Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Private Attributes
createCalibs Class Reference

This class allows for easy calibration file generation. More...

#include <create_calibs.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void applyCalib (cv::Mat *image_msg, int camera)
string convertInt (int number)
 createCalibs ()
void getCalibration (int calibType, int calibR, int calibB, int calibG)
void imageCallback1 (const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &image_msg)
void imageCallback2 (const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &image_msg)
void saveCalibsToFiles ()
void showImage ()
 ~createCalibs ()

Public Attributes

int blurringFactor
int calibAccuracy
int calibratingColor
int calibToggled
int cameraShown
int colors [5][3]
bool escPressed
bool image1LoadedFlag
bool image2LoadedFlag
bool imagePaused
ros::Subscriber imgSub1
ros::Subscriber imgSub2
cv_bridge::CvImagePtr output_Img1
cv_bridge::CvImagePtr output_Img2
ros::Publisher pubImgCal
cv_bridge::CvImagePtr raw_Img1
cv_bridge::CvImagePtr raw_Img2
int realCameraOverlap
int seq_num
bool updatedImageFlag
bool useSim

Private Attributes

string boundaryImgFilename
string filenames [5]

Detailed Description

This class allows for easy calibration file generation.

This class is used by launching the youbot_overhead_vision_create_calibs.launch launch file. It creates a window with a camera feed from one of the overhead cameras. When launched, a list of usable keyboard commands is printed to the terminal. Left mouse button clicks add the point at the position of that click to the list of calibration color values. Points can be removed as well, and the list can be saved to the appropriate calibration files with the 's' key.

Definition at line 51 of file create_calibs.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Constructor function for the createCalibs class. Initializes all the state variables, publishers, and subscribers used in the program, gets the ROS params from the launch files (whether the robot is simulated, and the calibration file locations), and gets the calibration points from the calibration files.


Definition at line 11 of file create_calibs.cpp.


Definition at line 85 of file create_calibs.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void createCalibs::applyCalib ( cv::Mat *  image_msg,
int  camera 

This function applies a calibration file to the image

image_msg: contains the image being calibrated.
camera, marks which camera is currently being looked at.

Definition at line 471 of file create_calibs.cpp.

string createCalibs::convertInt ( int  number)

Converts an int to a string with that integer in it

number,:the integer being put in the string.
string containing that number

Definition at line 587 of file create_calibs.cpp.

void createCalibs::getCalibration ( int  calibType,
int  calibR,
int  calibB,
int  calibG 

Function gets the calibration info, including the type of calibration that needs to be applied, and the colors that should be applied for each type.

calibType: The type of calibration file applied
cameraNum: the camera on which the calibration file should be applied
CalibR: Red value for the color to use for the calibration
CalibB: Blue value for the color to use for the calibration
CalibG: Green value for the color to use for the calibration

Definition at line 374 of file create_calibs.cpp.

void createCalibs::imageCallback1 ( const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &  image_msg)

Callback function for Camera 1 is called when a message is read on the /logitech_9000_camera1/image_raw topic The image is stored in raw_Img1, and the image1LoadedFlag is set to true, stating that an image was red from the north overhead camera. showImage() does not start processing the image until both image loaded flags are true, stating that an image was read from both camera topics.

image_msg,amessage containing the image that was read from the overhead_north camera

Definition at line 428 of file create_calibs.cpp.

void createCalibs::imageCallback2 ( const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &  image_msg)

Callback function for Camera 2 is called when a message is read on the /logitech_9000_camera2/image_raw topic The image is stored in raw_Img2, and the image2LoadedFlag is set to true, stating that an image was red from the south overhead camera. showImage() does not start processing the image until both image loaded flags are true, stating that an image was read from both camera topics.

image_msg,amessage containing the image that was read from the overhead_south camera

Definition at line 449 of file create_calibs.cpp.

This function saves the calibrations to files for future access

Definition at line 529 of file create_calibs.cpp.

This function is constantly called to display the image stream, allow for user imput from keyboard and mouse to add/delete calibration points, modify blur and accuracy parameters,zoom into the image, switch cameras, and save calibrations to file. This function also uses the applyCalib function to apply calibrations to the raw images stored into raw_Img1 and rawImg2 to created the calibrated images.

Definition at line 90 of file create_calibs.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 104 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 174 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 56 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 69 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 75 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 89 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 72 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 91 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 59 of file create_calibs.h.

string createCalibs::filenames[5] [private]

Definition at line 172 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 81 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 82 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 66 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 84 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 85 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 94 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 95 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 86 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 98 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 99 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 78 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 105 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 102 of file create_calibs.h.

Definition at line 63 of file create_calibs.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Fred Clinckemaillie, Maintained by David Kent
autogenerated on Thu Jan 2 2014 12:14:12