Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <ros/ros.h>
00002 #include <turtlesim/Pose.h>
00003 #include <turtlesim/Velocity.h>
00004 #include <actionlib/server/simple_action_server.h>
00005 #include <turtle_actionlib/ShapeAction.h>
00006 #include <cmath>
00007 #include <math.h>
00008 #include <angles/angles.h>
00010 // This class computes the command_velocities of the turtle to draw regular polygons 
00011 class ShapeAction
00012 {
00013 public:
00015   ShapeAction(std::string name) : 
00016     as_(nh_, name),
00017     action_name_(name)
00018   {
00019     //register the goal and feeback callbacks
00020     as_.registerGoalCallback(boost::bind(&ShapeAction::goalCB, this));
00021     as_.registerPreemptCallback(boost::bind(&ShapeAction::preemptCB, this));
00023     //subscribe to the data topic of interest
00024     sub_ = nh_.subscribe("/turtle1/pose", 1, &ShapeAction::controlCB, this);
00025     pub_ = nh_.advertise<turtlesim::Velocity>("/turtle1/command_velocity", 1);
00026   }
00028   ~ShapeAction(void)
00029   {
00030   }
00032   void goalCB()
00033   {
00034     // accept the new goal
00035     turtle_actionlib::ShapeGoal goal = *as_.acceptNewGoal();
00036     //save the goal as private variables
00037     edges_ = goal.edges;    
00038     radius_ = goal.radius;
00040     // reset helper variables
00041     interior_angle_ = ((edges_-2)*M_PI)/edges_;
00042     apothem_ = radius_*cos(M_PI/edges_);
00043     //compute the side length of the polygon
00044     side_len_ = apothem_ * 2* tan( M_PI/edges_);
00045     //store the result values
00046     result_.apothem = apothem_;
00047     result_.interior_angle = interior_angle_;
00048     edge_progress_ =0;
00049     start_edge_ = true;
00050   }
00052   void preemptCB()
00053   {
00054     ROS_INFO("%s: Preempted", action_name_.c_str());
00055     // set the action state to preempted
00056     as_.setPreempted();
00057   }
00059   void controlCB(const turtlesim::Pose::ConstPtr& msg)
00060   {
00061     // make sure that the action hasn't been canceled
00062     if (!as_.isActive())
00063       return;
00065     // scalar values for drive the turtle faster and straighter
00066     double l_scale = 6.0;
00067     double a_scale = 6.0;
00068     double error_tol = 0.00001;
00070     if (edge_progress_ < edges_)
00071     {     
00072       if (start_edge_)
00073       {
00074         start_x_ = msg->x;
00075         start_y_ = msg->y;
00076         start_theta_ = msg->theta;
00077         start_edge_ = false;
00078       }
00080       // compute the distance and theta error for the shape
00081       dis_error_ = side_len_ - fabs(sqrt((start_x_- msg->x)*(start_x_-msg->x) + (start_y_-msg->y)*(start_y_-msg->y)));
00082       theta_error_ = angles::normalize_angle_positive(M_PI - interior_angle_ - (msg->theta - start_theta_));
00084       if (dis_error_ > error_tol)
00085       {
00086         command_.linear = l_scale*dis_error_;
00087         command_.angular = 0;
00088       }
00089       else if (dis_error_ < error_tol && fabs(theta_error_)> error_tol)
00090       { 
00091         command_.linear = 0;
00092         command_.angular = a_scale*theta_error_;
00093       }
00094       else if (dis_error_ < error_tol && fabs(theta_error_)< error_tol)
00095       {
00096         command_.linear = 0;
00097         command_.angular = 0;
00098         start_edge_ = true;
00099         edge_progress_++;
00100       }  
00101       else
00102       {
00103         command_.linear = l_scale*dis_error_;
00104         command_.angular = a_scale*theta_error_;
00105       } 
00106       // publish the velocity command
00107       pub_.publish(command_);
00109     } 
00110     else
00111     {          
00112       ROS_INFO("%s: Succeeded", action_name_.c_str());
00113       // set the action state to succeeded                                                                                    
00114       as_.setSucceeded(result_);
00115     }   
00116   }
00118 protected:
00120   ros::NodeHandle nh_;
00121   actionlib::SimpleActionServer<turtle_actionlib::ShapeAction> as_;
00122   std::string action_name_;
00123   double radius_, apothem_, interior_angle_, side_len_;
00124   double start_x_, start_y_, start_theta_;
00125   double dis_error_, theta_error_;
00126   int edges_ , edge_progress_;
00127   bool start_edge_;
00128   turtlesim::Velocity command_;
00129   turtle_actionlib::ShapeResult result_;
00130   ros::Subscriber sub_;
00131   ros::Publisher pub_;
00132 };
00134 int main(int argc, char** argv)
00135 {
00136   ros::init(argc, argv, "turtle_shape");
00138   ShapeAction shape(ros::this_node::getName());
00139   ros::spin();
00141   return 0;
00142 }

Author(s): Melonee Wise
autogenerated on Thu Jan 2 2014 11:09:58