File: moveit_msgs/PlanningScene.msg
Raw Message Definition
# name of planning scene
string name
# full robot state
RobotState robot_state
# The name of the robot model this scene is for
string robot_model_name
# The root to be considered for this robot model (if not the default one)
string robot_model_root
#additional frames for duplicating tf (with respect to the planning frame)
geometry_msgs/TransformStamped[] fixed_frame_transforms
#full allowed collision matrix
AllowedCollisionMatrix allowed_collision_matrix
# all link paddings
LinkPadding[] link_padding
# all link scales
LinkScale[] link_scale
# Attached objects, collision objects, even the octomap or collision map can have
# colors associated to them. This array specifies them.
ObjectColor[] object_colors
# the collision map
PlanningSceneWorld world
# Flag indicating whether this scene is to be interpreted as a diff with respect to some other scene
bool is_diff
Compact Message Definition