Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * JoystickOptions.cpp
00003  *
00004  *  Created on: Oct 25, 2011
00005  *      Author: mriedel
00006  */
00008 #include <telekyb_joystick/JoystickOptions.hpp>
00010 namespace TELEKYB_NAMESPACE
00011 {
00013 //template<> JoystickOptions* Singleton<JoystickOptions>::instance = NULL;
00015 JoystickOptions::JoystickOptions()
00016         : OptionContainer("JoystickOptions")
00017 {
00018         tDevicePath = addOption<std::string>("tDevicePath",
00019                         "Device Path of Joystick",
00020                         "/dev/input/js0", false, true);
00021         tDeadZone = addBoundsOption<double>("tDeadZone",
00022                         "Amount by which the joystick has to move before it is considered to be off-center",
00023                         0.05, -1.0, 1.0, false, false);
00024         tAutoRepeatRate = addOption<double>("tAutoRepeatRate",
00025                         "Rate in Hz at which a joystick that has a non-changing state will resend the previously sent message",
00026                         0.0 , false, false);
00027         tCoalesceInterval = addOption<double>("tCoalesceInterval",
00028                         "Axis events that are received within coalesce_interval (seconds) of each other are sent out in a single ROS message",
00029                         0.001 , false, false);
00030         tPubName = addOption<std::string>("tPubName",
00031                         "TopicName that get's added to NodeHandle",
00032                         "joy", false, true);
00033         tButtonRemapping = addOption<std::vector<int> >("tButtonRemapping",
00034                         "Button Remapping e.g. [1,0,3,3] switches 1 and 0 and maps 3 to 3 AND 4",
00035                         std::vector<int>(), false, true);
00036         tAxesRemapping = addOption<std::vector<int> >("tAxesRemapping",
00037                         "Axes Remapping e.g. [1,0,3,3] switches 1 and 0 and maps 3 to 3 AND 4",
00038                         std::vector<int>(), false, true);
00039         tAxisMultiplier = addOption<std::vector<double> >("tAxisMultiplier",
00040                         "Axes Value Multiplication e.g. [-1.0,0.0,0.5] inverts 0, set 1 to 0 scales 2",
00041                         std::vector<double>(), false, true);
00042         tPublishVector3 = addOption< bool >("tPublishVector3",
00043                         "Publish geometry_msgs::Vector3Stamped of first 3 axes [x,y,z] to tPubName_vector3",
00044                         false, false, true);
00045 }
00047 }
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Author(s): Martin Riedel
autogenerated on Mon Nov 11 2013 11:14:39