CCplSerialCRC Member List
This is the complete list of members for CCplSerialCRC, including all inherited members.
cmdCCplSerial [protected]
comm(const byte *pack, byte *buf, byte *size)CCplSerialCRC [virtual]
defineProtocol(byte _kataddr)CCplSerialCRC [protected, virtual]
deviceCCplBase [protected]
getMasterFirmware(short *fw, short *rev)CCplSerialCRC [virtual]
hdrCCplSerial [protected]
init(CCdlBase *_device, byte _kataddr=24)CCplSerialCRC [virtual]
load_tbl()CCplSerialCRC [protected, virtual]
mMasterRevisionCCplBase [protected]
mMasterVersionCCplBase [protected]
read_bufCCplSerial [protected]
recv(byte *read_buf, byte read_sz, byte *size)CCplSerialCRC [protected, virtual]
send(byte *send_buf, byte write_sz, short retries=3)CCplSerialCRC [protected, virtual]
send_bufCCplSerial [protected]
~CCplBase()CCplBase [inline, virtual]

Author(s): Martin Günther
autogenerated on Thu Aug 27 2015 13:40:08