client.cpp File Reference

Client node calling a quick compute service, a compute service and 2 publishing to world_effector_topic and camera_object_topic. More...

#include "client.h"
#include "geometry_msgs/Transform.h"
#include "visp_hand2eye_calibration/TransformArray.h"
#include "conversions/3dpose.h"
#include "names.h"
#include "visp/vpCalibration.h"
#include "visp/vpExponentialMap.h"
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namespace  visp_hand2eye_calibration

Detailed Description

Client node calling a quick compute service, a compute service and 2 publishing to world_effector_topic and camera_object_topic.

Definition in file client.cpp.

Author(s): Filip Novotny
autogenerated on Sat Dec 28 2013 17:45:52