Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // 
00002 // Copyright (c) 2006-2012, Benjamin Kaufmann
00003 // 
00004 // This file is part of Clasp. See 
00005 // 
00006 // Clasp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00008 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00009 // (at your option) any later version.
00010 // 
00011 // Clasp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014 // GNU General Public License for more details.
00015 // 
00016 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00017 // along with Clasp; if not, write to the Free Software
00018 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
00019 //
00020 #include <clasp/solve_algorithms.h>
00021 #include <clasp/solver.h>
00022 #include <clasp/enumerator.h>
00023 #include <clasp/minimize_constraint.h>
00024 #include <clasp/util/timer.h>
00025 #include <clasp/util/atomic.h>
00026 namespace Clasp { 
00028 // Basic solve
00030 struct BasicSolve::State {
00031         typedef BasicSolveEvent EventType;
00032         State(Solver& s, const SolveParams& p);
00033         ValueRep solve(Solver& s, const SolveParams& p, SolveLimits* lim);
00034         uint64           dbGrowNext;
00035         double           dbMax;
00036         double           dbHigh;
00037         ScheduleStrategy dbRed;
00038         uint32           nRestart;
00039         uint32           nGrow;
00040         uint32           dbRedInit;
00041         uint32           dbPinned;
00042         uint32           rsShuffle;
00043 };
00045 BasicSolve::BasicSolve(Solver& s, SolveLimits* lim) : solver_(&s), params_(&s.searchConfig()), limits_(lim), state_(0) {}
00046 BasicSolve::BasicSolve(Solver& s, const SolveParams& p, SolveLimits* lim) 
00047         : solver_(&s)
00048         , params_(&p)
00049         , limits_(lim)
00050         , state_(0) {
00051 }
00053 BasicSolve::~BasicSolve(){ delete state_; }
00054 void BasicSolve::reset(bool reinit) { 
00055         if (!state_ || reinit) {
00056                 delete state_;
00057                 state_ = 0;
00058         }
00059         else {
00060                 state_->~State();
00061                 new (state_) State(*solver_, *params_); 
00062         }
00063 }
00064 void BasicSolve::reset(Solver& s, const SolveParams& p, SolveLimits* lim) { 
00065         solver_ = &s; 
00066         params_ = &p; 
00067         limits_ = lim;
00068         reset(true); 
00069 }
00071 ValueRep BasicSolve::solve() {
00072         if (limits_ && limits_->reached())           { return value_free;  }
00073         if (!state_ && !params_->randomize(*solver_)){ return value_false; }
00074         if (!state_)                                 { state_ = new State(*solver_, *params_); }
00075         return state_->solve(*solver_, *params_, limits_);
00076 }
00078 bool BasicSolve::satisfiable(const LitVec& path, bool init) {
00079         if (!solver_->clearAssumptions() || !solver_->pushRoot(path)){ return false; }
00080         if (init && !params_->randomize(*solver_))                   { return false; }
00081         State temp(*solver_, *params_);
00082         return temp.solve(*solver_, *params_, 0) == value_true;
00083 }
00085 bool BasicSolve::assume(const LitVec& path) {
00086         return solver_->pushRoot(path);
00087 }
00089 BasicSolve::State::State(Solver& s, const SolveParams& p) {
00090         Range32 dbLim= p.reduce.sizeInit(*s.sharedContext());
00091         dbGrowNext   = p.reduce.growSched.current();
00092         dbMax        = dbLim.lo;
00093         dbHigh       = dbLim.hi;
00094         dbRed        = p.reduce.cflSched;
00095         nRestart     = 0;
00096         nGrow        = 0;
00097         dbRedInit    = p.reduce.cflInit(*s.sharedContext());
00098         dbPinned     = 0;
00099         rsShuffle    = p.restart.shuffle;
00100         if (dbLim.lo < s.numLearntConstraints()) { 
00101                 dbMax      = std::min(dbHigh, double(s.numLearntConstraints() + p.reduce.initRange.lo));
00102         }
00103         if (dbRedInit && dbRed.type != ScheduleStrategy::luby_schedule) {
00104                 if (dbRedInit < dbRed.base) {
00105                         dbRedInit  = std::min(dbRed.base, std::max(dbRedInit,(uint32)5000));
00106                         dbRed.grow = dbRedInit != dbRed.base ? std::min(dbRed.grow, dbRedInit/2.0f) : dbRed.grow;
00107                         dbRed.base = dbRedInit;
00108                 }
00109                 dbRedInit = 0;
00110         }
00111         if (p.restart.dynamic()) {
00112                 s.stats.enableQueue(p.restart.sched.base);
00113                 s.stats.queue->resetGlobal();
00114                 s.stats.queue->dynamicRestarts((float)p.restart.sched.grow, true);
00115         }
00116         s.stats.lastRestart = s.stats.analyzed;
00117 }
00119 ValueRep BasicSolve::State::solve(Solver& s, const SolveParams& p, SolveLimits* lim) {
00120         assert(!lim || !lim->reached());
00121         if (s.hasConflict() && s.decisionLevel() == s.rootLevel()) {
00122                 return value_false;
00123         }
00124         struct ConflictLimits {
00125                 uint64 restart; // current restart limit
00126                 uint64 reduce;  // current reduce limit
00127                 uint64 grow;    // current limit for next growth operation
00128                 uint64 global;  // current global limit
00129                 uint64 min()      const { return std::min(std::min(restart, grow), std::min(reduce, global)); }
00130                 void  update(uint64 x)  { restart -= x; reduce -= x; grow -= x; global -= x; }
00131         };
00132         WeightLitVec inDegree;
00133         SearchLimits sLimit;
00134         ScheduleStrategy rs     = p.restart.sched;
00135         ScheduleStrategy dbGrow = p.reduce.growSched;
00136         Solver::DBInfo  db      = {0,0,dbPinned};
00137         ValueRep result         = value_free;
00138         ConflictLimits cLimit   = {UINT64_MAX, dbRed.current() + dbRedInit, dbGrowNext, lim ? lim->conflicts : UINT64_MAX};
00139         uint64  limRestarts     = lim ? lim->restarts : UINT64_MAX;
00140         uint64& rsLimit         = p.restart.local() ? sLimit.local : cLimit.restart;
00141         if (!dbGrow.disabled())  { dbGrow.advanceTo(nGrow); }
00142         if (nRestart == UINT32_MAX && p.restart.update() == RestartParams::seq_disable) {
00143                 cLimit.restart  = UINT64_MAX;
00144                 sLimit          = SearchLimits();
00145         }
00146         else if (p.restart.dynamic()) {
00147                 if (!nRestart) { s.stats.queue->resetQueue(); s.stats.queue->dynamicRestarts((float)p.restart.sched.grow, true); }
00148                 sLimit.dynamic  = s.stats.queue; 
00149                 rsLimit         = sLimit.dynamic->upForce - std::min(sLimit.dynamic->samples, sLimit.dynamic->upForce - 1);
00150         }
00151         else {
00152                 rs.advanceTo(!rs.disabled() ? nRestart : 0);
00153                 rsLimit         = rs.current();
00154         }
00155         sLimit.setMemLimit(p.reduce.memMax);
00156         for (EventType progress(s, EventType::event_restart, 0, 0);; ) {
00157                 uint64 minLimit = cLimit.min(); assert(minLimit);
00158                 sLimit.learnts  = (uint32)std::min(dbMax + (db.pinned*p.reduce.strategy.noGlue), dbHigh);
00159                 sLimit.conflicts= minLimit;
00160                 progress.cLimit = std::min(minLimit, sLimit.local);
00161                 progress.lLimit = sLimit.learnts;
00162                 if (progress.op) { s.sharedContext()->report(progress); progress.op = (uint32)EventType::event_none; }
00163                 result          =, p.randProb);
00164                 minLimit       -= sLimit.conflicts; // number of conflicts in this iteration
00165                 if (result != value_free) {
00166                         progress.op = static_cast<uint32>(EventType::event_exit);
00167                         if (result == value_true && p.restart.update() != RestartParams::seq_continue) { 
00168                                 if      (p.restart.update() == RestartParams::seq_repeat) { nRestart = 0; }
00169                                 else if (p.restart.update() == RestartParams::seq_disable){ nRestart = UINT32_MAX; }
00170                         }
00171                         if (!dbGrow.disabled()) { dbGrowNext = std::max(cLimit.grow - minLimit, uint64(1)); }
00172                         s.sharedContext()->report(progress);
00173                         break;
00174                 }
00175                 cLimit.update(minLimit);
00176                 minLimit = 0;
00177                 if (rsLimit == 0 || sLimit.hasDynamicRestart()) {
00178                         // restart reached - do restart
00179                         ++nRestart;
00180                         if (p.restart.counterRestart && (nRestart % p.restart.counterRestart) == 0 ) {
00181                                 inDegree.clear();
00182                                 s.heuristic()->bump(s, inDegree, p.restart.counterBump / (double)s.inDegree(inDegree));
00183                         }
00184                         if (sLimit.dynamic) {
00185                                 minLimit = sLimit.dynamic->samples;
00186                                 rsLimit  = sLimit.dynamic->restart(rs.len ? rs.len : UINT32_MAX, (float)rs.grow);
00187                         }
00188                         s.restart();
00189                         if (rsLimit == 0)              { rsLimit   =; }
00190                         if (!minLimit)                 { minLimit  = rs.current(); }
00191                         if (p.reduce.strategy.fRestart){ db        = s.reduceLearnts(p.reduce.fRestart(), p.reduce.strategy); }
00192                         if (nRestart == rsShuffle)     { rsShuffle+= p.restart.shuffleNext; s.shuffleOnNextSimplify();}
00193                         if (--limRestarts == 0)        { break; }
00194                         s.stats.lastRestart = s.stats.analyzed;
00195                         progress.op         = (uint32)EventType::event_restart;
00196                 }
00197                 if (cLimit.reduce == 0 || s.learntLimit(sLimit)) {
00198                         // reduction reached - remove learnt constraints
00199                         db              = s.reduceLearnts(p.reduce.fReduce(), p.reduce.strategy);
00200                         cLimit.reduce   = dbRedInit + (cLimit.reduce == 0 ? : dbRed.current());
00201                         progress.op     = std::max(progress.op, (uint32)EventType::event_deletion);
00202                         if (s.learntLimit(sLimit) || db.pinned >= dbMax) { 
00203                                 ReduceStrategy t; t.algo = 2; t.score = 2; t.glue = 0;
00204                                 db.pinned /= 2;
00205                                 db.size    = s.reduceLearnts(0.5f, t).size;
00206                                 if (db.size >= sLimit.learnts) { dbMax = std::min(dbMax + std::max(100.0, s.numLearntConstraints()/10.0), dbHigh); }
00207                         }
00208                 }
00209                 if (cLimit.grow == 0 || (dbGrow.defaulted() && progress.op == (uint32)EventType::event_restart)) {
00210                         // grow sched reached - increase max db size
00211                         if (cLimit.grow == 0)                             { cLimit.grow =; minLimit = cLimit.grow; ++nGrow; }
00212                         if ((s.numLearntConstraints() + minLimit) > dbMax){ dbMax  *= p.reduce.fGrow; progress.op = std::max(progress.op, (uint32)EventType::event_grow); }
00213                         if (dbMax > dbHigh)                               { dbMax   = dbHigh; cLimit.grow = UINT64_MAX; dbGrow = ScheduleStrategy::none(); }
00214                 }
00215         }
00216         dbPinned            = db.pinned;
00217         s.stats.lastRestart = s.stats.analyzed - s.stats.lastRestart;
00218         if (lim) {
00219                 if (lim->conflicts != UINT64_MAX) { lim->conflicts =; }
00220                 if (lim->restarts  != UINT64_MAX) { lim->restarts  = limRestarts;   }
00221         }
00222         return result;
00223 }
00225 // SolveAlgorithm
00227 SolveAlgorithm::SolveAlgorithm(Enumerator* e, const SolveLimits& lim) : limits_(lim), enum_(e), onModel_(0), enumLimit_(UINT64_MAX)  {}
00228 SolveAlgorithm::~SolveAlgorithm() {}
00230 bool SolveAlgorithm::interrupt() {
00231         return doInterrupt();
00232 }
00233 bool SolveAlgorithm::solve(SharedContext& ctx, const LitVec& assume, EventHandler* onModel) {
00234         if (!ctx.frozen() && !ctx.endInit())    { return false; }
00235         if (!limits_.conflicts || interrupted()){ return true;  }
00236         struct Scoped {
00237                 explicit Scoped(SolveAlgorithm& self, SharedContext& x) : algo(&self), ctx(&x), temp(0), time(0.0) { }
00238                 ~Scoped() {
00239                         ctx->master()->stats.addCpuTime(ThreadTime::getTime() - time);
00240                         if (algo->enum_ == temp) { algo->enum_ = 0; }
00241                         algo->onModel_ = 0;
00242                         delete temp;
00243                 }
00244                 bool solve(const LitVec& assume, EventHandler* h) {
00245                         ctx->report(message<Event::verbosity_low>(Event::subsystem_solve, "Solving"));
00246                         time = ThreadTime::getTime();
00247                         if (!algo->enum_) { temp = EnumOptions::nullEnumerator(); algo->setEnumerator(*temp); }
00248                         algo->onModel_ = h;
00249                         return algo->doSolve(*ctx, assume);
00250                 }
00251                 SolveAlgorithm* algo;
00252                 SharedContext*  ctx;
00253                 Enumerator*     temp;
00254                 double          time;
00255         };
00256         return Scoped(*this, ctx).solve(assume, onModel);
00257 }
00258 bool SolveAlgorithm::reportModel(Solver& s) const {
00259         for (const Model& m = enum_->lastModel();;) {
00260                 bool r1 = !onModel_ || onModel_->onModel(s, m);
00261                 bool r2 = s.sharedContext()->report(s, m);
00262                 bool res= r1 && r2 && (enumLimit_ > m.num || enum_->tentative());
00263                 if (!res || (res = !interrupted()) == false || !enum_->commitSymmetric(s)) { return res; }
00264         }
00265 }
00267 // SequentialSolve
00269 struct SequentialSolve::InterruptHandler : public MessageHandler {
00270         InterruptHandler() : solver(0) { term = 0; }
00271         bool   terminated() const { return term != 0; }
00272         bool   terminate()        { return (term = 1) != 0; }
00273         bool   attach(Solver& s)  { return !terminated() && (solver = &s)->addPost(this); }
00274         void   detach()           { if (solver) { solver->removePost(this); solver = 0; } }
00275         bool   handleMessages()                           { return !terminated() || (solver->setStopConflict(), false); }
00276         bool   propagateFixpoint(Solver&, PostPropagator*){ return InterruptHandler::handleMessages(); }
00277         Solver*            solver;
00278         Clasp::atomic<int> term;
00279 };
00280 SequentialSolve::SequentialSolve(Enumerator* enumerator, const SolveLimits& limit)
00281         : SolveAlgorithm(enumerator, limit)
00282         , term_(0) {
00283 }
00284 SequentialSolve::~SequentialSolve() {
00285         if (term_) { term_->detach(); delete term_; }
00286 }
00287 void SequentialSolve::resetSolve()       { if (term_) { term_->term = 0; } }
00288 bool SequentialSolve::doInterrupt()      { return term_ && term_->terminate(); }
00289 void SequentialSolve::enableInterrupts() { if (!term_) { term_ = new InterruptHandler(); } }
00290 bool SequentialSolve::interrupted() const{ return term_ && term_->terminated(); }
00292 bool SequentialSolve::doSolve(SharedContext& ctx, const LitVec& gp) {
00293         Solver&        s = *ctx.master();
00294         SolveLimits  lim = limits();
00295         uint32      root = s.rootLevel();
00296         BasicSolve solve(s, ctx.configuration()->search(0), &lim);
00297         bool        stop = term_ && !term_->attach(s);
00298         bool        more = !stop && ctx.attach(s) && enumerator().start(s, gp);
00299         // Add assumptions - if this fails, the problem is unsat 
00300         // under the current assumptions but not necessarily unsat.
00301         for (ValueRep res; more; solve.reset()) {
00302                 while ((res = solve.solve()) == value_true && (!enumerator().commitModel(s) || reportModel(s))) {
00303                         enumerator().update(s);
00304                 }
00305                 if      (res != value_false)           { more = (res == value_free || s.decisionLevel() != root); break; }
00306                 else if ((stop=interrupted()) == true) { break; }
00307                 else if (enumerator().commitUnsat(s))  { enumerator().update(s); }
00308                 else if (enumerator().commitComplete()){ more = false; break; }
00309                 else                                   { enumerator().end(s); more = enumerator().start(s, gp); }
00310         }
00311         s.popRootLevel(s.rootLevel() - root);
00312         setLimits(lim);
00313         if (term_) { term_->detach(); }
00314         ctx.detach(s);
00315         return more || stop;
00316 }
00317 }

Author(s): Benjamin Kaufmann
autogenerated on Thu Aug 27 2015 12:41:39