Public Types | Public Member Functions | Private Types
Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived > Class Template Reference

#include <Transpositions.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef IndicesType::Scalar Index
typedef Traits::IndicesType IndicesType

Public Member Functions

const Indexcoeff (Index i) const
IndexcoeffRef (Index i)
Derived & derived ()
const Derived & derived () const
const IndicesTypeindices () const
IndicesTypeindices ()
Transpose< TranspositionsBaseinverse () const
const Indexoperator() (Index i) const
Indexoperator() (Index i)
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived & operator= (const TranspositionsBase< OtherDerived > &other)
Derived & operator= (const TranspositionsBase &other)
const Indexoperator[] (Index i) const
Indexoperator[] (Index i)
void resize (int size)
void setIdentity ()
Index size () const
Transpose< TranspositionsBasetranspose () const

Private Types

typedef internal::traits< Derived > Traits

Detailed Description

template<typename Derived>
class Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >

Definition at line 49 of file Transpositions.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename Derived>
typedef IndicesType::Scalar Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >::Index
template<typename Derived>
typedef Traits::IndicesType Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >::IndicesType
template<typename Derived>
typedef internal::traits<Derived> Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >::Traits [private]

Member Function Documentation

template<typename Derived>
const Index& Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >::coeff ( Index  i) const [inline]

Direct access to the underlying index vector

Definition at line 84 of file Transpositions.h.

template<typename Derived>
Index& Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >::coeffRef ( Index  i) [inline]

Direct access to the underlying index vector

Definition at line 86 of file Transpositions.h.

template<typename Derived>
Derived& Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >::derived ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 58 of file Transpositions.h.

template<typename Derived>
const Derived& Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >::derived ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 59 of file Transpositions.h.

template<typename Derived>
const IndicesType& Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >::indices ( ) const [inline]
template<typename Derived>
IndicesType& Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >::indices ( ) [inline]
template<typename Derived>
Transpose<TranspositionsBase> Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >::inverse ( ) const [inline]
the inverse transformation

Definition at line 136 of file Transpositions.h.

template<typename Derived>
const Index& Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >::operator() ( Index  i) const [inline]

Direct access to the underlying index vector

Definition at line 88 of file Transpositions.h.

template<typename Derived>
Index& Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >::operator() ( Index  i) [inline]

Direct access to the underlying index vector

Definition at line 90 of file Transpositions.h.

template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived >
Derived& Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >::operator= ( const TranspositionsBase< OtherDerived > &  other) [inline]
template<typename Derived>
Derived& Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >::operator= ( const TranspositionsBase< Derived > &  other) [inline]

This is a special case of the templated operator=. Its purpose is to prevent a default operator= from hiding the templated operator=.

Definition at line 73 of file Transpositions.h.

template<typename Derived>
const Index& Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >::operator[] ( Index  i) const [inline]

Direct access to the underlying index vector

Definition at line 92 of file Transpositions.h.

template<typename Derived>
Index& Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >::operator[] ( Index  i) [inline]

Direct access to the underlying index vector

Definition at line 94 of file Transpositions.h.

template<typename Derived>
void Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >::resize ( int  size) [inline]

Resizes to given size.

Definition at line 102 of file Transpositions.h.

template<typename Derived>
void Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >::setIdentity ( ) [inline]

Sets *this to represents an identity transformation

Definition at line 108 of file Transpositions.h.

template<typename Derived>
Index Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >::size ( ) const [inline]
the number of transpositions

Definition at line 81 of file Transpositions.h.

template<typename Derived>
Transpose<TranspositionsBase> Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >::transpose ( ) const [inline]
the tranpose transformation

Definition at line 140 of file Transpositions.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Daniel Stonier
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 12:27:20