Package node_manager_fkie :: Module screen_handler :: Class ScreenHandler
[frames] | no frames]

Class ScreenHandler

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object --+

The class to handle the running screen sessions and create new sessions on start of the ROS nodes.

Instance Methods

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods
createSessionName(cls, node=None)
Creates a name for the screen session.
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str, str
splitSessionName(cls, session)
Splits the screen session name into PID and session name generated by createSessionName().
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Tests for whether the SCREEN binary exists and raise an exception if not.
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getScreenLogFile(cls, session=None, node=None)
Generates a log file name for the screen session.
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getROSLogFile(cls, node)
Generates a log file name of the ROS log.
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getScreenCfgFile(cls, session=None, node=None)
Generates a configuration file name for the screen session.
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getScreenPidFile(cls, session=None, node=None)
Generates a PID file name for the screen session.
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[str(session name), ...]
getActiveScreens(cls, host, session='', auto_pw_request=True, user=None, pwd=None)
Returns the list with all compatible screen names.
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openScreenTerminal(cls, host, screen_name, nodename, user=None)
Open the screen output in a new terminal.
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openScreen(cls, node, host, auto_item_request=False, user=None, pw=None, items=[])
Searches for the screen associated with the given node and open the screen output in a new terminal.
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killScreens(cls, node, host, auto_ok_request=True, user=None, pw=None)
Searches for the screen associated with the given node and kill this screens.
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(output, err)
getLocalOutput(cls, cmd)
This method is used to read the output of the command executed in a terminal.
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getSceenCmd(cls, node)
Generates a configuration file and return the command prefix to start the given node in a screen terminal.
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Class Variables
  LOG_PATH = '/home/rosbuild/.ros/log/'
  SCREEN = '/usr/bin/screen'
  SLASH_SEP = '_'

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

createSessionName(cls, node=None)
Class Method

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Creates a name for the screen session. All slash separators are replaced by SLASH_SEP

  • node (str) - the name of the node
Returns: str
name for the screen session.

splitSessionName(cls, session)
Class Method

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Splits the screen session name into PID and session name generated by createSessionName().

  • session (str) - the screen session name
Returns: str, str
PID, session name generated by createSessionName(). Not presented values are coded as empty strings. Not valid session names have an empty PID string.

Class Method

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Tests for whether the SCREEN binary exists and raise an exception if not.


getScreenLogFile(cls, session=None, node=None)
Class Method

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Generates a log file name for the screen session.

  • session (str) - the name of the screen session
Returns: str
the log file name

getROSLogFile(cls, node)
Class Method

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Generates a log file name of the ROS log.

  • node (str) - the name of the node
Returns: str
the ROS log file name

To Do: get the run_id from the ROS parameter server and search in this log folder for the log file (handle the node started using a launch file).

getScreenCfgFile(cls, session=None, node=None)
Class Method

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Generates a configuration file name for the screen session.

  • session (str) - the name of the screen session
Returns: str
the configuration file name

getScreenPidFile(cls, session=None, node=None)
Class Method

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Generates a PID file name for the screen session.

  • session (str) - the name of the screen session
Returns: str
the PID file name

getActiveScreens(cls, host, session='', auto_pw_request=True, user=None, pwd=None)
Class Method

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Returns the list with all compatible screen names. If the session is set to an empty string all screens will be returned.

  • host (str) - the host name or IP to search for the screen session.
  • session (str (Default: '')) - the name or the suffix of the screen session
Returns: [str(session name), ...]
the list with session names
  • Exception - on errors while resolving host

openScreenTerminal(cls, host, screen_name, nodename, user=None)
Class Method

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Open the screen output in a new terminal.

  • host (str) - the host name or ip where the screen is running.
  • screen_name (str) - the name of the screen to show
  • nodename (str) - the name of the node is used for the title of the terminal
  • Exception - on errors while resolving host

openScreen(cls, node, host, auto_item_request=False, user=None, pw=None, items=[])
Class Method

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Searches for the screen associated with the given node and open the screen output in a new terminal.

  • node (str) - the name of the node those screen output to show
  • host (str) - the host name or ip where the screen is running
  • Exception - on errors while resolving host

killScreens(cls, node, host, auto_ok_request=True, user=None, pw=None)
Class Method

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Searches for the screen associated with the given node and kill this screens.

  • node (str) - the name of the node those screen output to show
  • host (str) - the host name or ip where the screen is running

getLocalOutput(cls, cmd)
Class Method

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This method is used to read the output of the command executed in a terminal.

  • cmd (str) - the command to execute in a terminal
Returns: (output, err)
the output generated by the execution of the command.

getSceenCmd(cls, node)
Class Method

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Generates a configuration file and return the command prefix to start the given node in a screen terminal.

  • node (str) - the name of the node
Returns: str
the command prefix