     static Matrix4f Scaling(float x, float y, float z)
00616     {
00617         Matrix4f t;
00618         t.M[0][0] = x;
00619         t.M[1][1] = y;
00620         t.M[2][2] = z;
00621         return t;
00622     }
00624     static Matrix4f Scaling(float s)
00625     {
00626         Matrix4f t;
00627         t.M[0][0] = s;
00628         t.M[1][1] = s;
00629         t.M[2][2] = s;
00630         return t;
00631     }
00635     //AnnaSteve : Just for quick testing.  Not for final API.  Need to remove case.
00636     static Matrix4f RotationAxis(Axis A, float angle, RotateDirection d, HandedSystem s)
00637     {
00638         float sina = s * d *sin(angle);
00639         float cosa = cos(angle);
00641         switch(A)
00642         {
00643         case Axis_X:
00644             return Matrix4f(1,  0,     0, 
00645                             0,  cosa,  -sina,
00646                             0,  sina,  cosa);
00647         case Axis_Y:
00648             return Matrix4f(cosa,  0,   sina, 
00649                             0,     1,   0,
00650                             -sina, 0,   cosa);
00651         case Axis_Z:
00652             return Matrix4f(cosa,  -sina,  0, 
00653                             sina,  cosa,   0,
00654                             0,     0,      1);
00655         }
00656     }
00659     // Creates a rotation matrix rotating around the X axis by 'angle' radians.
00660     // Rotation direction is depends on the coordinate system:
00661     //  RHS (Oculus default): Positive angle values rotate Counter-clockwise (CCW),
00662     //                        while looking in the negative axis direction. This is the
00663     //                        same as looking down from positive axis values towards origin.
00664     //  LHS: Positive angle values rotate clock-wise (CW), while looking in the
00665     //       negative axis direction.
00666     static Matrix4f RotationX(float angle)
00667     {
00668         float sina = sin(angle);
00669         float cosa = cos(angle);
00670         return Matrix4f(1,  0,     0, 
00671                         0,  cosa,  -sina,
00672                         0,  sina,  cosa);
00673     }
00675     // Creates a rotation matrix rotating around the Y axis by 'angle' radians.
00676     // Rotation direction is depends on the coordinate system:
00677     //  RHS (Oculus default): Positive angle values rotate Counter-clockwise (CCW),
00678     //                        while looking in the negative axis direction. This is the
00679     //                        same as looking down from positive axis values towards origin.
00680     //  LHS: Positive angle values rotate clock-wise (CW), while looking in the
00681     //       negative axis direction.
00682     static Matrix4f RotationY(float angle)
00683     {
00684         float sina = sin(angle);
00685         float cosa = cos(angle);
00686         return Matrix4f(cosa,  0,   sina, 
00687                         0,     1,   0,
00688                         -sina, 0,   cosa);
00689     }
00691     // Creates a rotation matrix rotating around the Z axis by 'angle' radians.
00692     // Rotation direction is depends on the coordinate system:
00693     //  RHS (Oculus default): Positive angle values rotate Counter-clockwise (CCW),
00694     //                        while looking in the negative axis direction. This is the
00695     //                        same as looking down from positive axis values towards origin.
00696     //  LHS: Positive angle values rotate clock-wise (CW), while looking in the
00697     //       negative axis direction.
00698     static Matrix4f RotationZ(float angle)
00699     {
00700         float sina = sin(angle);
00701         float cosa = cos(angle);
00702         return Matrix4f(cosa,  -sina,  0, 
00703                         sina,  cosa,   0,
00704                         0,     0,      1);
00705     }
00708     // LookAtRH creates a View transformation matrix for right-handed coordinate system.
00709     // The resulting matrix points camera from 'eye' towards 'at' direction, with 'up'
00710     // specifying the up vector. The resulting matrix should be used with PerspectiveRH
00711     // projection.
00712     static Matrix4f LookAtRH(const Vector3f& eye, const Vector3f& at, const Vector3f& up);
00714     // LookAtLH creates a View transformation matrix for left-handed coordinate system.
00715     // The resulting matrix points camera from 'eye' towards 'at' direction, with 'up'
00716     // specifying the up vector. 
00717     static Matrix4f LookAtLH(const Vector3f& eye, const Vector3f& at, const Vector3f& up);
00720     // PerspectiveRH creates a right-handed perspective projection matrix that can be
00721     // used with the Oculus sample renderer. 
00722     //  yfov   - Specifies vertical field of view in radians.
00723     //  aspect - Screen aspect ration, which is usually width/height for square pixels.
00724     //           Note that xfov = yfov * aspect.
00725     //  znear  - Absolute value of near Z clipping clipping range.
00726     //  zfar   - Absolute value of far  Z clipping clipping range (larger then near).
00727     // Even though RHS usually looks in the direction of negative Z, positive values
00728     // are expected for znear and zfar.
00729     static Matrix4f PerspectiveRH(float yfov, float aspect, float znear, float zfar);
00732     // PerspectiveRH creates a left-handed perspective projection matrix that can be
00733     // used with the Oculus sample renderer. 
00734     //  yfov   - Specifies vertical field of view in radians.
00735     //  aspect - Screen aspect ration, which is usually width/height for square pixels.
00736     //           Note that xfov = yfov * aspect.
00737     //  znear  - Absolute value of near Z clipping clipping range.
00738     //  zfar   - Absolute value of far  Z clipping clipping range (larger then near).
00739     static Matrix4f PerspectiveLH(float yfov, float aspect, float znear, float zfar);
00742     static Matrix4f Ortho2D(float w, float h);
00743 };
00746 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00747 // ***** Quat
00749 // Quatf represents a quaternion class used for rotations.
00750 // 
00751 // Quaternion multiplications are done in right-to-left order, to match the
00752 // behavior of matrices.
00755 template<class T>
00756 class Quat
00757 {
00758 public:
00759     // w + Xi + Yj + Zk
00760     T x, y, z, w;    
00762     Quat() : x(0), y(0), z(0), w(1) {}
00763     Quat(T x_, T y_, T z_, T w_) : x(x_), y(y_), z(z_), w(w_) {}
00766     // Constructs rotation quaternion around the axis.
00767     Quat(const Vector3<T>& axis, T angle)
00768     {
00769         Vector3<T> unitAxis = axis.Normalized();
00770         T          sinHalfAngle = sin(angle * T(0.5));
00772         w = cos(angle * T(0.5));
00773         x = unitAxis.x * sinHalfAngle;
00774         y = unitAxis.y * sinHalfAngle;
00775         z = unitAxis.z * sinHalfAngle;
00776     }
00778     //AnnaSteve:
00779     void AxisAngle(Axis A, T angle, RotateDirection d, HandedSystem s)
00780     {
00781         T sinHalfAngle = s * d *sin(angle * (T)0.5);
00782         T v[3];
00783         v[0] = v[1] = v[2] = (T)0;
00784         v[A] = sinHalfAngle;
00785         //return Quat(v[0], v[1], v[2], cos(angle * (T)0.5));
00786         w = cos(angle * (T)0.5);
00787         x = v[0];
00788         y = v[1];
00789         z = v[2];
00790     }
00793     void GetAxisAngle(Vector3<T>* axis, T* angle) const
00794     {
00795         if (LengthSq() > Math<T>::Tolerance * Math<T>::Tolerance)
00796         {
00797             *axis  = Vector3<T>(x, y, z).Normalized();
00798             *angle = 2 * acos(w);
00799         }
00800         else
00801         {
00802             *axis = Vector3<T>(1, 0, 0);
00803             *angle= 0;
00804         }
00805     }
00807     bool operator== (const Quat& b) const   { return x == b.x && y == b.y && z == b.z && w == b.w; }
00808     bool operator!= (const Quat& b) const   { return x != b.x || y != b.y || z != b.z || w != b.w; }
00810     Quat  operator+  (const Quat& b) const  { return Quat(x + b.x, y + b.y, z + b.z, w + b.w); }
00811     Quat& operator+= (const Quat& b)        { w += b.w; x += b.x; y += b.y; z += b.z; return *this; }
00812     Quat  operator-  (const Quat& b) const  { return Quat(x - b.x, y - b.y, z - b.z, w - b.w); }
00813     Quat& operator-= (const Quat& b)        { w -= b.w; x -= b.x; y -= b.y; z -= b.z; return *this; }
00815     Quat  operator*  (T s) const            { return Quat(x * s, y * s, z * s, w * s); }
00816     Quat& operator*= (T s)                  { w *= s; x *= s; y *= s; z *= s; return *this; }
00817     Quat  operator/  (T s) const            { T rcp = T(1)/s; return Quat(x * rcp, y * rcp, z * rcp, w *rcp); }
00818     Quat& operator/= (T s)                  { T rcp = T(1)/s; w *= rcp; x *= rcp; y *= rcp; z *= rcp; return *this; }
00820     // Get Imaginary part vector
00821     Vector3<T> Imag() const                 { return Vector3<T>(x,y,z); }
00823     // Get quaternion length.
00824     T       Length() const                  { return sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z + w * w); }
00825     // Get quaternion length squared.
00826     T       LengthSq() const                { return (x * x + y * y + z * z + w * w); }
00827     // Simple Eulidean distance in R^4 (not SLERP distance, but at least respects Haar measure)
00828     T       Distance(const Quat& q) const
00829     {
00830         T d1 = (*this - q).Length();
00831         T d2 = (*this + q).Length(); // Antipoldal point check
00832         return (d1 < d2) ? d1 : d2;
00833     }
00834     T       DistanceSq(const Quat& q) const
00835     {
00836         T d1 = (*this - q).LengthSq();
00837         T d2 = (*this + q).LengthSq(); // Antipoldal point check
00838         return (d1 < d2) ? d1 : d2;
00839     }
00841     // Normalize
00842     bool    IsNormalized() const            { return fabs(LengthSq() - 1) < Math<T>::Tolerance; }
00843     void    Normalize()                     { *this /= Length(); }
00844     Quat    Normalized() const              { return *this / Length(); }
00846     // Returns conjugate of the quaternion. Produces inverse rotation if quaternion is normalized.
00847     Quat    Conj() const                    { return Quat(-x, -y, -z, w); }
00849     // AnnaSteve fixed: order of quaternion multiplication
00850     // Quaternion multiplication. Combines quaternion rotations, performing the one on the 
00851     // right hand side first.
00852     Quat  operator* (const Quat& b) const   { return Quat(w * b.x + x * b.w + y * b.z - z * b.y,
00853                                                           w * b.y - x * b.z + y * b.w + z * b.x,
00854                                                           w * b.z + x * b.y - y * b.x + z * b.w,
00855                                                           w * b.w - x * b.x - y * b.y - z * b.z); }
00857     // 
00858     // this^p normalized; same as rotating by this p times.
00859     Quat PowNormalized(T p) const
00860     {
00861         Vector3<T> v;
00862         T          a;
00863         GetAxisAngle(&v, &a);
00864         return Quat(v, a * p);
00865     }
00867     // Rotate transforms vector in a manner that matches Matrix rotations (counter-clockwise,
00868     // assuming negative direction of the axis). Standard formula: q(t) * V * q(t)^-1. 
00869     Vector3<T> Rotate(const Vector3<T>& v) const
00870     {
00871         return ((*this * Quat<T>(v.x, v.y, v.z, 0)) * Inverted()).Imag();
00872     }
00875     // Inversed quaternion rotates in the opposite direction.
00876     Quat        Inverted() const
00877     {
00878         return Quat(-x, -y, -z, w);
00879     }
00881     // Sets this quaternion to the one rotates in the opposite direction.
00882     void        Invert() const
00883     {
00884         *this = Quat(-x, -y, -z, w);
00885     }
00887     // Converting quaternion to matrix.
00888     operator Matrix4f() const
00889     {
00890         T ww = w*w;
00891         T xx = x*x;
00892         T yy = y*y;
00893         T zz = z*z;
00895         return Matrix4f(float(ww + xx - yy - zz),  float(T(2) * (x*y - w*z)), float(T(2) * (x*z + w*y)),
00896                         float(T(2) * (x*y + w*z)), float(ww - xx + yy - zz),  float(T(2) * (y*z - w*x)),
00897                         float(T(2) * (x*z - w*y)), float(T(2) * (y*z + w*x)), float(ww - xx - yy + zz) );
00898     }
00901     // GetEulerAngles extracts Euler angles from the quaternion, in the specified order of
00902     // axis rotations and the specified coordinate system. Right-handed coordinate system
00903     // is the default, with CCW rotations while looking in the negative axis direction.
00904     // Here a,b,c, are the Yaw/Pitch/Roll angles to be returned.
00905     // rotation a around axis A1
00906     // is followed by rotation b around axis A2
00907     // is followed by rotation c around axis A3
00908     // rotations are CCW or CW (D) in LH or RH coordinate system (S)
00909     template <Axis A1, Axis A2, Axis A3, RotateDirection D, HandedSystem S>
00910     void GetEulerAngles(T *a, T *b, T *c)
00911     {
00912         OVR_COMPILER_ASSERT((A1 != A2) && (A2 != A3) && (A1 != A3));
00914         T Q[3] = { x, y, z };  //Quaternion components x,y,z
00916         T ww  = w*w;
00917         T Q11 = Q[A1]*Q[A1];
00918         T Q22 = Q[A2]*Q[A2];
00919         T Q33 = Q[A3]*Q[A3];
00921         T psign = T(-1.0);
00922         // Determine whether even permutation
00923         if (((A1 + 1) % 3 == A2) && ((A2 + 1) % 3 == A3))
00924             psign = T(1.0);
00926         T s2 = psign * T(2.0) * (psign*w*Q[A2] + Q[A1]*Q[A3]);
00928         if (s2 < (T)-1.0 + Math<T>::SingularityRadius)
00929         { // South pole singularity
00930             *a = T(0.0);
00931             *b = -S*D*Math<T>::PiOver2;
00932             *c = S*D*atan2((T)2.0*(psign*Q[A1]*Q[A2] + w*Q[A3]),
00933                                    ww + Q22 - Q11 - Q33 );
00934         }
00935         else if (s2 > (T)1.0 - Math<T>::SingularityRadius)
00936         {  // North pole singularity
00937             *a = (T)0.0;
00938             *b = S*D*Math<T>::PiOver2;
00939             *c = S*D*atan2((T)2.0*(psign*Q[A1]*Q[A2] + w*Q[A3]),
00940                                    ww + Q22 - Q11 - Q33);
00941         }
00942         else
00943         {
00944             *a = -S*D*atan2((T)-2.0*(w*Q[A1] - psign*Q[A2]*Q[A3]),
00945                                     ww + Q33 - Q11 - Q22);
00946             *b = S*D*asin(s2);
00947             *c = S*D*atan2((T)2.0*(w*Q[A3] - psign*Q[A1]*Q[A2]),
00948                                    ww + Q11 - Q22 - Q33);
00949         }      
00950         return;
00951     }
00953     template <Axis A1, Axis A2, Axis A3, RotateDirection D>
00954     void GetEulerAngles(T *a, T *b, T *c)
00955     { GetEulerAngles<A1, A2, A3, D, Handed_R>(a, b, c); }
00957     template <Axis A1, Axis A2, Axis A3>
00958     void GetEulerAngles(T *a, T *b, T *c)
00959     { GetEulerAngles<A1, A2, A3, Rotate_CCW, Handed_R>(a, b, c); }
00962     // GetEulerAnglesABA extracts Euler angles from the quaternion, in the specified order of
00963     // axis rotations and the specified coordinate system. Right-handed coordinate system
00964     // is the default, with CCW rotations while looking in the negative axis direction.
00965     // Here a,b,c, are the Yaw/Pitch/Roll angles to be returned.
00966     // rotation a around axis A1
00967     // is followed by rotation b around axis A2
00968     // is followed by rotation c around axis A1
00969     // Rotations are CCW or CW (D) in LH or RH coordinate system (S)
00970     template <Axis A1, Axis A2, RotateDirection D, HandedSystem S>
00971     void GetEulerAnglesABA(T *a, T *b, T *c)
00972     {
00973         OVR_COMPILER_ASSERT(A1 != A2);
00975         T Q[3] = {x, y, z}; // Quaternion components
00977         // Determine the missing axis that was not supplied
00978         int m = 3 - A1 - A2;
00980         T ww = w*w;
00981         T Q11 = Q[A1]*Q[A1];
00982         T Q22 = Q[A2]*Q[A2];
00983         T Qmm = Q[m]*Q[m];
00985         T psign = T(-1.0);
00986         if ((A1 + 1) % 3 == A2) // Determine whether even permutation
00987         {
00988             psign = (T)1.0;
00989         }
00991         T c2 = ww + Q11 - Q22 - Qmm;
00992         if (c2 < (T)-1.0 + Math<T>::SingularityRadius)
00993         { // South pole singularity
00994             *a = (T)0.0;
00995             *b = S*D*Math<T>::Pi;
00996             *c = S*D*atan2( (T)2.0*(w*Q[A1] - psign*Q[A2]*Q[m]),
00997                                     ww + Q22 - Q11 - Qmm);
00998         }
00999         else if (c2 > (T)1.0 - Math<T>::SingularityRadius)
01000         {  // North pole singularity
01001             *a = (T)0.0;
01002             *b = (T)0.0;
01003             *c = S*D*atan2( (T)2.0*(w*Q[A1] - psign*Q[A2]*Q[m]),
01004                                    ww + Q22 - Q11 - Qmm);
01005         }
01006         else
01007         {
01008             *a = S*D*atan2( psign*w*Q[m] + Q[A1]*Q[A2],
01009                                    w*Q[A2] -psign*Q[A1]*Q[m]);
01010             *b = S*D*acos(c2);
01011             *c = S*D*atan2( -psign*w*Q[m] + Q[A1]*Q[A2],
01012                                    w*Q[A2] + psign*Q[A1]*Q[m]);
01013         }
01014         return;
01015     }
01016 };
01019 typedef Quat<float>  Quatf;
01020 typedef Quat<double> Quatd;
01024 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01025 // ***** Angle
01027 // Cleanly representing the algebra of 2D rotations.
01028 // The operations maintain the angle between -Pi and Pi, the same range as atan2.
01029 // 
01031 template<class T>
01032 class Angle
01033 {
01034 public:
01035         enum AngularUnits
01036         {
01037                 Radians = 0,
01038                 Degrees = 1
01039         };
01041     Angle() : a(0) {}
01043         // Fix the range to be between -Pi and Pi
01044         Angle(T a_, AngularUnits u = Radians) : a((u == Radians) ? a_ : a_*Math<T>::DegreeToRadFactor) { FixRange(); }
01046         T    Get(AngularUnits u = Radians) const       { return (u == Radians) ? a : a*Math<T>::RadToDegreeFactor; }
01047         void Set(const T& x, AngularUnits u = Radians) { a = (u == Radians) ? x : x*Math<T>::DegreeToRadFactor; FixRange(); }
01048         int Sign() const                               { if (a == 0) return 0; else return (a > 0) ? 1 : -1; }
01049         T   Abs() const                                { return (a > 0) ? a : -a; }
01051     bool operator== (const Angle& b) const    { return a == b.a; }
01052     bool operator!= (const Angle& b) const    { return a != b.a; }
01053 //      bool operator<  (const Angle& b) const    { return a < a.b; } 
01054 //      bool operator>  (const Angle& b) const    { return a > a.b; } 
01055 //      bool operator<= (const Angle& b) const    { return a <= a.b; } 
01056 //      bool operator>= (const Angle& b) const    { return a >= a.b; } 
01057 //      bool operator= (const T& x)               { a = x; FixRange(); }
01059         // These operations assume a is already between -Pi and Pi.
01060     Angle  operator+  (const Angle& b) const  { return Angle(a + b.a); }
01061         Angle  operator+  (const T& x) const      { return Angle(a + x); }
01062         Angle& operator+= (const Angle& b)        { a = a + b.a; FastFixRange(); return *this; }
01063         Angle& operator+= (const T& x)            { a = a + x; FixRange(); return *this; }
01064         Angle  operator-  (const Angle& b) const  { return Angle(a - b.a); }
01065         Angle  operator-  (const T& x) const      { return Angle(a - x); }
01066         Angle& operator-= (const Angle& b)        { a = a - b.a; FastFixRange(); return *this; }
01067         Angle& operator-= (const T& x)            { a = a - x; FixRange(); return *this; }
01069         T   Distance(const Angle& b)              { T c = fabs(a - b.a); return (c <= Math<T>::Pi) ? c : Math<T>::TwoPi - c; }
01071 private:
01073         // The stored angle, which should be maintained between -Pi and Pi
01074         T a;
01076         // Fixes the angle range to [-Pi,Pi], but assumes no more than 2Pi away on either side 
01077         inline void FastFixRange()
01078         {
01079                 if (a < -Math<T>::Pi)
01080                         a += Math<T>::TwoPi;
01081                 else if (a > Math<T>::Pi)
01082                         a -= Math<T>::TwoPi;
01083         }
01085         // Fixes the angle range to [-Pi,Pi] for any given range, but slower then the fast method
01086         inline void FixRange()
01087         {
01088                 a = fmod(a,Math<T>::TwoPi);
01089                 if (a < -Math<T>::Pi)
01090                         a += Math<T>::TwoPi;
01091                 else if (a > Math<T>::Pi)
01092                         a -= Math<T>::TwoPi;
01093         }
01094 };
01097 typedef Angle<float>  Anglef;
01098 typedef Angle<double> Angled;
01101 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01102 // ***** Plane
01104 // Consists of a normal vector and distance from the origin where the plane is located.
01106 template<class T>
01107 class Plane : public RefCountBase<Plane<T> >
01108 {
01109 public:
01110     Vector3<T> N;
01111     T          D;
01113     Plane() : D(0) {}
01115     // Normals must already be normalized
01116     Plane(const Vector3<T>& n, T d) : N(n), D(d) {}
01117     Plane(T x, T y, T z, T d) : N(x,y,z), D(d) {}
01119     // construct from a point on the plane and the normal
01120     Plane(const Vector3<T>& p, const Vector3<T>& n) : N(n), D(-(p * n)) {}
01122     // Find the point to plane distance. The sign indicates what side of the plane the point is on (0 = point on plane).
01123     T TestSide(const Vector3<T>& p) const
01124     {
01125         return (N * p) + D;
01126     }
01128     Plane<T> Flipped() const
01129     {
01130         return Plane(-N, -D);
01131     }
01133     void Flip()
01134     {
01135         N = -N;
01136         D = -D;
01137     }
01139         bool operator==(const Plane<T>& rhs) const
01140         {
01141                 return (this->D == rhs.D && this->N == rhs.N);
01142         }
01143 };
01145 typedef Plane<float> Planef;
01147 }
01149 #endif

autogenerated on Fri Aug 28 2015 11:53:11