Classes | Public Member Functions | Public Attributes

Structure for collecting all reader diagnostic data. More...

#include <FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h>

List of all members.


union  CNTRL_OUT1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x05 (only HF/UHF LR-Reader): Status of external Multiplexer, connected at internal Antenna Output 1 More...
union  CNTRL_OUT2
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x05 (only HF/UHF LR-Reader): Status of external Multiplexer, connected at internal Antenna Output 2 More...
union  CNTRL_OUT3
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x05 (only HF/UHF LR-Reader): Status of external Multiplexer, connected at internal Antenna Output 3 More...
union  CNTRL_OUT4
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x05 (only HF/UHF LR-Reader): Status of external Multiplexer, connected at internal Antenna Output 4 More...
union  PHASE_GT50_OUT1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x05 (only HF LR-Reader): Impedance-Status (>50R) of Antenna Outputs of external Multiplexer, connected at internal Antenna Output 1 More...
union  PHASE_GT50_OUT2
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x05 (only HF LR-Reader): Impedance-Status (>50R) of Antenna Outputs of external Multiplexer, connected at internal Antenna Output 2 More...
union  PHASE_GT50_OUT3
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x05 (only HF LR-Reader): Impedance-Status (>50R) of Antenna Outputs of external Multiplexer, connected at internal Antenna Output 3 More...
union  PHASE_GT50_OUT4
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x05 (only HF LR-Reader): Impedance-Status (>50R) of Antenna Outputs of external Multiplexer, connected at internal Antenna Output 4 More...
union  PHASE_LT50_OUT1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x05 (only HF LR-Reader): Impedance-Status (<50R) of Antenna Outputs of external Multiplexer, connected at internal Antenna Output 1 More...
union  PHASE_LT50_OUT2
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x05 (only HF LR-Reader): Impedance-Status (<50R) of Antenna Outputs of external Multiplexer, connected at internal Antenna Output 2 More...
union  PHASE_LT50_OUT3
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x05 (only HF LR-Reader): Impedance-Status (<50R) of Antenna Outputs of external Multiplexer, connected at internal Antenna Output 3 More...
union  PHASE_LT50_OUT4
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x05 (only HF LR-Reader): Impedance-Status (<50R) of Antenna Outputs of external Multiplexer, connected at internal Antenna Output 4 More...

Public Member Functions

unsigned int GetReaderType ()
void Init ()

Public Attributes

union {
   struct {
      unsigned short int   bAccessTable: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Error flag field, bit 4: access table error
      unsigned short int   bHolidayTable: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Error flag field, bit 3: holiday table error
      unsigned short int   bMetadata: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Error flag field, bit 1: metadata error
      unsigned short int   bReaderConfig: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Error flag field, bit 6: Reader configuration problem
      unsigned short int   bRes1: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Error flag field, bit 5: reserved
      unsigned short int   bRes2: 8
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Error flag field, bit 8-15: reserved
      unsigned short int   bRTC: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Error flag field, bit 0: real-time clock error
      unsigned short int   bTableUpdate: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Error flag field, bit 7: table update problem
      unsigned short int   bTimezoneTable: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Error flag field, bit 2: timezone table error
   unsigned short int   usErrorFlags
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x06: 2 byte Error flag field
union {
   unsigned char   ucReaderClass
 Reader Class (if Bit 7 = 1)
   unsigned char   ucReaderType
 Reader Type (if Bit 7 = 0)
union {
   struct {
      unsigned char   bRfHardware: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, bit 0: RF-Hardware error
      unsigned char   bRfNoise: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, bit 1: RF-Noise problem
      unsigned char   bRfPhaseError_Less: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, bit 2: only HF Reader
      unsigned char   bRfPhaseError_More: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, bit 3: only HF Reader
      unsigned char   bRfPowerAmp: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, bit 4:
      unsigned char   bSyncTimeout: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, bit 6:
      unsigned char   bTempAlarm: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, bit 7: Temperature Alarm
      unsigned char   bTempWarning: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, bit 5: Temperature Warning (only HF Reader)
   struct {
      unsigned char   bChannelAlloc: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, bit 5: UHF Reader
      unsigned char   bDummy1: 5
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, unused bits
      unsigned char   bDummy2: 2
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, unused bits
   unsigned char   ucFlagsA
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A
union {
   struct {
      unsigned char   bDummy3: 4
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte B, bits 4-7: unused bits
      unsigned char   bRfPhaseError_Ant1: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte B, bit 0: Phase Error at internal Antenna Output 1 (only UHF Reader)
      unsigned char   bRfPhaseError_Ant2: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte B, bit 1: Phase Error at internal Antenna Output 2 (only UHF Reader)
      unsigned char   bRfPhaseError_Ant3: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte B, bit 2: Phase Error at internal Antenna Output 3 (only UHF Reader)
      unsigned char   bRfPhaseError_Ant4: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte B, bit 3: Phase Error at internal Antenna Output 4 (only UHF Reader)
   struct {
      unsigned char   bDatStatus: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte B, bit 1: Dynamic Antenna Tuner status (only HF Reader)
      unsigned char   bDCAntError: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte B, bit 2: DC-Power error at Antenna Output (only HF Reader)
      unsigned char   bDummy4: 5
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte B, bits 3-7: unused bits
      unsigned char   bMuxStatus: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte B, bit 0: Multiplexer status (only HF Reader)
   unsigned char   ucFlagsB
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte B
union {
   struct {
      unsigned short int   uiImpedance
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x02: Impedance-Status (only for ID ISC.MR200)
   struct {
      unsigned char   ucAmpTemp
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x02: Amplifier-Temperature status (only for ID ISC.LR200, ID ISC.LR2000)
      unsigned char   ucRfModulation
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x02: RF-Modulation status (only for ID ISC.LR2000)
      unsigned char   ucRfPower
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x02: RF-Power status (only for ID ISC.LR200, ID ISC.LR2000)
union {
   struct {
      unsigned char   bDummy5: 3
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x04: Internal Error flag field B, bits 5-7: unused bits
      unsigned char   bEepromDevice1: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x04: Internal Error flag field B, bit 0: EEPROM error in Device 1
      unsigned char   bEepromDevice2: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x04: Internal Error flag field B, bit 1: EEPROM error in Device 2
      unsigned char   bHwFilter: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x04: Internal Error flag field B, bit 2: Hardware Filter problem
      unsigned char   bParaMismatch: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x04: Internal Error flag field B, bit 4: Parameter mismatch
      unsigned char   bRfDecoder: 1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x04: Internal Error flag field B, bit 3: RF-Decoder problem
   unsigned char   ucIntErrorB
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x04: Internal Error flag field B
bool bIsDiagnosticRead
 indicates, if structure contains valid data
bool bIsMode0x01Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x01 is read
bool bIsMode0x02Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x02 is read
bool bIsMode0x03Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x03 is read
bool bIsMode0x04Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x04 is read
bool bIsMode0x05Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x05 is read
bool bIsMode0x06Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x06 is read
bool bIsMode0x07Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x07 is read
bool bIsMode0x08Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x08 is read
bool bIsMode0x20Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x20 is read
bool bIsMode0x21Read
 indicates, if data with Mode 0x21 is read
short int iPhase
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x08:
unsigned char ucConfigParaChange
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x21: Status of Reader's configuration after last Firmware Update
unsigned char ucFirmwareStatus [32]
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x20: Firmware status
unsigned char ucIntErrorA
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x04: Internal Error flag field A
unsigned char ucLEDStatus [29]
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x07: LED status bytes for ID ISC.PRH200
unsigned char ucMuxStatusCh1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x03: Impedance-Status of Output Channel 1 of external Multiplexer (only for HF Reader)
unsigned char ucMuxStatusCh2
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x03: Impedance-Status of Output Channel 2 of external Multiplexer (only for HF Reader)
unsigned char ucMuxStatusCh3
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x03: Impedance-Status of Output Channel 3 of external Multiplexer (only for HF Reader)
unsigned char ucMuxStatusCh4
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x03: Impedance-Status of Output Channel 4 of external Multiplexer (only for HF Reader)
unsigned char ucMuxStatusCh5
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x03: Impedance-Status of Output Channel 5 of external Multiplexer (only for HF Reader)
unsigned char ucMuxStatusCh6
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x03: Impedance-Status of Output Channel 6 of external Multiplexer (only for HF Reader)
unsigned char ucMuxStatusCh7
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x03: Impedance-Status of Output Channel 7 of external Multiplexer (only for HF Reader)
unsigned char ucMuxStatusCh8
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x03: Impedance-Status of Output Channel 8 of external Multiplexer (only for HF Reader)
unsigned char ucNoOfLEDs
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x07: Number of following LED status bytes
unsigned char ucReaderClassGen
 generation of Reader Class
unsigned char ucReaderTypeOfClass
 Reader Type of Class, which is defined in ucReaderClass.
unsigned char ucRes1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x08:
unsigned char ucRes2
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x08:
unsigned char ucRes3
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x08:
unsigned char ucReserved3
unsigned short int usCurrent
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x08:
unsigned short int usEventTableLength
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Event table length
unsigned short int usEventTableSize
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Event table size
unsigned short int usPhase
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x08:
unsigned short int usRes1
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x08:
unsigned short int usRes2
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x08:
unsigned short int usVoltage
 [0x6E] and Mode=0x08:

Detailed Description

Structure for collecting all reader diagnostic data.

Definition at line 53 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

Member Function Documentation

unsigned int _FEDM_ISC_READER_DIAGNOSTIC::GetReaderType ( ) [inline]

Request of Reader Type Number All Reader Type Numbers are listed in FEDM_ISC.h

Definition at line 620 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.


Definition at line 612 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

Member Data Documentation

union { ... }
union { ... }
union { ... }
union { ... }
union { ... }
union { ... }

[0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Error flag field, bit 4: access table error

Definition at line 551 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, bit 5: UHF Reader

Definition at line 74 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte B, bit 1: Dynamic Antenna Tuner status (only HF Reader)

Definition at line 93 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte B, bit 2: DC-Power error at Antenna Output (only HF Reader)

Definition at line 94 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, unused bits

Definition at line 73 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, unused bits

Definition at line 75 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte B, bits 4-7: unused bits

Definition at line 88 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte B, bits 3-7: unused bits

Definition at line 95 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x04: Internal Error flag field B, bits 5-7: unused bits

Definition at line 143 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x04: Internal Error flag field B, bit 0: EEPROM error in Device 1

Definition at line 138 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x04: Internal Error flag field B, bit 1: EEPROM error in Device 2

Definition at line 139 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Error flag field, bit 3: holiday table error

Definition at line 550 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x04: Internal Error flag field B, bit 2: Hardware Filter problem

Definition at line 140 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

indicates, if structure contains valid data

Definition at line 589 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x01 is read

Definition at line 590 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x02 is read

Definition at line 591 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x03 is read

Definition at line 592 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x04 is read

Definition at line 593 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x05 is read

Definition at line 594 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x06 is read

Definition at line 595 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x07 is read

Definition at line 596 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x08 is read

Definition at line 597 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x20 is read

Definition at line 598 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

indicates, if data with Mode 0x21 is read

Definition at line 599 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Error flag field, bit 1: metadata error

Definition at line 548 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte B, bit 0: Multiplexer status (only HF Reader)

Definition at line 92 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x04: Internal Error flag field B, bit 4: Parameter mismatch

Definition at line 142 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Error flag field, bit 6: Reader configuration problem

Definition at line 553 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Error flag field, bit 5: reserved

Definition at line 552 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Error flag field, bit 8-15: reserved

Definition at line 555 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x04: Internal Error flag field B, bit 3: RF-Decoder problem

Definition at line 141 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, bit 0: RF-Hardware error

Definition at line 62 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, bit 1: RF-Noise problem

Definition at line 63 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte B, bit 0: Phase Error at internal Antenna Output 1 (only UHF Reader)

Definition at line 84 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte B, bit 1: Phase Error at internal Antenna Output 2 (only UHF Reader)

Definition at line 85 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte B, bit 2: Phase Error at internal Antenna Output 3 (only UHF Reader)

Definition at line 86 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte B, bit 3: Phase Error at internal Antenna Output 4 (only UHF Reader)

Definition at line 87 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, bit 2: only HF Reader

Definition at line 64 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, bit 3: only HF Reader

Definition at line 65 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, bit 4:

Definition at line 66 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Error flag field, bit 0: real-time clock error

Definition at line 547 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, bit 6:

Definition at line 68 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Error flag field, bit 7: table update problem

Definition at line 554 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, bit 7: Temperature Alarm

Definition at line 69 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A, bit 5: Temperature Warning (only HF Reader)

Definition at line 67 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Error flag field, bit 2: timezone table error

Definition at line 549 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x08:

Definition at line 575 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x02: Amplifier-Temperature status (only for ID ISC.LR200, ID ISC.LR2000)

Definition at line 114 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x21: Status of Reader's configuration after last Firmware Update

Definition at line 586 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x20: Firmware status

Definition at line 582 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte A

Definition at line 59 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x01: Flags byte B

Definition at line 81 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x04: Internal Error flag field A

Definition at line 131 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x04: Internal Error flag field B

Definition at line 135 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x07: LED status bytes for ID ISC.PRH200

Definition at line 565 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x03: Impedance-Status of Output Channel 1 of external Multiplexer (only for HF Reader)

Definition at line 120 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x03: Impedance-Status of Output Channel 2 of external Multiplexer (only for HF Reader)

Definition at line 121 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x03: Impedance-Status of Output Channel 3 of external Multiplexer (only for HF Reader)

Definition at line 122 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x03: Impedance-Status of Output Channel 4 of external Multiplexer (only for HF Reader)

Definition at line 123 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x03: Impedance-Status of Output Channel 5 of external Multiplexer (only for HF Reader)

Definition at line 124 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x03: Impedance-Status of Output Channel 6 of external Multiplexer (only for HF Reader)

Definition at line 125 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x03: Impedance-Status of Output Channel 7 of external Multiplexer (only for HF Reader)

Definition at line 126 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x03: Impedance-Status of Output Channel 8 of external Multiplexer (only for HF Reader)

Definition at line 127 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x07: Number of following LED status bytes

Definition at line 564 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

Reader Class (if Bit 7 = 1)

Definition at line 605 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

generation of Reader Class

Definition at line 607 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

Reader Type (if Bit 7 = 0)

Definition at line 604 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

Reader Type of Class, which is defined in ucReaderClass.

Definition at line 608 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x08:

Definition at line 576 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x08:

Definition at line 577 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x08:

Definition at line 578 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.


Definition at line 609 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x02: RF-Modulation status (only for ID ISC.LR2000)

Definition at line 113 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x02: RF-Power status (only for ID ISC.LR200, ID ISC.LR2000)

Definition at line 112 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x02: Impedance-Status (only for ID ISC.MR200)

Definition at line 107 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x08:

Definition at line 573 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x06: 2 byte Error flag field

Definition at line 544 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Event table length

Definition at line 560 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x06: Event table size

Definition at line 559 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x08:

Definition at line 574 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x08:

Definition at line 570 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x08:

Definition at line 572 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

[0x6E] and Mode=0x08:

Definition at line 571 of file FEDM_ISCReaderDiagnostic.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Raul Perula-Martinez
autogenerated on Mon Sep 14 2015 03:05:31