Go to the documentation of this file.
00007 #ifdef __LINUX__
00008 #include "cob_people_detection/PeopleDetector.h"
00009 #include "cob_people_detection/PeopleDetectorControlFlow.h"
00010 #else
00011 #include "cob_vision/cob_people_detection/common/include/cob_people_detection/PeopleDetector.h"
00012 #include "cob_vision/cob_people_detection/common/include/cob_people_detection/PeopleDetectorControlFlow.h"
00013 #endif
00015 #include <iostream>
00016 #include <string>
00017 #include <fstream>
00018 #include <sstream>
00020 template<typename T> inline T abs_(T x)
00021 {
00022         return (x < 0) ? -x : x;
00023 }
00031 bool checkRectangleCorrespondence(cv::Rect& gt, cv::Rect& measurement, double areaRatioThreshold)
00032 {
00033         // overlapping area
00034         double dx = (min(gt.x + gt.width, measurement.x + measurement.width) - max(gt.x, measurement.x));
00035         double dy = (min(gt.y + gt.height, measurement.y + measurement.height) - max(gt.y, measurement.y));
00036         double overlapArea = dx * dy;
00038         // check area ratios
00039         double gtArea = gt.width * gt.height;
00040         double measurementArea = measurement.width * measurement.height;
00041         //std::cout << overlapArea/gtArea << "   " << overlapArea/measurementArea << "\n";
00043         if (dx < 0 || dy < 0 || (overlapArea / gtArea < areaRatioThreshold) || (overlapArea / measurementArea < areaRatioThreshold))
00044                 return false;
00046         return true;
00047 }
00049 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
00050 {
00051         if (argc != 4)
00052         {
00053                 std::cout << "Usage of this tool:\nHaardetectorUnitTest <test_data_path> <detector_mode> <detector_path>\n";
00054                 std::cout
00055                                 << " test_data_path\t=\tPath to the 'testData.txt' file with the ground truth (each line contains the filename of the respective image followed by the number of contained faces followed by the coordinates of these faces in the style x y width height, use spaces as separator)\n";
00056                 std::cout << " detector_mode\t=\tswitches between range image detector (put a 0 as argument) and color image detector (put a 1 as argument)\n\n";
00057                 std::cout
00058                                 << " detector_path\t=\tthe path to the range and color image haarcascades (the cacscades should be placed in a folder haarcascades/ , provide the path to that folder)\n\n";
00059                 std::cout << "Example: HarrdetectorUnitTest ConfigurationFiles/TestData/ 0 ConfigurationFiles/\n\n";
00060                 return ipa_Utils::RET_OK;
00061         }
00063         // detector mode (0=range, 1=color images)
00064         std::stringstream ss;
00065         ss << argv[2];
00066         int detectorMode;
00067         ss >> detectorMode;
00069         // initialize the people detector
00070         ipa_PeopleDetector::PeopleDetectorControlFlow peopleDetectorControlFlow;
00071         ipa_PeopleDetector::PeopleDetector peopleDetector;
00072         std::string directory = argv[3];
00073         std::string iniFileNameAndPath = directory + "peopleDetectorIni.xml";
00074         if (peopleDetector.Init(directory) & ipa_Utils::RET_FAILED)
00075         {
00076                 std::cerr << "ERROR - HaardetectorUnitTest:" << std::endl;
00077                 std::cerr << "\t ... Could not initialize people detector library.\n";
00078                 return ipa_Utils::RET_FAILED;
00079         }
00080         peopleDetectorControlFlow.m_PeopleDetector = &peopleDetector;
00081         if (peopleDetectorControlFlow.LoadParameters(iniFileNameAndPath.c_str()) & ipa_CameraSensors::RET_FAILED)
00082         {
00083                 std::cerr << "ERROR - HaardetectorUnitTest:" << std::endl;
00084                 std::cerr << "\t ... Error while loading configuration file '" << std::endl;
00085                 std::cerr << "\t ... " << iniFileNameAndPath << "'.\n";
00086                 return ipa_Utils::RET_FAILED;
00087         }
00089         // try different parameter settings
00090         peopleDetector.m_range_drop_groups;
00091 #ifndef __DEBUG__
00092         int* parameter = 0;
00093         if (detectorMode == 0)
00094                 parameter = &(peopleDetector.m_range_drop_groups); // range mode
00095         else
00096                 parameter = &(peopleDetector.m_faces_drop_groups); // color mode
00097         for (*parameter = 20; *parameter < 80; *parameter += 2)
00098         {
00099                 if (detectorMode == 0)
00100                         std::cout << "\n\n\n---------------------------------------------------\nparam peopleDetector.m_range_drop_groups = " << peopleDetector.m_range_drop_groups << "\n";
00101                 else
00102                         std::cout << "\n\n\n---------------------------------------------------\nparam peopleDetector.m_faces_drop_groups = " << peopleDetector.m_faces_drop_groups << "\n";
00103 #endif
00105                 // file containing the ground truth
00106                 std::string testDataDirectory = argv[1];
00107                 std::string filename = testDataDirectory + "testData.txt";
00109                 // open the ground truth file
00110                 std::fstream fin(filename.c_str(), std::fstream::in);
00111                 if (!fin.is_open())
00112                 {
00113                         std::cerr << "ERROR - HaardetectorUnitTest:\n";
00114                         std::cerr << "\t ... Could not open the ground truth file " << filename << ".\n";
00115                         return ipa_Utils::RET_FAILED;
00116                 }
00118                 // statistics
00119                 enum
00120                 {
00121                         TRUE_POS = 0, FALSE_NEG, FALSE_POS, TRUE_NEG
00122                 };
00123                 std::vector<int> stats(4, 0);
00124                 int numberNegativeImages = 0; // number of negative images (without any face) in the test set
00125                 int numberGroundtruthFaces = 0; // total number of faces in the whole test set
00127                 // open each image of the ground truth, run the detector and examine the detection results
00128                 while (!fin.eof())
00129                 {
00130                         // filename of the image, load image
00131                         std::string imageFilename;
00132                         fin >> imageFilename;
00133                         if (imageFilename == "")
00134                                 break;
00135                         imageFilename = testDataDirectory + imageFilename;
00136                         cv::Mat img = cv::imread(imageFilename, -1);
00138                         //for (int v=0; v<img.rows; v++)
00139                         //{
00140                         //      for (int u=0; u<img.cols; u++)
00141                         //      {
00142                         //              if (img.at<uchar>(v,u) == 0) img.at<uchar>(v,u) = 255;
00143                         //      }
00144                         //}
00146 #ifdef __DEBUG__
00147                         cv::Mat dispImg;
00148                         cv::cvtColor(img, dispImg, CV_GRAY2BGR, 3);
00149 #endif
00151                         // the ratio of overlapping area to ground truth area or to detected area must not fall below this threshold otherwise it is no detection
00152                         const double maxFaceDistance = 0.6;
00154                         // number of contained faces
00155                         int numFaces = 0;
00156                         fin >> numFaces;
00157                         numberGroundtruthFaces += numFaces;
00158                         if (numFaces == 0)
00159                                 numberNegativeImages++;
00161                         // detect faces
00162                         std::vector<cv::Rect> faces;
00163                         if (detectorMode == 0)
00164                                 peopleDetector.DetectRangeFace(img, faces, false); // range images
00165                         else
00166                                 peopleDetector.DetectColorFaces(img, faces); // color images
00168                         // check for each ground truth face whether it was found by the detector
00169                         std::vector<bool> truePositiveDetection(faces.size(), false); // stores when a detected face turns out to be a true positive
00170                         for (int gtfaceIndex = 0; gtfaceIndex < numFaces; gtfaceIndex++)
00171                         {
00172                                 // read the ground truth faces from file
00173                                 cv::Rect faceGt;
00174                                 fin >> faceGt.x >> faceGt.y >> faceGt.width >> faceGt.height;
00176 #ifdef __DEBUG__
00177                                 cv::rectangle(dispImg, faceGt, CV_RGB(0,255,0), 2);
00178 #endif
00180                                 // compare with each detected face
00181                                 bool truePositiveFound = false;
00182                                 for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < (int)faces.size(); faceIndex++)
00183                                 {
00184                                         if (checkRectangleCorrespondence(faceGt, faces[faceIndex], maxFaceDistance) == true)
00185                                         {
00186                                                 // both rectangles correspond
00187                                                 if (truePositiveFound == false)
00188                                                         stats[TRUE_POS]++;
00189                                                 truePositiveDetection[faceIndex] = true;
00190                                                 truePositiveFound = true;
00191                                         }
00192                                 }
00194                                 // complete statistics - could the ground truth be detected in the image
00195                                 if (truePositiveFound == false)
00196                                         stats[FALSE_NEG]++;
00197                         }
00199                         // complete statistics - check for false positives
00200                         for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < (int)faces.size(); faceIndex++)
00201                                 if (truePositiveDetection[faceIndex] == false)
00202                                         stats[FALSE_POS]++;
00204                         // complete statistics - check for true negative (no face in ground truth and no detections)
00205                         if (numFaces == 0 && faces.size() == 0)
00206                                 stats[TRUE_NEG]++;
00208 #ifdef __DEBUG__
00209                         std::cout << stats[TRUE_POS] << "\t" << stats[FALSE_NEG] << "\t" << stats[FALSE_POS] << "\t" << stats[TRUE_NEG] << "\t\t" << numberGroundtruthFaces << "\t" << numberNegativeImages << "\n";
00210                         for (int faceIndex=0; faceIndex<(int)faces.size(); faceIndex++)
00211                         cv::rectangle(dispImg, faces[faceIndex], CV_RGB(0,0,255), 2);
00212                         cv::imshow("Groundtruth (green) vs detections (blue)", dispImg);
00213                         cv::waitKey();
00214 #endif
00215                 }
00216                 fin.close();
00218                 // output results
00219                 std::cout << "-----------\nStatistics:\n-----------\nTruePos\tFalseNeg\tFalsePos\tTrueNeg\t\tNumFaces\tNumNegatives\n";
00220                 std::cout << stats[TRUE_POS] << "\t" << stats[FALSE_NEG] << "\t\t" << stats[FALSE_POS] << "\t\t" << stats[TRUE_NEG] << "\t\t" << numberGroundtruthFaces << "\t\t"
00221                                 << numberNegativeImages << "\n";
00222                 std::cout << "\nPositive detection rate (#truePositives/#NumFaces): " << (double)stats[TRUE_POS] / (double)numberGroundtruthFaces << "\n";
00223                 std::cout << "\nFalse positive rate (#falsePositives/#NumFaces): " << (double)stats[FALSE_POS] / (double)numberGroundtruthFaces << "\n";
00224                 std::cout << "\nNegative detection rate (#trueNegatives/#NumNegatives): " << (double)stats[TRUE_NEG] / (double)numberNegativeImages << "\n";
00225 #ifndef __DEBUG__
00226         }
00227 #endif
00229         getchar();
00231         return ipa_Utils::RET_OK;
00232 }

Author(s): Richard Bormann , Thomas Zwölfer
autogenerated on Fri Aug 28 2015 10:24:13