Struct rmw_publisher_options_s

Struct Documentation

struct rmw_publisher_options_s

Options that can be used to configure the creation of a publisher in rmw.

Public Members

void *rmw_specific_publisher_payload

Used to pass rmw implementation specific resources during publisher creation.

This field is type erased (rather than forward declared) because it will usually be a non-owned reference to an language specific object, e.g. C++ it may be a polymorphic class that only the rmw implementation can use.

The resource pointed to here needs to outlive this options structure, and any rmw_publisher objects that are created using it, as they copy this structure and may use this payload throughout their lifetime.

rmw_unique_network_flow_endpoints_requirement_t require_unique_network_flow_endpoints

Require middleware to generate unique network flow endpoints.

Unique network flow endpoints are required to differentiate the QoS provided by networks for flows between publishers and subscribers in communicating nodes. Default value is RMW_UNIQUE_NETWORK_FLOW_ENDPOINTS_NOT_REQUIRED.