Package baxter_interface :: Module limb :: Class Limb
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[frames] | no frames]

Class Limb

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object --+

Interface class for a limb on the Baxter robot.

Nested Classes [hide private]
Point(x, y, z)
Quaternion(x, y, z, w)
Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, limb)
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_on_joint_states(self, msg) source code
_on_endpoint_states(self, msg) source code
Return the names of the joints for the specified limb.
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joint_angle(self, joint)
Return the requested joint angle.
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Return all joint angles.
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joint_velocity(self, joint)
Return the requested joint velocity.
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Return all joint velocities.
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joint_effort(self, joint)
Return the requested joint effort.
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Return all joint efforts.
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Return Cartesian endpoint pose {position, orientation}.
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Return Cartesian endpoint twist {linear, angular}.
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Return Cartesian endpoint wrench {force, torque}.
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set_command_timeout(self, timeout)
Set the timeout in seconds for the joint controller
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exit_control_mode(self, timeout=0.2)
Clean exit from advanced control modes (joint torque or velocity).
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set_joint_position_speed(self, speed)
Set ratio of max joint speed to use during joint position moves.
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set_joint_positions(self, positions, raw=False)
Commands the joints of this limb to the specified positions.
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set_joint_velocities(self, velocities)
Commands the joints of this limb to the specified velocities.
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set_joint_torques(self, torques)
Commands the joints of this limb to the specified torques.
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move_to_neutral(self, timeout=15.0)
Command the joints to the center of their joint ranges
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move_to_joint_positions(self, positions, timeout=15.0, threshold=0.008726646)
(Blocking) Commands the limb to the provided positions.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, limb)

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  • limb (str) - limb to interface
Overrides: object.__init__


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Return the names of the joints for the specified limb.

Returns: [str]
ordered list of joint names from proximal to distal (i.e. shoulder to wrist).

joint_angle(self, joint)

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Return the requested joint angle.

  • joint (str) - name of a joint
Returns: float
angle in radians of individual joint


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Return all joint angles.

Returns: dict({str:float})
unordered dict of joint name Keys to angle (rad) Values

joint_velocity(self, joint)

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Return the requested joint velocity.

  • joint (str) - name of a joint
Returns: float
velocity in radians/s of individual joint


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Return all joint velocities.

Returns: dict({str:float})
unordered dict of joint name Keys to velocity (rad/s) Values

joint_effort(self, joint)

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Return the requested joint effort.

  • joint (str) - name of a joint
Returns: float
effort in Nm of individual joint


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Return all joint efforts.

Returns: dict({str:float})
unordered dict of joint name Keys to effort (Nm) Values


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Return Cartesian endpoint pose {position, orientation}.

Returns: dict({str:Limb.Point,str:Limb.Quaternion})
position and orientation as named tuples in a dict

pose = {'position': (x, y, z), 'orientation': (x, y, z, w)}

  • 'position': Cartesian coordinates x,y,z in namedtuple Limb.Point
  • 'orientation': quaternion x,y,z,w in named tuple Limb.Quaternion


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Return Cartesian endpoint twist {linear, angular}.

Returns: dict({str:Limb.Point,str:Limb.Point})
linear and angular velocities as named tuples in a dict

twist = {'linear': (x, y, z), 'angular': (x, y, z)}

  • 'linear': Cartesian velocity in x,y,z directions in namedtuple Limb.Point
  • 'angular': Angular velocity around x,y,z axes in named tuple Limb.Point


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Return Cartesian endpoint wrench {force, torque}.

Returns: dict({str:Limb.Point,str:Limb.Point})
force and torque at endpoint as named tuples in a dict

wrench = {'force': (x, y, z), 'torque': (x, y, z)}

  • 'force': Cartesian force on x,y,z axes in namedtuple Limb.Point
  • 'torque': Torque around x,y,z axes in named tuple Limb.Point

set_command_timeout(self, timeout)

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Set the timeout in seconds for the joint controller

  • timeout (float) - timeout in seconds

exit_control_mode(self, timeout=0.2)

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Clean exit from advanced control modes (joint torque or velocity).

Resets control to joint position mode with current positions.

  • timeout (float) - control timeout in seconds [0.2]

set_joint_position_speed(self, speed)

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Set ratio of max joint speed to use during joint position moves.

Set the proportion of maximum controllable velocity to use during joint position control execution. The default ratio is `0.3`, and can be set anywhere from [0.0-1.0] (clipped). Once set, a speed ratio will persist until a new execution speed is set.

  • speed (float) - ratio of maximum joint speed for execution default= 0.3; range= [0.0-1.0]

set_joint_positions(self, positions, raw=False)

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Commands the joints of this limb to the specified positions.

IMPORTANT: 'raw' joint position control mode allows for commanding joint positions, without modification, directly to the JCBs (Joint Controller Boards). While this results in more unaffected motions, 'raw' joint position control mode bypasses the safety system modifications (e.g. collision avoidance). Please use with caution.

  • positions (dict({str:float})) - joint_name:angle command
  • raw (bool) - advanced, direct position control mode

set_joint_velocities(self, velocities)

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Commands the joints of this limb to the specified velocities.

IMPORTANT: set_joint_velocities must be commanded at a rate great than the timeout specified by set_command_timeout. If the timeout is exceeded before a new set_joint_velocities command is received, the controller will switch modes back to position mode for safety purposes.

  • velocities (dict({str:float})) - joint_name:velocity command

set_joint_torques(self, torques)

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Commands the joints of this limb to the specified torques.

IMPORTANT: set_joint_torques must be commanded at a rate great than the timeout specified by set_command_timeout. If the timeout is exceeded before a new set_joint_torques command is received, the controller will switch modes back to position mode for safety purposes.

  • torques (dict({str:float})) - joint_name:torque command

move_to_neutral(self, timeout=15.0)

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Command the joints to the center of their joint ranges

Neutral is defined as:

 ['*_s0', '*_s1', '*_e0', '*_e1', '*_w0', '*_w1', '*_w2']
 [0.0, -0.55, 0.0, 0.75, 0.0, 1.26, 0.0]
  • timeout (float) - seconds to wait for move to finish [15]

move_to_joint_positions(self, positions, timeout=15.0, threshold=0.008726646)

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(Blocking) Commands the limb to the provided positions.

Waits until the reported joint state matches that specified.

This function uses a low-pass filter to smooth the movement.

  • positions (dict({str:float})) - joint_name:angle command
  • timeout (float) - seconds to wait for move to finish [15]
  • threshold (float) - position threshold in radians across each joint when move is considered successful [0.008726646]