Go to the documentation of this file.
00063 #ifndef __IMPL_EDGE_HANDLER_HPP__
00064 #define __IMPL_EDGE_HANDLER_HPP__
00066 #include "cob_3d_segmentation/edge_handler.h"
00067 #include <pcl/common/eigen.h>
00069 template<typename LabelT, typename PointT> void
00070 cob_3d_segmentation::BoundaryPointsEdgeHandler<LabelT,PointT>::erase(EdgePtr e)
00071 {
00072   // TODO: delete boundary points
00073   EdgeHandlerBase<BoundaryPointsEdge>::erase(e);
00074 }
00076 template<typename LabelT, typename PointT> void
00077 cob_3d_segmentation::BoundaryPointsEdgeHandler<LabelT,PointT>::merge(EdgePtr source, EdgePtr target)
00078 {
00079   /* Assume edge_src connects cluster "a" and "b", and edge_trg connects cluster "a" and "c":
00080    *
00081    * +-----------+
00082    * |     a     |   src_a -> trg_a (combine boundary points on side "a") 
00083    * +-----+-----+
00084    * |  b  |  c  |   src_b -> trg_c (move boundary point on side "b" to side "c")
00085    * +-----------+
00086    */
00088   std::map<int,std::list<int> >::iterator src_pair_1st = source->boundary_pairs.begin(); // pairs of first src cluster
00089   std::map<int,std::list<int> >::iterator src_pair_2nd = ++source->boundary_pairs.begin(); // pairs of second src cluster
00090   std::map<int,std::list<int> >::iterator trg_pair_1st = target->boundary_pairs.begin(); // pairs of first trg cluster
00091   std::map<int,std::list<int> >::iterator trg_pair_2nd = ++target->boundary_pairs.begin(); // pairs of second trg cluster
00093   // bring pointers in correct order ( src_1st will be appended to trg_1st and src_2nd to trg_2nd )
00094   if (src_pair_1st->first == trg_pair_2nd->first)
00095   { 
00096     trg_pair_1st = trg_pair_2nd; 
00097     trg_pair_2nd = target->boundary_pairs.begin();
00098   }
00099   else if (src_pair_2nd->first == trg_pair_1st->first) 
00100   {
00101     src_pair_1st = src_pair_2nd;
00102     src_pair_2nd = source->boundary_pairs.begin();
00103   }
00104   /* this is case shouldn't happen: (maybe throw exception or something)
00105      else if (src_pair_1st->first != trg_pair_1st->first && src_pair_2nd->first != trg_pair_2nd->first) 
00106      { 
00107      // no mutal clusters
00108      }
00109   */
00110   trg_pair_1st->second.insert(trg_pair_1st->second.begin(), src_pair_1st->second.begin(), src_pair_1st->second.end());
00111   trg_pair_2nd->second.insert(trg_pair_2nd->second.begin(), src_pair_2nd->second.begin(), src_pair_2nd->second.end());
00112   erase(source);
00113 }
00115 template<typename LabelT, typename PointT> void
00116 cob_3d_segmentation::BoundaryPointsEdgeHandler<LabelT,PointT>::move(int old_cid, int new_cid, EdgePtr e)
00117 {
00118   std::map<int,std::list<int> >::iterator it = e->boundary_pairs.find(old_cid);
00119   if (it != e->boundary_pairs.end())
00120   {
00121     std::swap(e->boundary_pairs[new_cid], it->second);
00122     e->boundary_pairs.erase(it);
00123   }
00124 }
00126 /* is now a general free function in orgnazied_normal_estimation.h
00127 template<typename LabelT, typename PointT> void
00128 cob_3d_segmentation::BoundaryPointsEdgeHandler<LabelT,PointT>::computeBoundaryPointProperties(
00129   const int r,
00130   const int index,
00131   BoundaryPoint& bp)
00132 {
00133   const int w = surface_->width, s = surface_->height * surface_->width;
00134   const int l_idx = labels_->points[index].label;
00136   // compute mask boundary constrains first, 
00137   const int w_rem = index%w;
00138   const int x_max = std::min(2*r, r + w - w_rem - 1); // max offset at each line
00139   const int y_min = std::max(index - r*w - r, w_rem - r);
00140   const int y_max = std::min(index + r*w - r, s - (w - w_rem) - r);
00141   Eigen::Matrix<float, 1, 9, Eigen::RowMajor> accu = Eigen::Matrix<float, 1, 9, Eigen::RowMajor>::Zero();
00142   int point_count = 0;
00143   for (int y = y_min; y <= y_max; y += w) // y: beginning of each line
00144   {
00145     for (int idx = y; idx < y + x_max; ++idx)
00146     {
00147       if (labels_->points[idx].label != l_idx) continue;
00148       PointT const* p_idx = &(surface_->points[idx]);
00149       if (pcl_isnan(p_idx->x)) continue;
00150       accu[0] += p_idx->x * p_idx->x;
00151       accu[1] += p_idx->x * p_idx->y;
00152       accu[2] += p_idx->x * p_idx->z;
00153       accu[3] += p_idx->y * p_idx->y;
00154       accu[4] += p_idx->y * p_idx->z;
00155       accu[5] += p_idx->z * p_idx->z;
00156       accu[6] += p_idx->x;
00157       accu[7] += p_idx->y;
00158       accu[8] += p_idx->z;
00159       ++point_count;
00160     }
00161   }
00162   accu /= static_cast<float>(point_count);
00164   Eigen::Matrix3f cov;
00165   cov.coeffRef(0) =                   accu(0) - accu(6) * accu(6);
00166   cov.coeffRef(1) = cov.coeffRef(3) = accu(1) - accu(6) * accu(7);
00167   cov.coeffRef(2) = cov.coeffRef(6) = accu(2) - accu(6) * accu(8);
00168   cov.coeffRef(4) =                   accu(3) - accu(7) * accu(7);
00169   cov.coeffRef(5) = cov.coeffRef(7) = accu(4) - accu(7) * accu(8);
00170   cov.coeffRef(8) =                   accu(5) - accu(8) * accu(8);
00171   Eigen::Vector3f eigenvalues;
00172   Eigen::Matrix3f eigenvectors;
00173   pcl::eigen33(cov, eigenvectors, eigenvalues);
00174   if ( surface_->points[index].getVector3fMap().dot(eigenvectors.col(0)) > 0)
00175     bp.normal = eigenvectors.col(0) * (-1);
00176   else
00177     bp.normal = eigenvectors.col(0);
00178 }
00179 */
00180 #endif

Author(s): Georg Arbeiter
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 11:03:03