Class SteeringOdometry

Class Documentation

class SteeringOdometry

The Odometry class handles odometry readings (2D pose and velocity with related timestamp)

Public Functions

explicit SteeringOdometry(size_t velocity_rolling_window_size = 10)

Constructor Timestamp will get the current time value Value will be set to zero.


velocity_rolling_window_size – Rolling window size used to compute the velocity mean

void init(const rclcpp::Time &time)

Initialize the odometry.


time – Current time

bool update_from_position(const double traction_wheel_pos, const double steer_pos, const double dt)

Updates the odometry class with latest wheels position.

  • traction_wheel_pos – traction wheel position [rad]

  • steer_pos – Steer wheel position [rad]

  • dt – time difference to last call


true if the odometry is actually updated

bool update_from_position(const double right_traction_wheel_pos, const double left_traction_wheel_pos, const double steer_pos, const double dt)

Updates the odometry class with latest wheels position.

  • right_traction_wheel_pos – Right traction wheel velocity [rad]

  • left_traction_wheel_pos – Left traction wheel velocity [rad]

  • steer_pos – Steer wheel position [rad]

  • dt – time difference to last call


true if the odometry is actually updated

bool update_from_position(const double right_traction_wheel_pos, const double left_traction_wheel_pos, const double right_steer_pos, const double left_steer_pos, const double dt)

Updates the odometry class with latest wheels position.

  • right_traction_wheel_pos – Right traction wheel position [rad]

  • left_traction_wheel_pos – Left traction wheel position [rad]

  • right_steer_pos – Right steer wheel position [rad]

  • left_steer_pos – Left steer wheel position [rad]

  • dt – time difference to last call


true if the odometry is actually updated

bool update_from_velocity(const double traction_wheel_vel, const double steer_pos, const double dt)

Updates the odometry class with latest wheels position.

  • traction_wheel_vel – Traction wheel velocity [rad/s]

  • steer_pos – Steer wheel position [rad]

  • dt – time difference to last call


true if the odometry is actually updated

bool update_from_velocity(const double right_traction_wheel_vel, const double left_traction_wheel_vel, const double steer_pos, const double dt)

Updates the odometry class with latest wheels position.

  • right_traction_wheel_vel – Right traction wheel velocity [rad/s]

  • left_traction_wheel_vel – Left traction wheel velocity [rad/s]

  • steer_pos – Steer wheel position [rad]

  • dt – time difference to last call


true if the odometry is actually updated

bool update_from_velocity(const double right_traction_wheel_vel, const double left_traction_wheel_vel, const double right_steer_pos, const double left_steer_pos, const double dt)

Updates the odometry class with latest wheels position.

  • right_traction_wheel_vel – Right traction wheel velocity [rad/s]

  • left_traction_wheel_vel – Left traction wheel velocity [rad/s]

  • right_steer_pos – Right steer wheel position [rad]

  • left_steer_pos – Left steer wheel position [rad]

  • dt – time difference to last call


true if the odometry is actually updated

void update_open_loop(const double v_bx, const double omega_bz, const double dt)

Updates the odometry class with latest velocity command.

  • v_bx – Linear velocity [m/s]

  • omega_bz – Angular velocity [rad/s]

  • dt – time difference to last call

void set_odometry_type(const unsigned int type)

Set odometry type.


type – odometry type

inline double get_heading() const

heading getter


heading [rad]

inline double get_x() const

x position getter


x position [m]

inline double get_y() const

y position getter


y position [m]

inline double get_linear() const

linear velocity getter


linear velocity [m/s]

inline double get_angular() const

angular velocity getter


angular velocity [rad/s]

void set_wheel_params(const double wheel_radius, const double wheelbase = 0.0, const double wheel_track = 0.0)

Sets the wheel parameters: radius, separation and wheelbase.

void set_velocity_rolling_window_size(const size_t velocity_rolling_window_size)

Velocity rolling window size setter.


velocity_rolling_window_size – Velocity rolling window size

std::tuple<std::vector<double>, std::vector<double>> get_commands(const double v_bx, const double omega_bz, const bool open_loop = true)

Calculates inverse kinematics for the desired linear and angular velocities.

  • v_bx – Desired linear velocity of the robot in x_b-axis direction

  • omega_bz – Desired angular velocity of the robot around x_z-axis

  • open_loop – If false, the IK will be calculated using measured steering angle


Tuple of velocity commands and steering commands

void reset_odometry()

Reset poses, heading, and accumulators.