File: navcon_msgs/ModelParamsUpdate.msg
Raw Message Definition
int32 Surge=0
int32 Sway=1
int32 Heave=2
int32 Roll=3
int32 Pitch=4
int32 Yaw=5
int32 dof # Parameters from DOF
float32 alpha # inertial parameter
float32 beta # linear damping coefficient
float32 betaa # quadratic damping coefficient
float32 delta # the disturbance estimate
float32 wn # the natural frequency of the oscillations
bool use_linear
Compact Message Definition
int32 Surge=0
int32 Sway=1
int32 Heave=2
int32 Roll=3
int32 Pitch=4
int32 Yaw=5
int32 dof
float32 alpha
float32 beta
float32 betaa
float32 delta
float32 wn
bool use_linear