Topic Statistics Demo

The demo application in this package demonstrates Topic Statistics feature in ROS 2. The application creates ROS 2 nodes to publish messages to topics, subscribes to the statistics topic and displays the statistics data received.

The demo application in this package display_topic_statistics creates the following ROS 2 nodes:

  1. Talker and Listener nodes to generate message traffic

  2. Statistics listener node to display generated statistics

The application requires an argument message_type - the type of message chatter to generate. Possible values are string and imu.

The application also accepts the following optional arguments to configure the Listener node’s subscription:

  1. --publish-topic: Topic to which topic statistics are published. Default topic is /statistics.

  2. --publish-period: Publish period for publication of statistics. Default value is 5s.

Once the application starts, the talker node will publish messages on a topic that the listener node has subscribed to. The listener’s subscription will generate topic statistics upon receiving messages. Statistics are published to the statistics topic at a pre-determined frequency. The statistics listener node listens to these statistics and prints them for the user to see.