Domain Expert

The Domain Expert module is responsible for maintaining the PDDL domain.

The main class is plansys2::DomainExpertNode, which is instantiated from DomainExpertNode.cpp. plansys2::DomainExpertNode is a rclcpp_lifecycle::LifecycleNode and in its configuration phase reads the model_file parameter, which contains the .pddl file from which to read the model.

The class responsible for maintaining this domain is plansys2::DomainExpert, which is independent of ROS2.

The Domain Expert does not change while active, accessing its functionality through ROS2 services. To facilitate the task of the application developer, an plansys2::DomainExpertClient class has been implemented that hides the complexity of handling ROS2 messages and services. Its API is similar to that of plansys2::DomainExpert, since both have to implement the plansys2::DomainExpertInterface interface.
