Classes | Variables
sphero_driver::sphero_driver Namespace Reference


class  BTInterface
class  Sphero


tuple IDCODE
tuple MRSP
tuple RECV
tuple REQ
tuple STRM_MASK1
tuple STRM_MASK2

Variable Documentation

Initial value:
00001 dict(
00002   PWR_NOTIFY = chr(0x01),               #Power notifications
00003   LEVEL1_DIAG = chr(0x02),              #Level 1 Diagnostic response
00004   DATA_STRM = chr(0x03),                #Sensor data streaming
00005   CONFIG_BLOCK = chr(0x04),             #Config block contents
00006   SLEEP = chr(0x05),                    #Pre-sleep warning (10 sec)
00007   MACRO_MARKERS =chr(0x06),             #Macro markers
00008   COLLISION = chr(0x07))

Definition at line 61 of file

Initial value:
00001 dict(
00002   ORBOTIX_RSP_CODE_OK = 0x00,           #Command succeeded
00003   ORBOTIX_RSP_CODE_EGEN = 0x01,         #General, non-specific error
00004   ORBOTIX_RSP_CODE_ECHKSUM = 0x02,      #Received checksum failure
00005   ORBOTIX_RSP_CODE_EFRAG = 0x03,        #Received command fragment
00006   ORBOTIX_RSP_CODE_EBAD_CMD = 0x04,     #Unknown command ID
00007   ORBOTIX_RSP_CODE_EUNSUPP = 0x05,      #Command currently unsupported
00008   ORBOTIX_RSP_CODE_EBAD_MSG = 0x06,     #Bad message format
00009   ORBOTIX_RSP_CODE_EPARAM = 0x07,       #Parameter value(s) invalid
00010   ORBOTIX_RSP_CODE_EEXEC = 0x08,        #Failed to execute command
00011   ORBOTIX_RSP_CODE_EBAD_DID = 0x09,     #Unknown device ID
00012   ORBOTIX_RSP_CODE_POWER_NOGOOD = 0x31, #Voltage too low for refash operation
00013   ORBOTIX_RSP_CODE_PAGE_ILLEGAL = 0x32, #Illegal page number provided
00014   ORBOTIX_RSP_CODE_FLASH_FAIL = 0x33,   #Page did not reprogram correctly
00015   ORBOTIX_RSP_CODE_MA_CORRUPT = 0x34,   #Main application corrupt

Definition at line 42 of file

Initial value:
00001 dict(
00002   ASYNC = [chr(0xff), chr(0xfe)],
00003   SYNC = [chr(0xff), chr(0xff)])

Definition at line 70 of file

Definition at line 75 of file

Initial value:
00001 dict(
00002   GYRO_H_FILTERED    = 0x00000001,
00003   GYRO_M_FILTERED    = 0x00000002,
00004   GYRO_L_FILTERED    = 0x00000004,
00005   LEFT_EMF_FILTERED  = 0x00000020,
00006   RIGHT_EMF_FILTERED = 0x00000040,
00007   MAG_Z_FILTERED     = 0x00000080,
00008   MAG_Y_FILTERED     = 0x00000100,
00009   MAG_X_FILTERED     = 0x00000200,
00010   GYRO_Z_FILTERED    = 0x00000400,
00011   GYRO_Y_FILTERED    = 0x00000800,
00012   GYRO_X_FILTERED    = 0x00001000,
00013   ACCEL_Z_FILTERED   = 0x00002000,
00014   ACCEL_Y_FILTERED   = 0x00004000,
00015   ACCEL_X_FILTERED   = 0x00008000,
00016   IMU_YAW_FILTERED   = 0x00010000,
00017   IMU_ROLL_FILTERED  = 0x00020000,
00018   IMU_PITCH_FILTERED = 0x00040000,
00019   LEFT_EMF_RAW       = 0x00200000,
00020   RIGHT_EMF_RAW      = 0x00400000,
00021   MAG_Z_RAW          = 0x00800000,
00022   MAG_Y_RAW          = 0x01000000,
00023   MAG_X_RAW          = 0x02000000,
00024   GYRO_Z_RAW         = 0x04000000,
00025   GYRO_Y_RAW         = 0x08000000,
00026   GYRO_X_RAW         = 0x10000000,
00027   ACCEL_Z_RAW        = 0x20000000,
00028   ACCEL_Y_RAW        = 0x40000000,
00029   ACCEL_X_RAW        = 0x80000000)

Definition at line 120 of file

Initial value:
00001 dict(
00002   QUATERNION_Q0      = 0x80000000,
00003   QUATERNION_Q1      = 0x40000000,
00004   QUATERNION_Q2      = 0x20000000,
00005   QUATERNION_Q3      = 0x10000000,
00006   ODOM_X             = 0x08000000,
00007   ODOM_Y             = 0x04000000,
00008   ACCELONE           = 0x02000000,
00009   VELOCITY_X         = 0x01000000,
00010   VELOCITY_Y         = 0x00800000)

Definition at line 150 of file

Author(s): Melonee Wise
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 07:45:28