Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/python
00002 '''
00003 Test client for point_cluster_grasp_planner.  
00004 Requires tabletop_node.launch to be running (in tabletop_object_detector).  
00005 Add Markers of topic 'grasp_markers' to see the poses being tested.
00006 '''
00008 from __future__ import division
00009 import roslib
00010 roslib.load_manifest('pr2_pick_and_place_demos')
00011 import rospy
00012 import actionlib
00013 from object_manipulation_msgs.srv import FindClusterBoundingBox, FindClusterBoundingBoxRequest
00014 from tabletop_object_detector.srv import TabletopDetection, TabletopDetectionRequest
00015 from object_manipulation_msgs.srv import GraspPlanning, GraspPlanningRequest
00016 from object_manipulation_msgs.msg import GraspPlanningAction, GraspPlanningGoal
00017 from pr2_gripper_grasp_planner_cluster.srv import SetPointClusterGraspParams, SetPointClusterGraspParamsRequest
00018 from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker
00019 import tf.transformations
00020 import numpy
00021 import scipy
00022 import time
00023 import object_manipulator.draw_functions as draw_functions
00024 from object_manipulator.convert_functions import *
00027 #call the tabletop object detector to get the table and clusters in the scene
00028 def call_object_detector():
00030     req = TabletopDetectionRequest()
00031     req.return_clusters = 1
00032     req.return_models = 0
00033     service_name = "/object_detection"
00034     rospy.loginfo("waiting for object_detection service")
00035     rospy.wait_for_service(service_name)
00036     serv = rospy.ServiceProxy(service_name, TabletopDetection)
00037     try:
00038         res = serv(req)
00039     except rospy.ServiceException, e:
00040         rospy.logerr("error when calling object_detection: %s"%e)  
00041         return 0
00042     return (res.detection.table, res.detection.clusters)
00045 #call the service to set the params for the cluster planner
00046 def call_set_params(side_step = 0.02, palm_step = 0.005, overhead_grasps_only = False, side_grasps_only = False, include_high_point_grasps = True, pregrasp_just_outside_box = False, backoff_depth_steps = 5):
00048     req = SetPointClusterGraspParamsRequest()
00049     req.height_good_for_side_grasps = 0.05
00050     req.gripper_opening = 0.083
00051     req.side_step = side_step
00052     req.palm_step = palm_step
00053     req.overhead_grasps_only = overhead_grasps_only
00054     req.side_grasps_only = side_grasps_only
00055     req.include_high_point_grasps = include_high_point_grasps
00056     req.pregrasp_just_outside_box = pregrasp_just_outside_box
00057     req.backoff_depth_steps = backoff_depth_steps
00058     req.randomize_grasps = False
00059     rospy.loginfo("waiting for set params service")
00060     rospy.wait_for_service("set_point_cluster_grasp_params")
00061     serv = rospy.ServiceProxy("set_point_cluster_grasp_params", SetPointClusterGraspParams)
00062     try:
00063         res = serv(req)
00064     except rospy.ServiceException, e:
00065         rospy.logerr("error when calling set params: %s"%e)
00066         return 0
00067     return 1
00070 #call plan_point_cluster_grasp to get candidate grasps for a cluster
00071 def call_plan_point_cluster_grasp(cluster):
00073     req = GraspPlanningRequest()
00074     req.target.reference_frame_id = "/base_link"
00075     req.target.cluster = cluster
00076     req.arm_name = "right_arm"
00077     req.collision_support_surface_name = "table"
00078     service_name = "plan_point_cluster_grasp"
00079     rospy.loginfo("waiting for plan_point_cluster_grasp service")
00080     rospy.wait_for_service(service_name)
00081     rospy.loginfo("service found")
00082     serv = rospy.ServiceProxy(service_name, GraspPlanning)
00083     try:
00084         res = serv(req)
00085     except rospy.ServiceException, e:
00086         rospy.logerr("error when calling plan_point_cluster_grasp: %s"%e)  
00087         return 0
00088     if res.error_code.value != 0:
00089         return []
00091     return res.grasps
00094 #call plan_point_cluster_grasp_action to get candidate grasps for a cluster
00095 def call_plan_point_cluster_grasp_action(cluster):
00097     goal = GraspPlanningGoal()
00098     goal.target.reference_frame_id = "/base_link"
00099     goal.target.cluster = cluster
00100     goal.arm_name = "right_arm"
00101     goal.collision_support_surface_name = "table"
00102     action_name = "plan_point_cluster_grasp"
00103     rospy.loginfo("waiting for plan_point_cluster_grasp action")
00104     client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(action_name, GraspPlanningAction)
00105     client.wait_for_server()
00106     rospy.loginfo("action found")
00107     client.send_goal(goal)
00108     client.wait_for_result()
00109     result = client.get_result()
00110     if not result or result.error_code.value != 0:
00111         return []
00112     return result.grasps
00115 #call evaluate_point_cluster_grasps to evaluate grasps on a cluster
00116 def call_evaluate_point_cluster_grasps(cluster, grasps):
00118     req = GraspPlanningRequest()
00119     req.target.reference_frame_id = "/base_link"
00120     req.target.cluster = cluster
00121     req.arm_name = "right_arm"
00122     req.collision_support_surface_name = "table"
00123     req.grasps_to_evaluate = grasps
00124     service_name = "evaluate_point_cluster_grasps"
00125     rospy.loginfo("waiting for evaluate_point_cluster_grasps service")
00126     rospy.wait_for_service(service_name)
00127     rospy.loginfo("service found")
00128     serv = rospy.ServiceProxy(service_name, GraspPlanning)
00129     try:
00130         res = serv(req)
00131     except rospy.ServiceException, e:
00132         rospy.logerr("error when calling evaluate_point_cluster_grasps: %s"%e)  
00133         return 0
00134     if res.error_code.value != 0:
00135         return []
00137     probs = [grasp.success_probability for grasp in res.grasps]
00138     return probs
00141 #call find_cluster_bounding_box to get the bounding box for a cluster
00142 def call_find_cluster_bounding_box(cluster):
00144     req = FindClusterBoundingBoxRequest()
00145     req.cluster = cluster
00146     service_name = "find_cluster_bounding_box"
00147     rospy.loginfo("waiting for find_cluster_bounding_box service")
00148     rospy.wait_for_service(service_name)
00149     rospy.loginfo("service found")
00150     serv = rospy.ServiceProxy(service_name, FindClusterBoundingBox)
00151     try:
00152         res = serv(req)
00153     except rospy.ServiceException, e:
00154         rospy.logerr("error when calling find_cluster_bounding_box: %s"%e)  
00155         return 0
00156     if not res.error_code:
00157         return (res.pose, res.box_dims)
00158     else:
00159         return (None, None)
00162 if __name__ == "__main__":
00164     #initialize the node, tf listener and broadcaster, and rviz drawing helper class
00165     rospy.init_node('test_point_cluster_grasp_planner', anonymous=True)
00166     tf_broadcaster = tf.TransformBroadcaster()
00167     tf_listener = tf.TransformListener()
00168     draw_functions = draw_functions.DrawFunctions('grasp_markers')
00170     #set params for planner (change to try different settings)
00171     call_set_params(overhead_grasps_only = False, side_grasps_only = False, include_high_point_grasps = False, pregrasp_just_outside_box = False, backoff_depth_steps = 1)
00173     #call the tabletop object detector to detect clusters on the table
00174     (table, clusters) = call_object_detector()
00175     #print "table:\n", table
00177     #keep going until the user says to quit (or until Ctrl-C is pressed)
00178     while(not rospy.is_shutdown()):
00180         #for each cluster in view in turn
00181         for cluster in clusters:
00182             draw_functions.clear_grasps(num=1000)
00184             #get the bounding box for this cluster and draw it in blue
00185             (box_pose, box_dims) = call_find_cluster_bounding_box(cluster)
00186             if box_pose == None:
00187                 continue
00188             box_mat = pose_to_mat(box_pose.pose)
00189             box_ranges = [[-box_dims.x/2, -box_dims.y/2, -box_dims.z/2],
00190                           [box_dims.x/2, box_dims.y/2, box_dims.z/2]]
00191             draw_functions.draw_rviz_box(box_mat, box_ranges, 'base_link', \
00192                                          ns = 'bounding box', \
00193                                          color = [0,0,1], opaque = 0.25, duration = 60)
00195             print "Run the blue cluster? Enter y to run, enter to go to the next, q to exit"
00196             c = raw_input()
00198             if c == 'y':
00199                 draw_functions.clear_rviz_points('grasp_markers')
00201                 #call the grasp planner (both the service and the action in turn)
00202                 grasps = call_plan_point_cluster_grasp(cluster)
00203                 grasps = call_plan_point_cluster_grasp_action(cluster)
00204                 grasp_poses = [grasp.grasp_pose for grasp in grasps]
00205                 #pregrasp_poses = [grasp.pre_grasp_pose for grasp in grasps]
00207                 #print the returned success probs
00208                 original_probs = [grasp.success_probability for grasp in grasps]
00209                 print "original probs:", pplist(original_probs)
00211                 #zero out the original success probabilities
00212                 for grasp in grasps:
00213                     grasp.success_probability = 0
00214                 raw_input('press enter to evalute returned grasps')
00216                 #ask the grasp planner to evaluate the grasps
00217                 probs = call_evaluate_point_cluster_grasps(cluster, grasps)
00218                 print "new probs:     ", pplist(probs)
00219                 #print '\n'.join([ppmat(pose_to_mat(grasp_pose)) for grasp_pose in grasp_poses])
00221                 #draw the resulting grasps (all at once, or one at a time)
00222                 print "number of grasps returned:", len(grasps)
00223                 print "drawing grasps: press p to pause after each one in turn, enter to show all grasps at once"
00224                 c = raw_input()
00225                 if c == 'p':
00226                     #for (pregrasp_pose, grasp_pose) in zip(pregrasp_poses, grasp_poses):
00227                     #    draw_functions.draw_grasps([pregrasp_pose, grasp_pose], cluster.header.frame_id, pause = 1)
00228                     draw_functions.draw_grasps(grasp_poses, cluster.header.frame_id, pause = 1)
00229                 else:
00230                     draw_functions.draw_grasps(grasp_poses, cluster.header.frame_id, pause = 0)
00231                 print "done drawing grasps, press enter to continue"
00232                 raw_input()
00234                 #clear out the grasps drawn
00235                 draw_functions.clear_grasps(num = 1000)
00237             elif c == 'q':
00238                 break
00239         else:
00240             continue
00241         break

Author(s): Matei Ciocarlie and Kaijen Hsiao
autogenerated on Fri Jan 3 2014 11:57:16