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rocon_gateway.gateway.Gateway Class Reference

Gateway Configuration and Main Loop Class. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def ros_service_connect_hub
 Ros Service Callbacks.
def ros_service_gateway_info
def ros_service_remote_gateway_info
def spin
 Main Loop.

Public Attributes


Private Member Functions

def _attempt_direct_connection
 Hub Connection Methods.
def _connect
def _scan_for_zeroconf_hubs
def _setup_ros_services
 Ros Pubs, Subs and Services.
def _shutdown

Private Attributes


Detailed Description

Gateway Configuration and Main Loop Class.

  Currently this just provides getup and go for the gateway.

    1. configure ros params
    2. setup ros pubsubs, services
    3. optionally setup zeroconf if necessary and available
    4. loop until a hub connection is made, then spin
    5. shutdown

Definition at line 25 of file src/rocon_gateway/

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Definition at line 35 of file src/rocon_gateway/

Member Function Documentation

Hub Connection Methods.

  If configured with a static hub_uri, attempt a direct connection.

  @return success of the connection
  @rtype bool

Definition at line 154 of file src/rocon_gateway/

def rocon_gateway.gateway.Gateway._connect (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 194 of file src/rocon_gateway/

def rocon_gateway.gateway.Gateway._scan_for_zeroconf_hubs (   self,
) [private]
  Does a quick scan on zeroconf for gateway hubs. If new ones are
  found, and it is not on the blacklist, it attempts a connection.

  This gets run in the pre-spin part of the spin loop.

  @param previously_found_hubs: zeroconf names of previously scanned hubs
  @type  previously_found_hubs: list of str

Definition at line 170 of file src/rocon_gateway/

Ros Pubs, Subs and Services.

Definition at line 78 of file src/rocon_gateway/

def rocon_gateway.gateway.Gateway._shutdown (   self) [private]
  Clears this gateway's information from the redis server.

Definition at line 64 of file src/rocon_gateway/

Ros Service Callbacks.

  Incoming requests are used to then try and connect to the gateway hub
  if not already connected.

  Requests are of the form of a uri (hostname:port pair) pointing to
  the gateway hub.

Definition at line 95 of file src/rocon_gateway/

Definition at line 116 of file src/rocon_gateway/

Definition at line 139 of file src/rocon_gateway/

Main Loop.

Definition at line 50 of file src/rocon_gateway/

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 35 of file src/rocon_gateway/

Definition at line 35 of file src/rocon_gateway/

Definition at line 35 of file src/rocon_gateway/

Definition at line 35 of file src/rocon_gateway/

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Author(s): Daniel Stonier, Jihoon Lee,
autogenerated on Tue Jan 15 2013 17:43:24