Classes | Namespaces
Feature.h File Reference

Contains a struct, used for computing the extrema of a FeatureImage. More...

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struct  puma2::Feature< T >
 Struct for obtaining extrema in a FeatureImage. More...


namespace  puma2
namespace  Puma2

The PUMA2 standard namespace.

Detailed Description

Contains a struct, used for computing the extrema of a FeatureImage.

Contains a struct, used for computing the extrema of a FeatureImage. Such an image does not consist of Features, they will only be returned after calling some methods of a FeatureImage.

(C) 2007 AG Aktives Sehen <>, Universitaet Koblenz-Landau


Definition in file Feature.h.

Author(s): AGAS/
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 02:53:43