Public Member Functions | Private Attributes
rms::javascript_file Class Reference

#include <javascript_file.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

int get_fileid ()
std::string get_path ()
std::string get_url ()
 javascript_file (int fileid, std::string url, std::string path)

Private Attributes

int fileid
std::string path
std::string url

Detailed Description

A Javascript file object to store information on a Javascript file in the RMS.

Definition at line 28 of file javascript_file.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

javascript_file::javascript_file ( int  fileid,
std::string  url,
std::string  path 

Create a Javascript file object with the given information.

fileidthe Javascript file ID number
urlthe remote URL of the Javascript file to be downloaded into RMS
paththe local path of the file to save on the RMS server

Definition at line 16 of file javascript_file.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

Get the Javascript file ID number.

the Javascript file ID number

Definition at line 24 of file javascript_file.cpp.

Get the local path of the file to save on the RMS server.

the local path of the file to save on the RMS server

Definition at line 34 of file javascript_file.cpp.

Get the remote URL of the Javascript file to be downloaded into RMS.

the the remote URL of the Javascript file to be downloaded into RMS

Definition at line 29 of file javascript_file.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

the file ID

Definition at line 60 of file javascript_file.h.

std::string rms::javascript_file::path [private]

the remote URL and local path

Definition at line 61 of file javascript_file.h.

std::string rms::javascript_file::url [private]

Definition at line 61 of file javascript_file.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Russell Toris
autogenerated on Sat Dec 28 2013 17:08:58