Functions | Variables
kontrol Namespace Reference


def main


list control_axes
list control_buttons

Function Documentation

def kontrol.main ( )

Definition at line 66 of file

Variable Documentation

Initial value:
00001 [{
00002   # mode 1, sliders
00003    2:  0,  3:  1,  4:  2,  5:  3,  6:  4,  8:  5,  9:  6, 12:  7, 13:  8,
00004   # mode 1, knobs
00005   14:  9, 15: 10, 16: 11, 17: 12, 18: 13, 19: 14, 20: 15, 21: 16, 22: 17,
00006   },{
00007   # mode 2, sliders
00008   42:  0, 43:  1, 50:  2, 51:  3, 52:  4, 53:  5, 54:  6, 55:  7, 56:  8,
00009   # mode 2, knobs
00010   57:  9, 58: 10, 59: 11, 60: 12, 61: 13, 62: 14, 63: 15, 65: 16, 66: 17,
00011   },{
00012   # mode 3, sliders
00013   85:  0, 86:  1, 87:  2, 88:  3, 89:  4, 90:  5, 91:  6, 92:  7, 93:  8,
00014   # mode 3, knobs
00015   94:  9, 95: 10, 96: 11, 97: 12, 102: 13, 103: 14, 104: 15, 105: 16, 106: 17,
00016   },{
00017   # mode 4, sliders
00018   7: 0, 263: 1, 519: 2, 775: 3, 1031: 4, 1287: 5, 1543: 6, 1799: 7, 2055: 8,
00019   # mode 4, knobs
00020   10: 9, 266: 10, 522: 11, 778: 12, 1034: 13, 1290: 14, 1546: 15, 1802: 16,
00021   2058: 17,
00022   }]

Definition at line 17 of file

Initial value:
00001 [[
00002   # mode 1
00003   # up, down
00004   23, 33, 24, 34, 25, 35, 26, 36, 27, 37, 28, 38, 29, 39, 30, 40, 31, 41,
00005   # rew, play, ff, repeat, stop, rec
00006   47, 45, 48, 49, 46, 44
00007 ],[
00008   # mode 2
00009   # up, down
00010   67, 76, 68, 77, 69, 78, 70, 79, 71, 80, 72, 81, 73, 82, 74, 83, 75, 84,
00011   # rew, play, ff, repeat, stop, rec
00012   47, 45, 48, 49, 46, 44
00013 ],[
00014   # mode 3
00015   # up, down
00016   107, 116, 108, 117, 109, 118, 110, 119, 111, 120, 112, 121, 113, 122, 114, 123, 115, 124,
00017   # rew, play, ff, repeat, stop, rec
00018   47, 45, 48, 49, 46, 44
00019 ],[
00020   # mode 4
00021   # up, down
00022   16, 17, 272, 273, 528, 529, 784, 785, 1040, 1041, 1296, 1297, 1552, 1553, 1808, 1809, 2064, 2065,
00023   # rew, play, ff, repeat, stop, rec
00024   47, 45, 48, 49, 46, 44
00025 ]]

Definition at line 40 of file

Author(s): Austin Hendrix
autogenerated on Fri Aug 28 2015 11:19:46