Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
labust::gearth::CaddyKML Class Reference

#include <CaddyKML.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void addShipPosition (const auv_msgs::NavSts::ConstPtr &nav)
void addVehiclePosition (const auv_msgs::NavSts::ConstPtr &nav)
 CaddyKML ()
void run ()
void setDiverOrigin (const geometry_msgs::Point::ConstPtr &point)
void write ()
 ~CaddyKML ()

Private Member Functions

void addOpRegionToDocument (kmldom::DocumentPtr document)
void addVarianceRegion (const auv_msgs::NavSts &nav, kmldom::DocumentPtr document)

Private Attributes

auv_msgs::NavSts diver
kmlbase::Vec3 diverOrigin
kmldom::KmlFactory * factory
std::string filename
kmldom::DocumentPtr folder
boost::mutex kml_mux
std::ofstream kmlFile
kmldom::CoordinatesPtr opRegion
< TransparentSegments > 
auv_msgs::NavSts platform
< TransparentSegments > 
bool runFlag
VehiclePolygon ship
VehiclePolygon vehicle
boost::thread worker

Detailed Description

This class represents an interactive KML file. It opens and writes into a KML file. It will remember a specified number of coordinates. Around each last coordinate it will draw the vehicle position.

The YAML configuration should have a form:

filename: myname.kml diver-path/color="0xAABBGGRR" diver-path/length="200" diver-path/segment-length="20" platform-path/color="0xAABBGGRR"

Definition at line 69 of file CaddyKML.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Generic constructor.

Definition at line 21 of file CaddyKML.cpp.

Generic destructor.

Definition at line 81 of file CaddyKML.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void CaddyKML::addOpRegionToDocument ( kmldom::DocumentPtr  document) [private]

Helper function to add the operating region to the KML file.

Definition at line 182 of file CaddyKML.cpp.

void labust::gearth::CaddyKML::addShipPosition ( const auv_msgs::NavSts::ConstPtr &  nav) [inline]

Add a new coordinate of the ship.

navNavigation data.

Definition at line 103 of file CaddyKML.hpp.

void CaddyKML::addVarianceRegion ( const auv_msgs::NavSts &  nav,
kmldom::DocumentPtr  document 
) [private]

Helper function to add the variance region.

Definition at line 116 of file CaddyKML.cpp.

void labust::gearth::CaddyKML::addVehiclePosition ( const auv_msgs::NavSts::ConstPtr &  nav) [inline]

Add a new coordinate and attitude of the vehicle.

navNavigation data.

Definition at line 86 of file CaddyKML.hpp.

void CaddyKML::run ( )

File writer.

Definition at line 236 of file CaddyKML.cpp.

void CaddyKML::setDiverOrigin ( const geometry_msgs::Point::ConstPtr &  point)

Update the diver origin.

Definition at line 217 of file CaddyKML.cpp.

void CaddyKML::write ( )

Write data to the KML file.

Definition at line 87 of file CaddyKML.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

auv_msgs::NavSts labust::gearth::CaddyKML::diver [private]

The navigation stats.

Definition at line 179 of file CaddyKML.hpp.

kmlbase::Vec3 labust::gearth::CaddyKML::diverOrigin [private]

The diver origin.

Definition at line 155 of file CaddyKML.hpp.

kmldom::KmlFactory* labust::gearth::CaddyKML::factory [private]

The KML factory for creating KML files.

Definition at line 159 of file CaddyKML.hpp.

std::string labust::gearth::CaddyKML::filename [private]

KML filename

Definition at line 167 of file CaddyKML.hpp.

kmldom::DocumentPtr labust::gearth::CaddyKML::folder [private]

Document that holds all components together.

Definition at line 163 of file CaddyKML.hpp.

boost::mutex labust::gearth::CaddyKML::kml_mux [private]

The write mutex.

Definition at line 175 of file CaddyKML.hpp.

std::ofstream labust::gearth::CaddyKML::kmlFile [private]

The KML file.

Definition at line 171 of file CaddyKML.hpp.

kmldom::CoordinatesPtr labust::gearth::CaddyKML::opRegion [private]

The acoustic KML operating region.

Definition at line 151 of file CaddyKML.hpp.

CustomLineString<TransparentSegments> labust::gearth::CaddyKML::path [private]

Vehicle path

Definition at line 139 of file CaddyKML.hpp.

auv_msgs::NavSts labust::gearth::CaddyKML::platform [private]

Definition at line 179 of file CaddyKML.hpp.

CustomLineString<TransparentSegments> labust::gearth::CaddyKML::platformPath [private]

Definition at line 139 of file CaddyKML.hpp.

The runner flag.

Definition at line 187 of file CaddyKML.hpp.

VehiclePolygon labust::gearth::CaddyKML::ship [private]

Ship polygon.

Definition at line 147 of file CaddyKML.hpp.

VehiclePolygon labust::gearth::CaddyKML::vehicle [private]

Vehicle polygon.

Definition at line 143 of file CaddyKML.hpp.

boost::thread labust::gearth::CaddyKML::worker [private]

The worker thread.

Definition at line 183 of file CaddyKML.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Gyula NagyJane Doe
autogenerated on Fri Feb 7 2014 11:36:10