Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // 
00002 // Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Benjamin Kaufmann
00003 // 
00004 // This file is part of Clasp. See 
00005 // 
00006 // Clasp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00008 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00009 // (at your option) any later version.
00010 // 
00011 // Clasp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014 // GNU General Public License for more details.
00015 // 
00016 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00017 // along with Clasp; if not, write to the Free Software
00018 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
00019 //
00020 #include <clasp/shared_context.h>
00021 #include <clasp/solver.h>
00022 #include <clasp/clause.h>
00023 #include <clasp/dependency_graph.h>
00024 #if WITH_THREADS
00025 #include <clasp/util/thread.h>
00026 #endif
00027 namespace Clasp {
00028 double ProblemStats::operator[](const char* key) const {
00029 #define RETURN_IF(x) if (std::strcmp(key, #x) == 0) return double(x)
00030         RETURN_IF(vars);
00031         RETURN_IF(vars_eliminated);
00032         RETURN_IF(vars_frozen);
00033         RETURN_IF(constraints);
00034         RETURN_IF(constraints_binary);
00035         RETURN_IF(constraints_ternary);
00036         RETURN_IF(complexity);
00037         return -1.0;
00038 #undef RETURN_IF
00039 }
00040 const char* ProblemStats::keys(const char* k) {
00041         if (!k || !*k) { return "vars\0vars_eliminated\0vars_frozen\0constraints\0constraints_binary\0constraints_ternary\0complexity\0"; }
00042         return 0;
00043 }
00045 // ShortImplicationsGraph::ImplicationList
00047 #if WITH_THREADS
00048 ShortImplicationsGraph::Block::Block() {
00049         for (int i = 0; i != block_cap; ++i) { data[i] = posLit(0); }
00050         size_lock = 0;
00051         next      = 0;
00052 }
00053 void ShortImplicationsGraph::Block::addUnlock(uint32 lockedSize, const Literal* x, uint32 xs) {
00054         std::copy(x, x+xs, data+lockedSize);
00055         size_lock = ((lockedSize+xs) << 1);
00056 }
00057 bool ShortImplicationsGraph::Block::tryLock(uint32& size) {
00058         uint32 s = size_lock;
00059         if ((s & 1) == 0 && size_lock.compare_and_swap(s | 1, s) == s) {
00060                 size = s >> 1;
00061                 return true;
00062         }
00063         return false;
00064 }
00066 #define FOR_EACH_LEARNT(x, Y) \
00067         for (Block* b = (x).learnt; b ; b = b->next) \
00068                 for (const Literal* Y = b->begin(), *endof = b->end(); Y != endof; Y += 2 - Y->watched())
00071 ShortImplicationsGraph::ImplicationList::~ImplicationList() {
00072         clear(true);
00073 }
00075 void ShortImplicationsGraph::ImplicationList::clear(bool b) {
00076         ImpListBase::clear(b);
00077         for (Block* x = learnt; x; ) {
00078                 Block* t = x;
00079                 x = x->next;
00080                 delete t;
00081         }
00082         learnt = 0;
00083 }
00084 void ShortImplicationsGraph::ImplicationList::simplifyLearnt(const Solver& s) {
00085         Block* x = learnt;
00086         learnt   = 0;
00087         while (x) {
00088                 for (const Literal* Y = x->begin(), *endof = x->end(); Y != endof; Y += 2 - Y->watched()) {
00089                         Literal p = Y[0], q = !Y->watched() ? Y[1] : negLit(0);
00090                         if (!s.isTrue(p) && !s.isTrue(q)) {
00091                                 addLearnt(p, q);
00092                         }
00093                 }
00094                 Block* t = x;
00095                 x = x->next;
00096                 delete t;
00097         }
00098 }
00099 void ShortImplicationsGraph::ImplicationList::addLearnt(Literal p, Literal q) {
00100         Literal nc[2] = {p, q};
00101         uint32  ns    = 1 + !isSentinel(q);
00102         if (ns == 1) { nc[0].watch(); }
00103         for (Block* x;;) {
00104                 x = learnt;
00105                 if (x) {
00106                         uint32 lockedSize;
00107                         if (x->tryLock(lockedSize)) {
00108                                 if ( (lockedSize + ns) <=  Block::block_cap ) {
00109                                         x->addUnlock(lockedSize, nc, ns);
00110                                 }
00111                                 else {
00112                                         Block* t = new Block();
00113                                         t->addUnlock(0, nc, ns);
00114                                         t->next   = x; // x is full and remains locked forever
00115                                         x = learnt= t; // publish new block - unlocks x and learnt
00116                                 }
00117                                 return;
00118                         }
00119                         else { 
00120                                 Clasp::this_thread::yield();
00121                         }
00122                 }
00123                 else {
00124                         x = new Block();
00125                         if (learnt.compare_and_swap(x, 0) != 0) {
00126                                 delete x;
00127                         }
00128                 }
00129         }
00130 }
00132 bool ShortImplicationsGraph::ImplicationList::hasLearnt(Literal q, Literal r) const {
00133         const bool binary = isSentinel(r);
00134         FOR_EACH_LEARNT(*this, imp) {
00135                 if (imp[0] == q || imp[0] == r) {
00136                         // binary clause subsumes new bin/tern clause
00137                         if (imp->watched())                          { return true; }
00138                         // existing ternary clause subsumes new tern clause
00139                         if (!binary && (imp[1] == q || imp[1] == r)) { return true; }
00140                 }
00141         }
00142         return false;
00143 }
00145 void ShortImplicationsGraph::ImplicationList::move(ImplicationList& other) {
00146         ImpListBase::move(other);
00147         delete learnt;
00148         learnt       = other.learnt;
00149         other.learnt = 0;
00150 }
00151 #endif
00153 // ShortImplicationsGraph
00155 ShortImplicationsGraph::ShortImplicationsGraph() {
00156         bin_[0]  = bin_[1]  = 0;
00157         tern_[0] = tern_[1] = 0;
00158         shared_  = false;
00159 }
00160 ShortImplicationsGraph::~ShortImplicationsGraph() {
00161         PodVector<ImplicationList>::destruct(graph_);
00162 }
00163 void ShortImplicationsGraph::resize(uint32 nodes) {
00164         if (graph_.capacity() >= nodes) {
00165                 graph_.resize(nodes);
00166         }
00167         else {
00168                 ImpLists temp; temp.resize(nodes);
00169                 for (ImpLists::size_type i = 0; i != graph_.size(); ++i) {
00170                         temp[i].move(graph_[i]);
00171                 }
00172                 graph_.swap(temp);
00173         }
00174 }
00176 uint32 ShortImplicationsGraph::numEdges(Literal p) const { return graph_[p.index()].size(); }
00178 bool ShortImplicationsGraph::add(ImpType t, bool learnt, const Literal* lits) {
00179         uint32& stats= (t == ternary_imp ? tern_ : bin_)[learnt];
00180         Literal p = lits[0], q = lits[1], r = (t == ternary_imp ? lits[2] : negLit(0));
00181         p.clearWatch(), q.clearWatch(), r.clearWatch();
00182         if (!shared_) {
00183                 if (learnt) {,,; }
00184                 if (t == binary_imp) {
00185                         getList(~p).push_left(q);
00186                         getList(~q).push_left(p);
00187                 }
00188                 else {
00189                         getList(~p).push_right(std::make_pair(q, r));
00190                         getList(~q).push_right(std::make_pair(p, r));
00191                         getList(~r).push_right(std::make_pair(p, q));
00192                 }
00193                 ++stats;
00194                 return true;
00195         }
00196 #if WITH_THREADS
00197         else if (learnt && !getList(~p).hasLearnt(q, r)) {
00198                 getList(~p).addLearnt(q, r);
00199                 getList(~q).addLearnt(p, r);
00200                 if (t == ternary_imp) {
00201                         getList(~r).addLearnt(p, q);
00202                 }
00203                 ++stats;
00204                 return true;
00205         }
00206 #endif
00207         return false;
00208 }
00210 void ShortImplicationsGraph::remove_bin(ImplicationList& w, Literal p) {
00211         w.erase_left_unordered(std::find(w.left_begin(), w.left_end(), p)); 
00212         w.try_shrink(); 
00213 }
00214 void ShortImplicationsGraph::remove_tern(ImplicationList& w, Literal p) {
00215         w.erase_right_unordered(std::find_if(w.right_begin(), w.right_end(), PairContains<Literal>(p))); 
00216         w.try_shrink(); 
00217 }
00219 // Removes all binary clauses containing p - those are now SAT.
00220 // Binary clauses containing ~p are unit and therefore likewise SAT. Those
00221 // are removed when their second literal is processed.
00222 //
00223 // Ternary clauses containing p are SAT and therefore removed.
00224 // Ternary clauses containing ~p are now either binary or SAT. Those that
00225 // are SAT are removed when the satisfied literal is processed.
00226 // All conditional binary-clauses are replaced with real binary clauses.
00227 // Note: clauses containing p watch ~p. Those containing ~p watch p.
00228 void ShortImplicationsGraph::removeTrue(const Solver& s, Literal p) {
00229         assert(!shared_);
00230         typedef ImplicationList SWL;
00231         SWL& negPList = graph_[(~p).index()];
00232         SWL& pList    = graph_[ (p).index()];
00233         // remove every binary clause containing p -> clause is satisfied
00234         for (SWL::left_iterator it = negPList.left_begin(), end = negPList.left_end(); it != end; ++it) {
00235                 --bin_[it->watched()];
00236                 remove_bin(graph_[(~*it).index()], p);
00237         }
00238         // remove every ternary clause containing p -> clause is satisfied
00239         for (SWL::right_iterator it = negPList.right_begin(), end = negPList.right_end(); it != end; ++it) {
00240                 --tern_[it->first.watched()];
00241                 remove_tern(graph_[ (~it->first).index() ], p);
00242                 remove_tern(graph_[ (~it->second).index() ], p);
00243         }
00244 #if WITH_THREADS
00245         FOR_EACH_LEARNT(negPList, imp) {
00246                 graph_[(~imp[0]).index()].simplifyLearnt(s);
00247                 if (!imp->watched()){
00248                         --tern_[1];
00249                         graph_[(~imp[1]).index()].simplifyLearnt(s);
00250                 }
00251                 if (imp->watched()) { --bin_[1]; }
00252         }
00253 #endif
00254         // transform ternary clauses containing ~p to binary clause
00255         for (SWL::right_iterator it = pList.right_begin(), end = pList.right_end(); it != end; ++it) {
00256                 Literal q = it->first;
00257                 Literal r = it->second;
00258                 --tern_[q.watched()];
00259                 remove_tern(graph_[(~q).index()], ~p);
00260                 remove_tern(graph_[(~r).index()], ~p);
00261                 if (s.value(q.var()) == value_free && s.value(r.var()) == value_free) {
00262                         // clause is binary on dl 0
00263                         Literal imp[2] = {q,r};
00264                         add(binary_imp, false, imp);
00265                 }
00266                 // else: clause is SAT and removed when the satisfied literal is processed
00267         }
00268         graph_[(~p).index()].clear(true);
00269         graph_[ (p).index()].clear(true);
00270 }
00271 #undef FOR_EACH_LEARNT
00272 struct ShortImplicationsGraph::Propagate {
00273         Propagate(Solver& a_s) : s(&a_s) {}
00274         bool unary(Literal p, Literal x) const { return s->isTrue(x) || s->force(x, Antecedent(p)); }
00275         bool binary(Literal p, Literal x, Literal y) const {
00276                 ValueRep vx = s->value(x.var()), vy;
00277                 if (vx != trueValue(x) && (vy=s->value(y.var())) != trueValue(y) && vx + vy) {
00278                         return vx != 0 ? s->force(y, Antecedent(p, ~x)) : s->force(x, Antecedent(p, ~y));
00279                 }
00280                 return true;
00281         }
00282         Solver* s;
00283 };
00284 struct ShortImplicationsGraph::ReverseArc {
00285         ReverseArc(const Solver& a_s, uint32 m, Antecedent& o) : s(&a_s), out(&o), maxL(m) {}
00286         bool unary(Literal, Literal x) const {
00287                 if (!isRevLit(*s, x, maxL)) { return true; }
00288                 *out = Antecedent(~x); 
00289                 return false;
00290         }
00291         bool binary(Literal, Literal x, Literal y) const {
00292                 if (!isRevLit(*s, x, maxL) || !isRevLit(*s, y, maxL)) { return true; }
00293                 *out = Antecedent(~x, ~y);
00294                 return false;
00295         }
00296         const Solver* s; Antecedent* out; uint32 maxL;
00297 };
00298 bool ShortImplicationsGraph::propagate(Solver& s, Literal p) const { return forEach(p, Propagate(s)); }
00299 bool ShortImplicationsGraph::reverseArc(const Solver& s, Literal p, uint32 maxLev, Antecedent& out) const { return !forEach(p, ReverseArc(s, maxLev, out)); }
00300 bool ShortImplicationsGraph::propagateBin(Assignment& out, Literal p, uint32 level) const {
00301         const ImplicationList& x = graph_[p.index()];
00302         Antecedent ante(p);
00303         for (ImplicationList::const_left_iterator it = x.left_begin(), end = x.left_end(); it != end; ++it) {
00304                 if (!out.assign(*it, level, p)) { return false; }
00305         }
00306         return true;
00307 }
00309 // SatPreprocessor
00311 SatPreprocessor::~SatPreprocessor() {
00312         discardClauses(true);
00313 }
00314 void SatPreprocessor::discardClauses(bool full) {
00315         for (ClauseList::size_type i = 0; i != clauses_.size(); ++i) {
00316                 if (clauses_[i]) { clauses_[i]->destroy(); }
00317         }
00318         ClauseList().swap(clauses_);
00319         if (Clause* r = (full ? elimTop_ : 0)) {
00320                 do {
00321                         Clause* t = r;
00322                          r = r->next();
00323                          t->destroy();
00324                 } while (r);
00325                 elimTop_ = 0;
00326         }
00327         if (full) { seen_ = Range32(1,1); }
00328 }
00329 void SatPreprocessor::cleanUp(bool full) {
00330         if (ctx_) { seen_.hi = ctx_->numVars() + 1; }
00331         doCleanUp();
00332         discardClauses(full);
00333 }
00335 bool SatPreprocessor::addClause(const Literal* lits, uint32 size) {
00336         if (size > 1) {
00337                 clauses_.push_back( Clause::newClause(lits, size) );
00338         }
00339         else if (size == 1) {
00340                 units_.push_back(lits[0]);
00341         }
00342         else {
00343                 return false;
00344         }
00345         return true;
00346 }       
00348 void SatPreprocessor::freezeSeen() {
00349         if (!ctx_->validVar(seen_.lo)) { seen_.lo = 1; }
00350         if (!ctx_->validVar(seen_.hi)) { seen_.hi = ctx_->numVars() + 1; }
00351         for (Var v = seen_.lo; v != seen_.hi; ++v) {
00352                 if (!ctx_->eliminated(v)) { ctx_->setFrozen(v, true); }
00353         }
00354         seen_.lo = seen_.hi;
00355 }
00357 bool SatPreprocessor::preprocess(SharedContext& ctx, Options& opts) {
00358         ctx_ = &ctx;
00359         Solver* s = ctx_->master();
00360         struct OnExit {
00361                 SharedContext*   ctx;
00362                 SatPreprocessor* self;
00363                 SatPreprocessor* rest;
00364                 OnExit(SatPreprocessor* s, SharedContext* c) : ctx(c), self(s), rest(0) {
00365                         if (ctx && ctx->satPrepro.get() == s) { rest = ctx->satPrepro.release(); }
00366                 }
00367                 ~OnExit() { 
00368                         if (self) self->cleanUp(); 
00369                         if (rest) ctx->satPrepro.reset(rest);
00370                 }
00371         } onExit(this, &ctx);
00372         for (LitVec::const_iterator it = units_.begin(), end = units_.end(); it != end; ++it) {
00373                 if (!ctx.addUnary(*it)) return false;
00374         }
00375         units_.clear();
00376         // skip preprocessing if other constraints are UNSAT
00377         if (!s->propagate()) return false;
00378         if (ctx.preserveModels() || opts.mode == Options::prepro_preserve_models) {
00379                 opts.mode = Options::prepro_preserve_models;
00380                 opts.disableBce();
00381         }
00382         // preprocess only if not too many vars are frozen or not too many clauses
00383         bool limFrozen= false;
00384         if (opts.limFrozen != 0 && ctx_->stats().vars_frozen) {
00385                 uint32 varFrozen = ctx_->stats().vars_frozen;
00386                 for (LitVec::const_iterator it = s->trail().begin(), end = s->trail().end(); it != end; ++it) {
00387                         varFrozen -= (ctx_->varInfo(it->var()).frozen());
00388                 }
00389                 limFrozen = ((varFrozen / double(s->numFreeVars())) * 100.0) > double(opts.limFrozen);
00390         }
00391         // 1. remove SAT-clauses, strengthen clauses w.r.t false literals, attach
00392         if (opts.type != 0 && !opts.clauseLimit(numClauses()) && !limFrozen && initPreprocess(opts)) {
00393                 ClauseList::size_type j = 0; 
00394                 for (ClauseList::size_type i = 0; i != clauses_.size(); ++i) {
00395                         Clause* c   = clauses_[i]; assert(c);
00396                         clauses_[i] = 0;
00397                         c->simplify(*s);
00398                         Literal x   = (*c)[0];
00399                         if (s->value(x.var()) == value_free) {
00400                                 clauses_[j++] = c; 
00401                         }
00402                         else {
00403                                 c->destroy();
00404                                 if (!ctx.addUnary(x)) { return false; } 
00405                         }
00406                 }
00407                 clauses_.erase(clauses_.begin()+j, clauses_.end());
00408                 // 2. run preprocessing
00409                 freezeSeen();
00410                 if (!s->propagate() || !doPreprocess()) {
00411                         return false;
00412                 }
00413         }
00414         // simplify other constraints w.r.t any newly derived top-level facts
00415         if (!s->simplify()) return false;
00416         // 3. move preprocessed clauses to ctx
00417         for (ClauseList::size_type i = 0; i != clauses_.size(); ++i) {
00418                 if (Clause* c = clauses_[i]) {
00419                         if (!ClauseCreator::create(*s, ClauseRep::create(&(*c)[0], c->size()), 0)) {
00420                                 return false;
00421                         }
00422                         clauses_[i] = 0;
00423                         c->destroy();
00424                 }
00425         }
00426         ClauseList().swap(clauses_);
00427         return true;
00428 }
00429 bool SatPreprocessor::preprocess(SharedContext& ctx) {
00430         SatPreParams opts = ctx.configuration()->context().satPre;
00431         return preprocess(ctx, opts);
00432 }
00433 void SatPreprocessor::extendModel(ValueVec& m, LitVec& open) {
00434         if (!open.empty()) {
00435                 // flip last unconstraint variable to get "next" model
00436                 open.back() = ~open.back();
00437         }
00438         doExtendModel(m, open);
00439         // remove unconstraint vars already flipped
00440         while (!open.empty() && open.back().sign()) {
00441                 open.pop_back();
00442         }
00443 }
00444 SatPreprocessor::Clause* SatPreprocessor::Clause::newClause(const Literal* lits, uint32 size) {
00445         assert(size > 0);
00446         void* mem = ::operator new( sizeof(Clause) + (size-1)*sizeof(Literal) );
00447         return new (mem) Clause(lits, size);
00448 }
00449 SatPreprocessor::Clause::Clause(const Literal* lits, uint32 size) : size_(size), inQ_(0), marked_(0) {
00450         std::memcpy(lits_, lits, size*sizeof(Literal));
00451 }
00452 void SatPreprocessor::Clause::strengthen(Literal p) {
00453         uint64 a = 0;
00454         uint32 i, end;
00455         for (i   = 0; lits_[i] != p; ++i) { a |= Clause::abstractLit(lits_[i]); }
00456         for (end = size_-1; i < end; ++i) { lits_[i] = lits_[i+1]; a |= Clause::abstractLit(lits_[i]); }
00457         --size_;
00458         data_.abstr = a;
00459 }
00460 void SatPreprocessor::Clause::simplify(Solver& s) {
00461         uint32 i;
00462         for (i = 0; i != size_ && s.value(lits_[i].var()) == value_free; ++i) {;}
00463         if      (i == size_)        { return; }
00464         else if (s.isTrue(lits_[i])){ std::swap(lits_[i], lits_[0]); return;  }
00465         uint32 j = i++;
00466         for (; i != size_; ++i) {
00467                 if (s.isTrue(lits_[i]))   { std::swap(lits_[i], lits_[0]); return;  }
00468                 if (!s.isFalse(lits_[i])) { lits_[j++] = lits_[i]; }
00469         }
00470         size_ = j;
00471 }
00472 void SatPreprocessor::Clause::destroy() {
00473         void* mem = this;
00474         this->~Clause();
00475         ::operator delete(mem);
00476 }
00478 // SharedContext
00480 static BasicSatConfig config_def_s;
00482 EventHandler::~EventHandler() {}
00483 uint32 Event::nextId() { static uint32 id = 0; return id++; }
00484 SharedContext::SharedContext() 
00485         : symTabPtr_(new SharedSymTab()), progress_(0), lastTopLevel_(0) {
00486         Antecedent::checkPlatformAssumptions();
00487         init();
00488 }
00490 void SharedContext::init() {
00491         Var sentinel  = addVar(Var_t::atom_var); // sentinel always present
00492         setFrozen(sentinel, true);
00493         problem_.vars = 0;
00494         config_       = &config_def_s;
00495         config_.release();
00496         addSolver();
00497 }
00499 bool SharedContext::ok() const { return master()->decisionLevel() || !master()->hasConflict() || master()->hasStopConflict(); }
00500 void SharedContext::enableStats(uint32 lev) {
00501         if (lev > 0) { master()->stats.enableExtended(); }
00502         if (lev > 1) { master()->stats.enableJump();     }
00503 }
00504 void SharedContext::cloneVars(const SharedContext& other, InitMode m) {
00505         problem_.vars            = other.problem_.vars;
00506         problem_.vars_eliminated = other.problem_.vars_eliminated;
00507         problem_.vars_frozen     = other.problem_.vars_frozen;
00508         varInfo_                 = other.varInfo_;
00509         if (&symbolTable() != &other.symbolTable()) {
00510                 if (m == init_copy_symbols) { other.symbolTable().copyTo(symbolTable()); }
00511                 else { 
00512                         ++other.symTabPtr_->refs;
00513                         if (--symTabPtr_->refs == 0) { delete symTabPtr_; }
00514                         symTabPtr_ = other.symTabPtr_;
00515                 }
00516         }
00517 }
00519 SharedContext::~SharedContext() {
00520         while (!solvers_.empty()) { delete solvers_.back(); solvers_.pop_back(); }
00521         while (!accu_.empty())    { delete accu_.back(); accu_.pop_back(); }
00522         if (--symTabPtr_->refs == 0) delete symTabPtr_;
00523 }
00525 void SharedContext::reset() {
00526         this->~SharedContext();
00527         new (this) SharedContext();     
00528 }
00530 void SharedContext::setConcurrency(uint32 n) {
00531         if (n <= 1) { share_.count = 1; share_.shareM = ContextParams::share_auto; }
00532         else        { share_.count = n; solvers_.reserve(n); }
00533         while (solvers_.size() > share_.count) {
00534                 delete solvers_.back(); 
00535                 solvers_.pop_back();
00536         }
00537         if (share_.shareM == ContextParams::share_auto) {
00538                 setShareMode(ContextParams::share_auto);
00539         }
00540 }
00542 void SharedContext::setShareMode(ContextParams::ShareMode m) {
00543         if ( (share_.shareM = static_cast<uint32>(m)) == ContextParams::share_auto && share_.count > 1) {
00544                 share_.shareM |= static_cast<uint32>(ContextParams::share_all);
00545         }
00546 }
00547 void SharedContext::setShortMode(ContextParams::ShortMode m) {
00548         share_.shortM = static_cast<uint32>(m);
00549 }
00551 Solver& SharedContext::addSolver() {
00552         uint32 id    = (uint32)solvers_.size();
00553         share_.count = std::max(share_.count, id + 1);
00554         Solver* s    = new Solver(this, id);
00555         solvers_.push_back(s);
00556         return *s;
00557 }
00559 void SharedContext::setConfiguration(Configuration* c, bool own) {
00560         if (c == 0) { c = &config_def_s; own = false; }
00561         if (config_.get() != c) {
00562                 config_ = c;
00563                 if (!own) config_.release();
00564                 config_->prepare(*this);
00565                 const ContextParams& opts = config_->context();
00566                 share_.shareM = opts.shareMode;
00567                 share_.shortM = opts.shortMode;
00568                 share_.seed   = opts.seed;
00569                 share_.satPreM= opts.satPre.mode;
00570                 if (satPrepro.get() == 0 && opts.satPre.type != SatPreParams::sat_pre_no) {
00571                         satPrepro.reset(SatPreParams::create(opts.satPre));
00572                 }
00573                 enableStats(opts.stats);
00574                 // force update on next call to Solver::startInit()
00575                 for (uint32 i = 0; i != solvers_.size(); ++i) {
00576                         solvers_[i]->strategy.loadCfg = 1;
00577                 }
00578         }
00579         else if (own != config_.is_owner()) {
00580                 if (own) config_.acquire();
00581                 else     config_.release();
00582         }
00583 }
00585 bool SharedContext::unfreeze() {
00586         if (frozen()) {
00587                 share_.frozen = 0;
00588                 share_.winner = 0;
00589                 btig_.markShared(false);
00590                 return master()->popRootLevel(master()->rootLevel())
00591                   &&   btig_.propagate(*master(), posLit(0)) // any newly learnt facts
00592                   &&   unfreezeStep();
00593         }
00594         return true;
00595 }
00597 bool SharedContext::unfreezeStep() {
00598         for (SolverVec::size_type i = solvers_.size(); i-- ; ) {
00599                 Solver& s = *solvers_[i];
00600                 s.popRootLevel(s.rootLevel());
00601                 s.popAuxVar();
00602                 uint32 tp = std::min(lastTopLevel_, (uint32)s.lastSimp_);
00603                 if (s.value(step_.var()) == value_free){ s.force(~step_, posLit(0));}
00604                 s.post_.disable();
00605                 if (s.simplify()) {
00606                         while (tp < (uint32)s.assign_.trail.size()) {
00607                                 Var v = s.assign_.trail[tp].var();
00608                                 if (v != step_.var()) { master()->force(s.assign_.trail[tp++]); }
00609                                 else                  { std::swap(s.assign_.trail[tp], s.assign_.trail.back()); s.assign_.undoLast(); }
00610                         }
00611                         s.assign_.qReset();
00612                         s.assign_.setUnits(s.lastSimp_ = (uint32)s.assign_.trail.size()); 
00613                 }
00614                 s.post_.enable();
00615                 if (s.configuration().heuReinit) {
00616                         s.heuristic_.reset(0);
00617                 }
00618         }
00619         return !master()->hasConflict();
00620 }
00622 Var SharedContext::addVar(VarType t, bool eq) {
00623         VarInfo nv;
00624         if (t == Var_t::body_var) { nv.set(VarInfo::BODY); }
00625         if (eq)                   { nv.set(VarInfo::EQ);   }
00626         varInfo_.push_back(nv);
00627         ++problem_.vars;
00628         return numVars();
00629 }
00631 void SharedContext::requestStepVar()  { if (step_ == posLit(0)) { step_= negLit(0); } }
00632 void SharedContext::requestData(Var v){ master()->requestData(v); }
00634 void SharedContext::setFrozen(Var v, bool b) {
00635         assert(validVar(v)); 
00636         if (v && b != varInfo_[v].has(VarInfo::FROZEN)) {
00637                 varInfo_[v].toggle(VarInfo::FROZEN);
00638                 b ? ++problem_.vars_frozen : --problem_.vars_frozen;
00639         }
00640 }
00641 bool SharedContext::eliminated(Var v) const {
00642         assert(validVar(v)); 
00643         return !master()->assign_.valid(v);
00644 }
00646 void SharedContext::eliminate(Var v) {
00647         assert(validVar(v) && !frozen() && master()->decisionLevel() == 0); 
00648         if (!eliminated(v)) {
00649                 ++problem_.vars_eliminated;
00650                 // eliminate var from assignment - no longer a decision variable!
00651                 master()->assign_.eliminate(v);
00652         }
00653 }
00655 Literal SharedContext::addAuxLit() {
00656         VarInfo nv; nv.set(VarInfo::FROZEN);
00657         varInfo_.push_back(nv);
00658         return posLit(numVars());
00659 }
00660 Solver& SharedContext::startAddConstraints(uint32 constraintGuess) {
00661         if (!unfreeze())              { return *master(); }
00662         if (master()->isFalse(step_)) { step_= addAuxLit(); }
00663         btig_.resize((numVars()+1)<<1);
00664         master()->startInit(constraintGuess);
00665         return *master();
00666 }
00667 bool SharedContext::addUnary(Literal x) {
00668         CLASP_ASSERT_CONTRACT(!frozen() || !isShared());
00669         return master()->force(x);
00670 }
00671 bool SharedContext::addBinary(Literal x, Literal y) {
00672         CLASP_ASSERT_CONTRACT(allowImplicit(Constraint_t::static_constraint));
00673         Literal lits[2] = {x, y};
00674         return ClauseCreator::create(*master(), ClauseRep(lits, 2), ClauseCreator::clause_force_simplify);
00675 }
00676 bool SharedContext::addTernary(Literal x, Literal y, Literal z) {
00677         CLASP_ASSERT_CONTRACT(allowImplicit(Constraint_t::static_constraint));
00678         Literal lits[3] = {x, y, z};
00679         return ClauseCreator::create(*master(), ClauseRep(lits, 3), ClauseCreator::clause_force_simplify);
00680 }
00681 void SharedContext::add(Constraint* c) {
00682         CLASP_ASSERT_CONTRACT(!frozen());
00683         master()->add(c);
00684 }
00685 int SharedContext::addImp(ImpGraph::ImpType t, const Literal* lits, ConstraintType ct) {
00686         if (!allowImplicit(ct)) { return -1; }
00687         bool learnt = ct != Constraint_t::static_constraint;
00688         if (!learnt && !frozen() && satPrepro.get()) {
00689                 satPrepro->addClause(lits, static_cast<uint32>(t));
00690                 return 1;
00691         }
00692         return int(btig_.add(t, learnt, lits));
00693 }
00695 uint32 SharedContext::numConstraints() const { return numBinary() + numTernary() + master()->constraints_.size(); }
00697 bool SharedContext::endInit(bool attachAll) {
00698         assert(!frozen());
00699         report(message(Event::subsystem_prepare, "Preprocessing"));
00700         initStats(*master());
00701         SatPrePtr temp;
00702         satPrepro.swap(temp);
00703         bool ok = !master()->hasConflict() && master()->preparePost() && (!temp.get() || temp->preprocess(*this)) && master()->endInit();
00704         satPrepro.swap(temp);
00705         btig_.markShared(concurrency() > 1);
00706         master()->dbIdx_            = (uint32)master()->constraints_.size();
00707         lastTopLevel_               = (uint32)master()->assign_.front;
00708         problem_.constraints        = master()->constraints_.size();
00709         problem_.constraints_binary = btig_.numBinary();
00710         problem_.constraints_ternary= btig_.numTernary();
00711         problem_.complexity         = std::max(problem_.complexity, problemComplexity());
00712         share_.frozen               = 1;
00713         for (uint32 i = ok && attachAll ? 1 : concurrency(); i != concurrency(); ++i) {
00714                 if (!hasSolver(i)) { addSolver(); }
00715                 if (!attach(i))    { return false; }
00716         }
00717         return ok || (detach(*master(), false), false);
00718 }
00720 bool SharedContext::attach(Solver& other) {
00721         assert(frozen() && other.shared_ == this);
00722         if (other.validVar(step_.var())) {
00723                 if (!other.popRootLevel(other.rootLevel())){ return false; }
00724                 if (&other == master())                    { return true;  }
00725         }
00726         initStats(other);
00727         // 1. clone vars & assignment
00728         Var lastVar = other.numVars();
00729         other.startInit(static_cast<uint32>(master()->constraints_.size()));
00730         other.assign_.requestData(master()->assign_.numData());
00731         Antecedent null;
00732         for (LitVec::size_type i = 0, end = master()->trail().size(); i != end; ++i) {
00733                 if (!other.force(master()->trail()[i], null)) { return false; }
00734         }
00735         for (Var v = satPrepro.get() ? lastVar+1 : varMax, end = master()->numVars(); v <= end; ++v) {
00736                 if (eliminated(v) && other.value(v) == value_free) {
00737                         other.assign_.eliminate(v);
00738                 }
00739         }
00740         if (other.constraints_.empty()) { other.lastSimp_ = master()->lastSimp_; }
00741         // 2. clone & attach constraints
00742         if (!other.cloneDB(master()->constraints_)) {
00743                 return false;
00744         }
00745         Constraint* c = master()->enumerationConstraint();
00746         other.setEnumerationConstraint( c ? c->cloneAttach(other) : 0 );
00747         // 3. endInit
00748         return (other.preparePost() && other.endInit()) || (detach(other, false), false);
00749 }
00751 void SharedContext::detach(Solver& s, bool reset) {
00752         assert(s.shared_ == this);
00753         if (reset) { s.reset(); }
00754         s.setEnumerationConstraint(0);
00755         s.popAuxVar();
00756 }
00757 void SharedContext::initStats(Solver& s) const {
00758         s.stats.enableStats(master()->stats);
00759         s.stats.reset();
00760 }
00761 const SolverStats& SharedContext::stats(const Solver& s, bool accu)  const {
00762         return !accu || >= accu_.size() || !accu_[] ? s.stats : *accu_[];
00763 }
00764 void SharedContext::accuStats() {
00765         accu_.resize(std::max(accu_.size(), solvers_.size()), 0);
00766         for (uint32 i = 0; i != solvers_.size(); ++i) {
00767                 if (!accu_[i]) { accu_[i] = new SolverStats(); }
00768                 accu_[i]->enableStats(solvers_[i]->stats);
00769                 accu_[i]->accu(solvers_[i]->stats);
00770         }
00771         if (sccGraph.get()) { sccGraph->accuStats(); }
00772 }
00774 void SharedContext::simplify(bool shuffle) {
00775         Solver::ConstraintDB& db = master()->constraints_;
00776         if (concurrency() == 1 || master()->dbIdx_ == 0) {
00777                 Clasp::simplifyDB(*master(), db, shuffle);
00778         }
00779         else {
00780                 uint32 rem = 0;
00781                 for (Solver::ConstraintDB::size_type i = 0, end = db.size(); i != end; ++i) {
00782                         Constraint* c = db[i];
00783                         if (c->simplify(*master(), shuffle)) { c->destroy(master(), false); db[i] = 0; ++rem; }
00784                 }
00785                 if (rem) {
00786                         for (SolverVec::size_type s = 1; s != solvers_.size(); ++s) {
00787                                 Solver& x = *solvers_[s];
00788                                 CLASP_FAIL_IF(x.dbIdx_ > db.size(), "Invalid DB idx!");
00789                                 if      (x.dbIdx_ == db.size()) { x.dbIdx_ -= rem; }
00790                                 else if (x.dbIdx_ != 0)         { x.dbIdx_ -= (uint32)std::count_if(db.begin(), db.begin()+x.dbIdx_, IsNull()); }
00791                         }
00792                         db.erase(std::remove_if(db.begin(), db.end(), IsNull()), db.end());
00793                 }
00794         }
00795         master()->dbIdx_ = db.size();
00796 }
00797 void SharedContext::removeConstraint(uint32 idx, bool detach) {
00798         Solver::ConstraintDB& db = master()->constraints_;
00799         CLASP_ASSERT_CONTRACT(idx < db.size());
00800         Constraint* c = db[idx];
00801         for (SolverVec::size_type s = 1; s != solvers_.size(); ++s) {
00802                 Solver& x = *solvers_[s];
00803                 x.dbIdx_ -= (idx < x.dbIdx_);
00804         }
00805         db.erase(db.begin()+idx);
00806         master()->dbIdx_ = db.size();
00807         c->destroy(master(), detach);
00808 }
00810 void SharedContext::simplifyShort(const Solver& s, Literal p) {
00811         if (!isShared() && p.index() < btig_.size()) { btig_.removeTrue(s, p); }
00812 }
00814 uint32 SharedContext::problemComplexity() const {
00815         if (isExtended()) {
00816                 uint32 r = numBinary() + numTernary();
00817                 for (uint32 i = 0; i != master()->constraints_.size(); ++i) {
00818                         r += master()->constraints_[i]->estimateComplexity(*master());
00819                 }
00820                 return r;
00821         }
00822         return numConstraints();
00823 }
00825 // Distributor
00827 Distributor::Distributor(const Policy& p) : policy_(p)  {}
00828 Distributor::~Distributor() {}
00830 }

Author(s): Benjamin Kaufmann
autogenerated on Thu Aug 27 2015 12:41:39