Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 from rqt_gui_py.plugin import Plugin
00002 import python_qt_binding.QtGui as QtGui
00003 from python_qt_binding.QtGui import (QAction, QIcon, QMenu, QWidget, 
00004                                      QPainter, QColor, QFont, QBrush, 
00005                                      QPen, QMessageBox, QSizePolicy, 
00006                                      QLabel, QComboBox)
00007 from python_qt_binding.QtCore import Qt, QTimer, qWarning, Slot, QEvent, QSize
00008 from threading import Lock
00009 import rospy
00010 import python_qt_binding.QtCore as QtCore
00011 from std_msgs.msg import Bool, Time
00012 import math
00013 from resource_retriever import get_filename
00014 import yaml
00015 import os, sys
00017 from std_msgs.msg import UInt8
00018 from image_view2_wrapper import ComboBoxDialog
00020 class StatusLight(Plugin):
00021     """
00022     rqt plugin to show light like ultra-man's light.
00023     It subscribes std_msgs/UInt8 topic and the value means:
00024     0 == Unknown (gray)
00025     1 == Success (green)
00026     2 == Warn    (yellow)
00027     """
00028     def __init__(self, context):
00029         super(StatusLight, self).__init__(context)
00030         self.setObjectName("StatusLight")
00031         self._widget = StatusLightWidget()
00032         context.add_widget(self._widget)
00033     def save_settings(self, plugin_settings, instance_settings):
00034         self._widget.save_settings(plugin_settings, instance_settings)
00035     def restore_settings(self, plugin_settings, instance_settings):
00036         self._widget.restore_settings(plugin_settings, instance_settings)
00037     def trigger_configuration(self):
00038         self._widget.trigger_configuration()
00040 class StatusLightWidget(QWidget):
00041     _UNKNOWN_COLOR = QColor("#dddddd")
00042     _SUCCESS_COLOR = QColor("#18FFFF")
00043     _WARN_COLOR = QColor("#FFCA00")
00044     _ERROR_COLOR = QColor("#F44336")
00045     def __init__(self):
00046         super(StatusLightWidget, self).__init__()
00047         self.lock = Lock()
00048         self.status_sub = None
00049         self.status = 0
00050         self._status_topics = []
00051         self._update_topic_timer = QTimer(self)
00052         self._update_topic_timer.timeout.connect(self.updateTopics)
00053         self._update_topic_timer.start(1000)
00054         self._active_topic = None
00055         self._dialog = ComboBoxDialog()
00056         self._update_plot_timer = QTimer(self)
00057         self._update_plot_timer.timeout.connect(self.redraw)
00058         self._update_plot_timer.start(1000 / 15)
00060     def redraw(self):
00061         self.update()
00062     def paintEvent(self, event):
00063         with self.lock:
00064             if self.status == 1:
00065                 color = self._SUCCESS_COLOR
00066             elif self.status == 2:
00067                 color = self._WARN_COLOR
00068             else:
00069                 color = self._UNKNOWN_COLOR
00070             rect = event.rect()
00071             qp = QPainter()
00072             qp.begin(self)
00073             radius = min(rect.width(), rect.height()) - 100
00074             qp.setFont(QFont('Helvetica', 100))
00075             qp.setPen(QPen(QBrush(color), 50))
00076             qp.setBrush(color)
00077             qp.drawEllipse((rect.width() - radius) / 2, (rect.height() - radius) / 2, 
00078                            radius, radius)
00079             qp.end()
00080             return
00082     def trigger_configuration(self):
00083         self._dialog.exec_()
00084         self.setupSubscriber(self._status_topics[self._dialog.number])
00085     def updateTopics(self):
00086         need_to_update = False
00087         for (topic, topic_type) in rospy.get_published_topics():
00088             if topic_type == "std_msgs/UInt8":
00089                 if not topic in self._status_topics:
00090                     self._status_topics.append(topic)
00091                     need_to_update = True
00092         if need_to_update:
00093             self._status_topics = sorted(self._status_topics)
00094             self._dialog.combo_box.clear()
00095             for topic in self._status_topics:
00096                 self._dialog.combo_box.addItem(topic)
00097             if self._active_topic:
00098                 if self._active_topic not in self._status_topics:
00099                     self._status_topics.append(self._active_topic)
00100                     self._dialog.combo_box.addItem(self._active_topic)
00101                 self._dialog.combo_box.setCurrentIndex(self._status_topics.index(self._active_topic))
00102     def setupSubscriber(self, topic):
00103         if self.status_sub:
00104             self.status_sub.unregister()
00105         self.status_sub = rospy.Subscriber(topic, UInt8,
00106                                            self.statusCallback)
00107         self._active_topic = topic
00108     def onActivated(self, number):
00109         self.setupSubscriber(self._status_topics[number])
00110     def statusCallback(self, msg):
00111         self.status =
00112     def save_settings(self, plugin_settings, instance_settings):
00113         if self._active_topic:
00114             instance_settings.set_value("active_topic", self._active_topic)
00115     def restore_settings(self, plugin_settings, instance_settings):
00116         if instance_settings.value("active_topic"):
00117             topic = instance_settings.value("active_topic")
00118             self._dialog.combo_box.addItem(topic)
00119             self.setupSubscriber(topic)

autogenerated on Sun Sep 13 2015 22:29:48