Template Struct BVSplitterAccessor

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Struct Documentation

template<typename BV>
struct BVSplitterAccessor : public hpp::fcl::BVSplitter<BV>

Public Types

typedef hpp::fcl::BVSplitter<BV> Base

Public Members

int split_axis

The axis based on which the split decision is made. For most BV, the axis is aligned with one of the world coordinate, so only split_axis is needed. For oriented node, we can use a vector to make a better split decision.

SplitMethodType split_method

The split algorithm used.

FCL_REAL split_value

The split threshold, different primitives are splitted according whether their projection on the split_axis is larger or smaller than the threshold.

Vec3f split_vector
Triangle *tri_indices

The triangles handled by the splitter.

BVHModelType type

Whether the geometry is mesh or point cloud.

Vec3f *vertices

The mesh vertices or points handled by the splitter.