Changelog for package clearpath_ros2_socketcan_interface
1.0.1 (2024-12-17)
Add our own launch files that allow us to change namespaces
Contributors: Luis Camero
1.0.0 (2024-11-21)
Change CI to Humble.
Disabled copyright tests.
Fixed linting.
Added CI
Added issue templates.
Added codeowners.
Updated package.xml
Merge pull request #2 from clearpathrobotics/rkreinin/callback Constructor with callback
Tx queue and wall timer
Constructor with callback License
Merge pull request #1 from clearpathrobotics/cib/jazzy-fixes Small code styling to make default tests pass
Small code styling to make default tests pass
Add delay before publishing messages
Initial add of clearpath_ros2_socketcan_interface
Initial commit
Contributors: Chris Iverach-Brereton, Luis Camero, Roni Kreinin, Tony Baltovski, luis-camero