File: ndt_map/NDTMapMsg.msg
Raw Message Definition
#In this file we define map message that will be published
Header header #standard header information
float64 x_size #in meters
float64 y_size #in meters
float64 z_size #in meters
float64 x_cen #cneter of the map
float64 y_cen #cneter of the map
float64 z_cen #cneter of the map
float64 x_cell_size #cell size
float64 y_cell_size #cell size
float64 z_cell_size #cell size
NDTCellMsg[] cells #cells
Compact Message Definition
std_msgs/Header header
float64 x_size
float64 y_size
float64 z_size
float64 x_cen
float64 y_cen
float64 z_cen
float64 x_cell_size
float64 y_cell_size
float64 z_cell_size
ndt_map/NDTCellMsg[] cells