Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef NDT_COSTMAP_HH
00002 #define NDT_COSTMAP_HH
00004 #include <ndt_map/ndt_map.h>
00005 #include <ndt_map/ndt_cell.h>
00006 #include <ndt_map/lazy_grid.h>
00007 //#include <ndt_costmap/TraversabilityMapMsg.h>
00008 #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
00009 #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
00010 #include <nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid.h>
00013 namespace lslgeneric {
00014   struct LevelSet {
00015         std::vector<double> clear_levels;
00016         std::vector<int> map_ids;
00017   };
00018   class NDTCostmap {
00019   private:
00020     LevelSet **levels;
00021     NDTMap *map_;
00022     LazyGrid *grid_;
00023     int sx, sy, sz;
00024     bool alloc;
00025   public:
00026     NDTCostmap(NDTMap *map) {
00027       //std::cerr<<"creating costmap\n";
00028       map_ = map;
00029       if(map_ != NULL) {
00030         grid_ = dynamic_cast<LazyGrid*>(map_->getMyIndex());
00031         if(grid_ != NULL) { 
00032           grid_->getGridSize(sx,sy,sz);
00033           //std::cerr<<"got a lazy grid, size: "<<sx<<" "<<sy<<" "<<sz<<"\n";
00034           levels = new LevelSet*[sx];
00035           for(int i=0; i<sx; ++i) {
00036             levels[i] = new LevelSet[sy];
00037           }
00038           alloc = true;
00039         } else {
00040           alloc = false;
00041         }
00042       } else {
00043         alloc = false;
00044       }
00045     };
00046     ~NDTCostmap() {
00047       if(alloc) {
00048         for(int i=0; i<sx; ++i) {
00049           delete[] levels[i];
00050         }
00051         delete[] levels;
00052       }
00053     }
00054     void processMap(double robot_height, double occ);
00055     //bool toMessage(ndt_costmap::TraversabilityMapMsg msg);
00056     void saveCostMap(std::string filename, double max_h);
00057     void saveCostMapIncr(std::string filename, double max_h);
00058   };
00060   void NDTCostmap::processMap(double robot_height, double occ) {
00061         if(!alloc) return;
00062     //  std::cerr<<"processing map\n";
00063         double cx,cy,cz;
00064         grid_->getCellSize(cx,cy,cz);
00065         int nheight_cells = ceil(robot_height/cz);
00066         //std::cerr<<"nh "<<nheight_cells<<" cz "<<cz<<std::endl;
00067         for(int ix=0; ix<sx; ++ix) {
00068       for(int iy=0; iy<sy; ++iy) {
00069                 for(int iz=0; iz<sz-nheight_cells; ++iz) { //
00070           NDTCell *ndcell;
00071           grid_->getCellAt(ix,iy,iz,ndcell);
00072           if(ndcell == NULL) {  continue; }
00073           //cell is occupied and has a gaussian
00074           if(ndcell->getOccupancy() > occ && ndcell->hasGaussian_) {
00075                         if(ndcell->getClass() == NDTCell::HORIZONTAL ||ndcell->getClass() == NDTCell::INCLINED ) {
00076               bool space = true;
00077               //check we have free space on top
00078               for(int j=1; j<nheight_cells; ++j) {
00079                                 NDTCell* ndcell_up;
00080                                 grid_->getCellAt(ix,iy,iz+j,ndcell_up);
00081                                 if(ndcell_up == NULL) {
00082                   space = false;
00083                   break;
00084                                 } else {
00085                   space = !(ndcell_up->getOccupancy() > occ || ndcell_up->hasGaussian_ );
00086                   if(!space) break;
00087                                 }
00088               }
00089               if(space) {
00090                                 //std::cerr<<"s";
00091                                 Eigen::Vector3d mean = ndcell->getMean();
00092                                 levels[ix][iy].clear_levels.push_back(mean(2));
00093               }
00094                         }else {
00095               //std::cerr<<"n";
00096                         }
00097           }
00098           else {
00099                         //std::cerr<<"e";
00100           }
00101                 }
00102                 //std::cerr<<std::endl;
00103       }
00104       //std::cerr<<"////////////////////////"<<std::endl;
00105       //std::cerr<<std::endl;
00106         }
00107   }
00109   struct MapPair {
00110         double mean_height;
00111         int n_samples;
00112         cv::Mat image;
00113   };
00115   struct MapPairMsg {
00116         double mean_height;
00117         int n_samples;
00118         cv::Mat image;
00119   };
00120   class PairComp {
00121   public: 
00122         bool operator() (const std::pair<int,int> &lhs, const std::pair<int,int> &rhs) {
00123       return (lhs.first > rhs.first || ( lhs.first == rhs.first && lhs.second > rhs.second)) ;
00124         }
00125   };
00127   void NDTCostmap::saveCostMapIncr(std::string filename, double max_h) {
00128         if(!alloc) return;
00129         //std::cerr<<"displaying map\n";
00130         std::vector<MapPair> maps, maps_final;
00131         std::set<std::pair<int,int>,PairComp >merge_maps;
00133         for(int ix=0; ix<sx; ++ix) {
00134       for(int iy=0; iy<sy; ++iy) {
00135                 for(int j=0; j<levels[ix][iy].clear_levels.size(); ++j) {
00136           //check neighbours for connectivity
00137           double my_h = levels[ix][iy].clear_levels[j];
00138           std::vector<int> map_ids_neighbours;
00139           std::vector<int> level_index_neighbours;
00140           std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > xy_ids_neighbours;
00142           //check if our level fits with one of the levels of the neighbours
00143           if(ix > 0 && iy > 0) {
00144                         //check ix-1,iy-1
00145                         for(int p1=0; p1<levels[ix-1][iy-1].clear_levels.size(); ++p1) {
00146               if(fabsf(my_h-levels[ix-1][iy-1].clear_levels[p1]) < max_h) {
00147                                 xy_ids_neighbours.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (ix-1,iy-1));
00148                                 map_ids_neighbours.push_back(levels[ix-1][iy-1].map_ids[p1]);
00149                                 level_index_neighbours.push_back(p1);
00150                                 break;
00151               }
00152                         }       
00153           }
00154           if(ix > 0) {
00155                         //check ix-1,iy
00156                         for(int p1=0; p1<levels[ix-1][iy].clear_levels.size(); ++p1) {
00157               if(fabsf(my_h-levels[ix-1][iy].clear_levels[p1]) < max_h) {
00158                                 xy_ids_neighbours.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (ix-1,iy));
00159                                 map_ids_neighbours.push_back(levels[ix-1][iy].map_ids[p1]);
00160                                 level_index_neighbours.push_back(p1);
00161                                 break;
00162               }
00163                         }       
00164           }
00165           if( iy >0 ) {
00166                         //check ix,iy-1
00167                         for(int p1=0; p1<levels[ix][iy-1].clear_levels.size(); ++p1) {
00168               if(fabsf(my_h-levels[ix][iy-1].clear_levels[p1]) < max_h) {
00169                                 xy_ids_neighbours.push_back(std::pair<int,int> (ix,iy-1));
00170                                 map_ids_neighbours.push_back(levels[ix][iy-1].map_ids[p1]);
00171                                 level_index_neighbours.push_back(p1);
00172                                 break;
00173               }
00174                         }
00175           }
00177           //at least one neighbour with a level     
00178           if(level_index_neighbours.size() > 0) {
00179                         //add ourselves to the first map that fits our level.
00180                         levels[ix][iy].map_ids.push_back(levels[xy_ids_neighbours[0].first][xy_ids_neighbours[0].second].map_ids[level_index_neighbours[0]]);
00181                         maps[map_ids_neighbours[0]]<float>(ix,iy) = 1;
00182                         maps[map_ids_neighbours[0]].mean_height = (maps[map_ids_neighbours[0]].mean_height*maps[map_ids_neighbours[0]].n_samples + my_h) /
00183               (maps[map_ids_neighbours[0]].n_samples + 1); 
00184                         maps[map_ids_neighbours[0]].n_samples ++;
00186                         //check if we should merge neighbours maps
00187                         if(level_index_neighbours.size() == 2) {
00188               //if ids are different
00189               if(map_ids_neighbours[0] > map_ids_neighbours[1]) {
00190                                 merge_maps.insert(std::pair<int,int> (map_ids_neighbours[0],map_ids_neighbours[1]));
00191               }
00192               if(map_ids_neighbours[0] < map_ids_neighbours[1]) {
00193                                 merge_maps.insert(std::pair<int,int> (map_ids_neighbours[1],map_ids_neighbours[0]));
00194               }
00195                         }
00196                         if(level_index_neighbours.size() == 3) {
00197               if(map_ids_neighbours[0] > map_ids_neighbours[1]) {
00198                                 merge_maps.insert(std::pair<int,int> (map_ids_neighbours[0],map_ids_neighbours[1]));
00199               }
00200               if(map_ids_neighbours[1] > map_ids_neighbours[2]) {
00201                                 merge_maps.insert(std::pair<int,int> (map_ids_neighbours[1],map_ids_neighbours[2]));
00202               }
00203               if(map_ids_neighbours[0] > map_ids_neighbours[2]) {
00204                                 merge_maps.insert(std::pair<int,int> (map_ids_neighbours[0],map_ids_neighbours[2]));
00205               }
00206               if(map_ids_neighbours[0] < map_ids_neighbours[1]) {
00207                                 merge_maps.insert(std::pair<int,int> (map_ids_neighbours[1],map_ids_neighbours[0]));
00208               }
00209               if(map_ids_neighbours[1] < map_ids_neighbours[2]) {
00210                                 merge_maps.insert(std::pair<int,int> (map_ids_neighbours[2],map_ids_neighbours[1]));
00211               }
00212               if(map_ids_neighbours[0] < map_ids_neighbours[2]) {
00213                                 merge_maps.insert(std::pair<int,int> (map_ids_neighbours[2],map_ids_neighbours[0]));
00214               }
00215                         }
00216           } else {
00217                         //allocate new map and assign ourselves to it
00218                         MapPair mp;
00219                         mp.mean_height = levels[ix][iy].clear_levels[j];
00220                         mp.n_samples = 1;
00221                         //std::cerr<<"create cv mat of size "<<sx<<" "<<sy<<std::endl;
00222                         mp.image = cv::Mat::zeros(sx,sy,CV_32F);
00223                         //std::cerr<<"writing pixel at "<<ix<<" "<<iy<<std::endl;
00224               <float>(ix,iy) = 1;
00225                         levels[ix][iy].map_ids.push_back(maps.size());
00226                         maps.push_back(mp);
00227           }
00228                 }
00229       }
00230       //std::cerr<<std::endl;
00231         }
00233         std::set<std::pair<int,int>,PairComp >::reverse_iterator itr;
00234         std::vector<std::vector<int> > mapindex;
00235         std::vector<std::vector<int> >::iterator jtr, jtr_tmp, prev_insert, tmp;
00236         for(int q=0; q<maps.size(); ++q) {
00237       std::vector<int> tmp;
00238       tmp.push_back(q);
00239       mapindex.push_back(tmp);
00240         }
00242         jtr = mapindex.begin();
00243         jtr_tmp = jtr;
00244         //merge maps
00245         for(itr=merge_maps.rbegin(); itr!=merge_maps.rend(); itr++) {
00246       bool did_insert = false;
00247       //std::cerr<<"merge maps "<<itr->first<<" "<<itr->second<<std::endl;
00248       //search for jtr == itr->first to define search region
00249       //std::cerr<<"at jtr "<<(*jtr)[0]<<std::endl;
00250       while((*jtr)[0] < itr->first) jtr++;
00251       //std::cerr<<"move to jtr "<<(*jtr)[0]<<std::endl;
00252       for(jtr_tmp = mapindex.begin(); jtr_tmp!=jtr; jtr_tmp++) {
00253                 for(int i=0; i<jtr_tmp->size(); i++) {
00254           if((*jtr_tmp)[i] == itr->second) {
00255                         if(!did_insert) {
00256               jtr_tmp->push_back(itr->first);
00257               prev_insert = jtr_tmp;
00258               did_insert = true;
00259                         } else {
00260               //we need to merge two buckets
00261               prev_insert->insert(prev_insert->end(), jtr_tmp->begin(), jtr_tmp->end());
00262               //delete jtr bucket
00263               tmp = jtr_tmp;
00264               jtr_tmp --;
00265               mapindex.erase(tmp);          
00266                         }
00267                         break;
00268           }
00269           if(i > 0 && (*jtr_tmp)[i] == itr->first) {
00270                         if(!did_insert) {
00271               jtr_tmp->push_back(itr->second);
00272               prev_insert = jtr_tmp;
00273               did_insert = true;
00274                         } else {
00275               //we need to merge two buckets
00276               prev_insert->insert(prev_insert->end(), jtr_tmp->begin(), jtr_tmp->end());
00277               //delete jtr bucket
00278               tmp = jtr_tmp;
00279               jtr_tmp --;
00280               mapindex.erase(tmp);          
00281                         }
00282                         break;
00283           }
00284                 }
00285       }
00286       jtr_tmp = jtr;
00287       jtr--;
00288       //std::cerr<<"move back to jtr "<<(*jtr)[0]<<std::endl;
00289       mapindex.erase(jtr_tmp);      
00290         }
00292         for(jtr = mapindex.begin(); jtr!=mapindex.end(); jtr++) {
00293       if(jtr->size() == 1) {
00294                 //copy map
00295                 if(maps[(*jtr)[0]].n_samples > 20) {
00296           maps_final.push_back(maps[(*jtr)[0]]);
00297           //std::cout<<(*jtr)[0]<<std::endl;
00298                 }
00299       } else {
00300                 MapPair mp;
00301                 mp.image = cv::Mat::zeros(sx,sy,CV_32F);
00302                 mp.mean_height = 0;
00303                 mp.n_samples = 0;
00304                 for(int i=0; i<jtr->size(); ++i) {
00305           //std::cout<<(*jtr)[i]<<" ";
00306           mp.mean_height += maps[(*jtr)[i]].mean_height;
00307           mp.image = mp.image | maps[(*jtr)[i]].image;
00308           mp.n_samples += maps[(*jtr)[i]].n_samples;
00309                 }
00310                 if(mp.n_samples > 20) {
00311           mp.mean_height /= mp.n_samples;
00312           maps_final.push_back(mp);
00313                 }
00314                 //std::cout<<std::endl;
00315       }
00316         }
00318         maps = maps_final;
00320         //std::cerr<<"Created "<<maps.size()<<" maps\n";
00321         for(int q=0; q<maps.size(); ++q) {
00322       char win_name[300];
00323       snprintf(win_name,299,"Map Level %lf",maps[q].mean_height);
00324       cv::namedWindow(win_name);
00325       maps[q].image *= 255;
00326       cv::imshow(win_name, maps[q].image);
00327       snprintf(win_name,299,"MapLevel%lf.jpg",maps[q].mean_height);
00328       cv::imwrite(win_name,maps[q].image);
00329         }
00332   }
00333   void NDTCostmap::saveCostMap(std::string filename, double max_h) {
00334         if(!alloc) return;
00335         //std::cerr<<"displaying map\n";
00336         std::vector<MapPair> maps;
00337         for(int ix=0; ix<sx; ++ix) {
00338       for(int iy=0; iy<sy; ++iy) {
00339                 for(int j=0; j<levels[ix][iy].clear_levels.size(); ++j) {
00340           bool found = false;
00341           int idx = -1;
00342           for(int q=0; q<maps.size(); ++q) {
00343                         if(fabsf(maps[q].mean_height - levels[ix][iy].clear_levels[j]) < max_h) {
00344               found = true;
00345               idx = q;
00346               break;
00347                         }
00348           }
00349           if(found) {
00350                         maps[idx].mean_height = maps[idx].mean_height*maps[idx].n_samples + levels[ix][iy].clear_levels[j];
00351                         maps[idx].n_samples++;
00352                         maps[idx].mean_height /= maps[idx].n_samples;
00353                         //std::cerr<<"writing pixel at "<<ix<<" "<<iy<<std::endl;
00354                         maps[idx]<float>(ix,iy) = 1;
00355           } else {
00356                         //std::cerr<<"new map\n";
00357                         MapPair mp;
00358                         mp.mean_height = levels[ix][iy].clear_levels[j];
00359                         mp.n_samples = 1;
00360                         //std::cerr<<"create cv mat of size "<<sx<<" "<<sy<<std::endl;
00361                         mp.image = cv::Mat::zeros(sx,sy,CV_32F);
00362                         //std::cerr<<"writing pixel at "<<ix<<" "<<iy<<std::endl;
00363               <float>(ix,iy) = 1;
00364                         maps.push_back(mp);
00365           }
00366                 }
00367                 /*
00368           if(levels[ix][iy].clear_levels.size() == 0) {
00369           std::cerr<<"0";
00370           } else {
00371           std::cerr<<"1";
00372           }*/
00373       }
00374       //            std::cerr<<std::endl;
00375         }
00376         //std::cerr<<"Created "<<maps.size()<<" maps\n";
00377         for(int q=0; q<maps.size(); ++q) {
00378       char win_name[300];
00379       snprintf(win_name,299,"Map Level %lf",maps[q].mean_height);
00380       cv::namedWindow(win_name);
00381       cv::imshow(win_name, maps[q].image);
00382       snprintf(win_name,299,"MapLevel%lf.png",maps[q].mean_height);
00383       cv::imwrite(win_name,maps[q].image);
00384         }
00387   }
00389   /* bool NDTCostmap::toMessage(ndt_costmap::TraversabilityMapMsg msg, double max_h, std::string frame_id){ */
00390   /*   if(!alloc) return; */
00391   /*   double size_x, size_y, size_z; */
00392   /*   int size_x_cell_count, size_y_cell_count; */
00393   /*   double cen_x, cen_y, cen_z; */
00394   /*   double orig_x, orig_y; */
00395   /*   ndt_map->getGridSizeInMeters(size_x,size_y,size_z); */
00396   /*   ndt_map->getCentroid(cen_x,cen_y,cen_z); */
00397   /*   orig_x=cen_x-size_x/2.0; */
00398   /*   orig_y=cen_y-size_y/2.0; */
00399   /*   size_x_cell_count=int(size_x/resolution); */
00400   /*   size_y_cell_count=int(size_y/resolution); */
00401   /*   ros::Time n=ros::Time::now(); */
00403   /*   std::vector<MapPairMsg> maps; */
00404   /*   for(int ix=0; ix<sx; ++ix) { */
00405   /*     for(int iy=0; iy<sy; ++iy) { */
00406   /*    for(int j=0; j<levels[ix][iy].clear_levels.size(); ++j) { */
00407   /*         bool found = false; */
00408   /*         int idx = -1; */
00409   /*         for(int q=0; q<maps.size(); ++q) { */
00410   /*            if(fabsf(maps[q].mean_height - levels[ix][iy].clear_levels[j]) < max_h) { */
00411   /*             found = true; */
00412   /*             idx = q; */
00413   /*             break; */
00414   /*            } */
00415   /*         } */
00416   /*         if(found) { */
00417   /*            maps[idx].mean_height = maps[idx].mean_height*maps[idx].n_samples + levels[ix][iy].clear_levels[j]; */
00418   /*            maps[idx].n_samples++; */
00419   /*            maps[idx].mean_height /= maps[idx].n_samples; */
00420   /*            //std::cerr<<"writing pixel at "<<ix<<" "<<iy<<std::endl; */
00421   /*            maps[idx]<float>(ix,iy) = 1; */
00422   /*         } else { */
00423   /*            //std::cerr<<"new map\n"; */
00424   /*            MapPairMsg mp; */
00425   /*            mp.mean_height = levels[ix][iy].clear_levels[j]; */
00426   /*            mp.n_samples = 1; */
00427   /*            //std::cerr<<"create cv mat of size "<<sx<<" "<<sy<<std::endl; */
00428   /*            mp.image = cv::Mat::zeros(sx,sy,CV_32F); */
00429   /*            //std::cerr<<"writing pixel at "<<ix<<" "<<iy<<std::endl; */
00430   /*  <float>(ix,iy) = 1; */
00431   /*            maps.push_back(mp); */
00432   /*         } */
00433   /*    } */
00434   /*    /\* */
00435   /*         if(levels[ix][iy].clear_levels.size() == 0) { */
00436   /*         std::cerr<<"0"; */
00437   /*         } else { */
00438   /*         std::cerr<<"1"; */
00439   /*         }*\/ */
00440   /*     } */
00441   /*     //         std::cerr<<std::endl; */
00442   /*   } */
00443   /*   //std::cerr<<"Created "<<maps.size()<<" maps\n"; */
00444   /*   for(int q=0; q<maps.size(); ++q) { */
00445   /*     char win_name[300]; */
00446   /*     snprintf(win_name,299,"Map Level %lf",maps[q].mean_height); */
00447   /*     cv::namedWindow(win_name); */
00448   /*     cv::imshow(win_name, maps[q].image); */
00449   /*     snprintf(win_name,299,"MapLevel%lf.png",maps[q].mean_height); */
00450   /*     cv::imwrite(win_name,maps[q].image); */
00451   /*   } */
00458   /* } */
00462 }
00463 #endif

autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:25:27