Classes | Typedefs
LABUST::TYPES Namespace Reference


struct  PointStruct


typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ByteVectorType
typedef std::vector< uint8ByteVectorType
typedef signed short int16
typedef signed long int32
typedef signed char int8
typedef unsigned char uchar
typedef unsigned short uint16
typedef unsigned long uint32
typedef unsigned char uint8

Detailed Description

The TYPES namespace contains some specific typedefs to ease coding.

Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::shared_ptr<ByteVectorType> LABUST::TYPES::ByteVectorPtr

Definition at line 30 of file LABUSTTypes.h.

Definition at line 29 of file LABUSTTypes.h.

typedef signed short LABUST::TYPES::int16

Definition at line 20 of file LABUSTTypes.h.

typedef signed long LABUST::TYPES::int32

Definition at line 21 of file LABUSTTypes.h.

typedef signed char LABUST::TYPES::int8

Definition at line 19 of file LABUSTTypes.h.

typedef unsigned char LABUST::TYPES::uchar

Definition at line 27 of file LABUSTTypes.h.

typedef unsigned short LABUST::TYPES::uint16

Definition at line 24 of file LABUSTTypes.h.

typedef unsigned long LABUST::TYPES::uint32

Definition at line 25 of file LABUSTTypes.h.

typedef unsigned char LABUST::TYPES::uint8

Definition at line 23 of file LABUSTTypes.h.

autogenerated on Fri Feb 7 2014 11:37:09